![]() Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala Rahu-Ketu Main Page
Gochara Rahu Transits 1900-2099 CE mean-nodes vs. (misnomer) true-node Rahu samchara * transit bhava-2 Rahu occupies 2nd-from-Chandra
AUM ram ravahe namah
राहु rāhu Professor Rāhu dhātu √ रभ् rabh = grab, seize, take-hold अर्करिपु arka-ripu = enemy of Arka चन्द्रारि chandra-ari = enemy of Chandra अर्कशशिशत्रु arka-śaśi-śatru = enemy (shatru) of thesun (arka) and themoon (shashi) चाण्डाल cāṇḍāla chandala =outcast, outside the boundary, pariah, worst, lowest भुजङ्गम bhujaṅgama = serpent-demon खेट khe-ṭa = air-moving, cavity, hollow, aperture resides in कोशागार kośā-gāra = cask, case, treasury, storehouse कुटुम्ब kuṭumba = family, household, relation by descent कुल kula = clan, tribe, race, flock, herd धन dhana = capital, surplus, valuables, storage Caput Draconis Head of the Dragon - North Node yati Anabibazon occupies the second house Lucrum see also: Rahu in 2nd-from-Chandra |
" While honesty and openness get all of the good press -- too much good press, in my opinion -- the crucial role that deceit plays in the health and survival of long-term relationships is all too often overlooked. Fact is, without gentle spinning, the omission of damning details, and the occasional bald-faced lie, no relationship would last more than a week." ~~ Dan Savage |
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EXAMPLES [for Meena indriya-lagna] [Rahu-2 casts passionately enriching capitalizing drishti into 6-8-10] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Rahu's apparently conquering, mesmerizingly dynamic, mirage of fiery energy
[for Mesha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-2 casts passionately enriching capitalizing drishti into 6-8-10] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Rahu's apparently fair, shimmering mirage of contractual equity [passion to acquire heritage knowledge collections] opportunistic use of financial assets] [over-reaching accounting of assessed valuations] [expediently attractive oily speech] [family of origin may amplify the truth] [exaggerated evaluation of historical memory] [exciting music sounds sweetly traditional ] [intense ambition for luxury resources] [sensual craving for saturation and death] [fascinating appearance of face-voice-eyes-mouth may bring privileged importance] mirage of genetic lineage masks taboo-breaking desires] [potential for second marriage with beautiful musical tantalizing mate]
[for Urisha indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Rahu's apparently explanatory, shimmering mirage of communicative flair [Rahu-2 casts passionately enriching capitalizing drishti into 6-8-10] [passionately detailed messaging via voice-face-hair] opportunistic discussions about asset collection and finance] fascinating process for documenting sound values] [astonishing commercial acquisitions]
[for Mithuna indriya-lagna] [Rahu-2 casts passionately enriching capitalizing drishti into 6-8-10] check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Rahu's apparently familiar, entrancingly rhythmic, exotic defense [Karkata indriya-lagna] [Rahu-2 casts passionately enriching capitalizing drishti into 6-8-10] check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Rahu's apparently ingenious, brilliant mirage of celebrity [over-reaching use of political knowledge] unorthodox entitled banking] [passion for expensive red-and-gold ornaments] [fascinatingly exciting dramatic speech-and-song] opportunistic ambition for glittering display of asset hoard] flamboyantly expedient use of speculative monies] [exhilarating, uplifting bright celebration of musical, artistic, historical values] unusually mesmerizing radiant pageantry of voice-and-song] fascinating appearance of hair-eyes-teeth-mouth may confer regal privileges] [magnificently brilliant mirage of culturally mixed heritage evokes a splendidly narrated family story]
[for Simha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-2 casts passionately enriching capitalizing drishti into 6-8-10] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Rahu's apparently logical, illusion of articulate argumentation
[for Kanya indriya-lagna] [Rahu-2 casts passionately enriching capitalizing drishti into 6-8-10] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Rahu's apparently fair, shimmering mirage of contractual equity passion for treasuries
[for Tulā indriya-lagna] [Rahu-2 casts passionately enriching capitalizing drishti into 6-8-10] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Rahu's apparently recycling, mesmerizingly transformative, thrilling evolutionary force passion for historically evaluated knowledge, craving for transformational treasuries
for Vṛścika indriya- lagna] [Rahu-2 casts passionately enriching capitalizing drishti into 6-8-10] check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Rahu's apparently generous, mirage of philosophical conviction [passion for risky acquisition of globalized treasuries] [over-reaching use of theoretical knowledge] unorthodox beliefs shape financial worldview] [exciting righteous speech-and-song expands ideological narratives] opportunistic ambition for principled growth of asset hoard] expediently optimistic use of donated money] [exhilarating, uplifting patrongage of musical, artistic, historical values] unusually mesmerizing, inspirational music-and-song] fascinating appearance of face-voice-eyes-mouth may confer preaching privileges] [mirage of culturally mixed heritage masks taboo-breaking family story]
[for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] [Rahu-2 casts passionately enriching capitalizing drishti into 6-8-10] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Rahu's apparently lawful, mirage of regulatory ordering [passion for risky acquisition of legitimate institutional treasuries] [over-reaching use of formally structured conventional knowledge] unorthodox government finance] [exciting speeches conform to lawful traditional narratives] normalized ambition for socially approved asset hoard] expedient use of wealth to gain hierarchical position] [fascinating appearance of face-voice-eyes-mouth may confer elite social privileges] mirage of ordinary heritage masks taboo-breaking family lineage] [Rahu-Kumbha] --- [svakshetra] [for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Rahu's apparently systematic, shimmeringly gainful, mimicking connectivity [Rahu-2 casts passionately enriching capitalizing drishti into 6-8-10]
[for Kumbha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-2 casts passionately enriching capitalizing drishti into 6-8-10] check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Rahu's apparently dreamy, mirage of imaginative intuition
Mary Magdalene (titled St. Barbara) by Lucas Cranach the Elder, c. 1500 |
Adventurous approach to risk-assessment exciting, unorthodox approach to matters of 2 family heritage, banking, hoards, accumulation, historical knowledge, finance, language, storage, tradition high-risk, high-yield finance Risk Pricing Rahu-2 generally indicates a culturally [economic class, privilege level, religion] and often enthno-genetically mixed family line. false, misleading, illusory, fantastic statements [2] made by agents of 2, such as
seeks privilege via important - often risky - cultural-mixing roles in
FAMILY ability to value the native
Graha in Bhava-2 expresses prize = price = appreciation = preciousness or changes to the appreciativeness of the family (2) toward the native. The type of family-based enrichment and appreciation is determined by the character of the graha-upagraha-in-2. Rahu in bhava-2 = the family is ambitious; they seek social privilege via the native. As always with upagraha, Rahu's ruler and any graha-yuti-Rahu have inordinate influence upon the final outcome. Often a remarkable, fascinating face and usually an empowerment of speech-song - depending upon the ruler.
seeks privilege via important - often risky - cultural-mixing roles in evaluation, assessment, language, memory, knowledge, voice-speech-song, face-genetics, heritage, tradition, family lineage, food, seeds, herds-hoards, storage-stories-history, libraries, museums, databases, collections, banking, reserves, preservation, assets, capital assets . Capitalization, Voice-Face, rahu-challenge to rigid social practices in finance, politics, romance [Aryaman] worthiness, truth Typical Rahu-2 up-and-down reputation ] 10] EXAMPLE Golf 1975- champion Tiger Woods [financial-heritage Viśākha-2] [navamsha Rahu-Urisha-uchcha]
seeks privilege via important - often risky - cultural-mixing roles in evaluation, assessment, language, memory, knowledge, voice-speech-song, face-genetics, heritage, tradition, family lineage, food, seeds, herds-hoards, storage-stories-history, libraries, museums, databases, collections, banking, reserves, preservation, assets, capital assets . EXAMPLE
Rahu in bhava-2 = may indicate an unusually ambitious or pretentiously important family line, who are focused upon their traditional values, their heritage knowledge, and capitalization of lineage assets. Culturally-mixed values
Off-Limits Rahu wants to obtain privilege in a slippery, clever way a fascinating speaker. Depending upon ruler-of-2, may be able to enchant the listeners through suave speech and astonishing song. amazing distortions of sound, such as word-play and slick use of homonyms tellers of exaggerated tales verbiage of insinuation, implication, presumption fabulists, who may tell fables disguised as fact passion for treasury, memory, storage, history, conservation
bhava-7 marriage = 6th from Rahu indicates that one's own family lineage is irregular and this lineage sees the marriage alliance as an enemy influence craves privileged access to values-fulfillment opportunities Fascinating speakers, cleverly sonorous values-based speech. Rahu can be a very powerful acquisitions agent in bhava-2 collections. He does His best work in banking, asset valuation, knowledge warehousing such as libraries and databases, food storage, and animal breeding social mobility via the Appearance of Importance culturally and often genetically mixed family lineage, heritage values expediently deployed memory, history, storage, conservation, saving, treasuries of goods and knowledge, face, eyes, mouth, voice, speech, song, food, herds, hoards seeking privilege via the VIP collectors Rahu in bhava-2 seeks privilege via important - often risky - cultural-mixing roles in evaluation, assessment, language, memory, knowledge, voice-speech-song, face-genetics, heritage, tradition, family lineage, food, seeds, herds-hoards, storage-stories-history, libraries, museums, databases, collections, banking, reserves, preservation, assets, capital assets . Capitalization, Voice-Face, rahu-challenge to rigid social practices in finance, restorative wisdom, worthiness, truth. Fascinating speakers, cleverly sonorous values-based speech. Family ambitious for assets.
Rahu in Bhava 2 = Desire to Acquire
[Rahu in bhava-2] * the chiplo-karaka (slippery-agent) suggests that one's family of origin is perhaps not telling the real truth about their genetic lineage nor about the contents of their accumulated treasuries. Clever illusions and delusions of historical acquisitions and containment. The family may appear [Rahu] to promote a specific set of lineage values-fulfillment while expediently pursuing a completely different set of values, motivated by desire for prestige accumulations. Persons of exotic or ethnically-mixed origin may play an important role in the family history. The vocabulary of ethno-cultural mixing, ambition, and opportunism may be a salient feature of the family identity. Rahu-2 also indicates an impostor interloper in the family (2) who claims (2, speech) privilege to access the family's lineage treasuries. Demagnetization and Death Family
Speech and Song Voice-Face, rahu-challenge to rigid social practices in speech, finance, worthiness, truth. Entrancing speakers, cleverly sonorous values-based speech, often mesmerizing in its prosodic rhythm.
ambitious trajectories of important values Rāhudrishti to 6, 8, 10 amplifies the ministerial-service (6) discovery-secretive (8) and institutional-governance (10) attributes. seeks extraordinary [Rahu] privilege within lineage-knowledge, database, library, language-and-lexicon, animal-herding, commodity-hoarding, food-storage, collection, containerizing, banking, preservation-conservation environments (2) mixsters-tricksters enter the storage realms of family history, lineage values-fulfillment, collected treasuries, warehousing, food reserves kamakaraka * Keepers and the Keep * Cup * Coop * Chalice Rāhuwants to be recognized as special and
important in
Urgent ambition to banking, preservation, foods, seeds, mouth-speech-song, history, memory ambition to gain prestige via family of origin Family traditions often draw from mixed lineages, values heritage, genetic lines. Also there is usually someone in the family lineage, either a parent or a grandparent, who is camouflaged beneath a constructed identity. Such a person may carry mixed religious or genetic or linguistic or historical values beneath the veneer of singularity. Rahu the Mixmaster disguised as a banker, treasurer, librarian, linguist, curator, keeper of a knowledge-base urgently desires to gain entitlements via linguistic, historical, aesthetic and financial values hunger to be recognized as a keeper of precious hoards The Voice, the Lineage, the Family Values, the Face fascinating eyes, mouth, visible orifices Expedient narratives, opportunistic values [Rahu in bhava-2] * contributes to the perception that one's family of origin is perhaps not telling the real truth about their lineage nor about the contents of their treasuries. They may appear [Rahu] to promote a more humble set of lineage values-fulfillment while expediently pursuing a desire for prestige accumulations. The vocabulary of ethno-cultural mixing, ambition, and opportunism may be a salient feature of the family identity. EXAMPLE [Rahu-Mesha-Aja + [Shani-yuti-Mangala] [dramatizing-displaying Bharani-1] [2, finance]
QUOTATION Das commentary if Rahu is in 2 or Ketu is in 2 " You will not be that picky about food,
This may also lead to occasional sickness from eating contaminated foods, so be careful about that." |
Amplification of the importance of treasuries of worldly knowledge (2), often at the expense of the practical awareness of the conditions of death (8). Empowered use of Songs and stories - collections of knowledge " Knows " that one is a member of the elevated class that has been chosen to promote lineage values-fulfillment , languages, acquisitions and arts of conservation-storage. Voice-power 2 = treasuries, collections, lineage knowledge, store-holds , natural resource conservation, banks, acquisitions, history, memory, skandha second marriage, family history knowledge of history and languages understanding of historical values and conservation face, mouth, jaw, throat, hair, teeth, eyes, voice, speech An unusual and often fascinating face, amesmerizing smile Always hungry but never satisfied with any amount of stored knowledge or treasury of financial well-being. Ambitions may exceed the capacity [Shani] of any one family; any amount of food; any qualities of face; amount of knowledge, possessions, or fortune; any gifts of speech or song. Knows how to exploit the legal loopholes [Rahu] utilizing many secrets of human relationships (8th from 7th). Craving to Collect, Hoard, store, conserve Food, money, knowledge, jewels, Valuables Involved with irregularities of the Right Eye kuṭumba-Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 = craves a privileged treasury of lineage values-fulfillment (Usually, via bloodline) of financial wealth or knowledge - often via second marriage. Desirous disguising Rahu uses the family history as a platform from which to launch His Great Leap. Yet, after an initial show of conformity Rahu's actions veer away from the lineage values-fulfillment . Rahu in bhava-2 = a lineage-shifter. Often has an intriguing face or a fascinating life-history. Desire to be socially recognized as having "elite" validated qualities of values alignment, beauty, financial well-being and lineage knowledge. Pretender to knowledge-based privilege; pretender to languager. May speak and sing with an unusual but mesmerizing voice.
Banks, warehouse, storehold, silo, storage, herd, hoard, hold, container, collection, keep Passion to be recognized as belonging to the ranks of those who possess (bhava-2, possessions) high-value characteristics, as being oneself a precious treasure, However, rahu is a poseur and according to Shani's rules one has not yet earned that worth. Via Rahu's characteristic over-promotion, entrancing Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 often acquires membership in a values lineage illicitly or unconventionally This promotional membership is normally unsustainable over time -- unless another more conventional graha (usually endurance-Professor Shani ) can maintain the new treasury and legitimate one's claim to the values over a long period of time. The illicitly obtain knowledge, wealth, or beauty may put Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 in a situation that is "over their head" . Self-elevation to higher privilege via Shukra's portfolio of beauty, wealth and precious knowledge . Obsessive cataloguer and collector Expedient speaker Often possessed of an enchanting, inciting, arousing, or passion-stirring *voice
During Rahu periods, Rahuva-2 typically takes a great leap upward into a higher station of acquired or re-acquired (remembered) wealth-and-knowledge treasures. During Rahu periods,
self-elevation from the original social station at birth via the power of voice, face, speech, treasuries of collected knowledge and stored wealth, ability to utilize and project precious lineage values-fulfillment . During Rahu periods, rahu in 2 typically takes a great leap upward into a higher station of acquired or re-acquired (remembered) treasures of knowledge and wealth.
There is also usually something irregular, inappropriate, boundary-jumping, gate-crashing, exotic or inappropriate in the family history (perhaps an illegitimate birth, perhaps several generations back) which alters the conventional flow of lineage knowledge, providing both opportunity for advancement and disruption of secure transmission in the genetic line. |
Animosity and Conflict via Rahu-resides-2 = 6th-from dhanasthāna = bhava-7 = During Rahu bhukti if rogesha-6 from Rahu is strong, one may be forced into servitude, conflict, sickness, or crime by ailing, toxic, drugged, addicted, adversarial or uncooperative first marriage-partner or exploitive terms of legal contracts. Physicians, medicines, litigation, poverty, loans, usury, and other types of unbalance are also agents of acute imbalance-seeking-a-remedy during Rahu bhukti if lord of 6th-from-Rahu is strong. |
QUOTATION Behari commentary = Rahu-Makara-2
BPL: This is not necessarily a condemnation of the individual but bespeaks the lineage values-fulfillment of one's family history. |
Family Values LineageRahu in 2nd rashi bhava = family history birth family = non-ordinary [Rahu]. The lineage = associated with wealth acquisition and collections of valuable items, as well as higher learning in the fields of history and languages. Education is a high value, but education"acquisition of important knowledge" is purely an instrumental means toward family ambitions. Family desires to appropriate the privileges and entitlements those who possess both wealth and a great memory down the bloodline. Ambition for acquisition is so exceptionally empowered that the family may break numerous taboo boundaries in the social order in order to achieve a higher station in life. Self-elevation from the original social station at birth via the power of voice, face, speech, treasuries of collected knowledge and stored wealth, ability to utilize and project precious lineage values-fulfillment .
One attempts to rejoin an ancient knowledge lineage from which one was earlier ejected. There may be also something exotic or customarily inappropriate in the family history (perhaps an illegitimate birth, perhaps several generations back) which alters the conventional flow of lineage knowledge, providing both opportunity for advancement and disruption of secure transmission in the astral line. |
Trinity College Library in Dublin, Eire Rahu strives with Passion to obtain the Privileges accorded to Treasury-Holders and Knowledge-Bearers |
The privilege-seeking ambitions of Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 express via treasuries of treasuries and lineage knowledge. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 is overinvested in knowledge of language and history; eyes and voice; libraries and collections; warehousing, banking, and storage of ideas and things. Unless curtailed by lawful Shani, the presence of Professor Rahu in bhava-2 indicates potentially instrumental, expedient, camouflaged or fraudulent speech and song. Rahu seeks prestige and privilege via treasuries, resources, assets. These asset-collections may consist of items deemed precious by the family culture. However, rahu needs only to generate the illusion of wealth-treasures. Rahu seeks the prestige of capital (" top" ) accumulations so that He can obtain the privileges accorded to wealth-keepers. Rahu does not aspire to the actual work of maintaining the trove; nor does He wish to bear any responsibilities in regard to the management and cultivation of historic values or natural resources. Rahu wants only the prestige result of values accrual -- not the step-wise process. Although outwardly a somewhat disinherited personality due to Ketu in bhava-8, entrancing Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 invests great energy in generating the appearance of one who has acquired precious collections . Yet, it is other people who have acquired, built, and cultivated these collections. Rahu Himself is not a skilled banker, art collector, librarian, or animal husbander. Rahu is like the cuckoo bird who simply appropriates the nicely feathered nest of the previous bird. (Naturally, if legitimating Shani-yuti-Rahu or treasure-keeping Shukra-yuti-Rahu occupy bhava-2 one may have a more legitimate claim to the trove.) Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 takes on whatever guise is necessary to insinuate Himself into the desired lineage of value-holders. Camouflaging, disguising Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 wants to appear as a legitimate, credible holder of status-rank in the class of beings who maintain the hoard
Desires to obtain the Prestige associated with
Elevation through Valuation Rahu in Bhava-2 storage = privileges gained via knowledge of history and languages; acquisition and accumulation of natural resources which contain treasuries values. Often a dramatic rise from the station of birth via extraordinary or exotic treasuries and collections of units of value.
Quest for higher entitlements via acquired treasuries of value
Professor Rahu wants what He lawfully cannot have or socially should not have . The educated person may have access to varieties of knowledge which are not normal in one's social class.
In bhava-2, it is Rahu's Desire to be a master of all knowledge, conserver and banker of values , the holder of a Great Lineage. Whatever distinction He obtains in the hungry question for status recognition for His wealth or knowledge , He will never be satisfied. Immediately upon obtaining the object of desire, rahu again yearns for more, better, different privileges given to the class of beings who show conservative and restorative values, acquired wealth, and classical knowledge. Every day begins with renewed lust for this ephemeral prize. Professor Rahu in bhava-2 = amplified acquisitive-evaluative impetus toward self-elevation through risk. The full scope of effects depends upon which graha occupy bhava 6, 8, and 10. |
![]() Al Bustan Hotel in Muscat, oman |
Chalakaraka + chidrakaraka
Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 = Ketu-8 chalakaraka Rahu in Bhava-2
Elevation via the voice, teeth, tongue, jaw, face, hair, eyes, songs, speech, sounds. Ambition to keep the storehold of value; wealth-keeper. Seeks to be recognized as a person of importance in the world of treasuries, collections of valuable objects, and warehouses of knowledge.
chidrakaraka Ketu in Bhava-8
Deception and fraud From the perspective of Chandra's customary rhythmic-sequence, eclipsing Rahu = Chandala = carries the potential to act as a great disrupter. However, if the customary order has become corrupt, rahu offers possibility of beneficial consequences Treasuries, Holdings, collections, chests, the Keep Acquisitive and passionate collector of historic valuables instrumentally associated with "keeps and heaps " of treasures, hoards and herds (2) of lineage treasury of valuable goods and conserved knowledge (2)
Rahu-2 is Himself an entrancing figure whose display of historical knowledge, languages, and sound-patterns is often accompanied by a Fascinating Face with a Mesmerizing Voice. Rahu mirrors the public Fascination with persons who conserve elite wealth reserves and stored historical knowledge Fascinated by highly financially privileged or exceptionally knowledgeable persons
Vimshottari Dasha periods of Rahu Because He teaches in the classroom that is 6th-from-9th, Vimshottari periods of Professor Rahu-2 can interrupt patterns of family lineage tradition (trading down), financial well-being and acquisitiona related to bhava-2 such as food storage, collections of precious items, animal herd, historical libraries and knowledge databases, museums, and face-teeth-mouth-eyes-song-speech. The father (9) may seek opportunities to gain privilege via medicine, military (6) or other service (depending on other potential graha in 2). During Rahu periods, the father's ambition for risky areas outside the law [Rahu] or via polluted or breaking contracts may increase. Since Rahu tends to succeed in matters of 6, the father may succeed in pursuing his desires even if the family (2) is not happy with his choices. Also when considering outcomes for the father, remember to inquire into the disposition of the pitrikaraka Surya. For the native, rahu periods disrupt the usual processes of 9 such as universities and matters of sacred doctrine, global viewpoint and benevolence of patriarchal orders. Thus behavior of all father-figures may seem Rahu-irregular and 6-adersarial during the Rahu period when Rahu is inordinately empowered. The nature of the disruption depends upon the rashi characteristics of bhava-2 and bhava-9. The script is generally that an outsider [Rahu] fraudulently or by some trickery brings in claims, entitlements, values or knowledge into the historical lineage which upset and conflict with the assumptions of the father-figures including the father, the guru; the presbyters, professors and preachers; and those who would be called father as a term of social respect. It can be for example that the person leaves a secure home with its rhythmic worship and meal patterns, and goes to university where a mixture of people and shocking [Rahu] new theories of reality are presented. Or it can be that the father (9) becomes challenger to the home habits (4) seeming to disturb the placid security of the mother's territory. If bhava-9 is well-disposed, these exciting challenges to the paradigm of belief (9) can be invigorating. Periods of Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 are notable for acquisitive uprising, like a cobra from the snake-charmer s basket. Rahu triggers an ancient, urgent ambition to hoard and acquire items of perceived lineage value. Craving to obtain a privileged treasury of lineage values-fulfillment (Usually, via bloodline) of financial well-being or knowledge. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 specifically finds opportunity in the second marriage (8th-from-7th = bhava-2) or in the case of the celibate religious, asecond recitation of sacred vows. Rahu in kuṭumba-sthāna generates a hungry desire to be recognized via membership in a privileged family, although one has not yet earned true entitlement to that gathered wealth of resources whether herds of valuable animals or treasure-chests of jewels or libraries of powerful knowledge. Via Rahu's characteristic ambition for recognition, one may become involved in irregular lineage-transmission that may expose the fraudulence of unpreparedness when one gets in"over one's head" |
The Dalai Lama at Harvard: Lectures on the Buddhist Path to Peace, page 169. BENEFITING OTHERs " It is the general Buddhist procedure that one's own pleasure and pain are achieved by oneself and not from the outside, and that, therefore, sentient beings themselves must understand and implement practices to bring about their own happiness. Thus, the most efficacious way to help others is through teaching what should be adopted in practice and what should be discarded from among current behavior. There is no way to do this unless you come to know all of the topics involved in what should be adopted in practice and what should be discarded; you must become omniscient. As mentioned earlier, there is no way to accomplish this except by removing the obstructions to omniscience, and one who has overcome, utterly and forever, the obstructions to omniscience is a Buddha." |
[Rahu in bhava-2] * passion for treasuries = Ketu in Bhava-8 chalakaraka Rahu in bhava-2 =
chidrakaraka Ketu in bhava-8
Ambitious desire = chalakaraka Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2
Family prestige
Whatever It Takes
Apathetic ambivalence (chidrakaraka Ketu) 8
Das commentary
WRT Rahu is in 2.
"Rahu in the Second House may cause you to stammer, become separated from your near and dear ones, and cause poverty. You become a purveyor of fish, flesh, skins, naails, and products which require a coarse heart and mind to work with. Humility will characterize your behavior. Promotes prosperity; gain through legacy and inheritance; science and learning. Success through property, employment and business. Amicable and profitable business alliances. Poor, sick; trouble through son. Dark-complexioned. A liar, fearless, a treasurer. Sees the destruction of the relatives. Influenced by the wicked. With all your wealth, you may live in poverty. Strife and discord with the relatives prompts you to conceal the truth. Fear of weapons and enemies. Dependent but receives severe punishment due to scoundrels. Selfish; unhappy and unemployed in the birth place. You may become wealthy in foreign lands. Much opposition. Hard struggle to gain any success. Speech defect; suffers from nose and throat problems. Gain and happiness through government favor. You may become a thief; proud; very unfortunate. Wealth through trade in fish; lives with the lowly people. Averse to friendly advice. Harsh; loss of wealth; poverty and wandering. Talks too much unpleasant, offensive, disagreeable. Gain through leather goods and stolen property. Teeth irregularly set; dexterous. Cattle wealth." |
COMPARISOn Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 vs. Professor Shani teaching in classroom-2 [food, family, finance] The difference between Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 and Shani-2 = chalakaraka Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 does not do the penance.
Any graha in bhava-2 is drawing upon the memory banks to recover knowledge from the akashic records into the present-life consciousness. Everyone knows everything. However, filters are in place to limit the amount of access to the histories of the culture, the planet, the galaxy etc. Shani-2 applies especially thick and intractable filters with low permission to access the lineage knowledge about finance, language, history, food storage etc. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 the interrupter jumps into the stream of memory with irregular genetic coding and as an outsider tries to"fake it until you make it" . Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 asserts that one is in possession of the treasury despite a lack of verification from the social order that the lineage is legitimate. Rahu's knowledge is not necessarily false but His method of Remembering is socially irregular. risk-rewarding Rahu's credentials are usually rejected by the conservative Shani hierarchy, but He is able to access the akashic record faster than Shani. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 knows things that He is not supposed to know. In bhava-2, rahu the Rogue attempts to exploit collected resources (2) that Rahu does not "legitimately" control. (Shani is a legitimator; Rahu is an opportunist.) If Shani-2 yuti Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2, the situation is mixed and often conflicted with the"fast-track" knowledge method competing with the"slow and careful with testing and proof" knowledge method. Check which graha is stronger according to degree and the current Vimshottari Dasha periods. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 is a natural orator, singer, or out-putter of productive energy via the face or mouth. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 often has a mixed family lineage which shows in a fascinating face. However, the values collection is also mixed and Rahu may demonstrate some inconsistencies between what is said to be important versus what is demonstrated. Mangala-2 by contrast would be is actively engaged in movement through the worlds of performative speech-acts, wealth-pursuits, and demonstration of spoken languages. Shani-2 may require slow and cautious training to improve performance of the natural flow of vital energy via bhava-2. Shani-2 is a persistent and disciplined worker, who slowly albeit relentlessly earns legitimacy, respect and status privileges in the world of financial, historical and linguistic knowledge. Shani steers a steady course through the obstacles and limitations of a strict and often unsupportive family lineage. Students in the classroom of Professor Shani must stay on task despite many setbacks and limitations. Bhava-2 = collected treasuries of food, song, wealth, and knowledge. Acquisition and control of these treasuries provides the aperture through which the ambitious Naga King slithers, slides, and springs upward. |
Shani-yuti-Rahu If Shani-yuti-Rahu in bhava-2, then Rahu's spring-forward trajectory may be sternly limited by conservative Shani, and Rahu's desire to acquire unearned privilege may be oppressed by the forces of institutional control. However, even for this difficult combination, when Rahu is the lord of the period, roguish Rahu can overwhelm safety-craving Shani and there may occur a significant pro-Rahu"jailbreak" from the fear-based. family-imposed conformist limitations. |
Passion to Claim the (unearned) Privileges o f the Class of Historians, bards, and Financiers Entitlement sought : wants to appear as credibly entitled to status-rank in the class of beings = If Shukra or dhanapati-2 = strong, rahu may take whatever risks are necessary to achieve membership in this class of luxury-enjoying persons. If Shani-yuti-Rahu in 2, desires the prestige associated with possession (2) of a cache of very ancient knowledge and control over the grammar (rules, shani) of many languages |
2 = 11th from 4th in His 11th-from gainful, economic, networking, association-seeking behaviors, rahu co-lord of Kumbha-natural vriddhi-pati 11 produces the hunger to form profitable marketplace association with a specific class of persons. Rahu craves to enter into association with those whose gains, profits and goal-achievement are typically obtained from activities of the 4th portion. Rahu aims to gain a fraudulent or as-yet-unearned qualification into this class of persons. This class of entitled persons obtains material increase (11) from the basis of bhava-4 folkways . Rahu desires those Fruits and profits arising
" Too much is already enough... except in Texas." ~~ American saying |
Rahu-2 quick-ascending tunnel-up passageway Bhava-2 provides the snake-hole aperture through which the ambitious Naga King slithers, slides, and springs upward.
Charlatans, rogues, deceiver, smoke and Snake-oil, fraudulence in matters of the bhava " Spring upward" family lineage instincts. Unsavory parts of the family history narrative may have been altered to suit a more elevated presentation. Self-elevation into a higher status rank via taking risks with the financial savings or the knowledge-bank, forbidden knowledge, foreign languages, or "stretching the truth" . Expedient speech, provocative statements.
However, the full scope of effects depends upon which graha occupy bhava 6, 8, and 10. Agents = the family history, father's servants, and The second spouse (if any) = Rahu-ish, craving, ambitious, self-promoting, poseur, charlatan, roguish, smoky, oily, slippery, master of masquerade. |
Wealth collected via products of knowledge, speech and song. An enchanting, fascinating voice. Exotic intriguing second marriage partner. Desire to quickly uncoil the life-force energy into order to spring up toward a better station in life, including
Elevation through Valuation ambition to achieve a higher-status family, ambition to achieve treasuries of financial wealth and precious knowledge ambition to achieve a valuable lineage of speech and song ambition to achieve knowledge-based lineage privileges seeks high privilege via acquisition or permission to access historic collections and reserves , according to the rashi and any yuti graha: Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 in Mesha = treasuries of movement via weapons, blood, engines, machinery Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 in Urisha = pastures, cattle, sensual pleasures, oils, art collections, collections of speeches and sermons , mouth and song Pretentious Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 in Mithuna = communications collections, publishing, libraries, media, travel items Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 in Karkata = treasuries of non-moveable wealth via houses and buildings, owned-stewarded properties, collections of marine items, also vehicles (moving shelters), and products of the sea Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 in Simha = treasuries of gold ornaments, royal collections and celebrity entitlements, ceremonial, political + theatrical assets Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 in Kanya = treasuries of farm and factories, laboratories, servants and employees, medicines and medical facilities Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 in Tula = diplomatic skills, knowledge and wealth of agreements + partnerships Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 in Vṛścika = reserves of oil , fossil fuels, hidden resources (including nuclear power), hidden truths, wealth via secret monies and occult knowledge Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 in Dhanus = religious collections, assets of the temple, university acquisitions, collections of international culture studies Pretentious Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 in Makara = collections of structures: laws and rules, knowledge and wealth of government , skeletons, bones, stone, architectural assets Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 in Kumbha = collections of associations, knowledge of networks, social-progress mass movements, treasuries of systematic knowledge such as cosmology and economics Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 in Meena = awareness of multi-dimensional consciousness, sleep, dreams, private rooms, hospitals, hotels, retreat, sanctuary, cloister, research enclosures, shamanic channeling, clairsentience, art studio, collections of precious art.
Rahu-2 craves Knowledge |
Great Leap Forward via Treasuries: Lineage history, valuable goods and conserved knowledge During periods of Rahu in bhava-2 (or His co-tenant or His lord) Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 has scheduled a Great Leap Forward in matters of food, family, and finance. Rahu periods signal a sudden advance to a higher level of social privilege via a shape-shifting change. Instinct to self-elevate , by-passing the conventional steps, via:
During the mahadasha of Rahu and bhukti of Rahu, there may be a sudden spring forward from the customary limitations of the family history into new behaviors which match the folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms of a higher social echelon.
Restless Dissatisfaction with the Birth Lineage and its Treasury Professor Rahu in classroom-2 provides a source of chronic dissatisfaction with the limitations and constraints of the birth lineage. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 with Rahu in 2 is often disdainful of the more pedestrian, unadventurous qualities of one's own family, and may feel quite cramped during the growing-up years. If the dhanapati-2 is a natural challenger papagraha, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 may embrace the death of constraining family members as a sudden opportunity to have adventures and take risks.
Marriage-1 difficulties " Damned if you do; damned if you don't." When Rahu = 2, then naturally Ketu = 8. bhava-7 marriage enters a bad-angle position = a feeling of entrapment in marriage
Marriage-2 Marriage-2 is typically a vehicle of upward propulsion. If Rahu is alone in dhanabhava with no other co-graha, then the second marriage partner may display Rahu's characteristic modus operandi = self elevation via instrumental and expedient means. The marriage contract may serve as a means to an end for this partner. Marriage-2 features unusual or exotic circumstances of culture-class mixing. If Rahu is strong without restriction from Shani -- especially in a rashi of Shukra -- then Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 can generate a goodly amount of financial well-being into the 2nd union. If Shani+Rahu in 2 = amplification of the treasuries of knowledge. Good for scholarship if Chandra in 6 (therefore Rahu-Shani in 9th-from-Chandra). In bhava-2, glittering slippery delusory Rahu may generate a fraudulent applicant for position of second spouse. If Rahu = the sole occupant of 2, the poseur is seductive and mesmerizing, seeming to offer Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 every possible material-social advantage. The applicant boasts of their power to generate wealth (2) and the purported excellence of the pretender's family lineage values-fulfillment (2). The two bhava controlled by Rahu's ruler show the main topics of boasting. Rahu knows the desires. Laying out for one's enchantment a splendid future of treasury , privilege, and entitlements, this shimmering snake will promise to provide the Greatest Container of Value. l Unfortunately, it is a Faustian bargain. However deeply held might be His self-delusion about His own capabilities, flashy Rahu cannot sustain empowerment the worlds of Shukra (Wealth) nor in the world of Shani (privilege, status).
Rahu's marriage proposal, made in a flush of smoke and mirrors, typically, rushed and expedient to the proposer, is not fulfilled. Trust and troth belong to Shukra. The Rahu-proposed troth is evaded, and the promise of legitimate [Shani] union becomes unsustainable due to Rahu's social recklessness.
If Rahu joins other graha in 2, the other graha can have a more stable material effect. For a female, rahu + Shani in bhava-2 will generally produce one materially sustainable but financially cramped [Shani] second husband plus one poseur-applicant who appears like the"anti-Shani" -- promising to eradicate scarcity, fulfill all wishes, grant all empowerments especially for affluence (2). |
Propulsive Agency of marriage If Rahu occupies one of the radix marriage houses (7, 2, 9, 4, 11+) or is with a 7, 2, 9, 4, 11 lord, the Leap Forward can involve marriage into a perceived values elite. The values controlled by the lineage may be financial, nautritional, historical, intellectual, musical, linguistic, cultural et-cetera. The elite privilege being sought is generally a combination of affluence and knowledge wealth , for the Tulā indriya-lagna : Rahu-Mesha-Aja (7) or in Vṛścika (2) or Kuja-yuti-Rahu (dhanapati-2+yuvati-pati-7 ) gives Rahu considerable control over conditions in marriage-1 and marriage-2. The third marriage may be less passionate but more stable Similarly for Mesha nativities, Shukra-yuti-Rahu or Rahu residing in Thula or Vrishabha involves Rahu in the marriage experience, starting with choice of spouse and continuing throughout the vicissitudes of marriage. Ketu will likely be the divorce agent when Rahu is the marriage agent. For Kanya indriya-lagna, shukra activates 2 (marriage-2) and 9 (marriage-3). Rahu + Shukra or Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 or Rahu-9 indicates a desire to Leap Forward via agency of the 2nd or 3rd marriages. |
Leaving it Behind - Quick Ascension from the Station of Birth During the great leap forward toward liberation and privilege of Rahu periods, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 with Rahu in 2 may 'leave behind' the baggage of old, outdated family fears, restrictions, and values . Although the family may judge Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 as disruptive, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 oneself feels the excitement of sudden opportunity . However, in hindsight it becomes clear that Rahu generally produces too much too fast , and the longer-term consequences of the Great Leaps Forward are generally unsustainable (unless Rahu + Shani or other conservative constraint). |
Ascending Agency of Family, death Sometimes the script of Maraka Rahu in 2 requires a prominent family member to die, in order for Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 to obtain permission to take that Great Leap Forward. When Rahu in 2 = yuti with the lord of the 1st or 7th navamsha, rahu's method for breaking out of family lineage limitations may involve several"great leap forward" marriages. |
" Desire to Acquire" Leapfrog over the conventional values basis to an elite privilege via The family history, collection of financial wealth or knowledge, or via the face and voice
Rahu Mahadasha - Rahu bhukti = Rahu pratyantardasha Agency During periods of Rahu ,
This enticing exotic agent(s) is disruptive but exciting and each iteration of Rahu breaks some limit upon how many and which types of financial wealth and sense-pleasure one is allowed to possess. |
Rahu periods for Rahu in 2 + other graha Rahu accepting drishti of Guru may, during Rahu period, enormously expand risk-rewarding Rahu's quest to enter the highest worlds of voice-empowerment, valuable goods and conserved knowledge
Unless Guru also supports Rahu, the subsequent Guru bhukti may signal a collapse of relationships built upon the premise of Rahu's false aesthetic. (This is one of the reasons that marriages contracted during Vimshottari periods of Rahu of any length are inherently problematic in the long term.) If Rahu = yuti or receives drishti of Shani, then Shani bhukti will tend to bring Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 back to the conventional permission levels despite Rahu's contradictory impulse to disregard the lawful limits on speech and wealth. (Internal conflict.) Rahu influenced by Shani experiences more constraint to the basic conditions of family lineage, and despite self-reevaluation persists in a programme of diligent effort necessary to acquire a persuasive voice, valuable goods and conserved knowledge Rahu + Mangala or receiving drishti of Kuja provides an engine of dynamic, aggressive, competitive energy which propels Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 into the highest echelons of voice-empowerment and knowledge during Rahu period, and also during Mangala bhukti to a lesser extent. |
face + voice The / leapfrog / capacity of face + voice - reaches peak potency. kuṭumba-Rahu may enjoy considerable success in activities which involve surreptitious penetration of financial wealth -and-pleasure banks that contains tored values, historical knowledge, empowerment of speech and song, collections of money or art, food and drink reserves. These hoards can be physical banks or memory banks.
QUOTATION Das commentary WRT Rahu-Vṛścika-2 " May cause speech defects, unpleasant surroundings, and unhealthful family relations." |
May possess exotic, socially provocative, knowledge of family lineage Lineage identity is based not upon physical appearance but upon historical knowledge of one's origins and values.
Typically, this lineage is delivered via the family lore, then supplemented by various pre-incarnationally planned figures who bring in more strands of knowledge and access to different varieties of treasury and value within the lifespan. bhava-2 = access to wealth. Rahu in 2 indicates access to wealth via various types of rule-breaking; and the limitation-breaking agents enter"stage left" with noticeable drama during Vimshottari periods of Rahu. Rahu's angle from the mahadasha-pati will predict who is most affected by the interloper. (e.g., rahu = 3rd from mahadasha-pati, siblings most affected; 6th-from, enemies most affected; 9th-from, father most affected, etc.) |
Les agents provocateurs = not necessarily an immoral influence. The agent desires to obtain privileged experiences by leapfrog without having followed the conventional proving steps toward social approval of worthiness(2, values, worth). Thus Rahu in 2 disturbs the existing order regarding
There is often a sudden change of lineage knowledge via the passion to connect with another person. introduction to another world of values |
Extreme desire to possess the power to accumulate hoards of treasure = collections of historical knowledge, works of art, items of beauty, sources of pleasures, banks of money = along with the urge to satisfy that desire at nearly any cost. Rahu desires to break socially restrictive taboo against
Deception and fraud From the perspective of Chandra's customary rhythmic-sequence, rahu is a great disrupter. However, if the customary order has become corrupt, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 offers possibility of beneficial consequences risk-rewarding Rahu's style usually involves sneaking into forbidden places under culturally false pretenses. |
Family, food and Drink, finance
Mouth Provocative, barrier-bending, taboo-twisting speech. Crosses cultural boundaries using speech. Talks about exotic or non-conformist subjects. Potential for large accumulation of financial wealth , gained through unusual use of language. Interest in non-standard or esoteric histories. Mystical inclinations in the reading of history and culling of old traditions for mystical significations. May experience powerful desires for putting things in the mouth, esp. food and drink but also oral drugs. Sudden transformation of the mouth, teeth, tongue, or jaw, through maxillofacial surgeries or dental work. |
Mangala or Rahu in bhava-2 indicates widowhood. The consequences of widowhood may be negative or beneficial, depending on the disposition of Kuja or Rahu. Second marriage (if any) with a foreigner or someone from a distinctively different cultural background than oneself. Acquisition of valuable goods and conserved knowledge through taboo or exotic resources, often also through the second marriage. Intruder or surreptitious invasion within in the family history, during periods of Rahu or dhanapati-2, due to an outsider, pretender, usurper or other fraudulent person entering the family. Transmission of the Family lineage of blood, money, and ideas is disturbed. If Rahu + Shani or Rahu + Kuja or Rahu + dhanapati-2, the upset is due to sudden deaths in the family, which opens the wayfor the pretender and the family is unprepared to counteract the insurgency. |
family history The family history may perceive Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 to be a disruptive personality who is greedy for wealth.
The Chosen One wishes to feel specially "chosen" for a privileged role: permission to participate in elite lineage treasuries of valuable goods and conserved knowledge. |
Wealth and Storage
Provocative, disruptive or exotic speech and song
Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 speaks or sings in a provocative, exotic, often quite enchanting style The integrity of Rahu's ruler will determine whether that which is pronounced so provocatively will also be false or true. As the great taboo-breaker, rahu leaps over the customary entitlement boundaries in the family history; in the hoarding and collecting process; in the historical knowledge, language , speech and song. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 may be a fascinating speaker or singer Leaps over the normal limits in matters of expressing one's opinion especially WRT values Rahu casts an exotic, exciting, sensually hungry, boundary-disrupting drishti upon
risk-rewarding Rahu's influence upon any dushthamsha is helpful in breaking up tough Shani-structured, apparently mandatory resistance. Rahu encourages risk, to the point of recklessness, yet Rahu can be a powerful helper in breaking up // stuck // pre-incarnationally planned patterns. |
Rāhu disrupts the customary, step-wise methods of values acquisition. Rahu wants to leap to the top. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 hungers for many types of knowledge, and is unable to maintain a sustained focus on a single type for long enough to build a hoard of financial wealth or expertise. The accumulative processes, including money savings, are erratic and unpredictable Along a roller-coaster pattern. Periods of Rahu are fiercely acquisitive, albeit The treasury source may be a taboo-breaker. If Rahu's ruler is favorable, rahu in bhava-2 may signify great wealth acquired through personal risk or exotic association. Wealth may take the form of money, or knowledge, or both. Typically Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 will desire to acquirenot only money, but also a comprehensive knowledge of history -- especially the"treasury" knowledge of the traditions of one's blood lineage. One hungers to know l Languages, especially the most valuable languages e.g. The ancient and sacred tongues. Rahu wishes to possess knowledge and material collections of art, music, jewels, money , and all beautiful and luxurious things (Shukra's house). However, rahu's rampant desires are not satisfied with a single collection. The more Rahu learns, the more Rahu acquires, the more He craves the experience of acquiring further foods, monies, jewels, art, music, books, and other containers of sustaining knowledge. One acquired, the materials lose their fascination, and Rahu's hunger moves to new, related values. The general range of collection types will be known according to Rahu's ruler and Rahu's co-tenants. |
two marriages Rahu in bhava-2 = Karaka for two marriages. Rahu in 8th-from-7th:
Ketu occupies bhava-8 from lagna = conventional marital project of acquiring joint assets and establishing a reserve of shared values = distant, disaffected, or detached. Due partly to frustration with the secret-hiding behaviors in the first marriage, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 may desire to explore a second marriage. However, the second marriage may be even more problematic since Rahu directly governs the social personality of the second spouse. The second spouse will exhibit a remarkable hunger for acquisition of money and knowledge. This person feels that the common boundaries do not apply to one's treasury entitlements. Rahu's "usurper" 'role in the house of lineage speech, song, and values suggests that the second spouse is perhaps Excessive disregard of the common law will not be socially tolerated. If spouse-2 has experienced censure, this one may have an"outsider" complex based on desire-driven pretense to special privilege. The total nativity must be considered before making a final prediction, but Generally, when Rahu occupies bhava-2, the second spouse has "outlaw" characteristics which flaunt the public values of discretion and taste.
Second marriage = exotic circumstances Rahu in bhava-2 increases the likelihood of an ambitious or expedient "leapfrog" second marriage to a cultural exotic, someone "off limits " because they hail from a different age-group cohort, economic demographic, or ethnic group * race-class-religion-ethnicity-complexion-socioeconomic-demographic-food *. Native feels motivated by intense desire for forbidden, or lineage-breaking partner. The second spouse might *look* similar to the native in fleshly appearance, but behave unpredictably [Rahu] or the second spouse might look different as well. |
Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 = Passion for the Stored, storied, Historic
Unusual or extreme expression of cultural values. Values are deeply influenced by foreign cultures and Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 eats the foods of foreign lands. " What goes in the mouth" Rahu in the rashi of a benefic can provide unusually high permission to eat and drink to excess. If found in a nativity which has additional pointed to substance misuse such as Shukra or Guru in 6, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 's mouth may be wide open to an abundant stream of incoming nutrients. Rahu is a poseur so these can easily be false nutrients such as poisons (if rogesha-6 is also Rahu's ruler ) or alcohol or other drugs. High permission to enjoy amplify the activities of The face and mouth . Attractive hair. High entitlement to eat and drink, speak and sing , as they please! Rahu in svabhava of Shukra = an intriguing, fascinating, slightly exotic or"smoky" looking face, mouth, jaw, eyes. Even very financially privileged nativities will identify socially with the underclass or with a foreign culture. May be fluent in more than one cultural tradition, always hungry to sample more history, tradition, and value systems. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 is plagued by unstable emotions throughout life, due to the childhood shocks and sudden changes. One expects dramatic interruptions of the family routine and indeed this pattern recurs with each Rahu period, when a fascinating new person or power needs to be integrated into one's family. From bhava-2, rahu casts drishti upon 6, 8, and 10. Depending on the occupants of 6, 8, and 10, the general prognosis is for magnification of values conflict or poverty involving foreigners, increased healing ability and access to confidential information (again involving underclass or foreigners) In regard to bhava-10, acareer influenced by ability to interact with mixed cultural systems. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 likes to travel among persons of many different social backgrounds - even among the low or forbidden classes -- in pursuit of the treasuries of valuable goods and knowledge . Unlike fearful Professor Shani , professor Rahu is fearless. Rahu has "the right stuff" to prosper in culturally mixed and taboo environments wherein Shani's proper laws and protocols are either ignored or unknown. Esoteric Astrology 1925-2005 Jyotiṣika Bepin Behari [Chandra-yuti-Rahu] writes
Rahu in any of the artha bhava - 2, 6, 10 - can generate treasure via law-breaking (or law-evading, or law-ignoring), mixing of previously segregated groups, mixed marriage (in 2, the second marriage) . In 6, criminals and crime or war or drugs may offer a fortunate environment for Rahu. In 10, the pinnacle of lawfulness, rahu operates "above the law" from which perch He is much advantaged. However, no matter what amount of material treasure Professor Rahu may control, in His "mixed" speckled camouflaged pattern Rahula usually appears irregular, disordered, shifting, rag-tag. Esoteric Astrology 1925-2005 Jyotiṣika Bepin Behari [Chandra-yuti-Rahu] writes,"
Rahu in bhava-2 is rarely a killer. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 gains no marana capability unless many other conditions apply: such as (1) bhava-8 shows an abbreviated lifespan, (2) the lord of bhava-2 is a marana-graha, and (3) the subperiod of Rahu's ruler occurs during a less benevolent transit of the marana-pati. Even these three conditions may not be adequate to trigger release from this earthly vale. If Shani occupies 8, it may be a long life indeed. |
QUOTATION Das / Bepin Behari " ... May cause you to stammer, become separated from your near and dear ones, and cause poverty . You become a purveyor of fish, flesh, skins, naails, and products which require a coarse heart and mind to work with. Humility will characterize your behavior. Promotes prosperity; gain through legacy and inheritance; science and learning. Success through property, employment and business. Amicable and profitable business alliances. Poor, sick; trouble through son. Dark-complexioned . a liar, fearless, a Treasurer Sees the destruction of the relatives. Influenced by the wicked. With all your wealth, you may live in poverty . Strife and discord with the relatives prompts you to conceal the truth . Fear of weapons and enemies. Dependent but receives severe punishment due to scoundrels. Selfish; unhappy and unemployed in the birth place. You may become wealthy in foreign lands. Much opposition. Hard struggle to gain any success. Speech defect; suffers from nose and throat problems. Gain and happiness through government favor. You may become a thief; proud; very unfortunate. Wealth through trade in fish; lives with the lowly people. Averse to friendly advice. Harsh; loss of wealth; poverty and wandering. Talks too much unpleasant, offensive, disagreeable. Gain through leather goods and stolen property. Teeth irregularly set; dexterous. Cattle wealth. Likes to eat oily, smoky foods such as smoked meat; or a tendency to intake smoke from oily herbs (via cigarettes cigars or pipes); or for the more religiously inclined, ahabit of Often burning incense." |
The Trouble-makers 6/12 agency produces Learning Pathway conditions of tension, disagreement, accusation, imbalance, and ministry of service = bhava-7
6th-from-Rahu + 12th-from-Ketu = yuvati bhava Beauty, valuable goods and conserved knowledge, stored values, aprivileged family lineage.
The bhava which = 6th-from-Rahu + 12th-from-Ketu = most conflicted, adversarial, toxic, frustrating, insufficiently empowered, every-way-but-loose problematic environment of the nativity.
Based in Rahu lagna = money and values, the 6th-from house (yuvati) manifests disagreement about values weighting.
The situation is somewhat easier if there are no graha in 6th-from-Rahu, and proportionally more difficult according to the number of graha resident in bhava-7. By knowing the axis of radix Rahu-Ketu, it becomes possible to predict which department of life will cause consistently the most persistently volatile and recurring yet seemingly uncontrollable polarizing catalysis for Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 . |
Compared to 6th-from-Shani 6th-from-Shani-related disagreement and conflict improves with age, neutral ity, and patience.
6th-from-Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 6th-from-Rahu = the disagreements, disappointments, broken contracts, accusation, arguments, and adversarial relationships which originate in the attempt by Professor Rahu, when He teaches in classroom-2, to self-elevate via quick, unconventional and generally unearned increase in social rank and privilege. 6th-from-Rahu shows the adversarial relationships, illness, and financial imbalance-seeking-a-remedy such as debt leading to poverty or servitude, which are triggered by Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 's instinctive desire [Rahu] to challenge boundaries and leap-frog over customary stepwise earnings. The negative consequences of 6th-from angles are pre-incarnationally planned. Persons whom one may have inadvertently harmed in parallel lives may suddenly appear as exploiters, enemies, or disease agents during periods of Rahu or lord of 6th-from-Rahu. They enforce servitude, start conflicts, and cause or treat disease during this period.
12th-from-Ketu 12th-from-Ketu = loss of vitality, dissolution of enthusiasm, drained energies, erosion of conviction, disengagement, and general ennui regarding persons, topics, and relationships which are already weakened due to Ketu's residence in the bhava.
Amelioration Naturally, if favorable graha should occupy or own the bhava which is 6th-from-Rahu + 12th-from-Ketu, the negative results can be cushioned. For example, |
Special problems of Rahu-Ketu in 2/8:
Rahu Risk-taking as a response to conflict
Rahu mahadasha 18 years
The most salient effects of Rahu in bhava-2 occur during Rahu mahadasha. Maximum outcome during svabhukti of Rahu-Rahu and also during the bhukti of Rahu's rashi-pati. Also strong results of Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 should be expected during each of the nine bhukti of Rahu which occur within the 120 year Vimshottari Dasha.
Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 generates urgent ambition to obtain greater social-material privileges via possession of a hoard of values of treasury or knowledge. The treasury of kuṭumba-sthāna is often acquired often via bloodline, but also via guru-sisya transmission. The methods of expedient self-elevation for Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 include
Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 also may lanuch His over-reaching quest for obtainment of higher privilege via
Although Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 has not yet * earned* the higher entitlements which are normally accorded to priests, professors, preachers, and father-figures, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2 is motivated by a hungry desire to grasp these entitlements in a"fast-track" fashion. His ambition is boundless.
during Vimshottari periods of Rahu, entrancing Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-2's upward trajectory may involve fraudulent or irregular lineage transmission, wealth treasury or knowledge-base claims, or bloodline entitlements that are"over one's head" . Final results depend on the disposition of the ruler of Rahu's rashi. |
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And he said to them,
"Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house, who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old." ~~ Gospel of Matthew, ch. 52 [International Standard Version] |
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