" Fear is the thought that we are not going to be able to have something that we think we need." ~~Neal Donald Walsch " Without exception and without the need for analytical studies, we can say that we automatically have Buddha within us. That heart of the Buddha is a very open heart. That heart would like to explore the phenomenal world; it is open to relating with others. That heart contains tremendous strength and confidence in itself, which is called fearlessness. That heart is also extremely inquisitive, which at this point is synonymous with discriminating awareness. It is expansive and sees in all directions." ~~ Chögyam Trungpa, The Heart of the Buddha: Entering the Tibetan Buddhist Path, p. 6–7 |
Fear Where does it come from? Is fear real? How to manage it?
Vajrayogini Tangka thunderbolt goddess " How did the rose ever open its heari And give to the world all of its beauty? It felt the encouragement of light against its being. Otherwise we all remain too frightened." ~~ Hafiz "America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination, and unbeatable determination to do the job at hand." ~~POTUS-33 Trial and Hope 1884-1972 Harry Truman "Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty." ~~ Principia Mathematica 1872-1970 Bertrand Russell |
"To repress rebellion is to maintain the status quo, acondition which binds the mortal creature in a state of intellectual or physical slavery. But it is impossible to chain man merely by slaving his body; the mind also must be held, and to accomplish this, fear is the accepted weapon. The common man must fear life, fear death, fear God, fear the Devil, and fear most the overlords, the keepers of his destiny." ~ Manly Palmer Hall |
What is Fear? Fear is a disease. Fear was brought to Terra by an invasive event. Nearly every living creature on Earth has been infected by fear. The quarrantine was enacted largely to contain this toxic fear and prevent it from spreading to other civilized planets. Now that conditions of galactic circumambulation make it possible to raise consciousness, it is also time to eradicate survival fear. Those who insist on continuing to live in fear have been provided with an alternative location in the previous portion of Earth's galactic circumambulation [an alternate Earth] in which to reincarnate and continue along their habitually frightened way. Definition of Fear = Fear is false evidence which appears to be real. Fear is the optional /experience/ of denial-of-choice. No choice in the matter. Doom. Fear is a subject in the curriculum of The Old School of Earth All planets are schools Spirits-inhabiting-bodies come to The School of Earth in order to master two subjects:
Fear is the strongest of all the human emotions. Humans use fear to make sense of the world. Think of the School of Earth as a game. [Which is true.] The game has options to create a variety of environments to support or impede the player's actions. The two arch-enemies Shani and Surya represent the two most extremely polarized environments that are available in the game.
When Earth-humans do not understand something, they react to it with fear. This reaction allows the human to place, to categorize, to locate this non-understood experience, and to respond to it. There is nothing wrong with fear. At its physically useful level, fear is a signal of danger to the fleshbody. Survival fear is pragmatic, preservative, and honored. At the emotionally programmed level, fear is an acculturated, interpretive device. Fear is usually experienced as a biochemically unpleasant feeling. In the social register of emotions, fear is typically classed as a 'negative' emotion. Most psychics would locate fear as a primitive lower astral emotion. Nevertheless fear is very functional at the level of data management. Fear eliminates the paralysis of confusion. Fear provides an immediate classification label which allows the brain to initiate the next-step responses such as "fight or flight" . Fear is not only a vitally important element of the brain-driven physical survival mechanisms. Fear also has essential functions in day-to-day decision making. The chemistry of Fear triggers a sequence of decision-tree judgments which keep the human actively responding to unknown phenomena rather than stunned or frozen in disorientation. The opposite of fear is love. When humans understand something, they react to it with love. |
QUOTATION from Light Source P'taah
"We have said very often that it is not for you to try and induce anything really, love or fear, but to allow whatever is simply to manifest that you may be in the moment. You need not struggle to get to a place where you THINK you can be in the moment. In terms of the ‘fear-business' we would suggest saying, "Sometimes I become afraid, and that is all right and in that moment I will deal with it. In the meantime I will have lots of fun." |
QUOTATION from Henry Ford,
my Life and Work " One who fears the future, who fears failure, limits his activities. Failure is only the opportunity more intelligently to begin again. There is no disgrace in honest failure; there is disgrace in fearing to fail. What is past is useful only as it suggests ways and means for progress." |
Terror Questions Typically, fear-based questions arise from a negative paradigm of belief. Evidence of the victim-terror paradigm is seen in questions about manipulating other people, such as XYZ is doing this to me, or I need to control XYZ-other adult. That victim terror is an anachronism from the ancient reality of humans fearing their predators, left behind in the base of the brain-stem. It was VERY real for cave-dwellers. It is not authentic now, except in situations of physical danger (when fear is live-saving.) Most fear is psychological, and the instinctive terror-response remains a highly valuable asset for those who would seek external control of human conduct. Most human would prefer not to experience fear; they would prefer to experience only love. It is entirely possible to reach this preferred all-love state. Yet, in order to begin the process of converting fear-response into love-response, one may need to look carefully at one's unconscious beliefs. Many inherited beliefs are not particularly intelligent. They are unconsciously inherited and when put to the test of accuracy they may be found to be perpetuating fear for historical reasons which are no longer valid . The first layer of beliefs which deserve examination are those which assert an instant label of "fear" upon entire categories of experience. Take for example xenophobia, the fear of foreigners. Many humans were raised by their tribe-race-class-caste-nationality to believe as an article of faith that those with particular characteristics are dangerous and cannot be understood. Yet this belief is a historic survival belief; it is not a proven fact. It's a working classification mechanism and it may be a successful method of controlling material resources. But it constantly regenerates the chemistry of fear whenever that outsider-human is in contact. It can be helpful to pause and examine the belief. It might indeed be possible to understand this "impossible to understand, therefore dangerous " person. Fear is dissolved into understanding, and understanding creates the feeling of love. " Understanding" does not mean to comprehend every minor detail about the feared item. To begin to dissolve reactive fear, it is necessary to understand just barely enough to identify some commonality between oneself and the Feared Thing. Recognition of shared humanity is called Compassion. Normally, compassion is a state of understanding which produces no action at all. Compassion simply reduces fear and increases understanding, and the emotion this produces is love. It's that simple. The cure for fear is faith in human ability to understand things. Humans understand much more than we believe we can understand! |
QUOTATION July 2016 Message from P'taah: P'taah * ptaah@ptaah.coam The Baby One Named Fear P'taah: Greetings beloved ones! Continuing our little review from last month. When you birth yourself into this reality, you birth yourselves knowing the grand truth. And then whilst you were still babes, you experienced for the first time invalidation. Again and again and again the withholding of love. When you look at it with an adult mind, these invalidations for the most part were no great story really. But for the babe who only knew love, it was total devastation. From this emotion you came to believe that you were not worthy of love or loving. You felt abandoned. And as you grew a little and began to observe your exterior reality and viewed the lack of love in your exterior reality, you came to believe that you were totally powerless and that indeed your world was not a safe place to be. And as you believe it, so it is! You grew in your physicality, you grew in intellect, but there within the breast of you is a tiny baby one who does not know your grandest truth. The name of this baby one is Fear. And what have you done with fear all of your life? Tried to overcome it, overpower it, invalidate it, push it away, or get rid of it any way you could. And it is only a little baby you shut up in that dark closet. That which you call enlightenment is the natural result of loving every facet of you absolutely. How can you love what you do not own, what you have abandoned, betrayed, invalidated, and kept locked in a black closet? Enlightenment is the natural result of loving every facet of you absolutely. Can it be more simple than that? There is nothing to do. As you go about your day to days, when you are in the joy, in the laughter, in the play--which is not very often because there are very seldom no negative judgments--all of the energy channels are open. Energy channels, the channels which carry the electromagnetic energy of your E-motions. E-motion--energy in motion. The energy cannot be in motion when you are totally closed down in that place of fear. Have you noticed that when you are in fear, it is very difficult to breathe. When you are in fear, your whole body becomes tight. When you are in joy you breathe. Your body is open. Your body listens to everything that goes on in your life. Your body is your divine creation. It listens to every thought, to every feeling, and because your body is part of your exterior reality, it shows you who you are Now! When you are in a place of fear, your body is tight and closed down and it feels very uncomfortable. It is your body saying, " Stop Now! Pay Attention! There is something to be resolved here!" And in that moment, in that recognition, even if you are not used to paying attention to feelings, your body is telling you that you are not feeling good. When you are not feeling good, you are in a place of fear. Are we getting the picture here? There is a baby boy or a baby girl knocking on the door of your heart asking to be let into the light. What is the light? It is LOVE! And what is love? It is another name for God/Goddess, all That Is. It is the building block of existence. Without love, without that light of love, there is no existence, no planet earth, no universe, no mountains, rivers, oceans, forests, no humans. Every atom and molecule in your existence--any existence-- owes its existence to the light of creation! Every atom, every molecule, your body, the chair that you are sitting on, your buildings, your motor cars, flowers, trees, creatures and all of the unseen realities, the soul of you which is not human--all of it, aLL of it owes its existence to Love, the light of creation. The very next time that you create a situation and you feel the clutch of fear in your belly, stop. That is your choice-point, your point of power. You can only transform what you own in the Now moment whilst you are in the emotion by the total embracement. Stop. If you are with other peoples, go the bathroom and close the door and breathe. Breathe to show forth the intent for transformation. BREATHE! and see in your minds eye the baby you aged about four years. And that baby you is standing before you broken-hearted, terrified, abandoned. What would you do? You would reach out and you would gather that baby to your breast and you would say to this beautiful little one, " Beloved of my heart, ilove you absolutely! Never again will I abandon you. Do not be afraid any more. I will never leave you. WE are together forever you and I in this safe and wondrous world and together we are coming home. Together we are coming home." (Pauses) And you know, beloved ones, as you reach forth with love and compassion for this baby facet of you, you are BEING the God or Goddess alchemist. You are changing the frequency--fear to love. You hold that little one until you feel the warmth spread. Your body will tell you when you reach forth with love and compassion, you change the frequency and there you are centered in your power, in the Now moment, ready to make your next outrageous creative choice! Can it be more simple than that, idon't think so. It is not to DO anything but to BE all that you can possible be in any Now. Then there is no thought of escape. [end quote] |
QUOTATION from Pema Chödrön. The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times,p 49-50 " Just as nurturing our ability to love is a way of awakening bodhichitta, so also is nurturing our ability to feel compassion. Compassion, however, is more emotionally challenging than loving-kindness because it involves the willingness to feel pain . It definitely requires the training of a warrior. When we practice generating compassion, we can expect to experience our fear of pain. Compassion practice is daring. It involves learning to relax and allow ourselves to move gently toward what scares us. The trick to doing this is to stay with emotional distress without tightening into aversion, to let fear soften us rather than harden into resistance." [end quote] |
QUOTATION from Pema Chödrön. Comfortable with Uncertainty: 108 Teachings on Cultivating Fearlessness and Compassion . p 71-72 "Compassion practice is daring. It involves learning to relax and allowing ourselves to move gently toward what scares us. The trick to doing this is to stay with emotional distress without tightening into aversion; to let fear soften us rather than harden into resistance. We cultivate bravery through making aspirations. We make the wish that all beings, including ourselves and those we dislike, be free of suffering and the root of suffering." [end quote] |
" Question: How can one work with deep fears most effectively? QUOTATION from Tenzing Gyatso. A Policy of Kindness: An Anthology of Writings By and About the Dalai Lama. DL: "There are quite a number of methods. The first is to think about actions and their effects. Usually when something bad happens, we say, "Oh, very unlucky," and when something good happens, we say, "Oh, very lucky." Actually, these two words, lucky and unlucky, are insufficient. There must be some reason. Because of a reason, acertain time became lucky or unlucky, but usually we do not go beyond lucky or unlucky. The reason, according to the Buddhist explanation, is our past karma, our actions. One way to work with deep fears is to think that The fear comes as a result of your own actions in the past .
Another technique is to investigate who is becoming afraid .
Also, someone who is engaging in the Bodhisattva practices seeks to take others' suffering onto himself or herself. When you have fear, you can think, "Others have fear similar to this; may I take to myself all of their fears."
Achieving the Good, avoiding the Bad = Equally Important QUOTATION from HH Dalai Lama, Mind of Clear Light: Advice on Living Well and Dying Consciously. Trans-ed by Jeffrey Hopkins, ph.d. " If, after having performed a virtuous action and accumulated its potency, that potency remained without degenerating until its fruit issued forth in either this or a future life, it would not be so fragile. But that is not the case. Rather, the generation of a strong non-virtuous state of mind, such as anger, overpowers the capacity of a virtuously established potency so that it cannot issue forth, much like scorching a seed . Conversely, the generation of a strong virtuous attitude over powers potencies established by non-virtues, making them unable to issue their effects. Thus it is necessary not only to achieve many powerful constructive causes but also to avoid contrary forces that would cause those beneficial causes to degenerater. The good actions required for accumulating these causes, or potencies, arise from a Tamed mind , whereas bad actions arise from an untamed mind. Common beings like us have been accustomed to an untamed mind since beginningless time . Given this predisposition, we can conclude that actions performed with an untamed mind are more powerful for us and actions performed with a tamed mind are weaker. It is important to appreciate that this excellent life support of a human body that we now possess is A wholesome result of many powerful good actions from a tamed mind in the past . It was very difficult to gain, and, since it is very rare, you must take care to use it well, making sure that it is not wasted. ...If this human endowment, so difficult to attain, were stable and permanent--not prone to deterioration -- there would be time later to make use of it. However, This life-support system is fragile and easily disintegrates from many external and internal causes. Aryadeva's Four Hundred Stanzas on the Yogic Deeds of Bodhisattvas says that once the body depends on the four elements of earth, water, fire, and wind, which themselves oppose each other, physical happiness is just an occasional balance of these elements, not an enduring harmony. ... So this human body is a precious endowment, potent and yet fragile . Simply by virtue of being alive, you are at a very important juncture, and carry a great responsibility. Powerful good can be achieved for yourself and others, so becoming distracted by the minor affairs of this lifetime would be a tremendous waste. You should make wishes to use this lifetime in this body effectively and make petitions to your guru, the three refuges, and other sources of help. In doing so, urge yourself on from the inside and seek assistance from the outside....r. In sum, since this human body, which supports your life, is beneficial, was difficult to gain, and easily disintegrates, you should use it for your benefit and that of others. Benefits come from a tamed mind: When your mind is peaceful, relaxed, and happy, external pleasures such as good food, clothing, and conversation make things even better, but their absence does not overpower you. If your mind is not peaceful and tamed, no matter how marvelous the external circumstances are, you will be burdened by frights, hopes, and fears. With a tamed mind, you will enjoy wealth or poverty, health or sickness, you can even die happily. With a tamed mind, having many friends is wonderful, but if you have no friends, it is all right, too. The root of your own happiness and welfare rests with a peaceful and tamed mind." [end quote] |
QUOTATION from Chögyam Trungpa, "The Shambhala World" in The Collected Works of Volume Eight , p. 392–393 "The root of fear is believing in oneself too much, which makes oneself very vulnerable. It's as if you have a big cut or burn on your body, something that needs protection. Then beyond that, you are still haunted by your wound, so you protect even your Band-Aid. How do you overcome fear? How do you stop believing in yourself too much? Cheerfulness, or a sense of humor, is the starting point. And then not holding onto oneself too much is the second point." [end quote] |
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"And now my friends,
all that is true, all that is noble, all that is just and pure, all that is loveable and gracious, whatever is excellent and admirable - fill all your thoughts with these things." ~~ Paul of Tarsus, Epistle to the Philippians 4:8 |