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Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala |
AUM som somaya namah AUM hreem shreem chandraya namah Learning Pathway of Relationships Lifepartner
and Qualities 7th-from marriage patterns Comforted by Crisis The emotionally secretive, penetrating, tantric, healing, undisclosed, camouflaging Chandra-8 tends to seek the companionship of a life mate who has curating, lineage-protecting, treasury-collecting, tradition-preserving qualities.
pair of Gyrfalcons, painted by James Audubon, c183x https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_James_Audubon |
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LifeMate-1 [if any] = bhava-2 Conditions of the first marriage are often framed within collections narratives of bhava-2 such as enrichment, family genetics, stock and storage, archives, lineage knowledge, language, memory and recollection , containment of assets, database and historical records, animal-husbandry, cooperage, speech-and-song, precious collections, pricing, assessment, and heritage values. There is often a pronounced concern with the continuation of the family line, production of human capital, designation of heirs, and perpetuation of tradition. [Heirs may be descendants or students.] sthana-2 forecasts the partner's focus on beauty, heritage knowledge, language, money, family genetics, hoarding, conservation of historical values, and overall aesthetics as governed by the dhanesha. Spouse-1 may be treasurer, values assessor, archivist, warehouser conservationist, geneticist, banker, librarian, traditionalist, food-preserver, museum curator, maker of recordings, geneologist, sound-and-color cataloguer, master of storage, seed-collector, captain of the family lineage. LifeMate-1 's identity = expression and maintenance of values-fulfillment, in both finance and the arts. The life-partner tends to be identified with banking, wealth-storage, inventories and collections, books, and record-keeping. Chandra-8 may be a secretive person who is nourished emotionally by conditions of confidentiality, crisis, and unexpected upheaval. The first life-lifepartner for Chandra-8 nativities is described according to conditions in acquisitive, hoarding, lineage-preserving bhava-2. The first life-partner may be emotionally apprehended as an agent of treasuries accrual, development of stores of historical, cultural, and artistic values , heritage protector, and establishment of a family lineage. The Mate may have a strong face and voice. The spouse has a fixed eye on capital assets + genetic lineage. Lifemate = often knowledgeable in matters of banking, history, values-fulfillment, assessment, music, languages, libraries, databases, containment, and collections. 6th-from = constitutional challenges within the union = partnership predisposition toward accusation, disappointment, disagreement, or distrust If there are misalignments of expectation in this marriage, profile detail regarding the spouse's mental or behavioral imbalances may be garnered from examination of the 6th-from-7th-from-Chandra = [12th-from-Chandra] . For Chandra-8, this distinctively maritally contentious bhava 6th-from-2nd = yuvatisthāna-7 = contracts, bargains, and terms of agreement. Depending on the nature of any graha located in bhava-7, disagreement within the union may arise on matters of maternal grandmother [4th-from-4th] , vows, trusts and treaties, deals, matches, arrangements, and negotiations.
The first life-mate is emotionally attached to the family of origin and their lineage values-fulfillment of speech, song, wealth, herds, or knowledge. Often one born with Chandra-8 has experienced a lifetime of emotional volatility due to the constant upheavals inherent in the mother's identity transformations and her hidden activities. Therefore, chandra-8 may finds it soothing to join with the more traditional personality of LifeMate-1 , whose attachment to an established values lineage via the LifeMate-1 's family of origin is felt appreciatively.
LifeMate-1 is prominently concerned with containment of financial well-being. The wealth collection may take the form consistent with rashi of bhava-2 and any graha in bhava-2. Spousal behaviors reflect emotional need to conserve, reserve, preserve, bank, collect, retain, store. Topics of finance and accumulation are highlighted in the profile of LifeMate-1 . For best results, bhava-2 should be well-supported. Chandra-8 has endured a childhood of traumatic, unexpected changes regarding the mother; Therefore, one enters marriage at an emotional disadvantage for bonding. One may need the constant crisis of urgent change and penetrating intervention in order to create familiar feeling of comfort.
It could be said that one born with a need for secret identities and a proclivity for hidden sources of nurturing Marriage is a conflicted concept, but if the social order requires it then Chandra-8 essentially marries to obtain a keeper of the visible family lineage values-fulfillment . Genetics and wealth-values are very important to the alliance. If there is no disruption in bhava-2, following the marriage, and despite the secretiveness, every success may be expected in continuation of the lineage values-fulfillment .
Psychic precursors Life-partnership-1 may be emotionally triggered and sustained by subconscious parallel-life memories of 7th-from-8th = bhava-2. One psychically anticipates an emotionally acquisitive and appreciative LifeMate-1
Generally, the chosen partner will happily provide just this sort of climate. Restless discontent, attraction * akarshana * o disaster and emergency, or hidden sexual behaviors within the marriage, due to 2nd = 8th -from-7th-from-lagna. If primary marriage = to the ishta-devata, ahighly tantrik expression of the marriage vowr. Natural adversaries of LifeMate-1 bhava-2 one's equal partners and one's father and doctrine The shad-ashtaka karaka for dhana-bhava-2
The karaka role-players of 7 and 9 can be expected to behave less comfortably toward the life-mate. LifeMate-1 may look toward one's other partnerships as enemies. Bhava-7 = 6th-from-7th-from-Chandra-8 * accuser or enemy of LifeMate-1 . Bhava-7 = also [12th-from-Chandra] -8 indicating a drain upon the native's capacity to maintain camouflage and secrecy. One's existing legal contracts and peer relationships become energy drains upon one's engagement with confidential information and tantric knowledge. At the same time LifeMate-1 [bhava-2] sees the publically recognized contracts including employment contracts and legal agreements as being adversarial to the interests of the family-rooted LifeMate-1 . Indeed Chandra-8 natives often struggle to maintain lasting contracts [unless there are strong graha in 7, contracts = [12th-from-Chandra] = easily dissolved] . The animosity of the wealth-and-family-oriented LifeMate-1 toward one's alliances and contracts can increase Chandra-8's existing proclivity to constantly re-negotiate their diplomatic, business and property contracts. Naturally, the renegotiation scenario becomes more energized if graha occupy bhava-7. Denizens of bhava-9 = 8th-from-2nd such as father, guru, professor, and global or doctrinal situations, can also exhibit an unexpectedly transformative, eruptive, or upheaving effect upon the LifeMate-1 . Whereas spouse-1 may criticize one's peer contracts as adversarial to spouse-1's lineage-values interests; the pater-noster, professors, preachers, father-figures and indoctrinators may criticize spouse-1 as adversarial to their own quest to spread philosophical or religious beliefs. Naturally, the sudden-eruption scenario becomes more dramatic if graha occupy bhava-9. If there is a second marriage, the second spouse [global doctrinal 9] sees the first spouse [lineage wealth 2] as an enemy, because 2 = 6th-from-bhava-9. |
Additional spousal characteristics derived from the rashi of bhava-2 = 7th-from-Chandra Kumbha
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-8] + ] Chandra-Mesha]
Lifepartner-1 tends to be focused on matters of 2nd-amsha, such as
Wealth-building is conducted in diplomatic, bargaining, partnering Tula style. In addition to the knowledgeable, language-oriented [2] treasury-and-heritage conserving behaviors of bhava-2, include Shukra-ruled Tula - Vanika traits such as
Naturally, graha residing in bhava-2 + bhava-8 can significantly influence the outcome. EXAMPLE
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-8 + Chandra-Urisha] -- [uchcha]
Lifepartner-1 tends to be focused on matters of 2nd-amsha, such as
Wealth-building is conducted in discovering, transformative, secretive Vṛścika style. In addition to the knowledgeable, vociferous, and treasury-and-heritage conserving behaviors of bhava-2, include Mangala-ruled Vṛścika - Thriketta traits, such as
and a preference for ongoing transformation within relationships - perhaps at the cost of knowledge containment or financial valuation. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-2 + bhava-8 can significantly influence the outcome.
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for ] Chandra-8] + ] Chandra-Mithuna]
Lifepartner-1 tends to be focused on matters of 2nd-amsha, such as
Wealth-building is conducted in inspirational, ideological, preaching Dhanus style. In addition to the knowledgeable, vociferous, and treasury-and-heritage conserving behaviors of bhava-2, include Dhanus - Haya traits such as
Supplementing the qualities of the union, the unequal, naturally fraught relationship between the Budha-ruled native versus the Brihaspati-ruled lifepartner. From Busy Budha's perspective, the great Benevolent Brihaspati = a sama-graha neutral party. Budha-ruled-Chandra usually feels neutral therefore toward Brihaspati's territories. However, from Guru's perspective, busy-mind Budha is a more-than-annoying shatru-graha enemy. The wide-scope comforts of the Dhanus-defined lifepartner who needs global humanism and a philosophical view may be less compatible with the narrow-scope comforts of the Mithuna native who feels soothed by planning activities, technical details, and office chat. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-2 + bhava-8 can significantly influence the outcome.
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-8 + Chandra-Karkata]
Lifepartner-1 tends to be focused on matters of 2nd-amsha, such as
Wealth-building is conducted in hierarchical, social-positioning, lawful Makara style. In addition to the knowledgeable, vociferous, and treasury-and-heritage conserving behaviors of bhava-2, include Shani-ruled Makara - Draco traits such as
Naturally, graha residing in bhava-2 + bhava-8 can significantly influence the outcome. EXAMPLE
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-8] + ] Chandra-Simha]
Lifepartner-1 tends to be focused on matters of 2nd-amsha, such as
Wealth-building is conducted in socializing, networking, systematic Kumbha style. In addition to the knowledgeable, often vociferous, treasury-and-heritage conserving behaviors of bhava-2, the spouse may feature Kumbha - Ghata traits such as friendliness, orientation to large social assemblies [such as rallies and parties] + a preference for economic gainfulness within relationships. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-2 + bhava-8 can significantly influence the outcome. Often impacted by the natural animosity of Shani-vs-Surya within the marital union, Chandra-Simha is generally challenged in marriage. Sima prefers bright intelligence, politics, drama, special exceptions, and center-stage roles. However, soberly serious Shani imposes lawful austerity in 2 =history, family heritage, lineage values-fulfillment , banking. Shani wants a regulated system, has little tolerance for exceptions, entitlements, individual foibles, or special bright lights. Chandra-8's lifepartner represented by Surya's arch-enemy Shani = a work functionary identified with conservation, collections, record-keeping. The Surya-ruled native [8] is often the center of attention in the 8-environments such as confidential information, hidden assets, secret relationships, occult knowledge. This pairing often supports political couples, with the 8-partner entertaining and dealing with emergencies while the 2-partner focuses on economically [Kumbha] oriented preservation and storage. EXAMPLE POTUS-14 Bleeding Kansas 1804-1869 Franklin Pierce [financial-oratorical Magha-2]
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-8 + Chandra-Kanya]
Lifepartner-1 tends to be focused on matters of 2nd-amsha, such as
Wealth-building is conducted in contemplative, charitable, dreamy Meena style. In addition to the knowledgeable, vociferous, and treasury-and-heritage conserving behaviors of bhava-2, include Meena - Antya traits such as
Add to the experience, the unequal, naturally fraught relationship between the Budha-ruled native and the Brihaspati-ruled lifepartner. From bantering Budha's perspective, benevolent Brihaspati = a sama-graha neutral party. Kanya-born feels neutral therefore toward the Meena partner. However, from Guru's perspective, busy-mind Budha is a shatru-graha enemy. The wide-scope of the Meena-defined lifepartner seeks comfort in intuitive awareness and a compassionate view. Meena folk may be less compatible with the narrow-scope comforts of the Kanya partner who feels soothed by argumentative details and complaint. LifeMate-1 = visionary, imaginative, clairsentient, and seeking seclusion. LifeMate-1 's primary identity is grounded through through conservation of treasuries and preservation of traditional values, acquisition of precious items, and maintenance of collections. Chandra-Kanya = usually engaged in a ministry of service in the confidential information control and trauma-healing via the application of craft and technique. The native may provide discovery or revelation of previously hidden knowledge whether in medicine, sciences, or arts. The Meena-partner may provide important funding for Chandra-Parthya's transformative endeavors. Much depends on graha in 2 and 8. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-2 + bhava-8 can significantly influence the outcome. EXAMPLE
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-8 + [ Chandra-Tula]
Lifepartner-1 tends to be focused on matters of 2nd-amsha, such as
Wealth-building is conducted in competitive, innovative, pioneering, often primitive Mesha style. In addition to the knowledgeable, vociferous, and treasury-and-heritage conserving behaviors of bhava-2, include Mangala-ruled Mesha - Aja traits such as
LifeMate-1 = dynamic, energetic, kinesthetic, pioneering, and seeking championship via small-group interactions. Depending on graha in dhana-sthāna, Mesha-2 = often a banker, accountant, conservationist, seed-collector, museum curator, bloodwork geneticist, historian, or preserver of the heritage family assets. If Aśvini, may also be a physician. Mesha-2's primary identity is grounded through expression and maintenance of historic lineage values-fulfillment, in both finance and the arts. Mesha-2 tends to be identified with warehousing, libraries, databases, wealth-storage, inventories, collections, books, and book-keeping. Chandra-Tula-8's emotional energy = focused into masked and camouflaged agreements, internecine diplomacy, secret trusts, and legally hidden resources. One has a need for crisis, threat-to-life, danger, secret alliances, and sudden change which can usually only be satisfied by negotiating in volatile diplomatic conditions. Mesha-2 is dedicated to continuation of heritage values while Tula-Chandra-8 = often deeply involved in revolutionary change. This couple may complement each other if material asset acquisition or transformative healing = their shared goal. The Mesha-2 partner may need to accept an element of non-disclosure in the partnership. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-2 + bhava-8 can significantly influence the outcome. EXAMPLE [Chandra-Tula] -- [Chandra in Svati - Arcturus] -- [Chandra in classroom-8]
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for Chandra-8 + [Chandra-Vṛścika] [nīcha]
Lifepartner-1 tends to be focused on matters of 2nd-amsha, such as
Wealth-building is conducted in luxury-loving, sensual, collecting, enriching Urisha style. In addition to the knowledgeable, vociferous, and treasury-and-heritage conserving behaviors of bhava-2, include Urisha traits such as artistic sensuality, acquisitiveness and a preference for luxury wealth within relationships. Double 2 LifeMate-1 = sense-pleasuring, collecting, hoarding-and-herding traits which are focused upon containment of capital values. Urisha-2 = often a banker, archivist, warehouser, librarian, database or collections agent. Urisha-2's primary identity is grounded through treasuries [2] . Urisha-2 is often engaged in the maintenance of historic collections, in genetic lineages, knowledge treasuries, finance and arts. Urisha-2 tends to be identified with banking, wealth-storage, inventories, books and book-keeping. Vṛścika-Chandra-8 = focused on the unseen forces including hidden wealth, while the partner is focused on tangible values of visible wealth. Vṛścika-Chandra-8 emotional energy = focused into undisclosed processes of identity change and transformation, and curation of hidden resources. This couple may complement each other if wealth is their shared interest. However, Vṛścika-Chandra-8 = often deeply involved in the intense process of ongoing transformative emotional change and secret alliances. The partner must be able to accept a measure of secrecy in exchange for the pleasure-of-treasure provided by the union. As usual with the [nīcha] chandra, it is wise to anticipate some moodiness and discontent arising from an incessant, rhythmically undulating urge toward self-transformation. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-2 = bhava-8 can significantly influence the outcome. EXAMPLE
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for Chandra-8] + Chandra-Dhanus]
Budha-ruled Budha-ruled amsha may have partnering challenges due to spousal immaturity [adolescent viewpoint] and grievance narrative [complaining]. Check condition of Budha. . Lifepartner-1 tends to be focused on matters of 2nd-amsha, such as
Wealth-building is conducted in businesslike, communicative, conversational Mithuna style. In addition to the knowledgeable, vociferous, and treasury-and-heritage conserving behaviors of bhava-2, include Mithuna - Dvamdva traits such as
Usually, quite talkative [unless Shani-2] . Mithuna = a merchant, businessperson, announcer, communicator, administrator, writer, publisher, explainer. Mithuna-2 = often concerned with resource conservation, banking, asset containment, and reserves of knowledge such as libraries and databases, continuity of heritage, languages, bloodlines. Mithuna-2 takes a management approach to family culture [2] facilitating discussion while preserving core values [2] . The Mithuna Mate also adds a sibling-skill of cooperative verbal expression [Mithuna] into the partnership energy reserves, which eases collaborative discussion and teamwork within the alliance. Dhanus-Chandra-8 = often focused upon matters of theory, belief, or higher understanding, albeit the perspective is emotional not intellectual. A global humanist, chandra-Dhanus needs large scale viewpoint integrated with Somana's routinized, localized, customary sensitivities. Chandra-8 finds comfort in crisis, secrecy, sudden transformations, and shocking discoveries. Chandra-8 may anchor oneself within a healing practice. As ruler-of-3 = 8th-from-8th, dhanus-Chandra-8 = also a potentially skilled communicator on matters of transformative change, including sacred initiations. The union is often focused on Mithuna-2's skilled communication regarding traditional values while Dhanus-Chandra-8 taps the deeper rejuvenating forces of doctrinally guided rebirth. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-2 + bhava-8 can significantly influence the outcome. EXAMPLE
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for Chandra-8 + [ Chandra-Makara-Draco]
Lifepartner-1 tends to be focused on matters of 2nd-amsha, such as
Wealth-building is conducted in protective, nourishing, parental Karkata style. In addition to the knowledgeable, treasury-and-heritage conserving, values-collecting behaviors of bhava-2, include Karkata - Kadaga traits such as
Karkata = householder, defender, gardener, parent, caretaker, environmentalist, steward of the land. 2 = heritage collections, genetics, treasuries, banking roles. Karkata-2 takes a protective approach toward matters of conservation, containment, continuation of lineage, language, memory. The Karkata Mate also adds a security-and stability orientation [Old Pathways Karkata] into the partnership energy reserves, which eases co-parenting and property ownership-stewardship within the union. Makara-Chandra = often focused upon social-status, lawful order, and hierarchies, albeit the concern is emotional not intellectual. Comfortable in roles = elite positions atop ranking pyramids, such as regulator, governor, legalist, law-upholder, order-imposer, director. Chandra-Makara needs dignified social achievement integrated with Somana's soft, routinized, localized, customary sensitivities. As ruler-of-3, chandra = emotionally attuned to the world of publication, reporting, announcements, message delivery. Chandra-9 finds comfort in acts of public piety, indoctrination, ritualized ethno-cultural belief. Makara-Chandra-9 may anchor oneself within a security-seeking practice of preaching or professing. Karkata-2's habitual orientation to values-fulfillment may combine with Makara-Chandra-8's emotional need for undisclosed assets. Karkata-2 tends to be parentally protective + traditional collector such as librarian, seed storage. The union is often focused on Karkata-2's need for maintaining valuable inventories, while Chandra-8-Makara often takes a role of secret-keeper. This couple may complement each other if a clear division of labor is articulated, with 2-partner preferring to preserve family wealth while 8-Chandra prefers to move and transform the family holdings behind a camouflage. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-2 + bhava-8 can significantly influence the outcome. EXAMPLE Sherlock Holmes 1859-1930 occultist Arthur Conan Doyle [imaginative-philanthropic Uttarāṣāḍha-4] Chandra-8 parivartamsha Shani-2]
EXAMPLE Seven Year Itch 1926-1962 Marilyn Monroe
EXAMPLE Oops 1981- music-merchandise Britney Spears [helping-complaining Dhaniṣṭha-2] + [Dhaniṣṭha-Somana-yuti-Shukra-Vaishva] [Dhaniṣṭha-Somana-yuti-Ketu-Vaishva]
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-8] + [Chandra-Kumbha]
Lifepartner-1 tends to be focused on matters of 2nd-amsha, such as
Wealth-building is conducted in brightly dramatic, celebratory, ceremonial, displaying, confident, political Simha style. Intimate partnerships that operate emotionally on the Simha-Kumbha axis can be intensely oppositional. They must contend with the mutually incompatible shatru-graha agendas =
Due to this pattern-clash, combined with Chandra ruling 6th-from-Chandra, Kumbha-Chandra nativities may experience growth-challenges in the realm of agreements, trusts and treaties, and alliances. In childhood, the Chandra-Kumbha partner may have been expected to display community networking skills, economic pragmatism, and sensitivity to the needs of the group. The Simha partner may have been the adored jewel of their parents' or grandparents' eye [Simha adored] to whom the group served mainly as their audience. In addition to the knowledgeable, vociferous, treasury-focused, and lineage conserving behaviors of bhava-2, Simha - Leya emotional traits such as
The Simha Mate = a brightly charismatic, politically intelligent personality. To help determine the mate's level of radiant confidence, find the native's own placement of Surya. Kumbha-Chandra = often focused upon matters of collectivity, economics, and social distribution systems, albeit the concern is emotional not intellectual. Kumbha-Chandra = comfortable in roles such as community activist, large-group events coordinator, and fundraiser. Ghata-Chandra = needs friendly connection and social networking to be integrated with Somana's soft, routinized, localized, customary rhythms As lagnesha, chandra = emotionally attuned to the world of physical vitality, appearance, and innovative movement. Albeit, matters of 1 such as athletics, competition, and pioneering are often fraught due to 1-Karkata = 6th--from-8. Kumbha-Chandra-8 may anchor oneself within a security-seeking secretive practice, often in a social-progressive context. Yet hidden assets can be frustrating, and one may feel grumpy about that. Simha-2's habitual orientation to family treasuries, heritage values, and historical knowledge may combine with Kumbha-Chandra-8's emotional need for secret systems. The union is often focused on Simha-2's need for creative, political styles of preservation and containment, while Chandra-8-Kumbha often takes a camouflaged role. The relative strengths of Surya-and-Shani should be consulted. This pairing can support marriages in which the Simha person is comfortable with celebrity while the Kumbha person is a mainly hidden operator. Both partners require significant independence and time apart. The 2-mate is typically a knowledge-conserver, financier, or collector. Often focused upon continuing the family's genetic lineage. The 8-native may specialize in psychiatric exploration, disaster response, tax-sheltering, or confidential information, within a scientific, populist, or futuristic context. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-2 + bhava-8 can significantly influence the outcome. Chandra-Kumbha-8 is often in deep conflict with oneself due to Chandra-8 activates 6/8-from-Chandra = Karkata indriya-lagna. EXAMPLE
EXAMPLE Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-8] + ] Chandra-Meena]
Budha-ruled amsha may have partnering challenges due to spousal immaturity [adolescent viewpoint] and grievance narrative [complaining]. Check condition of Budha. Lifepartner-1 tends to be focused on matters of 2nd-amsha, such as
Wealth-building is conducted in service-oriented, argumentative, medicating, logical-logistical Kanya style. In addition to the knowledgeable, vociferous, and treasury-and-heritage conserving behaviors of bhava-2, include Kanya - Parthya traits such as
Naturally, graha residing in bhava-2 + bhava-8 can significantly influence the outcome. EXAMPLE Gitanjali 1861-1941 lyrical poet Rabindranath Tagore [community-connected Revatī-Pashu-3] Chandra-8 parivartamsha Guru-12-uchcha]
EXAMPLE Steppenwolf 1877-1962 anti-Nazi Hermann Hesse [defensive-protective Pūrvābhādra-4] [8, identity-change, emotional volatility, initiation]
EXAMPLE Easy Rider 1936-2010 art-collections Dennis Lee Hopper [hierarchical-ordering Revatī-Pashu-2] painter, photographer]
EXAMPLE Apple Computer 1955-2011 Steve Jobs [disguising-discovering Andromeda-4] SPJ age 23] spouse-1 with health issues, compounded by Budha-6. Exploitive, litigious, impoverishing situation contrasts vividly with extravagant fortunes of the second marriage.
Flamingoes in the Yucatan, mejico |
LifeMate-2 [if any] =
Conditions of the second marriage are often framed by narratives of bhava-9, such as global interpretive paradigms, theory, first principles, expansive worldview, higher understanding, sangha of believers, faith communities, sacred teaching, fortune and patronage. Spouse-2 may be philosophical, outward-looking, patronizing, principled, humanitarian 2nd-from-Chandra = fortunate-9 = 5th-from-5 ++ 11th-from-11 when the dharmesha occupies a gainful angle from dharmasthana, considerable material profit is possible through the higher understandings [9] or the father [9] of lifepartner-2. EXAMPLE Harmonices Mundi 1571-1630 Johannes Kepler [visionary-imaginative Kṛttikā-4] [mūlatrikoṇa]
EXAMPLE [financial-oratorical Magha-2] [nīcha-Chitra-Shukra-yuti-Shani-Hasta] POTUS-14 Bleeding Kansas 1804-1869 Franklin Pierce
EXAMPLE Newspapers 1863-1951 plutocrat William Randolph Hearst [secretive-disguising Pūrvaphalgunī-4]
EXAMPLE - 2nd-from-Chandra = Mesha-9 Steppenwolf 1877-1962 anti-Nazi Hermann Hesse [defensive-protective Pūrvābhādra-4] [8, identity-change, emotional volatility, initiation]
EXAMPLE Apple Computer 1955-2011 Steve Jobs [Chandra-Meena] -- [Chandra - Andromeda]
At a simple level, the second life-partner resembles the father-figure. The specific characteristics of the patronage emerge from graha in bhava-9. EXAMPLE [Chandra-Karkata] -- [Chandra in Aśleṣa - Naga] -- [Chandra in classroom-8] Lipstick 1954-1996 drama-model Margaux Hemingway [optimistic-doctrinal Aśleṣa-1] [8, shocking changes]
EXAMPLE [Chandra-Makara-Draco + [Dhaniṣṭha-Somana-yuti-Shukra-Vaishva] [Dhaniṣṭha-Somana-yuti-Ketu-Vaishva] [Shani-Kanya] -- [Shani in bhava-4] [Chitra-Shani-yuti-Mangala-Aryaman] Oops 1981- music-merchandise Britney Spears [helping-complaining Dhaniṣṭha-2]
The second life-partner may be emotionally apprehended as an agent of religious, philosophical, or theoretical teachings, fortune through wisdom, and connection to the university or temple world. Generally, the 2nd spouse and the first family are mutually ill-disposed because kuṭumba-2 = 6th-from-9th Potential for harmonious exceptions, such as when the dhanahapathi occupies 9. Traits of bhava-9 mate include celebrity, high creativity, grandchildren, higher entertainments, and the greatest fortune of true teachings. However, as always, much depends on graha in 9. EXAMPLE [Chandra-Karkata] -- [Chandra in Aśleṣa - Naga] -- [Chandra in classroom-8] -- [Chandra-yuti-Mangala-nīcha ] ++ + [Rahu-Singha] -- [Rahu in bhava-9] Silly Love Songs 1942- Beatle Paul McCartney
In a husbandly nativity, second lifepartner may serve as the guiding, creative, dramatic Muse. EXAMPLE
Emotionally philosophical and paternalistic life-mate-2 The second life-partner may be an ideologue, preacher or professor. Mate-2 may travel extensively, giving lectures; while Chandra-8 = a pragmatic native, concerned more with day-to-day routines. EXAMPLE
In addition to serving as a Muse, the second lifemate is usually doctrinally oriented and typically, afollower of some specific dogma. EXAMPLE
Seventh from Chandra = 9th-from-lagna = generally an auspicious situation for marriage to a philosopher, indoctrination, father-figure, or muse, presuming bhava-9 is well-disposed. For Chandra-8, whatever occurs in bhava-9 may be mirrored by both the father and the second Mate . EXAMPLE
Transition from LifeMate-1 to life-mate-2 The first life-mate is represented by the banking, values-collecting environment of bhava-2. The first life-mate has acquisitive, historical, linguistic, story-telling traits which may anchor marriage-1 into an ongoing state of conservation of resources and preservation of traditions. bhava-7 = 8th-from-12th. Emotionally Therefore, the second marriage indicates a significant upheaval and forced identity change [8] away from the privacy, seclusion, and sanctuary of marriage-1 and toward a new focus upon negotiation, bargaining deal-making, arrangement, and interpersonal trust . Depending on the presence or absence of graha in bhava-7, the second life-partnership may be vigorously arbitrating [for example, mangala-7] . If bhava-7 is unoccupied, the second life-partnership may be more quiet in its expression. Yet marriage-2 is clearly distinguished by the increase in interpersonal engagement and ability to reach agreement. Psychic precursors Second life-partnership may be emotionally triggered and sustained by deep memories of 2nd-from-8th. The psychically anticipated environment of bhava-9 for the second life-partnership includes agency of bhava-9
LifeMate-3 [if any] = bhava-4 Vrischika
caretakers, householders, citizens, parishioners, shelter, protection, parenting, defense, familiar rhythms, routines, ruts, cultural roots When indicated by other multiple-alliance predictors, when the marriage sequence advances to bhava-4, the union may serve as the retirement marriage . The third life-partner may be emotionally apprehended as an agent of parenting, householding, sheltering, schooling, ethnic roots, familiar rhythms, and cultural foundations for the native .
Even if there are elements of polarizing catalysis in this generally stable union, it may be difficult to exit this arrangement. Local home roots tend to bind the couple into the habitual, predictable routines of bandhu bhava. The third spouse [if any] forms the very foundation of the household, and is respected *within* the home [not necessarily in the broader society] due to the dignity attending to 4 = 10th-from-7th. Security, familiarity, customary household rhythms, routine, established habits. Unless there is disruption in bhava-4, alliance-3 is well-suited to become the Retirement Marriage. EXAMPLE - 9th-from-Chandra = Vrischika-4 [retirement marriage] Steppenwolf 1877-1962 anti-Nazi Hermann Hesse [defensive-protective Pūrvābhādra-4] [8, identity-change, emotional volatility, initiation]
Presuming a well-placed bandesha and stable graha in bhava-4, the lifepartnership-3 = comforting, soothing, un-challenging final resting place. EXAMPLE - a stable Guru bandesha-lagnesha in 4th-from-4 = [Surya-yuti-Guru]-7
Naturally, bhava-4 must be well-disposed for the positive auspice to yield material fruits. If bhava-4 is polarizing catalysis , so may be the outcome of marriage-3. One's own mother may become a root-binding agent.
For the native with Chandra-8, graha in bhava-4 are determinative of the conditions of marriage-3. Characteristics of bhava-4 = mirrored by both the mother and the second Mate . |
LifeMate-4 [if any] = bhava-11 Mithuna
the defensive, culturally-rooted, seasonal-calendar, routinized, patriotic, ethno-nationalistic, comfort-seeking, home-loving, foundational, property-owning [4th-from-Chandra] The emotionally anchored 4th-alliance = optimized for comfort, routine, security, nourishment, farming, protection, patriotism, schooling, and observance of the rhythmic seasonal calendar Much depends upon the characteristics of any graha located in [4th-from-Chandra] Lifemate-4 may be friendly, community-oriented, socializing, earnings-focused, systematic Conditions of the fourth marriage are often framed by narratives of bhava-11 such as economic authority, social networking, voluntary associations, wages and revenues, wealth distribution linkage, and friendship. The fourth life-partner [if any] may be emotionally apprehended as an agent of Goal Achievement and Profitable Gains for the native . The marriage is emotionally based in creative friendship working toward shared goals , due to the goal-oriented qualities of bhava-11 = 5th-from-7th-from-lagna.
LifeMate-5 [if any]
= bhava-6
When a fifth lifepartner is indicated, Chandra in bhava-8 tends be be matched with a fifth spouse whose behavior patterns = military, medical, criminal, aiding, or ministry-of-service. Lifepartner-5 often develops a bhava-6 behavioral profile of ailing, exploited, mistreated, accused, unfair, or toxic conditions. However, bhava-6 being a serve-or-suffer vortex, the 6-mapped-lifepartner may also choose a helping role which contacts the 6-environment in a socially honored way, such as physician, naurse, social-worker, pharmacist, military officer, health-care provider, criminal-justice worker, jail-keeper, criminal attorney. Even when spouse-5 demonstrates a distinguished pattern of helping others, nevertheless circumstances of the ministry are adversarial and dealing with the victim narrative [story of being eaten] can be draining. it is reasonable to expect that spouse-5 would in the context of profound service also express traits that are adversarial, ill, conflicted, medicated, criminal, toxic, enslaved, disagreeable - the hallmark of 6 - dissatisfied. Higher consciousness options may feature the spouse-partner's dedication to a ministry of service on behalf of the suffering. Specific nature of the service may be known via the rashi of 6, naakshatra of 6, and any graha in 6 . For Chandra-8 nativities, the fifth marriage [if any] is often beset by disagreement and accusation. In the case of Henry-8, the level of disharmony is greatly exacerbated by onset of his Chandra-Surya chidra-dasha, which concluded his extremely volatile mahadasha of Chandra-8 and activated his highly self-important and entitled lagnesha Surya which activates 6th-from-Chandra . |
LifeMate-6 =
bhava-1 identity
For Chandra-8 nativities, the sixth marriage [if any] is often deeply aligned to the true personality and identity of the native. This factor predicts a mutually supportive and generally harmonious marriage. However emotionally, there is plenty of stress because the personality has always been under siege from the reality that the indriya-lagna is also the [6th-from-Chandra] , which connotes health disorders and other emotionally-based imbalances of the fleshbody-identity. EXAMPLE
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file update = 15-Feb-2025
Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotishavidya Vedic Astrology Surya Sun Chandra Moon Mangala Mars Budha Mercury Guru Jupiter Shukra Venus Shani Saturn Rahu Ketu Graha Planets Dasha Timeline Calendar Nakshatra Navamsha Marriage Children Treasury Career Spiritual Wisdom Cycles of re-Death and re-Birth The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies! |
May all beings venerate life as a state of deep spiritual intimacy. |
" Love is always patient and kind; it is never jealous; love is never boastful or conceited; it is never rude or selfish; it does not take offense, and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people's sins but delights in the truth; it is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes. Love does not come to an end." ~~ 1st Epistle to the Corinthians 13: 4-8 [Jerusalem Bible] |
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