Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala
AUM som somaya namah AUM hreem shreem chandraya namah 4th-from-Chandra emotional security maternal grandmother reflective glow of protection and shelter secondary wave of nurturing shelter
Rhododendron Oregon spring-2017 Bridget |
experienced within the environments of
4-cultural foundations, life-basis, household, caretaking, schooling, parenting, patriotism, protection, agriculture, place of settlement, belonging, anchoring, mother warden, guardian, steward 4-household, owned property, ethnicity, ethnoreligion, routines, habits, folkways, patriotism, defense of the land, way-of-life [patriotism, nationalism, settlement] 4-homeland, real-estate, agricultural fields, ethnic routines, ancestral rhythms, ancient worship, defense, boundaries, parenting, protections, security 4-patriotism, localism, household routines, cultural foundations, schooling, ethnicity, ethnoreligion, ancestry, territorial defense, environmentalism, security, protection, housing, farming, roots in the land protective, caretaking, nourishing, habitual, ritualized |
Emotional cooperation Vimshottari period of the ruler of 4th-from-Chandra is likely to contain a narrative of parenting, shelter, security, schooling, and foundational cultural rhythms. The nature of the expectations is emotionalized and needy. If there are graha in occupation of 4th-from-Chandra, or the ruler of 4th-from-Chandra = exceptionally empowered, the situation can become much more emotionally grounded. psycho-emotional relationship based on ancient memory of
4th-from-Chandra = indriya lagna [bodily baseline] kalpasthāna-1 domestic, customary, habitual, protected, agricultural, routinized, familiar, parenting, schoolteaching, policing rules 4 household, agriculture, cultural foundations, habitual worship, schoolteaching, policing, parenting, stablity, fencing, land stewardship, ritualization, folkways, ancestors, ethno-nationalism, boundaries 4-real-estate, education, cultural foundations, ethno-national rhythms, cultural custoam Nativities with Chandra-in-10
Finds rhythmic grounding and comfort via Real-estate, vehicles, property boundaries 4th-from-Chandra = indriya lagna [indriya-lagna] A natural public-facing environmentalist, who is personally identified with the Foundations of Life Natural affinity for houses, buildings, farms, fishing, shelters, ports, boats, vehicles, pathways, environmentalism, localism
4th-from-[Chandra in classroom-3] = Urisha-rogasthana = controversial use of real-property estate, legal indictment
Check conditions in bhava-4 = 4th-from-4th-from-Chandra - to confirm the intensity of the affinity for properties
4th-from-Chandra-Makara-Draco = innovative Mesha-8 sudden changes to slave-based agriculture
4th-from-[Chandra in classroom-5] = 8. seems mysteriously inscrutable, pernicious, threatening, or suddenly transformative, initiating, explosive
Familiar, soothing, protective comfort from individual identity grounded into a place of settlement through The earthen body and its appearance. Identified with the land, the settlements, farming and gardens, ethno-national narratives, the foundational culture, with schooling, property ownership-stewardship , environmentalism, study of Earth
Professional [10] identity of schoolteaching, boundary policing, foundational stabilizing, patriotism, parenting [4th] .
One's material identity [kalpa] may feel deeply anchored in the place of settlement. Chandra-10 accepts public responsibility for the maintenance and protection of the lands and their interior or surrounding waters. Often a parental, sheltering figure well-known and familiar within the local setting and distinguished by leadership in matters of fishing, farming, housing, schooling, boating, transport, or environmentalism. May also be concerned with matters of burial [especially watery burial] or resources under the ground. Graha in 1, graha-drishti into 1, ruler of 1, and other factors related to 1 influence the outcome. Whatever the additional coloring influences, 4th-from-Chandra usually signifies an an an ancient [but not always conscious] familiarity matched to the mother's mother and her roots. Often the maternal grandmother would have practiced the physical work of farming, fishing, and householding; these practices are thus ancestrally familiar to the native. |
4th-from-Chandra = dhanabhava-2 Familiar, soothing, protective comfort from banking and savings, collecting and preserving food, environmental conservation, animal herds, genetics and genealogy, and historical lineage knowledge Finds rhythmic grounding and comfort via language, stories, singing, lyrics, music One may feel that environments associated with 2 are comfortable, familiar, and well established. Bhava-2 represents the family historical knowledge as transmitted via genetic lineage along with its languages, songs, and values. The behaviors of bhava-2 are of a collecting, gathering, conserving, recording, hoarding, warehousing, storage, preservationist nature. Graha in 2, graha-drishti into 2, ruler of 2, and other factors related to 2 may influence the outcome. Whatever the additional coloring influences, 4th-from-Chandra usually signifies an an ancient [but not always conscious] familiarity matched to the mother's mother and her roots. Often the maternal grandmother would have practiced financial banking, lineage conservation via genetic breeding, speech, or song; or other methods of preservation and conservation; these practices are thus ancestrally familiar to the native. |
4th-from-Chandra = sahajabhava-3
Familiar, soothing, protective comfort from daily communication, sales and commerce, publication and announcement, siblings and neighbors One may feel that environments associated with 3 are comfortable, familiar, and well established. Bhava-3 represents the immediate vicinity and all of its interactive communicative mentality, including siblings-cousins-cohort, the workmates, daily reports and announcements, "the news", the neighborhood and its goings-on, business administration and handcraft, along with writings and publication of messages. Graha in 3, graha-drishti into 3, ruler of 3, and other factors related to 3 may influence the outcome. Whatever the additional coloring influences, 4th-from-Chandra usually signifies an an ancient [but not always conscious] familiarity matched to the mother's mother and her roots. Often the maternal grandmother would have practiced messaging, reporting, handcraft, or commerce; these practices are thus ancestrally familiar to the native. |
4th-from-Chandra = bandhubhava-4 [Chandra in classroom-1] * comfortable embodiment * familiar with innovation * needs direct action
Familiar, soothing, protective comfort from safety, policing, and defense, from property ownership-stewardship , vehicles, farming, fishing, and management of the lands and seas. One may feel that environments associated with 4 are comfortable, familiar, and well established. Bhava-4 represents the safety and security of the daily rhythms and routines. Its environments include the predictable features of the place of settlement, including homes and buildings, schools and houses of worship, roads and means of transport, boats and ports, farms and fisheries. Graha in 4, graha-drishti into 4, ruler of 4, and other factors related to 4 may influence the outcome. Whatever the additional coloring influences, 4th-from-Chandra usually signifies an an ancient [but not always conscious] familiarity matched to the mother's mother and her roots. Often the maternal grandmother would have practiced homemaking, schoolteaching, farming or gardening. The actions which serve to protect a way of life are thus ancestrally familiar to the native.
PARENTING STYLE 4th-from-Chandra-1 = bandhusthana. One's own approach to parenting [4] likely would replicate the parenting behaviors of one's own mother, or of the parents as a team. EXAMPLE Out on a Limb 1934- drama-esoterica Shirley MacLaine 4th-from-Chandra = unoccupied; however bandesha Kuja = [uchcha-Aśvini-Surya-yuti-Kuja-Aśvini] resides in 6th-from-4, and uchcha-Surya = greatly empowered. SM prioritized her entertainment career, just as SM's abusive, jazz-musician and college-teacher father [9] had done during SM's childhood.
4th-from-Chandra = vidyasthāna-5 Familiar, soothing, protective comfort from unique, attention-getting, creative, center-stage, charismatic, political, artistic brilliance.
One may feel that environments associated with 5 are comfortable, familiar, and well established. Bhava-5 represents the world of fashion, romantic idealism, children, drama, games, egocentricity, brilliance, intellect, individual uniqueness, and celebrity. Its environments include the political campaign, the theatrical stage, and the literary-artistic celebration of creative arts. Graha in 5, graha-drishti into 5, ruler of 5, and other factors related to bhava-5 may influence the outcome. Whatever the additional coloring influences, the defensive, culturally-rooted, seasonal-calendar, routinized, patriotic, ethno-nationalistic, comfort-seeking, home-loving, foundational, property-owning 4th-from-Chandra usually signifies an an ancient [but not always conscious] familiarity matched to the mother's mother and her roots. Often the maternal grandmother would have practiced royal charisma, romantic idealism, gaming, creative engagement with children, dramatic arts, or political power. The actions which serve to celebrate individual creativity are thus ancestrally familiar to the native. Check conditions in bhava-5 and also conditions in bhava-8 = 4th-from-4th-from-Chandra - to confirm the depth of comfort with political, theatrical, speculative, entitled, boasting, and flamboyant environments.
the defensive, culturally-rooted, seasonal-calendar, routinized, patriotic, ethno-nationalistic, comfort-seeking, home-loving, foundational, property-owning 4th-from-Chandra = rogasthāna-6 [Chandra in classroom-3] comfortable with cohort * familiar with messaging * needs to communicate
Familiar, soothing, protective comfort from caring for those in need, and from ministries of remediation such as medicine or military service. One may feel that environments associated with 6 are comfortable, familiar, and well established. Bhava-6 represents the world of conflicts-seeking-a-remedy. Its environments features disagreement, betrayal, disease and medicines, criminals and crimes, accusations, war, litigation, pollution, toxicity, exploitation, poverty, and addiction. Ministers of service to the unfortunate, such as social workers, physicians, pharmacists, and military officers, are found in bhava-6.
Graha in 6, graha-drishti into 6, ruler of 6, and other factors related to 6 may influence the outcome. Whatever the additional coloring influences, 4th-from-Chandra usually signifies an an ancient [but not always conscious] familiarity matched to the mother's mother and her roots. Often the maternal grandmother would have practiced nursing, social services, or medicine-making; or she may have been suffering and in need of these helping services. The environment of compassionate care for the ailing is thus ancestrally familiar to the native. |
[Chandra in classroom-4] -- [dikbala] 4th-from-Chandra = jayadaya-7 Familiar, soothing, protective comfort from contracts, relationships, agreements, trusts and treaties. One may feel that environments associated with 7 are comfortable, familiar, and well established. Bhava-7 represents the world of contractual relationships, terms of agreement, negotiation, diplomacy, bargaining, match-making, lawful judgments, and arbitration toward settlement. Its environments include the law-court and the marriage ceremony. Graha in 7, graha-drishti into 7, ruler of 7, and other factors related to 7 may influence the outcome. Whatever the additional coloring influences, the defensive, culturally-rooted, seasonal-calendar, routinized, patriotic, ethno-nationalistic, comfort-seeking, home-loving, foundational, property-owning 4th-from-Chandra usually signifies an an ancient [but not always conscious] familiarity matched to the mother's mother and her roots. Often the maternal grandmother would have practiced match-making, deal-arranging, or bargaining. The actions which serve to settle conflicts and make arrangements are thus ancestrally familiar to the native. |
Chandra in
the defensive, culturally-rooted, seasonal-calendar, routinized, patriotic, ethno-nationalistic, comfort-seeking, home-loving, foundational, property-owning 4th-from-Chandra = randhrasthāna-8
Familiar, soothing, protective comfort from secret knowledge, healing discovery, and unexpected transformative change. One may feel that environments associated with 8 are comfortable, familiar, and well established. Bhava-8 represents sudden upheaval, profound psychological change, arising of new identities, cataclysm, emergency, disaster, renewal, rejuvenation, rebirth, the birth-family of the lifemate, and reserves of hidden treasure. Although the comforts of bhava-8 are prone to unexpected movement, nevertheless one feels grounded and established in areas such as medical surgery, psychological plumbing of secrets, emergency response, and tantric pursuits. Graha in 8, graha-drishti into 8, ruler of 8, and other factors related to 8 influence the outcome. Whatever the additional coloring influences, 4th-from-Chandra usually signifies an ancient [not always conscious] familiarity matched to the mother's mother and her roots. Often the maternal grandmother would have practiced childbirth support, surgery, rejuvenating arts. Transformative initiations, or secret empowerments. Actions which penetrate the veil of unknowing and reveal hidden truths are thus ancestrally familiar to the native. Mangala may indicate aggression in the childhood home |
the defensive,
patriotic, ethno-nationalistic,
comfort-seeking, home-loving,
4th-from-Chandra = dharmasthāna-9
Familiar, soothing, protective comfort from global humanism, charitable patronage, philosophical wisdom, and theoretical perspectives One may feel that environments associated with 9 are comfortable, familiar, and well established. Bhava-9 represents the globalism, patronage, father-figures such as professor, pope, patriarch, and guru, along with world travel, galactic priesthood, university culture and doctrines of belief. Preachers, proselytes, presbyters, and prognosticators are found in the dharmasthāna. Graha in 9, graha-drishti into 9, ruler of 9, and other factors related to 9 may influence the outcome. Whatever the additional coloring influences, the defensive, culturally-rooted, seasonal-calendar, routinized, patriotic, ethno-nationalistic, comfort-seeking, home-loving, foundational, property-owning 4th-from-Chandra usually signifies an an ancient [but not always conscious] familiarity matched to the mother's mother and her roots. Often the maternal grandmother would have practiced global travel, theoretical or philosophical teaching, or sacred doctrine. Actions which profess, theorize, philosophize, and globalize are thus ancestrally familiar to the native. Security
4th-from-Chandra = karmadaya-10 Familiar, soothing, protective comfort from leadership duties, public responsibility and high-visibility familiar-face roles. One may feel that environments associated with 10 are comfortable, familiar, and well established. Bhava-10 represents the world of decision-making and leadership of hierarchies. Its environments include governance organizations, corporate directorship, and other settings which function to maintain the social order from a legislative or executive platform. Graha in 10, graha-drishti into 10, ruler of 10, and other factors related to 10 may influence the outcome. Whatever the additional coloring influences, 4th-from-Chandra usually signifies an an ancient [but not always conscious] familiarity matched to the mother's mother and her roots. Often the maternal grandmother would have practiced holding iconic or symbolic roles, making decisions which affected those in her downstream, and caring for others in a lawful, system-maintaining fashion. The environment of social or professional leadership is thus ancestrally familiar to the native. |
4th-from-Chandra = vriddhibhava-11
Familiar, soothing, protective comfort from friendly, gainful, voluntary but lawful association.
One may feel that environments associated with 11 = comfortable, familiar, and well established. Bhava-11 represents the world of social and economic networks, as well as electronic-device + scientific-conceptual thought networks. Its environments include economies, ecologies, friendship networks, and egalitarian communities of all kinds. Graha in 11, graha-drishti into 11, ruler of 11, and other factors related to 11 may influence the outcome. Yet , whatever the additional coloring influences, 4th-from-Chandra usually signifies an an ancient [but not always conscious] familiarity matched to the mother's mother and her roots. Often the maternal grandmother would have practiced social connectivity, serving as an economic link and interknitting agent. The environment of material-social gainfulness and community linkage is thus ancestrally familiar to the native. |
4th-from-Chandra = vyayasthāna-12
Familiar, soothing, protective comfort from privacy, sacred enclosure, imagination, distant worlds, and dreams. One may feel that environments associated with 12 are comfortable, familiar, and well established. Bhava-12 represents the invisible and imaginary worlds of the ancestor guides who provide inspiration and direction from disembodied states. Its environments include the bedroom, the meditation hall, the monastic cloister, walled enclosures, prisons, camps, and worlds unseen. Graha in 12, graha-drishti into 12, ruler of 12, and other factors related to 12 may influence the outcome. Whatever the additional coloring influences, 4th-from-Chandra usually signifies an an ancient [but not always conscious] familiarity matched to the mother's mother and her roots. Often the maternal grandmother would have practiced dreamwork, hospice care, or imaginative arts. Environments of intuitive guidance and private prayer are thus ancestrally familiar to the native. |
Planetary yoga measured from 4th-from-Chandra
Gaja-kesari Yoga
QUOTATION from B.V. Raman, three Hundred Important Combinations. " Definition. If Jupiter is in a kendra from the Moon the combination goes under the name Gaja
Remarks. Here as well as elsewhere, great difference in the enjoyment of results should be pronounced. The original writers say that the person born in this yoga will build villages and towns. A literal interpretation of the results leads one nowhere. They have to be adapted to suit modern conditions and climes. One born in this yoga may become a member of Municipality and engineer or if the yoga is really powerful, amayor. The results ascribed to a yoga are subject to qualification or modification according as the yoga-karakas are strong or weak. There are magistrates from the village to the district with different powers. From a builder of a small shrine or choultry to the builder of a large and rich temple there is much difference. Combinations are given but the results of the same conjunction will vary with the strength of the planets, bhavas and the constellations." [end quote] |
pitrikaraka Surya resides in 4th from Chandra EXAMPLE Cleopatra 1932-2011 AIDS activist Elizabeth Taylor [Varuna-Budha-yuti-Surya-Varuna] [Varuna-Kuja-yuti-Budha-Varuna] [7, contracts, alliances] Best Is Yet to Come 1949-2022 designer Ivana Zelnickova Trump [Surya-yuti-Kuja] [5, celebrity] Calif-Gov-pair 1955- broadcast journalist Maria O. Shriver + ] uchcha-Shani-yuti-Budha] 1] *** POTUS-14 Bleeding Kansas 1804-1869 Franklin Pierce [bargaining-equalizing Anuradha-3] [navamsha Surya-Tula-nīcha ] [Anuradha-Surya-yuti-Budha-Anuradha] Russ 1870-1924 Bolshevik Vladimir Ulyanov Lenin [uchcha-Surya] + [Budha-yuti-Mangala] [9, ideology] UK-PM Finest Hour 1874-1965 Winston Churchill [Shukra-yuti-Surya] Steppenwolf 1877-1962 anti-Nazi Hermann Hesse [fantasizing-conceptual Arudra-4] ++ [Surya-11-Mithuna father book publisher] USA-Sen-Utah 1947- finance Mitt Romney + [Mangala-yuti-Budha] Kumbha 5-politics-economics] India-PM 1889-1964 Toward Freedom Jawaharlal Nehru + [nīcha-Viśākha -Surya-yuti-Budha-Svati] [nīcha-Viśākha -Surya-yuti-Shukra-Svati] [11, community interconnections] Genesis 1951- songwriter drummer Phil Collins [Surya-12, Vimala Yoga] Purple Rain 1958-2016 guitarist Prince [Rohiṇī-Surya-yuti-Budha-Rohiṇī] 3-songwriting, tours, commerce] POTUS-44 Audacity of Hope 1961- Barack H. Obama [Budha-yuti-Surya] maternal grandparents functioned as the primary parents |
Maternal grandparents, especially the maternal grandmother. Mother's childhood home. Surya occupies the foundational, folk-roots, home-based the patriotic, nationalistic, comfort-seeking, home-loving, foundational, property-owning 4th-from-Chandra. The father follows his folkways ethnic customary culture [4] The father [Surya] however easy or difficult may be his personality, nevertheless confers a rooted place of belonging [4th] in the local society. One is recognized within the family via the father's role.
Mangala resides in 4th from Chandra
Maternal grandparents, especially the maternal grandmother. Mother's childhood home. Often tumultuous conditions in the family home. Frequent house shifts due to parents' pursuits, and much male energy in the home, which can signify many brothers, uncles, soldiers, or male students in the home shelter. Pioneering, innovative energy from Mangala which may motivate one to create positive change via competitive effort.
Budha resides in 4th-from-Chandra
Maternal grandparents, especially the maternal grandmother. Mother's childhood home. Emotionally motivated communications. The high-repetition communications patterns are oriented to homeland, roots, security, protection, habitual patterns of life, predictable rhythms of the natural seasons, parenting, agriculture, cultural foundations of a settled people. When Budha joins with other graha, the agenda of those graha may strongly influence Budha's messaging modalities.
[Guru] resides in 4th from Chandra
Maternal grandparents, especially the maternal grandmother. Mother's childhood home. Many safeguards surround the dwelling, such as moats, fences, walls, defensive devices Multiple homes, buildings, schools, and vehicles
Example - bhava-3 product marketing, audience, technical customers EXAMPLE earnings-11 = 4th-from-Chandra education, loyal base EXAMPLE Apple Computer 1955-2011 Steve Jobs [Puna-Guru-yuti-Ketu-Mūla ] 11 marketplace revenues, connectivities]
from the perspective of a wifely-companion Guru in 4th-from Chandra = 4th-from characteristics in the emotional relationship to the first husband From the perspective of a wifely nativity: Husband's behavior is stable and grounded in the home and homeland. The husband-1 provides essential emotional security for the wifely figure.
Shukra resides in 4th from Chandra
Maternal grandparents, especially the maternal grandmother. Mother's childhood home. Shukra occupies the foundational, folk-roots, home-based the patriotic, nationalistic, comfort-seeking, home-loving, foundational, property-owning 4th-from-Chandra. Aesthetic enjoyment, pleasure from engagement with the comfortable, secure, familiar ethnic customs of one's folk. Emphasis on gracious grounding, agreements and contracts that provide secure foundations, patriotism, ethnonationalism, pleasantly rhythmic cultic routines.
From the perspective of the Husband Shukra in 4th-from Chandra provides 4th-from characteristics in the emotional relationship to the wife[s] . The wife needs a domestic, patriotic, traditional home role. Such a man remains attached to his mother and may not need a wife if his mother is a strong presence in his life. The marriage provides less public glamour, more personal security. Delights in beautiful, potentially luxurious, owned-stewarded properties, plantations, farms, schools, dwellings, buildings and shelters of all kinds, vehicles, carriages, ships Schooling The foundational schooling environment is dominated by sisterly, feminine-figures. Typically, the mother is shares the values [Shukra] of the schoolteachers and guardians of the local culture. Parents [Chandra] enjoy harmonious agreement with the schoolteachers, so that there is little or no disagreement between the parents [Chandra] and the schoolteachers. Home Typically, the mother Chandra-matrikaraka is raised in a sensually comfortable, even luxurious home
Although the social-material determiners of house and home are more Typically, the bandesha-4 and graha occupying bhava-4, shukra in the defensive, culturally-rooted, seasonal-calendar, routinized, patriotic, ethno-nationalistic, comfort-seeking, home-loving, foundational, property-owning 4th-from-Chandra may signify a gracious home, apleasant home, or a sweet influence from the mother's mother. Owned massive slave-driven plantations
Shani resides in 4th from Chandra
Maternal grandparents, especially the maternal grandmother. Mother's childhood home. Professor Chandra accepts Shani's strong 10th-angle graha-drishti imposing a lifetime of emotional discipline. Sentimentally, habitually lawful-and-customaryin matters of schooling, property-ownership, farming, waters, marine life, pathways of transport, fencing and defense of the land, ethnicity, ethnoreligion, security, sense of place, belonging, roots. The mother and also maternal grandmother may be the task-master type. Security and belongingness [4] must be earned by work.
Beholden to the Parents, patriots, Land-owners, farmers and School-Teachers patriotic citizen dedicated to order in the land, but home life must be strictly regulated Easier because public-private tension is explicit , socially recognized home duties in in direct conflict with socially responsible leadership roles.
Effects are similar to the 1/1 angle, where Shani's pragmatic seriousness applies discipline, restraint and control to Chandra's emotional easy comforts. 4-5 Yogakaraka from Chandra-Tula disciplined success in demanding child-star work
Maternal grandmother becomes a lawful task-master. Such a child often resists the protocols of customary morality and schooling. Maternal grandmother applies emotional pressure upon the child to produce good behavior; Shani-4th-from-Chandra may develop good child-bad child [good cop, bad cop] syndrome. either by their presence or by their absence, Conditions in the Mother's Childhood Home and Homeland especiallythe Maternal grandmother become the primary instructional agents in the pre-incarnationally planned struggle to transform emotional ignorance into emotional wisdom. Responsibility to protect the homeland, its boundaries, its folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms, and its culture. May be constrained by the folk morality of the settlement. from the perspective of the wifely-companion: Professor Shani in 4th-from Chandra = 4th-from characteristics in the emotional relationship to the second husband
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RAHU resides in 4th-from-Chandra
Maternal grandparents, especially the maternal grandmother. Mother's childhood home. Sudden and dramatic emotional changes caused by eruption of ambitious or privilege-seeking desires emanating from the mother, the maternal grandmother and the early childhood home.
Volatility in one's emotional relationship to one's homeland. Profound instability in the childhood home, usually due to a mixing of cultures in the home, or multiple marriages of the mother, or frequent house moves. Patriotic feelings [4] toward the land of one's birth [4] may be influenced by the perception of greater or lesser opportunity which may be gained from a display of nationalism. Issues of ethno-racial boundaries and social-class barriers [4] may provide opportunity that Rahu seeks. Feelings about the mother's folk and their settlements [the defensive, culturally-rooted, seasonal-calendar, routinized, patriotic, ethno-nationalistic, comfort-seeking, home-loving, foundational, property-owning 4th-from-Chandra] may run hot and cold. Mother may have an unusual lifestyle [4] or the mother's mother shows high ambition.
Tendency to disturb one's own emotional security through frequent house moves and norm-challenging behavior within the home. Sudden and dramatic emotional changes causes by eruption of surreptitious, self-elevating desires in the maternal grandmother which express within the mother's home culture. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 may become an agent of social-emotional disruption for others, as entrancing Professor Rahu in bhava-4 expresses barrier-bending, taboo-twisting behaviors in one's patriotic actions and home-based settings. Considerable emotional detachment from issues of public prestige or approval [since Ketu will be in 10th-from-Chandra] yet Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 may serve at a very high level of organizational leadership and be helped by the detachment.
Tantra 1931-1990 professor Osho Rajneesh legendary fleet of Rolls-Royce cars and private jets [to right, see] private jets of the guru Rajneesh parked at the property of the congregation in Oregon, 1982. OSHO's Rahu in bhava-3 [Uttarabhadra] in 4th-from-Chandra-12 supplied a craving for ostentatious short-term travel [3] . Although considered to be wildly over-reaching [Rahu] by his critics, OSHO's fleet of fuel-intensive private jets allowed him to quickly change itineraries [3] . Provoking the resentment of the neighbors [3] the loud, flashy jets led to criminal tax evasion charges against a supposedly [tax-free] religious organization. Eventually, as with all things Rahu, aspectacular rise was followed by a crushing fall during the chidra-dasha. |
KETU resides in 4th from Chandra
Maternal grandparents, especially the maternal grandmother. Mother's childhood home.
![]() Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha = Shri Swaminarayan Mandir Atlanta Georgia, USa Sixth and largest traditional Hindu stone temple built outside of India [containing no interior metal] . Temple compound measures 3000 square-meters [32K square-feet] Set into a 120K square-meter campus [30 acres] |
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