Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala
AUM som somaya namah AUM hreem shreem chandraya namah Learning Pathway of Relationships Lifepartner
and Qualities 7th-from marriage patterns Comforted by Caretaking The home-based, roots-protecting, school-teaching, parental, parochial, moral Chandra-4 personality tends to seek the companionship of a mate who is socially prominent, responsible, executive, showing leadership, elite, regulating, dutiful, and maintaining the public orderr.
LifeMate-1 (if any) profile = bhava-10 Chandra in bhava-4 = fundamentally a security-seeking person who is deeply rooted in the place of settlement, the land and its bounty.
Chandra-4 finds comfort in the Old Ways, dwellings, the waters, the schools, the gardens, the owned-properties, the vehicles, the natural environment, the seasonal routines of customary life.
The first life-lifepartner for Chandra-4 = socially dignified bhava-10. The lifemate's characteristics, particularly their class-rank, brings forth and fulfills one's own emotional expectations of outcomes for karmabhava-10. Depending on the karmesha, sincere affection toward the spouse may or may not be present.
If the karmesha is helpful in establishing true equity, then the union may be full of loving feelings.
Chandra-4 typically marries a spouse who has a respectable social profile The spouse looks lawful and orderly to the public eye. The marriage primarily shields, stabilizes, defends, and promotes one's public reputation. Typically, the 4-10 environments are divided into separate spheres
The 4-10 spheres are complementary, but they usually do not overlap. Living in separate worlds, the pair can maintain a public facade of respectability without needing much detailed interaction. This couple often maintain respected roles in conventional society. It is a somewhat easier placement for a feminine nativity because Chandra-4 entails a strong emotional focus upon the dwelling and home-rhythms.
Even when Chandra-4 becomes oneself a leader-figure, areliable, consistently supportive, emotionally available Mother-figure may be found at the foundation of life.
Partners of all varieties, such as marital, commercial, and other important allies, typically have high social rank and dignified social position. Barring uncomfortable graha in bhava-10, the marriage-mates enjoy a socially secure and recognized status.
depending on graha in 10, the lifepartner may have a prominent personality and be accustomed to holding authoritative roles.
Spouse-1 may be socially responsible, high-visibility, dignified, recognized Conditions of the first marriage are often framed by narratives of bhava-10, such as social duty, seniority, leadership, and executive authority to make decisions on behalf of those in the lower levels of the hierarchy Spouse may provide the structured support needed for the native to achieve high-visibility rank and position. For a feminine nativity in cultures which offer limited opportunities to women, the wifely-companion may push her masculine lifepartner mightily toward the top ranks of elite governance empowerment, recognition, and privilege [10]
6th-from = constitutional challenges within the union = partnership predisposition toward accusation, disappointment, disagreement, or distrust
If there are misalignments of expectation in this marriage, profile detail regarding the spouse's mental or behavioral imbalances may be garnered from examination of the 6th-from-7th-from-Chandra = [12th-from-Chandra] . For Chandra-4 this distinctively contentious bhava 6th-from-10 = sahaja-bhava-3 representing commerce, siblings, cohort, and communications. Depending on the nature of any graha located in bhava-3, disagreement with in the union may arise on matters such as schoolmates and siblings (especially the immediately next sibling) mentality, modes of messaging, publications, short journeys, and project management.
Mate may be almost invulnerable to shaming-scandal, whether or not misbehavior on the part of the native should occur. Chandra-4 indicates a very stable union as a rule. The key virtue of the spouse is their ability to provide respectability. The value of the marriage is often less about partnership and more about social dignity. The first life-partner is emotionally apprehended as an agent of public decorum, respectability, and social leadership.
Chandra-4 is often deeply involved with maintaining the ethno-cultural foundations of one's own settled people, particularly in areas like farming, schooling, and seasonal rituals. Lifepartner-1 of Chandra-4 has several important social functions, including the facade of public respect and decorum. Often the lifemate holds an elite social position or is otherwise at the peak of a pyramid-shaped social order. However, the dignified social facade may be the primary purpose of the union, as the mate may be less concerned with personal matters. If karmabhava-10 is well-disposed, Lifepartner-1 is or becomes an important person in one's social stratum. Mate provides the broader national or society-wide view. The mate's elite view complements one's own concern with home and farm, local constituency, ethnic roots, and customary cultural routines. It could be said that one born with a need for protection (Chandra-4) essentially marries to obtain a public reputation and respectable facade. If there is no disruption in bhava-10, following the marriage, every success may be expected in obtainment of the sought-after public dignity and respect. Should Chandra be unsettled, attempts to maintain the public facade may be weakened. Lifepartner-1 represents and sustains conformity to the social law and connects the single-ethnicity native to the pluralistic consciousness of the greater civilization. Even if there is polarizing catalysis in this union, it may be quite difficult for Chandra-4 to break the contract, due to critically important function performed by Lifepartner-1 in upholding one's social position. first marriage is emotionally triggered and sustained by deep memories of 7th-from-4th = bhava-10
7th-from-Soma-4 (spouse-1) = karma-sthāna = spouse hails from a background of public leadership and social visibility. Lifemate may display emotional affinity for the world of bureaucracy, legislation, social authority, hierarchical position, rank and register, officials and officialdom, burghers and magistrates; elder, commander, and boss. Spouse derives emotional comfort and validation from maintaining a prominent public profile , high reputation and receiving admiration and respect. Distinguished service is generally more important than home life, and family security needs to be managed by the complementary partner or spouse. Chandra-4 is emotionally inclined toward domesticity and early nurturing skills. So long as the hearth-fires are kept burning , then homeland security will be much advanced by a decision-making, lawful-leadership spouse who brings social honor to the family. |
Additional spousal characteristics derived from the rashi of bhava-10 Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-4 + [Chandra-Mesha]
In addition to the facade of respectability, legitimacy, and public leadership roles of bhava-10, include Shukra-ruled Tula - Vanika traits such as
The spouse often provides a protective veneer of gracious, agreeable pleasantry (Vanika) which shields one's social reputation. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-10 + bhava-4 can significantly influence the outcome.
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-4 + [Chandra-Urisha] [uccha]
In addition to the facade of respectability, legitimacy, and public leadership roles of bhava-10, include Mangala-ruled Vṛścika - Thriketta traits, such as
and a preference for ongoing transformation within relationships - perhaps at the cost of knowledge containment or financial valuation. The native often provides a protective grounding of historical values [Urisha] and financial assets [Urisha] which anchors the spouse's more dangerous reputation for exposure of threats, initiation, re-invigoration, re-start, exploration, discovery, revealed assets [Vṛścika]. Despite their urge toward identity-changing evolutionary movement, the spouse usually maintains a dignified, class-conscious social position. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-10 + bhava-4 can significantly influence the outcome.
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-4 [ + [Chandra-Mithuna]
In addition to the facade of respectability, legitimacy, and public leadership roles of bhava-10, include Dhanus - Haya traits such as
Naturally, graha residing in bhava-10 + bhava-4 can significantly influence the outcome. The spouse often provides a protective veneer of global humanism, philosophical perspective, and doctrinal preaching [Dhanus] which shields one's social reputation. Supplementing the qualities of the union, the unequal, naturally fraught relationship between the Budha-ruled native and the Brihaspati-ruled lifepartner. From busy Budha's perspective, the great benevolent Brihaspati = a sama-graha neutral party. Budha-ruled-Chandra usually feels neutral therefore toward Brihaspati's territories. However, from Guru's perspective, busy-mind Budha is a more-than-annoying shatru-graha enemy. The wide-scope comforts of the Dhanus-defined lifepartner who needs global humanism and a philosophical view may be less compatible with the narrow-scope comforts of the Mithuna native who feels soothed by planning activities, technical details, and office chat. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-10 + bhava-4 can significantly influence the outcome.
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-4 + [Chandra-Karkata]
In addition to the facade of respectability, legitimacy, and public leadership roles of bhava-10, include Shani-ruled Makara - Draco traits such as
"Double-10" Lifepartner-1 = a distinctively mature, often heavily burdened agent of the social order. The spouse often provides a protective veneer of social dignity and lawfulness [Makara] which shields one's social reputation. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-10 + bhava-4 can significantly influence the outcome.
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-4 + [Chandra-Simha]
In addition to the facade of respectability, legitimacy, and public leadership roles of bhava-10, include Kumbha - Ghata traits such as friendliness, orientation to large social assemblies (such as rallies and parties) preference for economic gainfulness within relationships. The spouse often provides a protective veneerof social networking and economic gainfulness [Kumbha] which shields one's social reputation. Often impacted by the natural animosity of Shani-vs-Surya within the marital union, Chandra-Simha prefers bright intelligence, politics, drama, special exceptions, and center-stage roles, However, soberly serious Shani imposes lawful austerity in 10 = governance and social order. Shani wants a regulated system, has little tolerance for exceptions, entitlements, individual foibles, or special bright lights. Chandra-4's lifepartner represented by Surya's arch-enemy Shani = a work functionary identified with executive duties. Surya-ruled Chandra-4 is often the center of attention in the 4-environments such as property ownership, schooling, and cultural routines. This pairing often supports political couples, with the 4-partner entertaining and grounding the home, while the 10-partner performs systematic [Kumbha] executive function. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-10 + bhava-4 can significantly influence the outcome. EXAMPLE
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-4 + [Chandra-Kanya]
In addition to the facade of respectability, legitimacy, and public leadership roles of bhava-10 , include Meena - Antya traits such as
The spouse often provides a protective veneer of quietude, reflective dreaminess, hermitage, or spirituality [Meena] which shields one's social reputation. LifeMate-1 = visionary, imaginative, clairsentient, and seeking seclusion. LifeMate-1 's primary identity is grounded through public appearances and social reputation. Typically, the partner is a respectable person. Often, the purpose of the alliance is to provide a facade of social dignity that supports the native. Kanya-Chandra-4 = engaged in a ministry of service that addresses the problematic conditions of the ethnic peoples and their place of settlement, as well as defense and management of the land. The ministry is approached via the application of craft and technique. This couple can support each other best by a clear division of labor in which the spouse attends to providing a visionary public facade while one engages in technical anchoring and grounding the local environment. Add to the experience, the unequal, naturally fraught relationship between the Budha-ruled native and the Brihaspati-ruled lifepartner. From Budha's perspective, benevolent Brihaspati = a sama-graha neutral party. Kanya-born feels neutral therefore toward the Meena partner. However, from Guru's perspective, busy-mind Budha is a shatru-graha enemy. The wide-scope of the Meena-defined lifepartner seeks comfort in intuitive awareness and a compassionate view. Meena folk may be less compatible with the narrow-scope comforts of the Kanya partner who feels soothed by argumentative details and complaint. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-10 + bhava-4 can significantly influence the outcome by emphasizing narratives of social duty, seniority, leadership, and executive authority to make decisions on behalf of those in the lower levels of the hierarchy . Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-4 + [Chandra-Tula]
In addition to the facade of respectability, legitimacy, and public leadership roles of bhava-10, include Mesha- Arya traits such as independence, inventiveness, impatience, and a preference for action rather than words within relationships. The spouse often provides a protective veneer of physical culture (including physicians),engineering, innovation, or competitive championship (Mesha) which shields one's social reputation. LifeMate-1 = muscularly vital, inventive, competitive, energetic, kinesthetic, pioneering, and seeking championship through engagement with the primal propulsive force. Mesha-10 = often an executive leader with corporate or institutional visibility. Mesha-10's primary identity is grounded through institutional rank and status with incumbent duties and rules. Tula-Chandra-4 = emotional focus on home-based roles that deepen the cultural and patriotic roots. Tula-Chandra graciously beautifies the shelter. Identified with landscaping, gardening, caretaking, parenting, homeland, ancestry, and the place of settlement. This couple often enjoys a traditional division of labor, with one parent entirely home-based + other parent is a public figure. Either role may be enacted by either gender. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-10 + bhava-4 can significantly influence the outcome. EXAMPLE POTUS-04 USA-Constitution 1751-1836 James Madison [collaborative-communicative Viśākha-3] [ātmakāraka] JM married Dolley Payne Madison.
EXAMPLE Public Dignity achieved by Marriage POTUS-33 Trial and Hope 1884-1972 Harry Truman [ideological-optimistic Arcturus-1] + + [Surya-Mesha-10]
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-4 + [Chandra-Vṛścika] [nīcha]
In addition to the facade of respectability, legitimacy, and public leadership roles of bhava-10, include Urisha traits such as artistic sensuality, acquisitiveness, and a preference for luxury within relationships. The Urisha spouse often provides a protective veneer of fine arts, beauty, song, values-conservation, and sensual pleasures (Urisha) which shields the couple's social reputation.
Urisha = sense-pleasuring, collecting, hoarding-and-herding. Bhava-10 = focused upon the maintenance of dignified public position. Urisha-10's primary identity = public authority, symbolic recognition, and respect. Spousal role additionally determined by any graha present in karma-sthāna. The emotional intelligence of Vṛścika-Chandra-4 = primarily focused upon the security of the home and homeland. Ketta-Chandra-4 = often a deeply patriotic personality who is concerned with the defense of folkways and protecting the way of life of those who have settled the land. This couple often shares an interest in public life, with Vṛścika-Chandra-4 securing the local foundations while the Urisha-10 partner undertakes the public presentation. The emotional reality for [nīcha] Chandra-4 may be turbulent. Yet, the Urisha-10 mate can project an honorable public image. Urisha-10 = often a distinguished place-holder who ensures the orderly social status of Vṛścika-Chandra-4's public image. As usual with [nīcha] chandra, it is wise to anticipate some moodiness and discontent arising from Ketta-Chandra's incessant, rhythmically undulating emotional urge toward self-transformation. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-10 + bhava-4 can significantly influence the outcome. EXAMPLE POTUS-38 Time to Heal 1913-2006 Gerald R. Ford [revealing-disguised Maitra-4] [4 routines, stability]
*** EXAMPLE [Chandra in Viśākha - Rādhā] -- [Chandra-Vṛścika] -- [Chandra in classroom-4] Cleopatra 1932-2011 AIDS activist Elizabeth Taylor [rhythmic-caretaking Viśākha-4]
EXAMPLE Zanjeer 1942- drama-politics Amitabh Bachchan [arranging-trading Chitra-3] [vargottamsha] [4, homeland culture]
EXAMPLE Formula One 1980-2013 test driver Maria de Villota [logistical-strategic Anuradha-2] Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-4 + [Chandra-Dhanus]
Budha-ruled amsha may have partnering challenges due to spousal immaturity [adolescent viewpoint] and grievance narrative [complaining]. Check condition of Budha. In addition to the facade of respectability, legitimacy, and public leadership roles of bhava-10, include Mithuna - Dvamdva traits such as
The spouse often provides a protective veneer of conversation, business administration, planning-scheduling, and media-messaging chatter [Mithuna] which shields one's social reputation. Mithuna = a merchant, businessperson, announcer, communicator, administrator, writer, publisher, explainer. Mithuna-10 = identified with iconic, high-profile, social positions. Mithuna-10 takes a management approach toward matters of social authority, executive empowerment, and leadership. The Mithuna Mate also adds a sibling-skill of cooperative verbal expression [Mithuna] into the partnership energy reserves, which eases collaborative discussion and teamwork within the alliance. Dhanus-Chandra = often focused upon matters of theory, belief, or higher understanding, albeit the perspective is emotional not intellectual. A global humanist, chandra-Dhanus needs large scale viewpoint integrated with Somana's routinized, localized, customary sensitivities. As the ruler of bhava-11, chandra-4 identifies with friendship networks, collectivity, and mass participation. Chandra-4 finds comfort in the dwelling, rituals-and-routines, gardens-and-farms, and the old ways of life. Dhanus-Chandra-4 may anchor oneself within a security-seeking protective practice. Mithuna-10's skilled communication regarding authoritative positions may combine with Dhanus-Chandra-4's emotional need for foundational stability. The mate tends to be talkative (Mithuna) + a leader or symbolic figure (10). The union is often focused on the lifepartner's need for social reputation (10) while Chandra-4-Dhanus takes a more nationalistic, domestic, culturally protective role (4). Naturally, graha residing in bhava-10 + bhava-4 can significantly influence the outcome. EXAMPLE
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-4 + [Chandra-Makara-Draco]
In addition to the facade of respectability, legitimacy, and public leadership roles of bhava-10, , include Karkata - Kadaga traits such as
The spouse often provides a protective veneer of parenting, caretaking or sheltering [Old Pathways Karkata] which shields one's social reputation. Karkata = householder, defender, gardener, parent, caretaker, environmentalist, steward of the land. karma-sthāna = social respect, often requiring acts of leadership. Karkata-10 takes a protective approach toward matters of institutional rank and status with incumbent duties and rules. The Karkata Mate also adds a security-and stability orientation [Karkata] into the partnership energy reserves, which eases co-parenting and property ownership-stewardship within the union. Makara-Chandra = often focused upon social rank, lawful order, and hierarchies, albeit the concern with status is emotional not intellectual. Comfortable in roles = elite positions atop ranking pyramids, such as regulator, governor, legalist, law-upholder, order-imposer, director. Chandra-Makara needs dignified social achievement integrated with Somana's soft, routinized, localized, customary sensitivities. As ruler-of-10, candescent Chandra = emotionally attuned to executive leadership with corporate or institutional governance responsibilities. Chandra-4 finds comfort in the dwellings, the schools, the farms, the vehicles, the seasonal routines of customary life. Makara-Chandra-4 may anchor oneself within a security-seeking, home-and-gardens life practice. Karkata-10-partner's habitual orientation to public roles may combine with Makara-Chandra-4's emotional need for culturally anchored routine. Karkata-10 tends to be parentally protective + socially visible and respected. The union is often focused on Karkata-10's need for decision-making authority, while Chandra-5-Makara may take a foundational, stabilizing, domestic role. The couple are often found in conventional two-personal careers. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-10 + bhava-4 can significantly influence the outcome.
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-4 + [Chandra-Kumbha]
Intimate partnerships that operate emotionally on the Simha-Kumbha axis can be intensely oppositional. They must contend with the mutually incompatible shatru-graha agendas =
Due to this pattern-clash, combined with Chandra ruling 6th-from-Chandra, Kumbha-Chandra nativities may experience growth-challenges in the realm of agreements, trusts and treaties, and alliances. In childhood, the Chandra-Kumbha partner may have been expected to display community networking skills, economic pragmatism, and sensitivity to the needs of the group. The Simha partner may have been the adored jewel of their parents' or grandparents' eye (Simha adored) to whom the group served mainly as their audience. In addition to the decisive, professionalized, authoritative, legitimating, and executive behaviors of bhava-10 along with their affinity for high-recognition positions and public leadership roles, include within expectations of the spouse, Simha - Leya emotional traits such as
The spouse (10) often provides a protective veneer of political glamour, celebrity or entertainment sparkle [Simha] which shields Chandra-Kumbha-4's social reputation. It is a splendid pairing for high visibility political marriages which require entertaining and social outreach, particularly when the wifely partner = Kumbha-Chandra. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-10 + bhava-4 can significantly influence the outcome.
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-4 + [Chandra-Meena]
Budha-ruled amsha may have partnering challenges due to spousal immaturity [adolescent viewpoint] and grievance narrative [complaining]. Check condition of Budha. . In addition to the facade of respectability, legitimacy, and public leadership roles of bhava-10, include Kanya - Parthya traits such as
The spouse often provides a protective veneer of humility and service-orientation [Kanya] which shields one's social reputation. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-10 + bhava-4 can significantly influence the outcome.
LifeMate-2 (if any) for Chandra-4 = bhava-5 Conditions of the second marriage are often framed within a narrative of bhava-5, such as politics, drama, applause-seeking, royalty, center-of-attention, radiantly confident performance, adolescence, romantic idealism, uniquely creative expressions, game-playing, and personal brilliance. Spouse-2 = charming, glittering, fashionable, unique, center-stage, celebrity-seeking, entitled, regal. Often this lifepartner has been the center of attention during childhood, and is accustomed to receiving admiration. Life-mate-2 is emotionally apprehended as an agent of politics, creativity, children, genius, individuality, and speculative success.
Life-mate-2 = brings celebrity and entertainments into marriage-2. Life-mate-2 may have some fame-attracting qualities , through literary authorship, politics, or performance arts. Spouse-2 often engaged in entertainment business, politics, financial speculation, gaming, or creative arts. EXAMPLE Wizard of Oz 1922-1969 drama-song Judy Garland [ethno-rhythmic Mūla-4] [Makara-5] [1945 - 1951] [JG age 23]
If the graha in bhava-5 are growth-challenging, fame may turn to infamy.
The second life-mate tends toward expressions of entertainment, literary, dramatic, political, or gaming intelligence, as well as speculative finance and children, and is often a figure in the creative arts. EXAMPLE
Life-mate-2 assists in creative endeavors such as writing and drama, while bringing or raising children and raising the ; intelligence of the union. Naturally subha-graha in 5 can ; improve this prospect while papa-graha in 5 can signal challenges. Transition from LifeMate-1 to Lifemate-2 The first avowed spouse = ; represented by the dignified, publicly responsible, regulatory environment of bhava-10. The first life-mate has lawful leadership traits which may anchor marriage-1 into an ongoing state of public reputation and social respect . bhava-5 = 8th-from-10th. Emotionally Therefore, the second marriage indicates a significant upheaval and forced identity change (8) away from the dignity and reputation of lifepartnership -1 and toward a new focus upon artistic performance, creativity, children, and politics. Depending on the presence or absence of graha in bhava-5, the second life-partnership may be vigorously active in politics, creative performance or entertainments (for example, mangala-5). EXAMPLE POTUS-pair-38 Addiction Recovery 1918-2011 Betty Bloomer Ford [Varuna-Shukra-yuti-Chandra-Pūrvābhādra] + ; [Chandra-4 parivartamsha Shani-9]
If bhava-5 is unoccupied, the second life-partnership may be more quiet in its expression. Yet marriage-2 is clearly distinguished by the increase in creative expression, speculative gamesmanship, romantic idealism, and political theatre. If Shani occupies 2nd-from-Chandra, then qualities of age, experience, maturity, and perhaps rigidity may be expected along with a Shani-style dislike of the limelight. Psychic precursors Second life-partnership may be emotionally triggered and sustained by deep memories of 2nd-from-4. The psychically anticipated environment of bhava-5 for the second life-partnership includes agency of bhava-5
Supplementing the emotional details of 2nd-marriage are the social-material environment defined by radix bhava-2. The native psychically anticipates a romantic, political, self-central 2nd-marriage partner. |
LifeMate-3 (if any) = bhava-12 Life-mate-3 = a privatized personality. Partner-3 may be inaccessible, invisible, retreating, seeking sanctuary, disengaged from physical reality, dissolved, withdrawing, contemplative, head-in-the-clouds. The third spouse may be primarily concerned with affairs occurring in non-material locations such as within the dream world, in the imagination; in a distant land; in a hospital dormitory or other enclosure; or in an esoteric or extraterrestrial world. Spouse-3 may be dreamlike, private, contemplative, clairsentient, imaginative Conditions of the third marriage are often framed by narratives of the dissolution of tangible identity = bhava-12, such as distant lands, spiritual retreat, imprisonment, the bedroom, social invisibility, monasteries, enclosures, research labs, studio-space, private sanctuaries, astral worlds, and sleep. Third lifemate may bear a resemblance to one's father due to 9th-from angle. EXAMPLE Simha-12 ruled by [Surya in bhava-9] [Urisha] Wizard of Oz 1922-1969 drama-song Judy Garland [ethno-rhythmic Mūla-4]
The third life-partner is emotionally apprehended as an agent of invisibility, distance, and dispersion. It may be difficult to establish a sustainable contract, due to the evaporating qualities of 6th-from-7th-from-lagna . Life-Partner-3 may hail from a foreign land or distant culture which causes this partner to see things differently from the native. Life-mate-3 may have a need for extended sanctuary such as meditation retreat, long periods of private research, hospitalization, or living in a dream world. Perhaps this mate lives in a personal prison made of their own thoughts. Because vyaya bhava = 4th-from-9th, emotional conditions in this marriage may subconsciously duplicate the configuration of the father's early childhood home. If this marriage occurs, it is intended to facilitate an understanding of meditation, imagination, conceptual thought, theory, first principles, research, interior guidance, hallucination, and spiritual guidance for the native. third lifepartnership is emotionally triggered and sustained by deep memories of 9th-from-4th = bhava-12
LifeMate-4 (if any) = Yuvati-bhava-7 When indicated by other multiple-alliance predictors, the fourth marriage may serve as the retirement marriage . The emotionally anchored 4th-alliance = optimized for comfort, routine, security, nourishment, farming, protection, patriotism, schooling, and observance of the rhythmic seasonal calendar Much depends upon the characteristics of any graha located in [4th-from-Chandra] Conditions of the fourth marriage typically follow the narratives of bhava-7, such as adjudicating match-making, adjustable, accommodating, bargaining, diplomatic, advisory, and striving for a fair deal. Generally the fourth lifepartner for Chandra-4 = emotionally identified with their contractual, partnered status as an adviser, consultant, peer-counselor, advocate. The alliance may exist in a state of constant emotional bargaining while other species of bargaining such as legal, commercial, or political also can be included and managed by this capable team.
The fourth life-partner (if any) is often emotionally apprehended as an agent of emotionally balanced contracts, harmony and negotiated agreement . Life-partner-4 tends to readily establish roles of other-oriented, couple-supporting, contract-managing adjuster, harmonizer, accommodator, counselor, negotiator, balancer. Life-partner-4 of the Chandra-4 native may be a broker, arranger, attorney, advocate, counselor. negotiator, deal-maker . example of age-favoring, socially responsible Shani in 4th-from-Chandra EXAMPLE scattering [Ketu-Meena] -- [Ketu in classroom-7] occupies 4th-from-Chandra = Meena-7 Wizard of Oz 1922-1969 drama-song Judy Garland [ethno-rhythmic Mūla-4]
Lifemate-5 [if any] = bhava-2 the emotionally associative, community-linking, economically gainful, profit-regulated, friendly, participatory, goal-oriented, socially-networked [11th-from-Chandra] Conditions of the fifth marriage are often framed within the collections narratives of bhava-2 such as enrichment, family genetics, stock and storage, archives, lineage knowledge, language, memory and recollection , containment of assets, database and historical records, animal-husbandry, cooperage, speech-and-song, precious collections, pricing, assessment, and heritage values. Spouse-5 may be treasurer, values assessor, archivist, warehouser conservationist, geneticist, banker, librarian, traditionalist, food-preserver, museum curator, maker of recordings, geneologist, sound-and-color cataloguer, master of storage, seed-collector, captain of the family lineage. EXAMPLE Tula-2 - ruled by [Puna-Shukra-yuti-Budha-Arudra] [10] Wizard of Oz 1922-1969 drama-song Judy Garland [ethno-rhythmic Mūla-4]
Oregon Rhodo-dendron Blossoms |
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file update = 13-Jan-2025 [Copyright © 1994-2024 by Barbara Pijan Lama] -- [Contact] -- [How to Request a Jyotishavidya Reading] Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotishavidya Vedic Astrology Surya Sun Chandra Moon Mangala Mars Budha Mercury Guru Jupiter Shukra Venus Shani Saturn Rahu Ketu Graha Planets Dasha Timeline Calendar Nakshatra Navamsha Marriage Children Treasury Career Spiritual Wisdom Cycles of re-Death and re-Birth The information on , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies! |
May all beings venerate life as a state of deep spiritual intimacy. |
" Love is always patient and kind; it is never jealous; love is never boastful or conceited; it is never rude or selfish; it does not take offense, and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people's sins but delights in the truth; it is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes. Love does not come to an end." ~~ 1st Epistle to the Corinthians 13: 4-8 [Jerusalem Bible] |