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OM kram krim kraum sah bhaumaya namah


रन्ध्र randhra = aperture, sphincter, hollow, cave, opening, chasm

मृत्यु mṛtyu = death, dying, fatality

आयु āyu = life, lifespan, mobility

निर्यत् niryat = going forth, exiting, coming out, set free


to the 12 sthāna

randhrasthāna = 1st-from-8th

  • Initiation

  • Transformation

  • Re-birth

  • New Beginnings

  • Emergent knowledge

  • Cycle of Birth and Death

  • Things secret,covert

9th counterclockwise from 4th = mother's father (one's own maternal grandfather)



Spiritual Emergence = Essence of bhava-8


  • physical: midwives, surgeons, emergency physicians, paramedics, triage nurses

  • social-emotional: psychiatrists, deep psychotherapists, charismatic healers

  • psycho-spiritual: tantriki, magicians, shamans, spirit channelers.

" worries" * concern for matters which one cannot control, such as the spouse's family and Conditions of dematerialization

Hidden Matters

visually inaccessible"hidden" body parts: Genitals/Anus

secret or forbidden things = Taboo

Mysteries and Occult matters

Special randhresha-8 effects for Tula indriya-lagna and Mesha indriya-lagna

randhrasthāna = 2nd-from-7th

  • Spouse's Skandha

  • Spouse's Family Culture (one's own in-laws)

  • Spouse's Knowledge of History and Language

  • Spouse's collections of art, music, other Valuables

  • Spouse's speech, voice, mouth

  • Spouse's Wealth

  • After divorce = ex-spouse's replacement partner (often the step-parent for one's children)

  • Agents over whom one has No Control

resources produced by partnerships, alliances, contracts, bargains, and agreements.

  • Estate of first spouse = wealth stored in bank accounts, hoards and warehouses, family history, knowledge traditions, cultural legacies, arts and music

  • joint assets in first marriage

  • mouth of the first spouse , including what goes in the mouth and what comes out of the mouth - food, language, verbal expression, and physical mechanisms of speech, face, teeth, tongue, lips, jawbone, hair, varieties of languages spoken by the spouse, spouse's verbal opinions (is your spouse outspoken? bad teeth? inarticulate? gifted with languages? look to bhava-8)

  • family historyof the first spouse - ,"In-Laws ", spouse's entire extended family considered as a group

  • wealth (2nd) of the dead (from-7th) = inheritance , legacy -"hidden wealth" which emerges only after death

  • spouse's capability for Record-keeping and managing collections - particularly the spouse's abilities in money-saving and hoard-management

  • Insurance, pooled wealth held within contracted agreements - mysterious outcomes of all kinds

  • legacies and inheritance by written contract (Last Will and Testament)

  • Death of First Spouse (also, graha which is 7th-from-7th or the kundali indriya-lagna can be be the timing agent for spousal death - also for a female 2/7 from Guru or within a husbandly nativity, 2/7 from Shukra. dematerialization timing in Jyotisha is somewhat complex.)

Divorce = end of the spousal physical relationship. (The legal dissolution of marriage contract = bhava-6, disputes, treachery, broken promises.)

bhava-8 is the place to look after a first divorce involving custody of young children, because the character of the step-parent (ex-spouse's replacement partner) is found in one's own randhra bhava.

Naturally, there is much mystery surrounding this person and concern about their behavior which is out of the native 's control. Some considerations for the custody-sharing parent:

bhava-8 = the second spouse of one's own ex-first spouse. That is, see the second partner of one's first ex-spouse via bhava-8.

Malefic graha in 8 indicate little wealth coming to the native in a divorce settlement from the first divorce.

Malefic graha in 8 indicate that one's own ex-spouse will have some polarizing catalysis from that malefic within their second union.

  • Shani in 8 - after the first divorce, the ex-spouse has considerable resistance to remarriage. If Shani is dignified, astable second lifepartnership for the ex-spouse after a long delay. Shani in 8 shows a minimal financial contribution from the first spouse during the first union, but if there is divorce then a step-parent for any joint children will not appear until after a long delay. If Shani is very strong, such a post-divorce remarriage for the ex might be fully blocked.

  • Mangala in 8, rapid and possibly impulsive remarriage for the ex-first-spouse. If Mangala is dignified, the ex-spouse's remarriage may be financially beneficial because Mangala is the natural regulator of 8. For example an [uchcha] Kuja in one's own bhava-8 would signal that after first divorce, the ex-spouse marries a capable and competitive businessperson.

  • Rahu in 8, ex-spouse re-marries a barrier-bending, taboo-twisting or exotic partner. This agent is unstable socially, and the ex's replacement marriage therefore might not last long.

  • Ketu in 8 : the ex-spouse may feel great ambivalence toward a second marriage, to the extent that no legal replacement union occurs. Ketu's lord will determine whether the native can tolerate or even enjoy the behavior of this agent.

Benefic graha in 8 indicate that one's own ex-spouse will have some ease from that benefic within their second union.

  • Shukra in 8 - agent is a pleasant and often financially privileged or comfort-loving individual, easy to get along with. In a shared parenting arrangement, this individual is agreeable.

  • Guru in 8 - not only a favorable financial settlement after one's first divorce, but also a jovial and inclusive subsequent mate for your ex.

  • Chandra in 8 - the replacement spouse is deeply parental. Some cause for jealousy on the part of the native perhaps, but shared parenting is sincere.

  • Surya in 8 - - the replacement spouse is very confident of personal ability and needs lots of attention. Although one may not wish to cater to this person's egoic-mind membrane needs, the children will get to see a strong personality at work. Easier if this agent is a male.

  • Budha in 8 - - the replacement spouse is talkative and a planner. One may be surprised by offers of friendship from this agent.

other people's money - pooled funds - Taxes

  • lottery - windfalls

  • pension funds (pension payments = bhava-11)

  • stock market fluctuation as a"mysterious " cyclical economic phenomenon [However, the individual's win+Lose from any type of speculation = bhava-5]

randhrasthāna = 3rd-from-6th

  • descriptions, prescriptions, inscriptions, conscriptions (3) on matters of war, disease-discomfort, crime (6)

  • reports and announcements (3) of physicians (6); medical (6)information (3); writing (3) of prescriptions (6) and treatment plans (6)

  • conferences (3), meetings (3), small-group conversation (3) with adversaries, litigants, accusers (6)

  • writings and messages (3) from those who blame one (6)

  • journalism (3) that describes (3) exploitation, slavery, servitude, human traificking (6)

  • discussion (3) of imbalance and failure to find a point of mutual balance

  • thinking (3) about conflict, altercation, dispute, and disagreement (6) = // worry //

  • communications (3) with enemies, distrusters; announcements (3) of war (6); narrative (3) of betrayal (6)

  • mental condition (3) of one's enemies (6)

  • communications (3) with loan-sharks, prostitutes, and drug addicts (6)

  • mental effects (3) of physical illness, animosity, or debt (6) = anxiety, stress, fear

  • Thinking (3) about disease (6), strategic and tactical approaches (3) to disease, detailed medical (6) documentation (3)

  • pharmaceutical and medical (6) supply sales (3)

  • selling, marketing, advertising (3) of criminal or illegal (6) items

randhrasthāna = 4th-from-5th

  • passport or national registration (4) provided by an act of genius or speculation (5)

  • vehicles (4) bought by speculative auction (5)

  • children's (5) home and vehicle property (4)

  • fixed property (4) acquired by speculation, or gambling (5)

  • ownership of landed property, deeds (4) and licenses produced by political or theatrical celebrity (5)

  • children's (5) emotional (4) certainty and social-cultural security (4) (Do the children belong in a deep and rooted way to the parents culture? bhava-8 for the parent will tell.)

  • emotional security (4)gained from true Confidence (5)

  • folkways schooling (4)of one's children (5); children's schoolteachers and caretakers(4) (it is rather mysterious to the parents what happens to the children when they are in school!)

  • vehicles (4) of one's children (5)

  • education (4)gained from creative explorations, adventures (5)

  • educational diploma (4) in performing arts (5)

randhrasthāna = 5th-from-4th

  • " Luck" in property matters, increases in property value

  • Tantric knowledge obtained by starting with a traditional educational foundation (4) then adding divine creative intelligence (5)

  • creativity, winnings and speculations of one's children

  • bhaga from the family roots : legacies, wills and inheritance

  • good luck and fame resulting from education and cultural foundations

  • literary and theatrical works written at home

  • children born at home, midwifery

  • creative expansion of the mother's family culture

randhrasthāna = 6th-from-3rd

  • illness, debt, or conflict of siblings and team-mates

  • conflict among co-workers

  • slanderous communications

  • insult, defamation, innuendo, smear campaigns

  • debt and conflict in matters of business administration

  • business loans

  • stealing from business accounts, embezzlement

  • " wretched persons "

  • corruption, shaming-scandal, concealment

randhrasthāna = 7th-from-2nd

  • values (2) shared (7) with others

  • history (2) of partnership (7)

  • food and drink (2) obtained by agreement (7)

  • songs, stories, epic poems, legends (2) of one's partner's people (7)

  • languages and lineage traditions (2) of one's partner's people (7)

  • hoards of financial wealth and herds of cattle (2) of one's partner's people (7)

  • joint moveable assets (2) of contractual partnerships (7)

  • death (2) of trust (7)

  • contracts (7)fulfilled upon death (2) (inheritances, wills)

  • values and hoarded wealth (2) of the first spouse (7)

  • previous spouse of one's 2nd spouse

Randhra bhava = 8th-from- 1st

8th-from = an angle of Mangala = hidden, occult forces at work

In mid-process, the transformative power of 8 may be so dramatic that the situation appears to have been destroyed.

However, results of the 8th angle always produce rebirth. A phoenix will rise from the ashes.

randhrasthāna = 9th-from-12th

  • fortune from meditation and private religious practice

  • blessings upon a sanctuary, hospital, ashram, or healing center

  • comfortable and pleasing results from loss of identity = meditative calm

  • spiritual benefits of traveling in foreign land

  • ceremonial religions of foreign lands (= inscrutable)

randhrasthāna = 10th-from-11th

  • prestige in one's network of associates

  • position in the marketplace of goods and ideas

  • leadership position in networked businesses, such as computer networks, marketing networks

  • honor of friends

  • rules for achieving high position

randhrasthāna = 11th-from-10th

randhresha-8 = the partner's contribution to the joint assets of the union also = the spouse's family (one's in-laws). The spouse's knowledge and the spouse's family historycan provide a secret agency of ultimate gainfulness in the native 's career.

If Randhra and randhresha-8 are strong, the in-laws may be an important source of confidential information which increases the power of the career.

the"fruits " (11) of public leadership and social rank (10) = access to secret or privileged knowledge (financial, social, historical, magical, tantrik, mystical, healing, sexual, medical, yogic).

  • gains from public leadership position and responsibilities

  • gains from service in iconic, high-trust positions

  • gains from high title, status and prestige, broad reputation

  • goals and achievements realized through responsibility and conformance to public law

randhrasthāna = 12th-from-9



  • loss of public priesthood, loss of ritual performance roles,

  • dissolution of orthodox religious beliefs

  • loss of temple privileges

  • loss of religious fellowship, loss of company of believers

  • Shamanism

  • Tantra

  • loss of professorship, loss of guru role, loss of academic or wisdom credentials

  • loss of fatherhood, loss/absence of father

  • loss of fortune , loss of blessings,

  • loss of conventional wisdom

  • Difficulties of longer journeys

  • concealed wealth

  • concealed knowledge

randhrasthāna = 9th-from-12th


(stronger profile = 9th-from-

12th-from-Chandra )


"In all your designs you will succeed, and light will shine on your path."

~~The Book of Job - Iyov, 22:28


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