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Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala sacred tree for Mūla nakshatra
the root the vacuum Thinks-and-Acts out of the Box [Ketu] expansion without intention boundary-less, disregard-for-consequences nebulizing arrhythmic Nirriti witness to the annihilating powers of Nature, reckless impulse profoundly liberating awareness of impermanence sudden implosion of form potentially annihilating risks |
Sankara thesika saantha poorana annamoolathevi sahaayakrube
AUM kem ketave namah OM shram shreem shroum sah ketave namah मूल Mūla √ मूल् mūl = take root मूल mūla = root, radical मूलबर्हण mūla-barhaṇa = uprooting, extermination mulaa - mūlam - moola Nirriti √ ऋ rü = go निरृति nir-ṛti = prefix निर् = negation, reversal + ऋति rüti = going forward, rate, ritmo reverse rhythm = reverse going, uplifting pull, when spirit exits organic-earthen-body Alaxmi dhātu √ लक्ष् lakṣ = mark, sign, way-show अलक्ष्मी a-lakṣmī = prefix अ not + लक्ष्मी lakṣmī= way-marker, guide = unmarked, unguided Vichruta √ चृत् chr̩t [ch rüt] = tie, bind विचृत्त vi-cṛt-ta = vichruta = prefix वि negation + चृत्त rüta bind, tie + त -ta adj. being/having = unbound, released Arishta √ रिष् rish = risk, hurt अरिष्ट a-riṣṭa = prefix अ + रिष risk, hurt + त -ta adj. being/having = hurt, harm, endanger आस्रप āsrapa = demon Pitrya पितृ pitṛ pitrü = father, ancestor, progenitor पित्र्य pitṛ-ya = belonging to the pitṛ pitrü the पितृ fathers are also divine patrons of Magha contributions coming to Earth from the star-civilizations of Al-Shaula = The Cat's Eyes Lesath (al-Ascha) ++ Shaula https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upsilon_Scorpii https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda_Scorpii [galactic sun] classroom of Professor Scissoring Ketu curriculum of full-release annihilation and delirious deconstruction
Shakti of the Mūla nakshatra QUOTATION commentary by Pdt. David Frawley https://www.vedanet.coam Fruits of Worshipping Each Nakshatra " Prajapati desired, "May I find the root of progeny ." One who makes the appropriate offering to Prajapati, to Moola, gains the root of progeny. Here Moola is ruled by Prajapati, the Creator, who also rules Rohini.
Moola means root. It gives the root of progeny or strong creative powers, somewhat like Rohiṇī - Aldebaran . In the negative sense in the Vedas, moola ruled by Nirriti takes away the root of one' s progeny or causes the loss of one' s first child." |
QUOTATION ~~ Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923. " Mula" p.82 " Ruled by the Dragon's Tail. A sharp asterism belonging to the butcher caste and favorable for punishment, torture, imprisonment, exorcism, mesmerism and separation or union when containing the Moon. Those born on the lunar day will be druggists, dealers in flowers and fruit, rich and fond of gardening. With Moon here at birth native will be conceited, wealthy, luxurious, kind-hearted, happy and resolute. Rules stables and the left side of the body. " [end quote] |
" Each [galactic sun] desires to create a more eloquent expression of
experience of the Creator by the Creator.
The archetypical mind is intended to heighten this ability to express the Creator in patterns more like the fanned peacock' s tail, each facet of the Creator vivid, upright, and shining with articulated beauty." - [the collective consciousness known as] Ra, The Law of One: Book IV , 90.16 |
QUOTATION from Dennis Harness, The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology "19. Mula: The Foundation Star (Sagittarius 00 00 to 13 20 ) Mula translates as the root or original star, which is symbolized as a tied bunch of roots.
The ruling planetary deity is Ketu, the South Node of the Moon, which reflects the mystical nature of this asterism. The primary deity is Nirritti, the Goddess of Destruction. She lives in the Kingdom of the Dead and is associated with the powerful goddess, Kali.
The 9/11 tragedy occurred when Mars and Ketu were conjoined near the point of the galactic center in the middle of this intense nakshatra. Mula has a rakshasa temperament with a primary motivation of kama." |
![]() This sweeping panorama is the sharpest infrared picture ever made of the Milky Way's galactic core , where massive stars are forming. Credit for Hubble image : NASA, ESA, and Q.D. Wang (University of Massachusetts, amherst) Credit for Spitzer image : NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and S. Stolovy (Spitzer Science Center/Caltech) |
the Nineteenth Nakshatra (previously the 17th nakshatra)
For the three Sikhi-ruled nakshatra Aśvini-Magha-Mūla , having Ketu located in His own nakshatra is beneficial. Mūla nakshatra Celestial Location ~~ The Circle of Stars The Scorpion's Tail:
Regional Names for Mūla nakshatra
Vanity Sounds the Horn and Ignorance Unleashes the Hounds Overconfidence, rashness and Desire (from The Hunt of the Frail Stag)c. 1495-1510. South Netherlandish. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. The animal symbol for Mūla nakshatra is the Male Dog |
Sacred Tree for Mūla nakshatra see nakshatra gardens at: www.vedicvanas.com/nakshatravana.html
Canarium strictum - sacred tree for Mūla nakshatra |
Vocabulary for Mūla nakshatra
Mūla Nakshatra Attributes
wikipedia = Mūla wikipedia: Nirriti Mūla nakshatra planetary regulator
Mūla nakshatra Body Part
Mūla nakshatra Symbol
Mūla nakshatra Gana * Group * Caste, Jati
Mūla nakshatra
[Tibetan] tradition
Topics of Mūla nakshatra Return from the Brink of Disaster
Mūla nakshatra protective Deity * bhapa * bhesha
BPHS Mūla nakshatra auspicious events:
Psycho-socially compatible with Mula - Nirriti whether highly exciting [Rahu] or deeply observing [Ketu] the fascinating yet disruptive nodal styles are well suited to partner with each other. Rahu-Rahu, rahu-Ketu, and Ketu-Ketu pairings are found in environments that require irregularity, social non-conformism, opportunism, adventurous excitement, challenge to existing standards, cultural mixing, wandering patterns, and spiritual detachment..
Psycho-socially neutral with Mula - Nirriti Nakshatra of Mangala Kuja and No-contact Ketu are assigned to share governance of secret-revealing, therapeutically invasive Vṛścika rashi. Mangala prefers to move vigorously and directly toward the goal, while Ketu's pathway tends to be nebulizing and foggy. Nevertheless, certain combinations of Ketu with Mangala can be temporarily yet profoundly healing within a narrative of active distancing, vigorous detachment, and energetically disconnected witness perspective.
Nakshatra of Brihaspati Brihaspati's ever-expanding realm of inclusive doctrinal understanding can be supplemented by dissolving Ketu, and Guru-Ketu combinations can reflect a theoretically abstractive pair. However, the principled methods of Guru's outreach preaching are typically incommensurable with the apparently aimless disorientation of Ketu. These pairings may have a temporary shared spiritual agenda, but they are Typically, not sustainable. Psycho-socially uneasy with Mula - Nirriti Nakshatra of Shukra Shukra is all about equal matches, pleasures, and partnership. No-contact Ketu the chidrakaraka is all about disconnection, amputation, splitting. This couple is not adversarial. Rather, it finds no mutual point of contact. The Shukra partner seeks harmonious, wealth-accruing unions whereas the Ketu partner seeks pilgrimage, wandering, witnessing dispersion. Low potential for agreement.
Nakshatra of Shani Shani imposes the rules and Ketu dissolves the rules Generally Ketu folk feel restricted in Shani's fixed-role, orderly environments. Ketu tends to find Shani as rather meaninglessly punitive, purposelessly strict, or uselessly authoritarian. Ketu wanders on.
Most catalytic (challenging) nakshatra for Mula - Nirriti Nakshatra of Chandra Ketu and Chandra form an inherently uncomfortable union. Chandra stabilizes, settles, cultivates, harvests, and nurtures. Ketu blows through Chandra's settlements like a dust storm, desiccating the nurturing waters and pulverizing ancestral roots. Chandra the Sustainer can withstand most of Ketu's disconnecting effects but even so, chandra is wary of amputation, decapitation, and root-destruction. This pairing is rare, and when it occurs the Chandra partner may perceive No-Contact Ketu as a nuisance.
Nakshatra of Surya Ketu and Surya often cannot recognize each other. Surya's brilliant light overpowers Ketu. This pairing is exceptionally rare, and when it occurs the Surya partner may perceive Ketu as insubstantial, unintelligent, or disoriented. Nakshatra of Budha Ketu and Budha work at cross-purposes. Budha repeats a script of message delivery that depends on a logical mental process. Ketu is speechless, off-script, non-sequitur, clueless, and ungrammatical. If this pairing is required for some pre-incarnationally planned reason, logically argumentative Budha may express resentment toward Ketu's proclivity toward wandering non-thought.
NASA Parker Solar Probe uses first-light data to show the Milky Way's galactic center. Image obtained 16-Nov-2018 |
Rising Nakshatra Feminine Nativity Nirriti - Alaxmi BPL COMMENTARY For Mula births of a feminine valence, the condition of limitless, observing, uncoupling, surrendering, abandoning, disinterested, ethereal, wandering, spacious, dispersing Ketu may considerably affect the outcome. For those born into the Ketu-ruled paradigm of Alaxmi, spirit guides, astral beings, ghosts, pilgrims, wanderers, cutters, dispersers, splitters, de-couplers, winds, flags, tails, cloudy figures, agents of impermanence and release, events of forgiveness and surrender, freedom from conventions, disregard of consequences, and inner listening may be especially influential. Instructional guidance is provided by emissaries from the civilizations of Al-Shaula. Their purpose is to disintegrate, disconnect, disperse, and deconstruct those phenomena which have become obstacles to greater understanding.
Fearless Deconstructivism Mula gentlewomen are ready to sacrifice everything in an ongoing act of complete and devastating spiritual surrender. Those born under auspice of nakshatra-pati Nirriti may feel intense yearning for emptiness, evacuation, annihilation, and deconstruction of the superficial personality which opens the gateway into utter rebirth.. Akasha-born feminine beings may find empowerment in acts of purgative spiritual healing. Often their gifts express in physical healing when the mechanism is purging, profound cleansing, expulsion, or eradication. Purification at the root is their specialty. Themes of annihilation, apocalypse, extreme chaos followed by absolute peace, and fearless disregard of consequences may contextualize Mūla's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra in Mūla |
QUOTATION Mūla from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 98 " ... very little happiness through the life ...
To understand this is a help.
The fault lies entirely within herself,
She will have many love affairs and trouble through them. If she marries, she will be unhappy
She has a weak constitution and her health will be uncertain,
[end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939] [BPL comment: modern, non-misogynistic interpretation / reluctance to compromise may generate a stalemate in the marriage, beginning near the seventh year of the union. / ] |
Feminine Public-Figure Examples Mula indriya-lagna
[pada-1 Mesha] [pioneering, dominating, active-aggressive, speedy, forceful, conquesting, competitive, athletic, naew, bloody, muscular, innovative, battling, invasive, first-arriver, championship master.] [Makara 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = status-maintaining, hierarchical, institutional, regulatory, governing, directing, legitimizing, ranking, ordering, class-conscious, structuring, lawful, fixed-position, dignified elite. ]
[pada-2 Urisha] [finance, face, family, food, tradition, treasures, pleasures, speech, song, language, capitalization, sensual values, historical knowledge, sound, color, taste, touch, beauty, cattle, oil, sugar, sweetness, wine, ornaments, music.] [Kumbha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = community, fundraising, social-participation, gridworking, gainful, economic, scientific, futuristic, networking, profitable, collectivist, populist, friendly.] [pada-3 Mithuna] [publicizing, explaining, detailing, mercantile, collaborative, communicative, media-messaging, team-working, tallkative, managing, planning, writing, instructional, neighborly.] [Meena 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = guiding, intuitive, conceptual, abstract, visionary, theoretical, charitable, sleepy, imaginative, contemplative, dreamlike. [pada-4 Karkata] [defensive, nationalistic, rhythmic-algorithmic, worshipping, protective, customary, ritualized, routinized, rutting, tidal, moody, habitual, parental, cultural-agricultural, householding.] [Mesha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = championship, engineering, first-arriving, invasive, weaponizing, fighter, pioneering, muscular, dynamic, energetic, pushy, conquesting, innovative, fiery, new-birth .] |
Feminine Nativities
Mula Svamsha
Rising Nakshatra Masculine Public-Figure Examples Nirriti - Alaxmi BPL COMMENTARY For Mula births of a masculine valence, the condition of limitless, observing, uncoupling, surrendering, abandoning, disinterested, ethereal, wandering, spacious, dispersing Ketu may considerably affect the outcome. For those born into the Ketu-ruled paradigm of Alaxmi, spirit guides, astral beings, ghosts, pilgrims, wanderers, cutters, dispersers, splitters, de-couplers, winds, flags, tails, cloudy figures, agents of impermanence and release, events of forgiveness and surrender, freedom from conventions, disregard of consequences, and inner listening may be especially influential. Instructional guidance is provided by emissaries from the civilizations of Al-Shaula. Their purpose is to disintegrate, disconnect, disperse, and deconstruct those phenomena which have become obstacles to greater understanding. Fearless Deconstructivism Mula gentlemen are inspiring in their fearlessness . Alaxmi are concerned with absolute principles of conviction, not with material outcomes. Although apparently optimistic and genial Guru-ruled personalities, nairriti are constitutionally aligned with destabilizing power vacuums, disintegration of outdated structures, and large-scale disorientation. Pilgrims of wandering spirit, mula have little regard for boundaries, customs, or consequences. They go easily where angels fear to tread. Mula has a natural veneer of faith and generosity due to Brihaspati's Benevolence. Often appearing as father-figures, patriarchs, patrons, preachers, and philosophers, masculine Mula may present as pastoral shepherds who are paternally guiding their lost sheep. In times of inattentive negligence or mass psychic distress, shri Ketu's polarity vacuum may suck an enormous degree of power - sometimes, absolute power. Mūla's outlook often features a liberating mix of ambivalence and apathy. Free from self-doubt, and disinterested in moral conventions, those born in Alaxmi may consciously or unconsciously guide their flocks into states of higher wisdom. Yet, the sacred must be sacrificed. In a world with few meaningful limits, depravity, destruction, cruelty, and chaos may better suit Ketu's purpose than compassion, understanding, or human love. Because Alakshmi-born preach their principles while dismissing [Ketu] the material consequences of applying those beliefs, they are generally freed from worry. They are cheerful folk, even in the most dire circumstances. They do not fear death. When involved in religious or political indoctrination, [Mūla] born may expound an eschatology of annihilation. Unlimited destruction may be the preferred path toward full purgative cycle of regeneration. Niritti (no-rhythm) may be associated with heart-stopping shock and awe or scorched earth or eradication campaigns that are aimed to destroy the root. Having usually no fear of death, mula may nonchalantly engage in self-destructive behavior as well as in evacuation, elimination, or eradication of others - often on a large scale [Guru]. Religious or ideological patronage may be essential to their mission. Mula gentlemen are found in the worlds of sacred wisdom, inspirational guidance, cults of belief, and radical indoctrination. They may conduct zero-sum operations within military orders, priesthoods, politics, and organized crime. Mūla-born health may be affected by restless windiness (vata dosha). Themes of annihilation, apocalypse, extreme chaos followed by absolute peace, and fearless disregard of consequences may contextualize Mūla's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra in Mūla |
QUOTATION Mūla from Shil-Ponde.(1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 86. " ... a shrewd and capable character - an organizer,
A politician. An orator who is capable of swaying his audiences
The type of person who, while one is still in his presence, holds one spellbound;
Extremely clever and capable ." [end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939] |
Masculine Nativities MULA LAGNA
[Mūla pada-1 Mesha] [pioneering, dominating, active-aggressive, speedy, forceful, conquesting, competitive, athletic, naew, bloody, muscular, innovative, battling, invasive, first-arriver, championship master.] [Makara 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = status-maintaining, hierarchical, institutional, regulatory, governing, directing, legitimizing, ranking, ordering, class-conscious, structuring, lawful, fixed-position, dignified elite. ]
[Mūla pada-2 Urisha] [finance, face, family, food, tradition, treasures, pleasures, speech, song, language, capitalization, sensual values, historical knowledge, sound, color, taste, touch, beauty, cattle, oil, sugar, sweetness, wine, ornaments, music.] [Kumbha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = community, fundraising, social-participation, gridworking, gainful, economic, scientific, futuristic, networking, profitable, collectivist, populist, friendly.]
[Mūla pada-3 Mithuna] [publicizing, explaining, detailing, mercantile, collaborative, communicative, media-messaging, team-working, tallkative, managing, planning, writing, instructional, neighborly.] [Meena 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = guiding, intuitive, conceptual, abstract, visionary, theoretical, charitable, sleepy, imaginative, contemplative, dreamlike.]
[Mūla pada-4 Karkata] [defensive, nationalistic, rhythmic-algorithmic, worshipping, protective, customary, ritualized, routinized, rutting, tidal, moody, habitual, parental, cultural-agricultural, householding.] [Mesha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = championship, engineering, first-arriving, invasive, weaponizing, fighter, pioneering, muscular, dynamic, energetic, pushy, conquesting, innovative, fiery, new-birth .]
Masculine Public-Figure Examples Mula Svamsha
General results of being born in Mūla nakshatra 1. Physical features
2. Character and general events: You possess a very sweet nature and are a peace loving person. You have set principlesin your life.
You are not bothered about tomorrow nor are you very serious about your own matters. You keep all the happenings in the hands of God and become prey to optimism. 3. Education, sources of earning/profession
You may give advice that you may not even use.
Since you are skilled in several fields there will be frequent changes of profession or trade
Watch the tendency to spend too much on your friends. You will possess the utmost sincerity in all you do. You may earn your livelihood in a foreign place,
You are capable of shining in all walks of life,
4. Family life Excepting a few cases, it is seen that Mula born cannot have any benefit from parents
Your married life will be satisfactory. You will have a spouse with all adequate qualities. 5. Health: Even when you are sick you will look well. You may not in the habit of taking care of your own health.
You must try not to have any association with intoxication
When the Mūla nakshatra rises, great relief is felt in lingering diseases." [end quote] |
Description of the Pada (quarters) of Mūla also applies to Chandra in Mūla - Vichruta [Mūla-pada-1] mūlatrikoṇa for Brihaspati BPL COMMENTARY Leadership [Makara - Draco] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Shani-profiled careers in governance , over-seer, legislation, policy and law, executive decision-making, bureaucracy, social ordering, hierarchies, stepwise processes, protocols and procedures, imposition of rules and consequences, elder judge, graduations and grading, professions of aging and antiquities, geriatrics, stiffening, rigidity, stones-and-bones, old things, structure Partnership [Tula - Vanika] = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting Shukra--profiled spousal characteristics of harmonizing nature, sweets-seeking tendencies, luxury lifestyle, gracious arrangements, adjustability, negotiating skills, partnership orientation, and diplomatic perspective. D-1 Bhrigu can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Shukra-D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors. Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-1 Mula]
Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-1 Mula]
[Mūla-pada-1] QUOTATION from Das / Behari
[Mūla-pada-1] QUOTATION For Masculine Nativities ONLY, description of the Four Pada (quarters) of Moola, by Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra .p 105 " A self-made man who is very independent and ambitious.
Due to his own efforts and ability,
Will never remain in a subordinate position very long. At the age of thirty-five or thirty-six, he will have an accident
At the age of six or seven, will receive a sear or burn." [end quote] |
SUB-SECTIONS of [Mūla-pada-1] Nakshatra Divisions of Mesha
[ Asvini svamsha] 00:00 until 13:21] Affinity for pioneering innovation. Astute observer. Eccentric. May be an equestrian specialist. Forward-moving and unencumbered by outdated restrictions. Champion of new approaches in medicine and engineering. Makara career = Physician, inventor, engineer within the public realms of regulatory compliance, organizational governance, status hierarchies, maintenance of social order. Check graha in Makara 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Ketu in kundali, along with Ketu's ruler. [Bharani svamsha] [13:21 until 26:39] Affinity for finance, acquisitions, and storage of precious assets. May specialize in matters of earthen-body death, such as estate law, funerals, or end-of-life arrangements. May be specialists in the financial affairs of the dead. Weighs and balances the trading values. May carry heavy burdens of precious goods. Preserves food, tradition, natural resources, historical knowledge, hoards. Makara career = Entreasurement brokers and arrangers within the public realms of regulatory compliance, organizational governance, status hierarchies, maintenance of social order . Often in corporate banking, currency-trading and evaluation, institutional equity. Check graha in Makara 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Shukra in kundali.
[Kṛttikā svamsha] 26:39 until 29:59 ] Affinity for politics, center-stage attention, theatrical romance, sparkling costume, adoring children, and speculative games. Financially intelligent. Radiates confident superiority. Genius of ceremonial display. Cannot be intimidated. Brilliantly self-assertive. Delighted to stand in the spotlight. May enjoy winning public office by acclamation or political election. Makara career = charismatic policy-maker, self-certain creator within the public realms of regulatory compliance, organizational governance, status hierarchies, maintenance of public order. Check graha in Makara 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Surya in kundali.
[Mūla-pada-2] mūlatrikoṇa for Brihaspati BPL COMMENTARY Leadership [Kumbha - Ghata] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Shani- profiled careers in scientific systems, regulated networks, distribution networks, economics, ecologies, communities, friendship linkage, weaving, knitting, knotting, making of nets, marketplaces, associations, large-scale gatherings, professions of the marketplaces, bazar, social participation, gridwork, framework, conceptual exchange grids, social and electro-magnetic connections Partnership Vṛścika-Ketta = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting spousal characteristics of penetrating nature, surgical tendencies, pursuit of mystery, quest for discovery and disclosure, psychological vigor, controling attitude, mining and harvesting skills, preference for unexpected action , and secretive perspective. D-1 Mangala can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Kuja-D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors. Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-2 Mula]
Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-2 Mula] |
[Mūla-pada-2] QUOTATION from Das / Behari
[Mūla pada-2] QUOTATION For Masculine Nativities ONLY, description of the Four Pada (quarters) of Moola, by Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra .p 105. same as pada-1 A self-made manwho is very independent and ambitious.
Due to his own efforts and ability,
Will never remain in a subordinate position very long. At the age of thirty-five or thirty-six, he will have an accident
At the age of six or seven, will receive a sear or burn." [end quote] |
SUB-SECTIONS of [Mūla-pada-2] Nakshatra Divisions of Urisha Svamsha [Kṛttikā svamsha] 00:00 until 09:59] Affinity for politics, center-stage attention, literary-theatrical romance, sparkling jewels, adoring children, and speculative games. Financially intelligent. Friendly, creative, connected. Lavishly entitled. Speaks for proletarian causes. Genius of political fundraising. Luxuriates in admiration from the common folk. May be a gifted orator or singer. Kumbha career = charismatic socialite in the public realms of economic gridwork, mass-participation interlinkage, fundraising systems, vast electronic array, distribution networks, associative friend ships. Check graha in Kumbha 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Surya in kundali.
[ Rohini svamsha] 10:00 until 23:19] Shukra the fair-bargainer confers equity. Affinity for soothing routines of home and household. Requires the adoring attentions of the beloved, being lavished with luxury, and decorated with beautiful ornaments. If these needs are met, expect a devoted and protective companion. Intuitive sense of rhythm and pace may confer musical gifts. May be sensually attractive and popular with the masses. Kumbha career = sensitive, parental socialite in the public realms of economic gridwork, mass-participation interlinkage, fundraising systems, vast electronic array, distribution networks, associative friendships. Check graha in Kumbha 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Chandra in kundali. [ Mriga-shiras svamsha] 23:19 until 29:59] Affinity for commercial assessment and financial competition. Pursues valuable collections. Monetary management, business banking. Energetic, sensual physical movement. Vigorous accrual, pro-active acquisition, energetic storage of heritage wealth. May be an entrepreneurial funding specialist, shopkeeper, craftsperson, manufacturer, or shrewd vendor of luxury ornaments, textiles, wines, scents, or oils. Kumbha career = evaluating, businesslike socialite within the public realms of economic gridwork, mass-participation interlinkage, fundraising, electronic systems, distribution networks, associative friendships. Check graha in Kumbha 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Mangala in kundali. |
Mūla pada-3 mūlatrikoṇa for Brihaspati BPL COMMENTARY Leadership [Meena - Antya] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Guru-profiled careers in charity, spiritual guidance, divination, water-gazing, dream-interpretation, clairsentient visions, imagination, conceptual thought, theory, first principles, research, interior guidance, hallucination, sacred symbols, astral bridging, invisible environments, sleep, subtle sounds and vibratory patterns, private prayer, meditation, seclusion, great cosmic cycles, reflective thought, philosophical theory, ancestor spirits, telepathy, empathy , cetaceans and cultures of Sirius Partnership Dhanus = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting Guru-profiled spousal characteristics of expansive nature, preaching or professorial tendencies, engagement with higher principles and dogma, quest for understanding, philosophical vigor, inclusive attitude, priestly roles, indoctrination skills, preference for humanistic worldview, and global perspective. D-1 Brihaspati can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Guru-D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors. Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-3 Mithuna]
Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-3 Mithuna] |
[Mūla-pada-3] QUOTATION from Das / Behari
[Mūla-pada-3] QUOTATION Masculine Nativities ONLY, description of the Four Pada (quarters) of Moola, by Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra .p 105. same as pada-1 " A self-made manwho is very independent and ambitious. In the middle part of his life, will be highly respected. Due to his own efforts and ability,
Will never remain in a subordinate position very long. At the age of thirty-five or thirty-six, he will have an accident
At the age of six or seven, will receive a sear or burn." [end quote] |
SUB-SECTIONS of [Mūla-pada-3] Nakshatra Divisions of Mithuna Svamsha [Mriga-shiras svamsha] 00:00 until 06:39] Affinity for commercial assessment and business competition. Active administrative communications. Energetic physical gesturing movement. Vigorously transactional. Champion of sales, advertising, media-messaging, publications, instructions, announcements. May be an entrepreneur, shopkeeper, craftsperson, manufacturer, writer, or vendor of information. Brooks no interference. Meena career = commercially driven visionary within the public realms of fantasy. conceptual imagery, global understanding, spiritual guidance, expansion of compassion, private contemplation, faith in oceanic oneness, dreamlike sanctuary. Check graha in Meena 10th-navamsha ++ Brihaspati in kundali ++ Mangala in kundali. [ Arudra svamsha] 6:40 until 19:59] Affinity for atmospheric volatility. Intense signaling communication between the physical-body and the mentality. Spans exhilaration to pain . Disruptive jealousy. Stormy, ambitious, taboo-challenging personality seeks extreme weather. Prone to wrestling, fighting, dancing, and hormonal fluctuation. Fabulous scripts, exaggerated interpretation, cinematic illusion. Meena career = commercially opportunistic visionary within the public realms of fantasy. conceptual imagery, global understanding, spiritual guidance, expansion of compassion, private contemplation, faith in oceanic oneness, dreamlike sanctuary. Check graha in Meena 10th-navamsha ++ Brihaspati in kundali ++ Rāhu in kundali [ Punarvasu svamsha] 20:00 until 29:59] [Guru rules svamsha +++ 10th-navamsha] Guru the Grower confers breadth of understanding. Affinity for writing. Uplifting fiction and cosmic explanations. May develop a broadly encompassing, comprehensive script which details the lives of well-crafted characters. Wide-scope, expansionist, tolerant, ideological globalist, philosophical worldview. Inspirational, principled, and generous. Seek mercantile publication of their grand concepts. Meena career = commercially humanistic visionary within the public realms of fantasy. conceptual imagery, global understanding, spiritual guidance, expansion of compassion, private contemplation, faith in oceanic oneness, dreamlike sanctuary. Check graha in Meena 10th-navamsha ++ Brihaspati in kundali
[Mūla pada-4] mūlatrikoṇa for Brihaspati
BPL COMMENTARY Leadership [Mesha - Aja] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Mangala-profiled careers in championship, first-arrival, innovation, engineering, competition, challenge, conquest, dueling, domination, pioneering actions, use of force, hunting, dance, massage, muscular physique, physical appearance, embodiment, sexual pursuit, athletics, new birth, insemination, obstetrics, blood chemistry, inventions, naovelty, singularity, winning Partnership [Makara - Draco] = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting Shani-profiled spousal characteristics of disciplined nature, regulatory or legislative tendencies, engagement with duty and responsibility, quest for orderly systems, pragmatism, common-sense attitude, rule-application skills, preference for conservative practices, and materialistic perspective. D-1 Shani can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Shani in D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors. Masculine Public-Figure Examples [Mula pada-4 = Karkata]
Feminine Public-Figure Examples [Mula pada-4 = Karkata] |
[Mūla-pada-4] QUOTATION from Das / Behari
[Mūla-pada-4] QUOTATION Masculine Nativities only, description of the Four Pada (quarters) of Moola, by Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra .p 105 . " the fourth part alone causes unhappiness in the home,
Must be warned against relying too much on subordinates
SUB-SECTIONS of [Mūla-pada-4] Nakshatra Divisions of Karkata Svamsha [ Punarvasu svamsha] 00:00 until 03:19] Guru the Grower signals breadth of understanding. Affinity for writing. Uplifting fiction and cosmic explanations. May develop a broadly encompassing, comprehensive script which details the lives of well-crafted characters. Ethno-rhythmic habits yet wide-scope, expansionist, tolerant, ideological globalist, philosophical worldview. Humanistic anthropologist. Inspirational, principled, and generous. Recognizes the ancient routines. Mesha career = innovative teacher-preacher within the public realms of new starts, physical medicine for vitality, engines and generation, competitive championship, kinetic energy, first-arrival, birth. Check graha in Mesha 10th-navamsha ++ Mangala in kundali ++ Guru in kundali. [Pushya svamsha] [03:20 until 16:39] Affinity for lawful hierarchies. Often a lawyer or regulatory official. Needs a structured, ritualized, undulating routine within the governing apparatus. Maintains the rhythms of the customary order. Seeks security through rank, status, and position. Sensitive to ancestral land use, marine environments, parental duties, and family respect. Mesha career = innovative bureaucrat within the public realms of new starts, physical medicine for vitality, engines and generation, competitive championship, kinetic energy, first-arrival, birth. Check graha in Mesha 10th-navamsha ++ Mangala in kundali ++ ++ Shani in kundali. [Aśleṣā svamsha] 16:40 until 29:59] Affinity for instructional conversation. Hands-on administration, commerce, information handling, teamwork, discussions, media-messaging, manufacturing, and process control. Expert use of guilt or other emotional bondage to restrain the interlocutor. Needs to lash, leash, restrain, manipulate, embrace, and secure. Animal control, police officer, instructor-trainer in handcraft, anchoring, harnesses and reins, factory security, arm-twisting salesperson. Mesha career = innovative process manager within the public realms of new starts, physical medicine for vitality, engines and generation, competitive championship, kinetic energy, first-arrival, birth. Check graha in Mesha 10th-navamsha ++ Mangala in kundali ++ Shani in kundali ++ Budha in kundali.
BPL COMMENTARY [Mūla-pada-4] [may beentrancingly rhythmic conferring a musical quality to the speech, chant, poetry, sermons. Can lead a peasants chant for agricultural work, aliturgical chant for priestly worship, or an entrancing ritual chant for magical purpose. If Mūla-4 produces a svamsha of Aslesha, rhythmic snakelike trance is deepened
QUOTATION from BPHS, sarga-94, shloka-11-13 " Remedies from the Effects of Birth in Jyeṣṭha Gandanta" (Ranjan edition, 1995, p. 1035 Vol 2.) " A boy or girl born in the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th quarter of Aśleṣa Nakshatra destroys his/her mother-in-law And a boy or girl born in the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th quarter of Moola Nakshatra
Therefore, suitable measures, as may be possible within one's means, should be taken at the time of the marriage of such boys and girls. There will be no evil effect if the husband has no elder brothers." [end quote] |
BPL COMMENTARY Pada-4 Larlata extreme localism, focus on ethnicity, local rights, ancient rutted pathways Mūla ladies often prefer to remain unmarried, which among other advantages allows their power to remain undiluted Ketu-ruled Mula has a reputation for failure leading to annihilation - Nirriti * Patterns of misconstrued spiritual confidence = blind faith . Lacks practical restraints and cannot retain accrued values = Alaxmi.
Mula natives are found in all industries and roles. Mula are often particularly attracted into situations that contain large-scale dissolution of focus, hopeless causes, or structural collapse. . Mula are often intensely committed to a doctrine, theory, first principles, or ideology . which contradicts material reality. . This belief woven into its supporting paradigm tends to guide Mūla's interpretation of reality. . For example, amemorable Mula female = a deeply inspired elementary school teacher. She taught in a violent, drug-and-crime ridden USA race ghetto. Unlike many of her fellow liberal-progressive colleagues who experienced tremendous job stress and could not continue, this intrepid Mula educator never burned out. . She was a believer. A woman born into social privilege, every school day she used her own salary to buy breakfast foods for each of her 19 students. She believed that they would succeed in life if she could install a strong foundation into their third-grade experience, which she described as the most important and high-potential year in the entire K-12 sequence. After 35 years of pursuing this faith-infused practice, she cannot point to a single one of her former students who has graduated from college. . Notably descriptive of Ketu-context thinking, she was not interested in learning research-based behavioral techniques for managing these largely learning-disabled students. When she attended the mandatory annual professional continuing education classes necessary to maintain her teaching license, she reports that she (and many of her colleagues) skipped class. They simply signed-in to create a record of attendance that would satisfy government licensing requirements, excused themselves (Ketu = excuse) to the restroom, and went to a bar or restaurant to relax for the duration of the required professional skills trainings. . According to her, research-based skills training was worthless because " they don't understand how to inspire my kids" . Most of her male students are dead or incarcerated. She personally adopted three crack-babies, raised them with every social privilege, paid for tutors, dentists, and doctors, and kept looking for that miracle result in which Mula deeply believes. All three babies became convicted felons before age 25; two are serving life sentences due their drug-fueled crimes involving murder. Despite the heinous nature of the crimes, she insists that her sons should not be held accountable because of their traumatic histories. This Mula native is an award-winning master schoolteacher (Dhanus teaching) who has sponsored innumerable younger teachers. She emphasizes positive thinking. The only thing she hates is testing, because she believes that test numbers defeat the inspiration which is the real heart of learning (Budha numbers, Budha adversarial to Guru). . End of career is a splendid Ketu story. . After decades of teaching, the district supervisor (who was her friend) suddenly asked [Mūla] woman to accept early retirement. Apparently there was video showing mishandling of the students' annual state exams. According to Mula, the video showed her seated at the teacher's desk on " planning day" carefully and systematically erasing her students' wrong test answers and filling in the correct answers. . It is a beautiful example of the way of Mula folk. First, mula are distinguished by " disregard for consequences" . They follow the truth of their theory-doctrine-ideology-credenda, unconvinced and unimpressed by material reality. Secondly, mula are rarely harmed by this attitude of disregard, and often do quite well in life. Actually this Mula profited by an early retirement with full pension and benefits. With her three kids safely in prison, she is free to enjoy many travel holidays. . Despite working with a financially desperate, chemically deranged, and often violent population, [Mūla] woman was never physically harmed at any time. She has remained cheerfully faithful to her principles. She continues to preach her doctrine to anyone who will listen. . Importantly, lagnesha Guru (belief) occupies Simha-9 supporting her buoyant optimism, while Budha (logic) is heavily oppressed by Shani suggesting her ability to ignore logical evidence while sustaining a long career in heavily institutional conditions. . Surrender . Exemplifying a distinction between Rahu (whose fall can be public and dramatic) versus Ketu (abandonment, severance or surrender) this Mūla's fall from grace was never disclosed to the public nor was she prosecuted due to protections in her employment contract. EXAMPLE Shambala1939-1987 Tulku Chogyam Trungpa
Mula can express great genius through its eccentric sense of possibility; they are very good at thinking out of the box and getting great insights from traveling around the world (Dhanus, the wealth-of-wisdom). Mula may travel widely during Ketu mahadasha. Open-minded and unencumberedby practical concerns of consensual reality, mula unhesitatingly takes on big projects based on their oddly arranged paradigm of belief. On the one hand the Divine will guide (generous Guru) and on the other hand, nothing matters anyway (apathetic Ketu). Mula the Galactic Root = direct route to center of this universe, but often swayed by Others For one born into a Nakshatra of Ketuva . Ketu tends to provide a blank screen upon which others may project their desires. It may be beneficial to meditate upon one's authentic preferences and secure one's choices by writing them or speaking them. Without a conscious awareness of the need to ascertain one's own true preferences, the natural apathy of Ketu may lead the native into inauthentic choices based on the will of more ambitious, more opportunistic Others [Rahu] . less benevolent wealth-accruing human civilizations (Alaxmi) because Mula lacks both preparation and follow-through. Yet, complete openness to experience and lack of preconceptions opens the way to tremendous, cosmic-scale insights.
Through times of ease and times of challenge, mula remains quite neutral - taking neither credit nor blame. It is in many ways a very spiritual placement, albeit a frustrating one in the world of normal human endeavor.
Amid a project, mula can inspire others with the seeming profundity of their faith in Providence and acts of unfettered courage..
. However, mūla's bad reputation comes from Ketu. In the middle of a commitment, abattle, ajob being done albeit with poor preparation and inadequate resources, mula can switch from an icon of splendid risk to a suddenly disengaged traitor, abdicant, or coward.However, mūla's bad reputation comes from Ketu. In the middle of a commitment, abattle, ajob being done albeit with poor preparation and inadequate resources, mula can switch from an icon of splendid risk to a suddenly disengaged traitor, abdicant, or coward. Ketu = karaka for sudden disconnection. Mula has a tendency to walk out . in abandonment. Of a commitment or simply surrender without warning. Ketu is a wanderer, and Mula will wander off to another battle, another relationship, another job, another project. If Mula contains Shani or Guru there may be more substance to one 's behavior, and commitments may last longer with more common sense or a more philosophical less annihilating type of religious faith. Vichruta born displays a general tendency to bite off more than one can chew, overestimate one's human abilities, and in the face of overwhelming circumstances to simply withdraw [Ketu]) Opposite or reverse of movement; forbidding movement or forbidding repayment; finite, limited, sticks to its base; does not exceed a narrow, pre-set range. Mula = charismatic yet, insincere. Externally capable; internally unhappy. Binding or restraint, root-bound; chained, bound or arrested. Esoterically, mula is considered the center of Earth's galaxy, the celestial "root" of the greater galactic civilization = of which Earthly civilization is only one component. Traditionally it is forbidden to make loans during the Moon's transit through Mūla nakshatra . The repayment of such loans would be difficult-to-impossible, as they are cursed by Mūla's energy of bound-ness or movement without progress.. |
Detachment from Ketu + Expansion from Guru
Mula = self-destructive, but not deadly . The Mula native seemingly destroys oneself" own to the root -- but no farther.
Accidents and life-threatening injuries
Sex and drug addictions
" Reckless disregard for consequences ".
Chandra in Mūla - Vichruta is especially reckless with matters of emotional health and well-being. " An accident waiting to happen."
Counseling the Mula Client
Emotional distancing
Humble, religious nature
However, mula influence is surprisingly good for the religious life. Mūla-born may feel an ever deepening sense of shock and awe at the intensity of life's "random" events. Mula is characteristically unable to comprehend the cause-and-effect ways in which one's own choices can attract the perfect conditions for a major life catastrophe. Based on a life narrative featuring crisis after crisis, One may attribute great and glorious powers to a merciful God who seems to be wrathfully destructive -- and who yet offers salvation, time after time. Although Mula does often demonstrate a lack of empathy [Ketu], one may have strongly spiritualized nature [Ketu] and provide surprisingly compassionate [Guru] support for others. |
BP Lama commentary = Mula Moola Vichruta Alaxmi Nakshatra Mūla (moola, the root) causes unusually self-destructive psychic and spiritualized reasoning patterns.
Indeed there is no random accident. Yet, it is the rare Mula born who can discern the Root of the problem!
The image at right = a stylized top-down view of the Earth's larger region = Milky Way = white galaxy. The galactic Sun is a bright star which resides at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. The image shows the relative position of the Earthen Sun (Savitra). The swa(s)tika symbol, before it was demonically appropriated by the Nazi regime, served as a many-millennia-old map of Terra's home galaxy. to see the old map, draw an anti-clockwise Vedic-era swa (self, home, root) + tika (map, marker) upon the photo to right The rose flower, sacred and symbolic to many traditions, bears the map as well. So naturally does the lotus flower. The sacred Tibetan-pronunciation-Buddhist mantra OM Mani Peme Hung [om mani padme hum] = "hail to the jewel in the center of the lotus ". Mula influence suggests that a part of one's divine consciousness still harkens back to a previous incarnation, not in Earth, but in the sacred-but-terrifying world of the Galactic Sun. In between Earth incarnations (which are rather demanding although quite desirable for pre-incarnationally planned purposes) our souls may take intermediary incarnations (which is rather a misnomer because only in Earth do we get these famous "meat-bodies "!)
This brilliant star is the center of our galaxy and it is a wonderful place in many ways. If one has the privilege to linger there, one becomes more god-like for the duration of one's stay. The physical-body form is long-lived while in this realm; stupendously strong, alert and perceptive but not suspicious (suspiciousness is a component of the animal bodies we utilize here in Earth); and glamorously attractive as only the gods can be. The consciousness here is much closer to the core of divine intelligence and Con-fidence runs very high. Of course, egoic-mind membrane runs pretty high too, and there are social issues of competition for attention and dominance, proportional to godly life - on a large scale! Returning to Earth, one has only the barest background memory, never fully conscious, of this previous incarnational experience. The lingering subconscious memories do however cause polarizing catalysis for anyone with graha in Mūla nakshatra, particularly Chandra in any of the Mula pada (see Shil Ponde's description of the Mula quarters, above.) The polarizing catalysis is worst when Chandra (Moon) occupies Mula, but a strong Sun in Mula will also show some effects. Essentially, the native takes crazy risks, believing that the risks have much less destructive potential than they really do have for humans. Scattered, optimistic Mula associated with catastrophic events and failures after taking too-big risks . Due to Mula memories overflow from the galactic center, one subconsciously believes one has the ability, the strength, the determination, or the intelligence to overcome the obstacles which others rightly fear -- or survive the risk. Mula measurements in all departments of life - but especially the emotional areas - tend to be unrealistic [Ketu]. The Mula issues will depend on which graha and which domain.
Mula reasoning produces very sensible conclusions for a god or one with a god-like body and god-like access to divine rejuvenating powers. Humans are much more vulnerable to forces of Earth Nature and the backlash of human social punishment than they sometimes appreciate. Mula memories signal that one can beat the system through one's (super) natural endowment and the power of Faith.
" And now my friends, all that is true, all that is noble, all that is just and pure, all that is loveable and gracious, whatever is excellent and admirable - fill all your thoughts with these things." ~~ Paul of Tarsus, Epistle to the Philippians 4:8 |
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