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![]() Graha - Bhava - Rashi - Gochara AUM kem ketave namah Scatter , wander, observe, witness, apathetic, directionless, destitute, beheaded, surrendering, abandoning, losi nihilisam Rahu-Ketu Pages Defining influence of the Ruler of Ketu's Rashi Ketu + yuvati-pati = Ketu + Shukra Yuti * Conjunction to other Graha * Planets: |
Paalaasha pushpa sankaasham * taarakaa graha mastakam * Raudram raudra atmakam * ghoram tam ketu pranamaamyaham OM Ekadantaya Vidmahe Vakkratundaya Dheemahi, Tanno Danti Prachodayat
Ketu Yantra chidra-karaka Ketu * Sikhi * Akaca Cauda Draconis * - Tail of the Dragon * Catabibazon * South Node the pilgrim cut loose scatters, shatters, spatters, smatters, scuttles, cuts tailings, the tail, the tail-end Maha-Vidya * Vaidurya * The Great View * The Witness absent, disinterested, disengaged, disembodied, diffused ethereal, otherworldly // unsettled // egoic-mind membrane disempowerment, severance discard, pulverize, desiccate, dismember, behead abandonment, desertion, dehumanization thoughtless, heedless, careless, apathetic, dusty, debris " Ashes to ashes; dust to dust" nebulae, ghosts loneliness, chaos, isolation, amnesia |
The Dao that can be spoken,
is not the eternal Dao; The name that can be told, is not the eternal name. The unname-able is the divine origin of heaven and earth; The name-able is the mother of the myriad created forms. Therefore, Constantly have no desire in order to recognize its source; Constantly have desire in order to observe its manifestation. These two energies have the same divine origin, but they differ in polarity; Both are called Mystery. Mystery after Mystery, is the gate to all wonders. Lao Tzu 老子 |
Ketustotra: "Palasha pushpa sankaasham taraka graha mastakaam Roudram roudratmakam ghoram tam ketum Pranamamyaham." |
Collapsing Ketu 's personal story tells it all. There He was, the innocent tail of Rahu the Serpent God, sitting at the Deity Banquet, minding His own business. Ketu doesn't have an egoic-mind membrane . Professor Ketu is a tail, Latin 'cauda" . Professor Ketu is present, but absolutely soundless and uninvolved.
He will.
With a terrible shriek, the head of Professor Rahu's severed body flies in one cosmic direction, and the tail of Rahu's body flies off the opposite way. Rahu's severed tail-half is now called Ketu.
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