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Rashi Lagna - Graha - Samchara
  1. [Mesha - Aja]

  2. [Vrishabha - Urisha]
  3. [Mithuna - Dvamdva]

  4. [Karkata - Kadaga]

  5. [Simha - Leya]

  6. [Kanya - Parthya]

  7. [Tula - Vanika]

  8. [Vṛścika - Thriketta]

  9. [Dhanus - Haya]

  10. [Makara - Draco]

  11. [Kumbha - Ghata]

  12. [Meena - Antya]


OM kram krim kraum sah bhaumaya namah


OM shram shreem shroum sah ketave namah

OM Naraya Namah * OM Narayanaya Namah

OM Nayanaya surasihaya namaha

Navagraha Adhipati


Summary of Nine Graha Rulership Portfolio

measured from

lagna - ligne - line of

वृश्चिक vṛścika


Ali - Nakra

Kaurpi - Korpi

Kita - Ketta - Keza

Vrushik - Vrizcika

Vrizcikarazi - Vrizcikez


see also: Vṛścika Chandra

Sacred Jewels general recommendation for Vṛścika nativities


Professor Surya

  • karmesha karmesha-10

  • governance, leadership, command


  • Public Visibility
  • Social Reputation and Respect
  • Elite Positions
  • Leadership Roles
  • Governance Duties
  • Professional Responsibilities

Applicable also to emotional reality of public roles, as measured from Vṛścika Chandra

Great pride in one's corporate or institutional leadership position, reputation, and governance empowerments.

Leadership Capability and Style

  • karmesha-10 Surya = autocratic and self-referential in matters of executive decision.

  • Shani, the natural regulator of 10, is bureaucratic and refers to society as an orderly whole.

  • Ravi = the bitter enemy of Shani, naatural regulator of 10.

Natural karma-pati Shani favors methods which are slow, careful, and persistent, aiming always for maximum social conformity under the rule of statutory law . Shani's preferred style of governance is lawfully consistent, usually harsh and austere, and targeted to the stark realities of the commonest rank-and-file members of society. Shani imposes a governance system based on slowly earned and often begrudging material rewards, afixed hierarchy of rulers, and above all respect for law.

10-from Vṛścika = the realm of brilliant, independent, self-centered Professor Surya . Vṛścika governs autocratically. Being often out of touch with Shani's common people (customers, citizens) Vṛścika can gain a reputation (10) for unpopular and ineffective leadership. In the modern age they are often perceived by underlings and citizens as being inconsistent, tyrannical, self-appointed royalty, playing favorites in a courtly style, romanticizing real-world problems, narcissistic, and unfair. (Surya = bitter enemy of Shukra = fair).

  • Iran-Shah 1919-1980 Aryamehr Mohamed Reza Pahlavi * [nīcha] Somana-yuti-Rahu = wildly out of touch with the common people, many of whom saw him as a gold-bedecked deity. While hob-nobbing with glamorous celebrities and engaged in courtly intrigue with a handful oil millionaires, he had no idea that a huge revolution was about to overthrow his regime.


karmesha-10 Surya as a significator of self-confidence and visibility, as well as karmesha, becomes a double career indicator.

Periods of Surya tend to advance career and public position, bringing radiant attention to the native 's personality, ideas, and appearance.

the native is capable, presuming Ravi is well-disposed, of channeling a remarkable amount of divine intelligence into the rather bureaucratic and lowest-common-denominator business of operating a government and providing iconic symbolism to the masses.

  • Moneyball 1963- drama-commerce Brad Pitt= Chandra-yuti-Surya-Dhanus-2 = icon of face, eyes, hair, speech and song (Surya's ruler Brihaspati-5is also strengthened in svakshetra connoting = children, drama, politics, games)


  • As always for the karmesha-10 , public leadership responsibilities and respected positions in which one is accorded the privilege to impose a new order upon society, naaturally involve a loss of income. bhava-10 = 12th-from (loss) of bhava-11 (income).

  • uncomfortable for the affairs of one's younger siblings (as Surya = randhresha-8 vis-à-vis bhratru bhava) and periods of Ravi for the Vṛścika indriya-lagna can trigger ill health or social conflict for one's children (because karmesha-10 is always rogesha-6 from putra bhava).


Surya is a karaka for career and public recognition, and Ravi = karmesha-10 for Vṛścika indriya-lagna.

Therefore, Vṛścika is somewhat disposed toward to accept public roles and professional leadership responsibilities within lawful, hierarchical status pyramids (10) such as large corporations and government bureaucracies

~~ Phaladeepika , sarga-5, shloka-6

" When [Surya] the lord of the 10th house occupies the Navamsha of Jupiter ,

the native finds his living with the help of Brahmins, deities, or through state favor , recitation of Puranas, studying Sastras, preaching or giving religious instructions, or lending money."

Sacred Jewels for Surya - Manika (pure Ruby) for Vṛścika indriya-lagna

~~ d. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology. Ranjan Publications, New Delhi . p. 89

" For the Scorpio (Vrischik) Ascendant,

Sun rules the 10th house.

Sun is a friend of Mars the lord of Scorpio Ascendant.

Therefore, wearing of a Ruby for the native of this Ascendant will bestow him with honours, promotions and great political power .

  • He will achieve great success in his ventures if he is a businessman or industrialist.

If Sun as ruler of the 10th is in 10th this will give rise to a powerful Raja Yoga and by wearing a Ruby, the native can even become a high dignitary, minister, prime Minister or President.

The wearing of Ruby will prove very helpful if there are obstructions in the achievement of success on account of inauspicious disposition or affliction, in any way, of Sun in the birth chart.

  • The results will be more pronounced in the major period and sub-periods of Sun."


Applicable also to emotional reality as measured from Vṛścika Chandra

Professor Chandra activates bhava-9

Dharmesha for Kita -born

Chandra-Vṛścika-1 [nīcha]

[nīcha] Chandra activates 9 + Chandra occupies 5th-from-9. Emotional focus on individual genius (5, 1) for dramatizing philosophical principles (9)

  • Devout but invasive mom attuned to physicality, movement, fleshly sensations
  • sentimental inspirational energy nourishes principled belief

patronage of the believers supports development of the unique healing personality

  • emotionally identified with worldview, humanism, philosophy
  • bonds with the sangha of the emotionally wounded ([nīcha] Chandra)
  • sensitive exponent of patriarchal culture

priesthood, preaching, public spiritual guidance, patron of higher wisdom

[Chandra-Dhanus] -2

Chandra activates 9 + Chandra occupies 6th-from-9

Guru dhanapati is friendly toward Chandra dharmesha.

  • devout mom in center of family
  • mom may be banker, accountant, record-keeper
  • both parents wealth-acquiring, dogmatic, heritage-valuing

Chandra glows via inspirational, intuitive story-telling via face-sounds-speech-song

  • sentimentally values lineage doctrinal traditions
  • feels grounded when applying principled beliefs in financial, historical, linguistic settings

Slight imbalance due to discomfort with the beliefs of the parents and caretakers, yet culturally bonded to their worldview

Chandra in Makara-3

Chandra activator of 9 + Chandra occupies 7th-from-9th = emotional focus on communication of principled beliefs

  • devout class-conscious mother may be a businesswoman, writer-photographer-illustrator for governments or corporations, explainer of public doctrine, instructor of formal writing or grammar, articulator of patronage
  • both parents as well as the siblings (3) = oriented to institutional communication with reference to national ideology

Customary faith and humanistic principles (9) well matched to rhythms of planning, scheduling, schematics, itinerary, event management (3)

[Chandra-Kumbha] -4

Chandra activator of 9 + Chandra occupies 8th-from-9th = emotional 6/8 toward ideological worldview

  • devout socialite mother may be a schoolteacher or outreach coordinator for the religious congregation
  • yet mom may be also a transformative agent for the doctrine, changing her belief-commitments or secretly leaving the faith
  • parents often land-owners with socialistic beliefs
  • mom can be ill, either mentally or physically, due to internal disagreement between higher convictions vs on-the-ground feelings.

intuitively seeks connectivity with those of similar ethno-national roots

  • predictable routines anchor the proletarian childhood
  • often feels tension between the local (4) vs the global (9)

Customary doctrine and humanistic principles (9) mismatched to rhythms of home-ownership, farming, ancestral ways of life.

Kumbha-Chandra's futuristic, distributive, egalitarian worldview often struggles against the parochialism of deep-roots, clinging bandhusthāna.

[Chandra-Meena] -5

Chandra activator of 9 + Chandra occupies 9th-from-9th.

  • devout, contemplative mom is intelligent, wise, philosophical, charming, confident,
  • mom may be a university professor, priestess, actress, or scholar
  • Both parents may hold sacerdotal roles, be religious aspirants, study customary theology, or serve as inspirational guides.

personal familiarity with charitable, visionary, spiritually-guiding sensitivity expressed through charismatic sparkle, creative speculation, aneed for romance

Chandra-Meena-5 is most comfortable when ensconced in sacred or high-teaching environments that are theatrically ceremonial, seasonally celebratory, and flowing with ritual display. Generally a smooth, sensitive pathway for realized entitlement with children, games, drama, politics, romantic idealism, scholarship, and speculative endeavor.

[Chandra-Mesha] -6

Chandra activator of 9 + Chandra occupies 10th-from-9th. Dynamic religious leadership of oppressed victims.

  • devout proactive mom may be a medico, aservant, avictim, ahelper
  • mom = empathetic toward the disenfranchised
  • mom's beliefs may anchor her servitude or sickness
  • needs to apply principled philosophy (9) to emotionally charged conflicts (6)

comfortable with direct action in criminal, accusatory, unfair, or toxic settings

  • competitive, pioneering, forward-moving routines
  • soothed by ministries of service to the imbalanced
  • emotional response to fighting

service ministry via muscular movement, innovation, new birth

[Chandra-Urisha] -7

Chandra activator of 9 + Chandra occupies 11th-from-9th. Gainful, socializing partner.

  • devout, philosophical mom may be a values-balancing match-maker
  • fortunate for negotiations, bargains

soothed by belief-based evaluations

  • emotionally attuned, treasury-hoarding relationships
  • nourished by rhythmic history-remembering agreements
  • sensual-pleasuring expressed through equity-seeking arrangements
  • intuitive, financially sensitive bargaining

needs worthy partners who hold culturally aligned beliefs

[Chandra-Mithuna] -8

Chandra activator of 9 + Chandra occupies 12th-from-9th

  • Devout mom may be protectively secretive
  • Mom may use guilt or threats (8) to communicate her beliefs (9) behind-the-scenes (12)

emotionally attuned to hidden relationships, especially of a passionate nature when in Arudra

  • soothed by catastrophic upheaval
  • accustomed to being threatened
  • sensitive reporting of unsettling information
  • customary beliefs anchor a lifetime cycle of transformative change

intuitively camouflaged communications

[Chandra-Karkata] -9

Chandra activator of 9 + Chandra occupies 1st-from-9th

  • devout mom may be deeply attuned to doctrinally-guided ritual worship
  • mom may be muse-guide for the native
  • mom may be a professor, philosopher, provider of ancient wisdom

wise protector of established routines and customary beliefs

  • routine rhythmic catechism brings the local into the global
  • ideology symbolized by oceans, waves, undulation, rate, pace, flow
  • emotionally anchored into congregational philosophy
  • calmed by ancient principled belief
  • intuitive understanding of seasonal flow and sacramental rites-of-passage

familiar face to the ethno-national believers and their priests


Budha-ruled [Chandra in Aśleṣa] [9] emotional clinging to principled beliefs, sentimentalized dogmatism, mentalized patriotic feelings, cherished defensive nationalism.

Associated with clutching and squeezing to the point of strangulation, [Chandra in Aśleṣa] [9] may cling desperately for safety to an ideology, adogma, aworldview based in principled paradigmatic beliefs [9].

[Chandra-Simha] -10

Chandra activator of 9 + Chandra occupies 2nd-from-9th * emotional focus on doctrinal traditions

  • devout mom holds respected iconic ceremonial position
  • either parent may be a political-sacerdotal-royal leader

may symbolize a heritage ethno-national paradigm of belief

  • familiar face representing principled philosophy
  • self-reflexive need to hold praised executive roles

CAREER challenge = activator of 9 occupies 10, slightly draining the pragmatic career impetus via backward-looing concern for theory, globalism, higher understanding worldview, guiding convictions. Wants to be seen as a philosophical humanist, but the command position (10) requires pragmatism.

Chandra-Kanya -11

Chandra activator of 9 + Chandra occupies 3rd-from-9th * emotional focus on announcements grounded in sacred belief

  • Devout mom may be a socialite, community worker, friend-linker
  • well-connected, service-oriented mom helps others via distributive service systems

sensitive ministry serves populist, large-group aims

  • feels the populist sentiment of the underclass
  • social activism may fulfill the religious convictions
  • emotionalized complaint, feelings of imbalance = key to goal achievement.


Chandra = activator of 9 + Chandra occupies bhava-11 = 9th-from-9th

dhanayoga relies on customary connections, maternal lineage, and ancestral bonds to sustain the economic linkages.

[Chandra-Tula] -12

Chandra activator of 9 + Chandra occupies 4th-from-9th * emotional focus on private spiritual guidance, grounded in sacred belief

  • Devout mom may bargain from an invisible location
  • mom seeks faith-based prayerful wayshowing

sensitive to behind-the-scenes trading, sensitive to backchannel understanding

  • feels balanced in state of trancelike satiation
  • dreamy sentimental appeasements
  • ancestor guides seek brokerage
  • imagines the fair settlement of ancient injustices
  • attuned to pleasantly designed sequestered environments

caring relationships tend to bond in hotel-rooms, bedrooms, dormitories, meditation-hall, research labs, distant lands * most comfortable when ensconced in artistic foreign cultures

Candescent Chandra activates bhava-9, granting a particularly intuitive understanding and ability for matters of philosophy, spiritual guidance, father-figures and patriarchal social direction, theory, first principles, credenda, ideology, doctrine, and higher teaching roles.

Vṛścika indriya-lagna nativities emotionally need [Chandra] to feel secure in philosophical or ideological principles, in theory, in the tenets of belief, in doctrine, in dogma, in the high priest, the professor, in the father, the pope-papa, the presbytery, in the patriarchal culture.

Vṛścika indriya-lagna nativities harbor emotional expectations that these doctrinal features of bhava-9 - the guru, the dharma, the sangha - will provide an emotionally reliable, unchanging, protective environment.

Dharmesha-9 Chandra matrikaraka signifies temple discourse on topics of belief, and high-priestly or professorial duties are associated with the mother and her social roles.

Vṛścika places emotional faith in the mother, and doctrinal faith in the father.

Periods of Dharmesha-9 bring auspicious travel and spiritual advancement through religious fellowship. Favorable for university life, and auspicious for the affairs of one's children.

Periods of Chandra energize the spouse's siblings.

Universities, seminaries, and Teaching Temples

Due to Chandra = Dharmesha-9 for Vṛścika indriya-lagna, the native carries a lifelong emotional affinity for universities, seminaries, and teaching temples. Of course, chandra must be well situated for this affinity to generate a positive experience.

If Chandra is unfavorably placed (6, 8, 12) one may develop an unhealthy resentment of universities and temples as places of conflict (6) or loss (12).

But in general, the emotional affinity is positive and comfortable. One retreats to the university and its culture as a place of protection from the unknown. The mother is a priest or a professor or at least an aficionada of philosophical discussion, and the father may also be allied with universities as a professor or be some sort of a priest, since Chandra can represent the parents as a unit as well as the mother on her own.

Badhaka -sthāna = "harming houses"

dharmesha -9 Chandra = badhesha

Fixed lagna typically has some polarizing catalysis from the father, father-figure, guru, professor, religious or moral teacher, temple, sacred teachings etc. If Shani occupies Mesha, one may face considerable polarizing catalysis when dealing with the father.

Periods of Chandra may bring forward an agent in the figure of a father, father-role, guru, priest, professor, or some abstract personage known through wisdom-teachings, who (often inadvertently) causes harm to the native via emotional bondage or excessively sheltering, paternalistic behavior, intolerance for change in religious viewpoints, and deep need to impose a secure environment.

Badhaka agents must be handled with compassion, in the knowledge that this harm-causing agent is merely a projection of one's own unrealized emotional needs with sacred teachings, higher philosophies, priestly orders, and with self-proclaimed teachers of truth.

Difficult graha in occupation of dharma bhava or Chandra drishti upon bhava-9 may exacerbate the badhaka agency.

According to BPHS ch 43, the period of Chandra-Guru can be fatal.

The Mukta * natural pearl = universally beneficial for the Vṛścika indriya-lagna nativity but there is some concern about pairing the lovely Moti with a munga * red coral.

First concern should be whether Ripu bhava seems activated to produce undue animosity, conflict, or illness in this life - in this case, resist the urge to use a hot-blooded munga with the wise and placid pearl.

A second consideration is the kundali placement of Kuja. If Mangala inhabits a dushthamsha, special reservations should be in mind.

If Mangala = randhresha-8 in 6 that is an excellent yoga for the destruction of debts; However, in the reverse as rogesha-6 in 8 Mangala may become the agent of difficult to diagnose diseases and multiple injuries through accidents which place the native often in emergency situations.

d. Kapoor (above) points to an established remedial gemstone principle that the gems for lagnesha-1 + Dharmesha-9 are a naturally beneficent pair for any nativity. Yet with Mangala's inherent capacity for impulsive actions, danger, and injury-accident, it is worth considering whether the Mukta (pearl) alone would be more helpful for the native 's well-being.

Sacred Jewels for Chandra - Mukta (moti, pure natural Pearl) for Vṛścika indriya-lagna

QUOTATION from : d. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology . Ranjan Publications, New Delhi .. p. 94

" For the Scorpio Ascendant,

  • Moon is the lord of the ninth house; the house Bhagya (fortune).

  • Therefore, wearing of a Pearl to the native s of this ascendant would prove very beneficial.

This promotes religious and charitable inclinations and purity of mind,

brings fortune

and will prove good for the longevity of father.

  • Wearing of a Pearl always will prove very beneficial

If Moon is not well disposed or afflicted in any way, the wearing of Pearl with a Red Coral for persons with Scorpio Ascendant will do immense good to them."

Applicable also to emotional reality as measured from Vṛścika Chandra

Professor Kuja

lagnesha-1 + rogesha-6

Due to Kuja's 1-6 mixed portfolio for the Vṛścika-born, one tends to be "of two minds" regarding matters of the bhava inhabited by Mangala.


Lagnesha + rogesha-6 Kuja shapes the social-physical identity and indicates which realms of social endeavor are naturally suited to one's life-force energies.

Kuja's character in rashi and bhava will determine the field of action for the perpetual competition and combat which propel this highly vital native into life and work.

  • One may be a ground-breaking researcher, abrilliant healer, agenius financier, or a fierce warrior.

One may hunt with physical weapons, or with the mind. Shamanist influences arising from Kuja's natural lordship of the Tantrik 8th domain are part of the native 's shrewd, perceptive, intense way of being.

Conflict in the Kita-lagna native's life can become intensely psychological and even overtly violent due to the maha-dusthamsha being ruled by an aggressive malefic graha.

Deadly significations are intensified. May give the death of a child (2nd-from-5th) or gains from confidential insider information (11th-from-8th) Kuja [Mars] = lagnesha

  1. Mangala's position will make or break the success of Vṛścika indriya-lagna folks. Mangala will show the style and direction in which the life force wishes to travel.

  2. Should Kuja be exalted, in own sign, in parivartamsha with his lord, or in kendra, Vṛścika-born may enjoy worldly success. The stronger Kuja's traits the strong the native 's performance in his specialty.

  3. Guru, shukra, and other pleasure-giver subhagraha may contribute their own measure of talent and capability to the life. However, the lagnesha Kuja has amplified powers.

  4. Kuja is not a reflective force but rather active and productive. He never loses his malefic quality - his drive to create competition, aggression, war - but he may give excellent worldly results when he is well placed.

  5. For example:

  • By contrast, if Kuja occupies Kumbha , the sign of oppressive Shani, in bandhu-bhava, the individual may find that the life force tends to implode into domestic disputes, conflict with educational system, and private scientific interests. There is little useful expression in the outside world due to the combined problems of Kuja being a disruptive agent in the emotional, security-focused 4th house and Mangala doubly chained to the whims of his adversarial Professor Shani .

The power of kendra is somewhat helpful, providing the stamina to keep this person alive and working until Shani becomes more friendly - usually in middle age. Shani is friendly to age, experience, wisdom, conservative principles, delayed judgments, etc. This situation of Mangala will be extremely difficult until Kuja reaches his maturity at age 28; thereafter a comparatively less oppressed period until the 2nd Saturn return in the mid-forties; and thereafter until death (depending on dasha effects) this Mars becomes easier to manage as the body and emotions are less turbulent in ager.

Kuja may poses daunting challenges for Vṛścika nativities in which Mangala = rogesha-6 from both kundali indriya-lagna (material animosity) and Chandra lagna (emotional imbalance-seeking-a-remedy):

  1. Vṛścika kundali indriya-lagna + Vṛścika Chandra

  2. Vṛścika kundali indriya-lagna + Mithuna Chandra

Applicable also to emotional reality as measured from Vṛścika Chandra

lagnesha= Professor Mangala in bhava-1

lagnesha= svakshetra Mangala-Vṛścika - Ruchaka Yoga = dominant force in competitive situations.

Tremendous life-force vitality surges with muscular movement. A dominating force (unless oppressed by Shani). Deep-water diver, driller, digger, and surgeon, single-focus pursuit of the goal.

Muscular exercise and sport for purpose of physical fitness, costume and grooming, and maintenance of the fleshbody vigor is typically important to their self-esteem and a normal feature of the identity.


lagnesha [Mangala-Karkata]

active pursuit of security * proactive nourishment * drive toward rooting + settling * vigorous defensive movement * police protector * fence-builder * push toward land ownership * promotes construction of settlements * innovative farming + fishing * energetically ethnic * champion of local cultures

  • 1- distinctive attributes of personality, dense material incorporation, individual personification, earthen embodiment, physical integrity, kinetic energy, dance, style of movement, athletic prowess, muscular mobility, unique character, kinetic vitality, circumstances of birth, tangible appearance, coherent social identity

  • 6-ministries of service, dehumanization, misconduct, war, jail, slavery, pollution, argumentation, healthcare workers, ailment, injury, medical treatment, hypocrisy, crime, cheating, animosity, toxins, complaints, accusation, litigation, imbalanced conditions, injustice, betrayed promises, servants, laborers, hostility, animosity, disagreement, dehumanization

Applicable also to emotional reality as measured from Vṛścika Chandra

lagnesha= Professor Mangala-Dhanus

lagnesha [Mangala in bhava-2]

Muscular exercise and sport for purpose of physical fitness, costume and grooming, and maintenance of the fleshbody vigor is typically important to their self-esteem and a normal feature of the identity.

Applicable also to emotional reality as measured from Vṛścika Chandra

lagnesha= Professor Mangala-Maraka-Draco [uchcha]

lagnesha [Mangala in bhava-3]

Muscular exercise and sport for purpose of physical fitness, costume and grooming, and maintenance of the fleshbody vigor is typically important to their self-esteem and a normal feature of the identity.

Life-force energy is primarily directed toward commercial business, communications media, production of reports and announcements, teamwork, entourage, ensemble performance, workgroup collaboration, corporate department. rogesha-6 and lagnesha-1 uchcha Mangala tends to bring the Vṛścika indriya-lagna nativity into conflicted-6 teamwork situations in which one may be perceived as unpleasantly dominating, exploitive, hostile or aggressive (also applies emotionally to Vṛścika Chandra).

However, the hard-working and productive Mangala-driven native is not impeded by the hesitations, criticisms, or displeasure of others. This Learning Pathway may predict material success in the most growth-challenging commercial and communicative environments.

It is a poor position for teamwork harmony since Mangala is very dominating and may be disrespectful of those less driven. Tends toward bullying style of management. Yet, the individual when unencumbered by the management roles which so often burden matters of bhava-3 is often a business superstar who lives in a state of institutional overdrive.

Generally, there is frequent short-term travel (not relocation, but venture from base then return to base). Many brief adventures including holidays and business-related tours of duty.

Splendid placement for a dominating businessperson.

Makara in Sahaja bhava sales, marketing, administration, meetings, teamwork, colleagues, siblings, and mental tasking. This Learning Pathway often predicts excellence in business and a propensity to create self-made treasuries . One flourishes in all varieties of commerce and business administration, with a persistently competitive thrust toward domination and control of the immediate transactional environment.

If there is also a pari-vart-amsha-yoga between lagnesha Kuja-Makara and Shani-Vṛścika expect self-made financial well-being (3) through combining the outcomes of 1, 3, 4, and 6 * emphasizing 3 commerce.

There would be determined hard work [Shani], dominating aggressiveness [Kuja], extraordinary physical (1) productivity in reports and announcements, meetings and teamwork (3), awareness of rules of corporate-governance hierarchy [Shani] and sharp business judgment which is nonetheless tempered by realism regarding large socially ordered structures.

Such a person is utterly defined by their work; should the work be removed, the personality would become dysfunctional.

Applicable also to emotional reality as measured from Vṛścika Chandra

lagnesha= Professor Mangala-Kumbha

lagnesha [Mangala in bhava-4]

  • fashion model + mom Cindy Crawford

Muscular exercise and sport for purpose of physical fitness, costume and grooming, and maintenance of the fleshbody vigor is typically important to their self-esteem and a normal feature of the identity.

Kuja Dosha

Mangala-4 casting His 4th drishti upon yuvati bhava will produce the most acute experience of marital Kuja Dosha.

the Kuja Dosha upon kalatra-bhava generated by [nīcha] Kuja in 4 is very significant in marriage and business alliance; lifelong counseling is recommended and the partners must learn to give each other social and personal space to express competitive and muscular energies outside the delicate balance of their union

Satisfaction in partnership requires much additional support from positive drishti or favorable yuvati-pati-7 in order to counteract a tendency to attack the alliance-partner with accusations of emotional withholding.

Indeed, the accusation is correct but it originates from the childhood home and not directly from the adult partnership.

  • Nevertheless, the native is both physically and emotionally adversarial and generally quite difficult to satisfy.

This individual has a shortfall of Trust in his early home environment which makes one reactionary and unable to trust oneself - or others - as an adult.

Others find one to be manipulative and emotionally unstable, consistently maneuvering to get more than one is owed.

If there is also a pari-vart-amsha-yoga between lagnesha Kuja-Kumbha and Shani-Vṛścika expect self-made treasuries (3) through combining the outcomes of 1, 3, 4, and 6 * emphasizing 4 patriotism and cultural foundations.

There would be determined hard work [Shani], dominating aggressiveness [Kuja], extraordinary physical (1) productivity in schoolteaching and parenting, protection of the borders of the land and the ways of its settled peoples (4), awareness of rules of corporate-governance hierarchy [Shani] and sharp scientific judgment which is nonetheless tempered by realism regarding the non-scientific prejudices of large socially ordered structures. Such a person is utterly defined by their work; should the work be removed, the personality would become dysfunctional.

Applicable also to emotional reality as measured from Vṛścika Chandra

lagnesha= Professor [Mangala in bhava-5]

lagnesha = Mangala-Meena

Muscular exercise and sport for purpose of physical fitness, costume and grooming, and maintenance of the fleshbody vigor is typically important to their self-esteem and a normal feature of the identity.

Mangala = healthy and vigorous for exploration of the worlds of politics, theatre, literary and creative genius in the friendly sign of Meena, in the speculative, charismatic, entertaining, fashionable, game-loving, royal-privilege vidyasthāna-5.

  • Except for giving harm to children (often a miscarriage or two) Mangala-5 = productive, creative, loves to take chances from a confident game-positive energetic perspective in speculative business ventures

  • energized ability to campaign for elected positions

  • energized ability to mount and win competitions based on personal charisma and physical drive

Has much vigor and enthusiasm for the theatrical life. If a writer, tremendous literary output.

  • Second Sex 1908-1986 social theory Simone de Beauvoir [Somana-yuti-Kuja] * Kuja receive s expanding drishti of [uchcha] Guru. Professor de Beauvoir's writings, both book-length studies and shorter articles, were numerous. Her writings particularly addressed inequalities (Kuja rogesha-6 ) in the economic situations of men vs. women, and the concept of individuality (lagnesha-1 ) as it applied to the unique (1) lived experience of women.

Applicable also to emotional reality as measured from Vṛścika Chandra

- Harsha Yoga

lagnesha= Professor Mangala in bhava-6

lagnesha = Mangala-Mesha

Muscular exercise and sport for purpose of physical fitness, costume and grooming, and maintenance of the fleshbody vigor is typically important to their self-esteem and a normal feature of the identity.

Applicable also to emotional reality as measured from Vṛścika Chandra

lagnesha= Professor Mangala in bhava-7

lagnesha = Mangala-Urisha

Muscular exercise and sport for purpose of physical fitness, costume and grooming, and maintenance of the fleshbody vigor is typically important to their self-esteem and a normal feature of the identity.

Applicable also to emotional reality as measured from Vṛścika Chandra

[Sarala Yoga]

lagnesha= Professor Mangala in bhava-8

lagnesha = Mangala-Mithuna

Muscular exercise and sport for purpose of physical fitness, costume and grooming, and maintenance of the fleshbody vigor is typically important to their self-esteem and a normal feature of the identity.

Life-force energy is directed into the realms of the camouflaged, occult, unseen, masked, confidential, transformative, and hidden. Mangala-Mithuna is Typically, averbal, conversational producer with a natural ability to discuss matters which are taboo, undisclosed, dangerous, explosive, or have the characteristics of (occasionally violently) transformative bhava-1.

Splendid placement for inter alia a psychiatrist talking [Mithuna] with dangerous personalities, abureaucrat handling [Mithuna] disaster management duties, or a detective interviewing [Mithuna] those involving in frightening crimes.

Mangala-8 grants longevity and rogesha-6 Kuja-8 confers [Sarala Yoga] . Therefore, one may safely operate in and among life-threatening people and scenarios without fear of personal harm. In fact, interactive verbal and manual engagement with explicitly dangerous, disruptive, disastrous, and emergency-type situations is often a key to success for one. Before prognosticating, check for the influence of other graha in 8.

Applicable also to emotional reality as measured from Vṛścika Chandra

lagnesha= Professor Mangala in bhava-9

lagnesha = Mangala-Karkata [nīcha]

Muscular exercise and sport for purpose of physical fitness, costume and grooming, and maintenance of the fleshbody vigor is typically important to their self-esteem and a normal feature of the identity.

Mangala fallen * estranged * often suggests a history of suppressed anger; or passive-aggressive style of pursuit of the goal

  • If Kuja enjoys [nīcha-bhanga] results can be spectacularly successful regardless of the original akashic-memory pattern .

  • As always, with this dictum first the nichha, then the bhanga : )
If Kuja-yuti-Rahu the results may be inflammatory.

lagnesha-1 + rogesha-6 Kuja-9 in svabhava of Guru = unfortunate for the father and potential for grief through squeezing manipulative religious teachers

Kuja dosha afflicts bhava-12 disturbing the sleep and infusing the bed pleasures with intense emotionally, physically, and psychically penetrating energy.

Kuja-Karkata-9 drishti to 12 may become a fantasy (12) object for others

Kuja dosha afflicts bhava-3 disturbing the normal daily communications and infusing the media publications with intense emotionally, physically, and psychically penetrating energy. Ability to evoke emotional response via writing, advertising, media-message

Kuja dosha afflicts bhava-4 disturbing the home life, infusing the mother (sometimes both parents but usually the mother) with a pushy, dominating nature. However, the mother may be well satisfied with this energy if a suitable outlet is found.

Mother may be unwell.

Applicable also to emotional reality as measured from Vṛścika Chandra

[dikbala] * Ruchaka Yoga

lagnesha= Professor Mangala in bhava-10

lagnesha = Mangala-Singha

Muscular exercise and sport for purpose of physical fitness, costume and grooming, and maintenance of the fleshbody vigor is typically important to their self-esteem and a normal feature of the identity.

Applicable also to emotional reality as measured from Vṛścika Chandra

lagnesha= Professor Mangala in bhava-11

lagnesha = Mangala-Kanya

Muscular exercise and sport for purpose of physical fitness, costume and grooming, and maintenance of the fleshbody vigor is typically important to their self-esteem and a normal feature of the identity.

Applicable also to emotional reality as measured from Vṛścika Chandra

lagnesha= Professor Mangala in bhava-12

lagnesha = Mangala-Tula

Muscular exercise and sport for purpose of physical fitness, costume and grooming, and maintenance of the fleshbody vigor is typically important to their self-esteem and a normal feature of the identity.

For Vṛścika indriya-lagna , rogesha-6 Kuja-Kanya-11 in 6th-from-6th = succeeds in winning income but fails at winning friends. Mangala is rich but disliked due to an (often unconscious) habit of launching hypocritical argumentative attacks upon perceived competitors.

  • Remedy = Seva offered to victims of toxicity and pollution, including service to Earth herself

  • remedial "green" advocacy

Vimshottari periods of Mangala

svabhukti of the lagnesha Mangala can be an extremely influential and significant period of the lifetime.


For the Vṛścika nativity, if possible a Jyotisha remedial Red Coral should be worn during Mangala mahadasha.


Alternatively, more powerful than ratna = offering of Seva. For the entire seven years of the Mahadasha of Angarika, seva should be offered on behalf of adolescent or young-adult males

Also Seva is appropriately directed to those who need help with forward movement of any kind ;

Military invasion, forceful explorations, weaponry, engineering, surgical tools, driving, diving, drilling, plumbing, plowing, excavating, explosives, sports and hunting; military conquest, mining, and discoveries.

Personal best wins; birth and re-birth; matters of The earthen body vitality, flesh-and-blood; muscular health; new starts, innovation, initiation of projects; start-ups; fire and fuels .

Sacred Jewels for Mangala: munga for Vṛścika indriya-lagna

quotation from ~~ d. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology . Ranjan Publications, New Delhi . p. 98

" For the Scorpio Ascendant,

  • Mars rules the Ascendant (and also of the 6th).

But his lordship of the Ascendant will prevail over the lordship of the sixth house.

  • The Red Coral will be beneficial to the native in the same manner as for the Aries Ascendant.."

[Busy Bantering Budha]

randhresha-8 +vriddhi-pati-11

privileged information and marketplace economics

Budha wants to talk-about, instruct, explain, classify, discriminate, analyze, articulate, and announce WRT matters of bhava-8 and bhava-11 = privileged information and marketplace economics :

  • Destruction and Rebirth (8): emergencies, disasters, secret instructions, confidential information, privileged information, transformative process, insider knowledge, psychology, detection, digging, drilling, plunging, plumbing, mining, penetration, emergence, surgery, excavating, discoveries, revelation, rejuvenation, reconstruction,

  • Gains and Goals (11) : material income, profit, marketplace associations, naetworks, financial systems, economies, regulated social participation movements, acquaintances, connections, community, large assemblies, opportunity, goals, objectives, achievement

Bidding Bantering Budha's rulership of Mangala's svabhava-8 is somewhat problematic because Budha and lagnesha-1 +randhresha-8 Mangala are enemies.

Budha wants to talk while Mangala wants to act.

  • If Budha is not well supported, one may develop a reputation for blustering and boasting about knowing secrets, detecting hidden resources and making changes while others more direct and forceful actually do the job.

Budha's rulership of Shani's svabhava-11 is a comfortable fit. If Chattering Kumara is well-disposed, the Vṛścika native may become a sought-after speaker on matters of community development, financial and economic networks, and goal achievement.

randhresha-8 +Vriddhi-pati-11 Budha gives a mixed effect. Vimshottari Periods of Budha may produce sudden changes (8), but are profitable overall (11) including the accomplishment of numerous goals and achievements.

Budha has two separate effects upon the Vṛścika indriya-lagna native which are inseparable until the native becomes aware of their identical cause.

  • 8th-from = cycles of destruction and rebirth, which operate continuously in the lifetime. Sometimes these cycles are catastrophic involving death of a spouse or natural emergency such as earthquake flood or fire; most of the time these catastrophes occur on a materially minor scale such as medical surgeries, identity change through ritual initiation, sudden change in financial status (inheritance, taxes, insurance).

  • When Budha = randhresha-8 the nature of one's response to sudden, forced changes is mentalized and often the native will be engaged in writing or otherwise communicating about transformative experience. Again this may be pleasant such as writing a book about deep healing, or it may be unpleasant such as writing to the IRS about serious tax problems. Easy or difficult depends on the character of Budha in the nativity and also, importantly, on Budha's angle from the mahadasha pati during Budha bhukti of the Vimshottari dasha.

  • 11th-from = community development, setting of goals, earning of achievements

The Budha ratna is generally not prescribed due to the mixed effects of Panna upon the subliminal thoughts. However, it is possible to discriminate these two effects mentally, choosing to emphasize the 11th effects and de-emphasize the 8th effects. Thus the remedial benefits of 11th-from targeted Seva are much more positive.

Sacred Jewels for Budha: Flawless Emerald (panna) for Vṛścika indriya-lagna

from d. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology . Ranjan Publications, New Delhi . p. 101

" Mercury rules the 8th in the 11th.

Therefore, mercury is not considered an auspicious planet for this Ascendant.

  • Still we are of the view that if Mercury as ruler of the 11th is in the Ascendant, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th, 10th or 11th,

  • wearing of Emerald in the major period of Mercury will help the native to acquire wealth and have financial gains in his profession."

Globalist Generous Gleeful Optimistic Expanding Guru


dhanapati-2 + vidya-pati-5

5-celebrity, dramatics, center-stage roles, creativity, intelligence, romance, speculative finance, theatre, ,children, politics, entitlement, prizes

Guru benefits family lineage and children. Periods of Guru bring childbirth, publications of literary works, recognition of the value of one's intelligence, success in speculation, and wealthr.

Vimshottari Dasha of Brihaspati

Depending on characteristics of Brihaspati according to yuti-graha, rashi, drishti. and bhava, Guru Mahadasha for the Vṛścika radical nativity is generally a period of great performance genius and great acquisition of wealth treasuries.

Guru's mūlatrikoṇa being Dhanus, overall effects of dhana-bhava-2 are generally somewhat stronger than the effects of vidyasthāna-5.

Because of the role played by Professor Guru for the Vrischuika nativity, and the natural friendship of Guru toward lagnesha Mangala, it is a common experience that a steady stream of center-stage roles and charismatic performances would accompany a great abundance of collection, gathering, and containment of precious items during this 16-year mahadasha.

Sacred Jewels for Guru

Flawless pushkarajaka," pukhraj"

yellow sapphire * for Vṛścika indriya-lagna

quotation from ~~ d. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology . Ranjan Publications, New Delhi . p. 108

" Jupiter will be lord of the 2nd and 5th houses.

Being lord of 5th house, aTrine, Jupiter is considered an auspicious planet for this Ascendant.

  • Apart from this, mars, lord of this Ascendant, is a friend of Jupiter.

  • Consequently Yellow Sapphire is a very suitable stone for the native s of this Ascendant and more so in the major period of Jupiter and his sub-periods.

It will prove more profitable if worn along with Red Coral -- the gem stone of the lord of this Ascendant."

Shukra yuvati-pati-7 +ruler-of-12

In a husbandly nativity, shukra signifies both the marriage-contract and the wifely partner.

From the Vṛścika indriya-lagna+ yuvati-pati-7 and ruler-of-12 Shukra benefits making diplomatic agreements and meditation, prayer, or long retreat (also sleep); emotionally such a masculine nativity can be predicted to enjoy frequent re-negotiation of the marriage contract and a good deal of sleep, abeautiful architectural sort of imagination, and long separations due to residence in foreign lands; particularly in the first marriage.

yuvati-pati-7 +ruler-of-12 Shukra causes foreign travel and contractual partnerships of all kinds.

Periods of Shukra are uncomfortable for the affairs of one's children , as Shukra is vikrama-pati+randhresha-8 vis-à-vis putra bhavar.

Professor Shukra the Master of Pleasure = ruler-of-12 from lagna of Mithuna - Dvamdva and Vṛścika.

For Mithuna, the 12th bhava of sanctuary and private rooms = Vrishabha the sweetly sensual paradise of taste, touch, smell, sight, and sound.

  • Shukra also rules bhava-5 = romance

  • Generous Guru activates the yuvati bhava, suggesting multiplicity of alliances

For Vṛścika, the 12th bhava = Tula - Vanika which seeks pleasure more through balance and harmony of social relationships rather than via direct sensual indulgence.

  • Shukra for Vṛścika also rules bhava-7 = contracts and agreements, suggesting Vṛścika awareness of the financial well-being accrued in the marital estate and (in general) less inclination to disturb the treasuries of the marital alliance

Naturally, conditions in 12th-from-Chandra and 12th from lagna as well as the upapada must be considered.

Shukra suffers moudhya-dosha state or otherwise weakened has less power to achieve its objectives.

Shukra is weakened by conjunction with Ketu or Rahu.

  • [Shukra-yuti-Rahu] is a risk-taker who self-elevates via partnerships.

  • [Shukra-yuti-Ketu] is apathetic toward partnership and prone to dissatisfied abandonment of contractual unions.

During Vimshottari periods of Shukra However, both Mithuna and Vṛścika natives are vulnerable to seek sweet pleasure in those places that are enclosed, shielded, largely invisible from public view.

  • after age 50 read this proclivity more from the lagna of Mithuna-Chandra or Vṛścika-Chandra

According to BPHS ch 43, the period of Chandra-Shukra can be fatal.

Sacred Jewels for Shukra: Flawless Diamond (hira) for Vṛścika indriya-lagna

from: d. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology. Ranjan Publications, New Delhi . p. 112

" For the Scorpio Ascendant, Venus rules the 7th and the 12th.

  • Moreover, mars, lord of this ascendant, is not a friend of Venus.

  • It will, therefore, not be advisable for the natives of this Ascendant to wear Diamond even when Venus is in his own sign in the 7th and the 12th."

[Sober Structural Shani] rules

  • 3-communications, messaging, sermons, scripts, radio, media-products, Writing and Publishing, letters of correspondence, announcements, planning, schedules, sales, marketing, documentation, reporting, cohort, entourage, committee-work, process management, commercial business, instruction, explanation, discussion, diagrams, labeling, event management, signage, training, itinerary, tours

  • 4 cultural foundations, property boundaries, way of Life, protection, defense , homeland, household, routines, rituals, mother, parents, customary rhythms, caretakers, socialization schooling, gardens, waterways, transportation, housing, social security, sense of place, environmentalism, citizenship, belonging, ethnic basis, ethnoreligion, patriotism, real-estate, farming, land-ownership, burial, predictability, health of the elder sibling


vikrama-pati+bandesha-4 Shani benefits practical education and social connections leading to increased social security. Periods of Shani give educational confirmation such as diplomas and certificates. Homes are gained and lost during Shani bhukti . Favors all kinds of skills training which forms foundation for later accomplishments.

Sacred Jewels for Shani - Blue Sapphire (Nilam) for Vṛścika indriya-lagna

  • from: d. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology . Ranjan Publications, New Delhi . p. 116

" For the Scorpio Ascendant, Saturn rules the 3rd and the 4th houses.

Saturn is considered as a neutral planet for this Ascendant.

  • still, if as ruler of the 4th, Saturn is in his own sign in the 4th (causing Sasa Yoga ) or is in the 5th, 9th, 10th or 11th Blue Sapphire can be worn, if necessary, in the major period of Saturn.

But Red Coral, pearl and Yellow Sapphire are much more appropriate gem stones for this Ascendant."


Pretentious Professor Rahu is the co-lord of bhava-4 Kumbha, therefore Rahu-ratna * gomedha * may serve as a beneficial gem for matters of home-ownership, schooling in the ethnic culture, diploma completion, licensing and passing examinations, obtainment of vehicles and shelters, parents and care-taking including stewardship of the land and patriotic defense.

However, rahu in either rashi of maraka Shukra = dangerous for Vṛścika indriya-lagna. Even for the security-and-stability target, the Rahu-ratna should be considered only if the lord of bhava-4 and its occupants are highly benevolent.

  • Rahu and Ketu are said to give positive results in the 3rd, 6th, and 11th bhava from the lagna or from Chandra. BPL would add that Professor Rahu is often very strong in bhava-10 where He can produce towering public careers in public-order governance and corporate hierarchy.

  • In addition, some authorities posit that since R-K are exalted in Vṛṣa-Vṛścika (per BPHS), r-K tend to produce comfortable and pleasing results when Mangala and Shukra are well-disposed.

  • Numerous other schemes for evaluating the elusive aprakasha graha also exist. (More details in the summary provided by d. G.S. Kapoor.)


Collapsing Ketu 's effects for Vṛścika indriya-lagna depend significantly on Ketu's bhava, rashi, and drishti. Ketu amplifies the effect of any graha who are sharing Ketu's house; and also Ketu magnifies the effects of the lord of His occupied rashi.

Ketu is co-lord of Vṛścika , therefore, Ketu-ratna may be a beneficial gem for matters of personality development and the vitality of The earthen body -- if the lord of bhava-2 and its occupants are auspicious.

Vṛścika indriya-lagna Domain Rulerships

domains with conflict between natural and temporal lord are marked in yellow

Domains with lordship conflicts are inherently problematic and require conscious management


Natural Ruler


Temporal Ruler


[Competitive Champion Kuja]



[Sweetly Suave Shukra]

[Sweetly Suave Shukra]


[Sweetly Suave Shukra]

[Generous Growing Guru]



[Busy Bantering Budha]


[Busy Bantering Budha]



[Generous Growing Guru]







[Sparkling Splendid Surya]


[Sparkling Splendid Surya]

[Generous Growing Guru]


[Shani] co-ruler Rahu

[Busy Bantering Budha]


[Busy Bantering Budha]

[Competitive Champion Kuja]


[Generous Growing Guru]

[Sweetly Suave Shukra]

Overcoming Fundamental Ignorance

QUOTATION from Tenzing Gyatso. Lighting the Way . (Trans.) Geshe Thupten Jinpa

" One time when I was giving an exposition on Nagarjuna's Fundamentals of the Middle Way, which deals explicitly with the topic of emptiness, one student who did not have a prior background of learning in great treatises made a comment to another colleague.

He said:

  • 'Today's teaching was a little strange.

  • His Holiness began with the presentation of the Buddha's path and built up the edifice one layer at a time.

  • Then, all of a sudden, he started talking about emptiness and the absence of inherent existence,

  • so that this whole edifice he had spent much time building was completely dismantled.'

He couldn't really see the point.

There is that danger .

However, if we understand the importance of the need to generate wisdom into emptiness

As a means of bringing about the cessation of the afflictions,

  • particularly fundamental ignorance ,

then we recognize the value of deepening our realization of emptiness.

Also, as Dharmakirtipoints out, emotions such as loving kindness and compassion cannot directly challenge fundamental ignorance.

It is only by cultivating insight into no-self hat we can directly overcome our fundamental ignorance."


[How Readings Work] [Sample Sacred Jewels Ratna Recommendation] [Seva]

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The information on , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!

In all your designs you will succeed,

and light will shine on your path.

~~ Book of Job = Iyyov, 22:2
