

OM kram krim kraum sah bhaumaya namah

ratha kaja thuraka pathaathi sevaka saasthramaya chithraathevi sahaayakrube


√ चित्र् citr

= paint, variegate, behold in wonder

चित्रा citrā = bright, conspicuous, various colors

चित्र citra = picture, diagram, drawing


विश्वकर्मन् viśva-karman = all-maker, carpenter

Tvastri - Tvastrü

त्वष्टृ tvaṣṭṛ = heavenly builder, maker of beings

त्वष्टृदेवत्य tvaṣṭṛ-devatya = having Tvaṣṭṛ as its divine patron

citraa - cittira - cittirai - sitha - hitha - chitta

spica virginis

Chandra in Chitra

contributions coming to Earth

from the star-civilizations of

Spica = the Spike

= specks, speckled, sparkling, spectacular, spectre

= bright light which strikes the eye


bright or coloured things which strike the eyes (spic = spec)

artifice / maker / crafter / artisan

Architecture = Arch-types = Archeology

Arcons Arc of the Covenant

Noah's Ark

Genetic Engineering = Pattern-makers

Initiators of Design = Drawings

Crafting = Fashioning = The Builders

Annu-naki the Builders

classroom of Professor Moving Mangala

curriculum of architectural engineering

learning path of dynamic arrays


Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Nakshatra of Mangala


त्वष्टृ tvaṣṭṛ

Tvashtru the Carpenter, builder, artificer

Regent of Chitra-nakshatra

puissance créatrice

Master Mason

"Variety is the Spice of Life"




the Fourteenth Nakshatra

] formerly 12th in old system]

Chitra nakshatra

Celestial Location ~~ Roebuck, The Circle of Stars

  • Spica: alpha Virginis

Regional Names for Chitra nakshatra

Azimech السماك الأعزل

Sumbalet سنبلة ear of grain

  • Spica = spike, ear of grain, the grain sheaf of Partha
  • Azinech
  • Alaraph
  • Arista
  • Dana

  • [Tibetan] Nak-pa = the black one, the designer
  • [Egyptian] Thoth the Universal Architect
  • [Greek] Hermes the Great Teacher
  • [Chinese] 角宿一 Jiǎo Sù yī = First Star of Horn

Chaitra = Chithirai = Citra = Caitra = Chitta

= con spic uous, excellent, distinguished, bright, clear, bright-coloured, variegated, spotted, speckled, agitated, various, different, manifold


The animal symbol of Tvastri-Chitra

Female Tiger - vyaghrani

Tiger Approaching a Waterhole, Kotah, c. 1790

Nakshatra Vana

Sacred Tree for Chitra Nakshatra

see nakshatra gardens at www.vedicvanas.com

  • western botanical name = Aegle marmelos - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bael

  • Sanskrita namah: Bilawa

  • Tibetan (bodkye): zukngu

  • Common names: Bilva, bael, bela, beli, bili, sirphal, Kaveeth, Koolivam, bengal quince, stone apple,

  • " ,, the only member of the monotypic genus Aegle ... a mid-sized, slender, aromatic, armed, gum-bearing tree growing up to 18 meters tall ... grows in the dry forests upon hills."


Aegle marmelos = Bela Tree - Bael Tree

sacred to Chitra Nakshatra

Features of Chitra = Tvastri

Chitra nakshatra Body Part

  • Neck of the nakshatrapurusha = Kala-purusha

BPHS Chitra nakshatra auspicious activities

  • Marriage
  • Brahmin receiving sacred thread
  • travel
  • construction of temples or other religious buildings
  • or installing holy objects therein
  • laying foundation stones
  • breaking ground

Chitra nakshatra protective Deity = bhapa = bhesha

  • Tvashtr, the celestial architect

Chitra nakshatra Symbol

  • Pearl

Chitra nakshatra Gana = group

  • Demonic = Rakshasa

Chitra nakshatra

Classical Tibetan Tradition

  • Nak-pa, The Black One

  • Janakpa, black bird

Chitra nakshatra Meanings

  • Bright,
  • Many-Colored, Variegated
  • A work of Art, awork of Magic
  • Military Conquest, invasion
  • Scripted and Choreographed Movements
  • Strategic and Tactical Planning


  • Applies to nakshatra of indriya-lagna AND nakshatra of Chandra. For emotional relationships, nakshatra of Chandra is more influential in determining compatibility and ease of interaction.

Psycho-socially compatible with Chitra = Tvastri

Nakshatra of Mangala

Mangala the Champion leads the conquest of new worlds. He is a pioneer, an inventor, and a sexually driven competitor who rages in vital warfare, runs faster, drills deeper, and pursues His quarry without restraint. Mangala-ruled folk join in a band of brothers.

Nakshatra of Chandra

Kuja and Chandra are mutual friends. - matrikaraka caretaking Chandra's rhythmic, parenting, routinized style provides a pleasing compliment to Mangala's direct-action warrior vigor.

Nakshatra of Surya

center-stage, sparklingly exceptional, brightly self-reflexive Surya finds a willing companion in dynamic, energized, boldly conquering Mangala. Together they surge with confidence, vitality, and force.

Nakshatra of Brihaspati

Guru and Kuja are mutual friends.. Brihaspati's ever-expanding realm of inclusive doctrinal understanding is well supported by Mangala's unstoppable weapons of penetrating power. The priests join the conquistadors, generating new worlds.

Psycho-socially neutral with Chitra = Tvastri

Nakshatra of Shukra

materialistic, accumulating, sensual Shukra is all about gracious, accommodating, feminine magnetic attraction. Penetrating, pursuing, promoting Mangala is all about propulsive masculine yang energy. The Shukra partner adjusts and the Mangala partner propels. Together they can move forward as a team, so long as the roles are clear.

Nakshatra of Rahu or Ketu

whether highly exciting [Rahu] or deeply observing [Ketu] the fascinating yet disruptive nodal styles are potentially useful to Mangala's pursuit of the win. In particular, Kuja and Ketu share rulership of the Vṛścika rashi, positive relationships can support occult transformation, ascetic tantra, disaster response, or invasive healing. For other pursuits, discernment is required.

Psycho-socially uneasy with Chitra = Tvastri

Nakshatra of Shani

Scared Shanaicarya is intimidated by aggressive Mangala. Yet from Kuja's perspective, professor Shani is a harmless old guy who poses no threat to Mangala's forward challenge. Shani partners need systematic order while Mangala partners often feel trapped by too many rules. Except for certain specialties such as engineering or military, there are relatively few environments in which this pairing can succeed

Most catalytic (challenging) nakshatra for Chitra = Tvastri

Nakshatra of Budha

Budha can tolerate Mangala, but from Kuja's perspective, professor Budha is a shatru-graha = arch-enemy. Active, competitive Mangala becomes profoundly annoyed by do-nothing, talking-head Budha. A Mangala-ruled nakshatra will generally use force to try to dominate a Budha-ruled nakshatra. Yet, Budha just keeps on talking.

BPL commentary on Chitra nakshatra

actively engineered arrangements

competitively innovative design

vigorously patterned movement

forward-pushing site construction

uses forceful instruments

pioneering building design

champions of dynamic architecture

Chitra is the Master Builder

pioneering tunneling diving penetrating drilling engineering Mangala strives to produce the newer-faster-better, the competitive, the dominating, the championship winner

Chitra = designers and those who improve existing designs.

Chitra folk may be attuned to careers in many expressions of design engineering, such as

  • master masons
  • weaponry
  • masonry
  • architects and architectural engineers,
  • artists in all design media,
  • sculptors especially
  • artisans in all craft,
  • makers of drawing, painting, etching, sketching
  • diagramming
  • drafters and drafting / dragging tools
  • sculptors and scuplting tools, gougers
  • Pflugmacher, plows, and ploughmen
  • pulling tools such as stylus
  • writers and sharp writing tools such as crayons, quills, naibs
  • printing press, font designers, book-page designers
  • layout
  • administrative project design
  • diagrams and blueprints,
  • metalsmiths
  • jewelers
  • tinkerers,
  • tailors,
  • masons,
  • mechanics,
  • garment makers
  • fashion design
  • sewers, knitters, weavers
  • needlework, crewelwork
  • fabrications of all kind
  • handcraft,
  • skilled manual labor
  • musicians who work and re-work arrangements
  • instrument tuners
  • traditional musical instrument players,
  • designers of new arrangements,
  • makers of new improvements,
  • engines and engineers.
  • Surgeons
  • cosmetic fabrication and application
  • writers who design plots, characters, and storylines
  • scriptwriters who design storyboards

and many more examples of Tvastri at work

Shakti of the Chitra nakshatra

commentary by Pdt. David Frawley - https://www.vedanet.com

  • Fruits of Worshipping Each Nakshatra

" Twashtar desired, "May I gain a wonderful progeny."

One who makes the appropriate offering to Twashtar, to Chitra,

  • gains a wonderful progeny.

Twashtar is a form of the Creator, usually called Praja-pati.

Chitra therefore has great creative powers,

giving splendor, multiplicity and abundance."

[end quote}

QUOTATION from Dennis Harness, The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology

"14. Chitra: The Star of Opportunity

(Virgo 23 20'to Libra 06 40')

The symbol for the brilliant Chitra nakshatra is a bright jewel or pearl. Chitra translates as the " beautiful one" or " pretty pictures", which reflects its ability to arrange things nicely and in an artistic fashion. The deity is Tvashtar, the divine celestial architect .

The creator of AstrocartoGraphy, Jim Lewis, had his natal Moon placed here. Chitra natives are often successful artisan types.

The shakti is the ability to accumulate merit in this life".

Chitra has a rakshasa temperament with a primary motivation of kama, or desire.

The animal associated with this nakshatra is a female tiger which reveals the passionate, sensual nature experienced here.

Mars is the ruling planet of this asterism.

Chitra Career Interests:

  • Architects, interior designers, jewelers, clothing.
  • Lawyers, judges, priests.
  • Religious people who have knowledge of the scriptures.
  • Creative business people, artists.
  • Writers, publications, radio, tV and film.
  • Armed forces, police detective.

Chitra is represented by the beautiful, high magnitude, fixed star, spica, at the beginning of sidereal Libra." [end quote]

Vocabulary for Chitra Nakshatra

  • QUOTATION Koeln Sanskrit Lexicon - www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de


  • carpenter, maker of carriages
  • " creator of living beings ", former of the bodies of men and animals
  • the heavenly builder, maker of divine implements, esp. Of Indra's thunderbolt and teacher of the Ribhus
  • regent of the Nakshatra Chitra


  • conspicuous, excellent, distinguished; bright, clear, bright-colored
  • bright-sounding
  • variegated, spotted, speckled
  • agitated; having many varieties
  • strange, wonderful


  • every action; accomplishing or creating everything
  • all-doer, all-creator, all-maker
  • name of the divine creative architect or artist (said to be son of Brahma,
  • and in the later mythology sometimes identified with Tvashtri
  • he is said to have revealed the Sthapatyaveda or fourth Upa-veda,
  • and to preside over all manual labours as well as the sixty-four mechanical arts
  • [whence he is worshipped by Karus or artisans];
  • in the Vedic mythology, however, the office of Indian Vulcan is assigned to Tvashtri as a distinct deity,
  • Visva-karman being rather identified with Praja-pati [Brahma] himself as the creator of all things and architect of the universe;
  • in the hymns RV. x, 81; 82 he is represented as the universal Father and Generator,
  • the one all-seeing God, who has on every side eyes, faces, arms, and feet;
  • in Nir. x, 26 and elsewhere in the Brahmanas he is called a son of Bhuvana,
  • and Visva-karman Bhauvana is described as the author of the two hymns mentioned above
  • he is a son of the Vasu Prabhasa and Yoga-siddha; in the Purnas a son of Vastu, and the father of Barhishmati and Samjna;
  • accord. To other authorities he is the husband of Ghritaci;
  • moreover, alegend is told of his having offered up all beings, including himself. in sacrifice;
  • the Ramayana represents him as having built the city of Lanka for the Rakshasas,
  • and as having generated the ape Nala, who made Rama's bridge from the continent to the island;
  • the name Visva-karman, meaning, doing all acts, appears to be sometimes applicable as an epithet to any great divinity)
  • name of Surya or the Sun
  • of one of the seven principal rays of the sun (supposed to supply heat to the planet Mercury)
  • of the wind


Chitra = Chaitra = Chithirai = Citra = Caitra = Chitta

Vismakarma = Tvastri = Azinech = Alaraph = Arista = Dana = Spica

Mangala-ruled Chaitra is considered to be an auspicious lagna for the male, but less auspicious for the female. (Note Shil Ponde's fierce distinctions below.)

  • According to the traditional commentaries rife as they can be with genderized prejudice, the Chaitra male = direct, successful, clever, and dexterous while the Chaitra female = "too much variegated" fickle with men and too much body-oriented, competitive, or selfish.

  • Chitra folk = distinguished planners, designers, strategists, architects.

  • In addition to the warlike competitiveness of Professor Mangala, the Chitra pada 1-2 located within Kanya can benefit from the calendaring, scheduling, schematics, logical argumentation and categorical organization of Budha.

Student Learning Style

Mangala is Movement.

Although further study of the lagnesha, of Budha, and of Chandra are certainly needed before making a final determination, Kuja-ruled Chitra-born is more likely to be a spacial learner or a kinetic learner.

[Kanya] Pada-1 Simha-navamsha

] ruled by Surya] produces a Kuja-Surya personality that is brightly outgoing in nature, confidently athletic, and charmingly center-stage.

Tends to be display-oriented, leading to skills in realms of theatre, political pomp, and the arts of celebration and costume. Look to Surya to know more about oersonal expression of creative genius.

  • Often exceptionally self-confident on the performance stage, yet more self-critical at home. Often a kinetic learner who understands ideas through applied movement. Actors require detailed practice and rehearsals.


  • Friends 1969- drama-fashion Jennifer Aniston performing dramatic artist, businesswoman

[double Kanya] Pada-2 Kanya-navamsha

[ruled by Budha] [vargottamsha] navamsha

complex due to interaction between two adversaries, Budha vs. Mangala. The personality may express inner tension. Look to Budha to know more about the mentality, which may grant special ability to detect process mistakes.

  • Produces a Kuja-Budha personality that is typically studious and criticizing in nature. Capably athletic, but most suited to tasks of manual skill or logical reasoning. Tends to be mechanically-oriented, leading to hand-crafting ability in realms of engineering, design, and arts of drawing and handcraft. Often a spacial learner who understands ideas through handling tools, drawing plans, and assembling models. Prefers to have tool in hand [such as pen, brush, knife]


  • Realm of Light 1874-1947 painter Nicholas Roerich - skilled fine-arts painter and active traveler

  • Sound and Fury 1897-1962 novelist William Faulkner [Aryaman svamsha] writer of celebrated dialog for novels and cinema-script

  • Turtle Island 1930- poet environmentalist Gary Snyder (poet environmentalist) [Chitra svamsha]

[Tula - Vanika] Pada-3 Tula-navamsha

[ruled by Shukra]

this [vargottamsha] navamsha expresses the natural compatibility of Mangala-action with Shukra-balancing. Look to Shukra to know more about the actively artistic and financial brokerage abilities. Often likes to combine sensual handling with sharp metals, such as needle-sewing of fine fabrics.

  • It produces a Kuja-Shukra personality that is typically designing in nature, gracefully athletic, and driven to make beautiful objects. Tends to be relationship-oriented, leading to skills in realms of architecture, music, and the arts of fashion. Often a kinetic-spatial learner who understands ideas through tangibly arranging their components.


[Tula - Vanika] Pada-4 Vṛścika-navamsha

] ruled by Mangala]

expresses the natural interactive compatibility of Mangala-action with Shukra-balancing. Look to lagnesha Shukra along with Chitra-ruler Mangala to know more about the social-and-physical engineering gifts, which may show special ability for weapons design, or for diplomatic handling of dangerous situations.

  • Chitra-4 produces a Kuja-Shukra personality that is typically mysterious in nature, capably athletic, and driven to form secretive relationships. Tends to be discovery-oriented, leading to skills in realms of exploration, explosion, psychotherapy, and the arts of surgical beautification. Specialist in hidden arrangements. Often a kinetic learner who understands ideas through gracfully pushing, prodding, diving, drilling, running, leaping, jumping, thrusting, punching, boring, plumbing, challenging, conquesting, and competitive action.



Chitra is associated with beautifully crafted presentations of balance and harmony. Chitra natives may express socially as elegant figures in the world of beauty and design. They may emerge as fashion models or product designers. They may be mechanical drafters, design engineers, architects, jewelers, tool-makers, and garment sewing experts-- to name only a few options for these Designing Craftspeople.

Chitra may make manual drawings of their schemes. A chitra musician often writes a few musical notations indicating a harmonic arrangement. Chitra typically like to do several drafts of a plan, although in a pinch Chaitra strategist can sketch a thoughtful battle plan with a stick in the dirt.

For the Chitra pada 1-2 located within Kanya, engaging the hands is key to success. Here are found the instrumental musicians, the delicate machine operators, the design-and-sew experts in the garment industry, the technical fine-arts painters rendering a brilliant vision onto stretched canvas. To judge overall outcomes for this powerful nakshatra, assess the interaction within the nativity of the two adversaries, Budha (ruling Kanya) and Mangala (ruling Chaitra).

For the Chitra pada 3-4 located within Tula, consciously engaging the body's internal balancing systems (particularly the adrenal gland mechanism) is the key to sustained release of energy which can produce superb results in all fields of arrangement and design. To judge overall outcomes for this powerful nakshatra, assess the interaction within the nativity of the two neutrals, shukra (ruling Thula) and Mangala (ruling Chaitra).

The hand-to-body connection is strong. Chitra folk are often skilled in martial arts involving sharp and decisive hand movement.

Famous military strategists

Direct [Kuja] but articulate [Budha] - depending on the constitution of Kuja and Budha in the kundali.

  • Others who handle drawings, maps, and plans include urban planners, city managers, advisers on complex environmental issues, designers of cityscapes and fantasy environments in literature and video games.

  • Other applications of their talent which engages direct-attack tactics in the context of carefully considered and detailed, highly organized and mapped pre-planning


Crop Circle in Wiltshire UK 2014

Rising Nakshatra

Feminine Public-Figure Examples

Chitra - Tvastri

Citthirai - Visvakarma - Azinech - Alaraph - Arista - Dana


For Chitra - Tvastri births of a feminine valence, the condition of kinesthetic, direct, yang-energy, forward-pushing bhratru-karaka Mangala may considerably affect the outcome.

For those born into the Mangala-ruled paradigm of Visvakarma, brother-figures, warriors, hunters, athletes, dancers, champions, challengers, inventors, explorers, dis-coverers, engineers, builders, drivers, drillers, diggers, exploders, aggressors, pursuers, competitions and battles may be especially influential.

Guided by instructors from civilizations of Spica. Their purpose is architectural engineering and crafting of beautiful, functional, and artistic alliances, arrangements, and designs.

Designs + Arrangements

[Competitive Champion Kuja]-ruled Vismakarma ladies are blessed with direct, muscular physical and sexual energy. They are often found in environments where beautiful designs plus physical agility are valued. Chitrani drawing skills often place them into garment-making and decoration. They typically excel in competitive , vitality -focused fields such as fashion modeling , cinematic acting, musical performance, choreography and dance, and athletics which emphasize balanced movement.

Kanya pada 1-2 expresses Kuja's rulership of 3-writing-commerce + 8-secret transformations, while also displaying the frustrating tension of chatty Budha versus active Kuja. Budha's Writing skills may emerge in pada 1-2. Kanya-Chaitra are often found in media communications and commercial aspects of design work, where their pro-active process management is distinctive. Trust and relationship integrity may be growth-challenging.

[Tula - Vanika] Pada 3-4 emphasizes Kuja's rulership of 2-collections, treasuries + 7-contracts, alliances. Shukra's bargaining behavior and financial skills rise in pada 3-4 due to the pleasant attractions of Shukra-Mangala.

Ladies often enjoy considerable wealth via face, voice, marriage, and family lineage. In music, arts, and partnership-craft, they pursue harmonious arrangements. They often play stringed instruments, and write beautiful songs. In the arts, entertainment, beauty, and design industries, their contractual deals may be luxuriously beneficial.

Themes of competitive movement , agile beauty, dynamic design, and financial equity may contextualize Chaitra's terrestrial experience. Incoming drishti from Kuja can mobilize their progressive, pioneering actions. Also applies to Chandra in Chitra - Spica.


from Shil-Ponde.(1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 96 .

" An expensive and luxurious person.

  • One who is fond of clothes and beautiful surroundings and revels in them.

  • She spends much money on jewels, perfumes, cosmetics

  • and her taste in these matters is expensive .

She likes to change costumes several times a day

  • and always look like an animated fashion plate .

Variety is the spice of life to this woman

  • and she will be inconstant and fickle in love affairs,

  • having many during her life and marrying often.

Many actresses, musicians, artists and opera singers have Chitra rising.

... [end quote from Shil Pondey]


WRT Shil Ponde's prognosis for Chitra ladies born on the day before the New Moon

traditional language of die four years later reflects an older worldview

BPL modernized update:

pattern of divorce[s] after brief alliance due to pernicious influence of mother. Likelihood of children should be double-checked according to Chandra and Guru.

RogersGinger_moviecard_193x.jpg - GarlandJudy_date.jpg -

- AnistonJennifer_2011.jpg - ZetaJonesCatherine2003.jpg -

Feminine Nativities Indriya-Lagna in Mangala-muscular-movement Chitra

[Kanya - Parthya] Chitra-pada 1-2

Often challenging for a female due to the 8th implication for hidden forces affecting marriage, although helpful for physical musculature-curvature, dance, and athletic prowess

= Mangala mūlatrikoṇa = 8th- from-Kanya = Mesha

= hidden wealth, secret information; eruptions of sudden unexpected force; invasive attack; shock, trauma; widowing; inheritance; catastrophic change; surgery; frequent transformations into new identity; occult knowledge

hidden behaviors of the life partner

[Chitra pada-1 Simha]

[demonstrating, displaying, creative, artistic, glittering, showy, ceremonial, brightly intelligent, confident, narcissistic, splendidly dramatic, gaming, romantic, political, entitled.]

[Urisha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

treasures, pleasures, wines, music, visual arts, beauty, luxury, face-eyes-mouth, finance, capitalization, evaluation, assessment, pricing, hoarding, genetics, breeding, cattle, memory, knowledge, speech-song, tradition, ornaments, storage, food.]

  • UK-Princess 1930-2002 Margaret of York

  • Uptown Girl 1954- supermodel Christie Brinkley

  • celebrity fashion model Anna Nicole Smith legal war for inheritance money

  • Friends 1969- drama-fashion Jennifer Aniston [Magha svamsha]

[Chitra pada-2 Kanya]


Logistical, analytical, strategic, calculating, ministering, helpful, tactical, assisting, medicating, arguing, complaining, litigious, human services, seva, scandal.]

[Mithuna 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

mercantile, process-product manufacturing, sales, scripted, administrative, project-managing, media-messaging, announcing, writing-publishing, information delivery, radio, television, cinema, internet, advertising, data processing, ensemble production, manual skills, teamwork]

[Tula - Vanika] chitra-pada 3-4

Mangala mūlatrikoṇa = Mesha bhava-7

Arrangements, diplomacy, bargaining, deal-making, contracts, design, = arrangements = , agreements, exchange, peerage = paréage, parity, equity, equanimity, equability, equation, marriage, balance, fair-share

[Chitra pada-3 = Tula]


[negotiating, brokering, adjusting, equity, attorney, advocacy, accommodating, graciously arranging, pleasant, diplomatic, deal-making, trust-building, dithering, compromising, contractual, balancing, fair-deals, trade.]

[Karkata 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

tribal, ethno-national, agricultural, customary, fluctuating, border-defense, wall-builder, farmer, sustains a way-of-life, marine, protective, caretaking, ritualized. rhythmic/algorithmic, stays in the ancient ruts, building, property-owning, transport ]

[Chitra pada-4 = Vrischika]

[transformative, identity-changing, mysterious, eruptive, shocking, penetrating, recycling, secret-keeping, revolutionary, healing, disguising, discovering, hidden-power.]

[Simha10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

political, theatrical, entitled, ceremonial, creative, idealistic, flamboyant, games, genius, romance, artistic performance, fashion-style, solar-energy, central attention-getter, glittering radiance, demonstrating, bright display]

Chitra Svamsha

Feminine nativities

[Kanya - Parthya] pada 1-2

[Tula - Vanika] pada 3-4

Rising Nakshatra

Masculine Public-Figure Examples

Chitra - Spica

Citthirai - Visvakarma - Azinech - Alaraph - Arista - Dana


For Chitra - Tvastri births of a masculine valence, the condition of kinesthetic, direct, yang-energy, forward-pushing bhratru-karaka Mangala may considerably affect the outcome.

For those born into the Mangala-ruled paradigm of Visvakarma, brother-figures, warriors, hunters, athletes, dancers, champions, challengers, inventors, explorers, dis-coverers, engineers, builders, drivers, drillers, diggers, exploders, aggressors, pursuers, competitions and battles may be especially influential.

Guided by instructors from civilizations of Spica. Their purpose is architectural engineering and crafting of beautiful, functional, and artistic alliances, arrangements, and designs.

Designs + Arrangements

[Competitive Champion Kuja]-ruled Chaitra fellows have a knack for competition. Goal-oriented and kinetic in building, patterning Tvastri, they strive for dominant power in engineering, artisan mechanics, architecture, and applied design arts such as skilled handcraft. As authors, chaitrika often illustrate their works with fine drawings. Tvastri-born have a natural affinity for tools, engines, driving, building.

Kanya pada 1-2 express Kuja's rulership of 3-writing + 8-mystical transformations, while also displaying the frustrating tension of chatty Budha versus active Kuja. Literary Budha plays a stronger role for pada 1-2, producing scholars and writers who argue about architectonics, engineering design, color values, and mechanics. Pada 1-2 = also skilled in handcraft and may be professors-cum-tradesmen, fine-arts painters, model-builders, or manually gifted musicians.

[Tula - Vanika] pada 3-4 express Kuja's rulership of 2-collections, assets + 7-contractual equity. Shukra's bargaining behavior and financial skills play a stronger role for pada 3-4, who enjoy the mutual attractions of Shukra-Mangala. In music, arts, and engineering, they pursue harmonious arrangements. They often play stringed instruments, and write beautiful songs. Chaitrika pada 3-4 can be found in the design world, in financial negotiations, and in dynamic meditator roles.

Themes of productive touch including artistic design, musical instruments, mechanical engineering, and crafting of dynamic arrangements contextualize Vismakarma's terrestrial experience. Incoming drishti from Kuja can mobilize their progressive, pioneering actions. Also applies to Chandra in Chitra - Spica.


from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 84

" Chitra natives are quiet, thoughtful, and profound.

Very slow in movement and of great dignity in bearing and manner.

  • they like to read books on serious and philosophical subjects.

they make good students in their youth.

they are also extremely clever with their hands,

  • which are strong, supple, and dexterous.

they like to do things or fashion things with their hands

  • and could be sculptors or artists or surgeons."

[end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939]

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Masculine nativities

Indriya-Lagna = Mangala-ruled Chitra - Tvastri

[Kanya - Parthya] portion

Mangala mūlatrikoṇa

Mesha 8th-from = warrior's skills, physical musculature, manual craft, and athletic prowess are helped = Builders

energetic pursuit of death-and-rebirth cycles, sudden change of identity, unexpected new appearance; occult environments; suddenly transformative or catastrophic events; trauma, shock;

hidden liaisons; hidden energies, secret sources of new power; initiation, fiery rebirth; hidden competitiveness; secrets; confidential information; physical expressions of mysticisam

the dark side; discoveries, unexpected inheritance; occult knowledge; New Identities; unexpected thrust, forced changes especially in marriage

[Chitra pada-1 = Simha]

[demonstrating, displaying, creative, artistic, glittering, showy, ceremonial, brightly intelligent, confident, narcissistic, splendidly dramatic, gaming, romantic, political, entitled.]

[Urisha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

treasures, pleasures, wines, music, visual arts, beauty, luxury, face-eyes-mouth, finance, capitalization, evaluation, assessment, pricing, hoarding, genetics, breeding, cattle, memory, knowledge, speech-song, tradition, ornaments, storage, food.]

[Chitra pada-2 = Kanya]


[Logistical, analytical, strategic, calculating, ministering, helpful, tactical, assisting, medicating, arguing, complaining, litigious, human services, seva, scandal.] [Mithuna 10th-navamsha Career Reputation

mercantile, process-product manufacturing, sales, scripted, administrative, project-managing, media-messaging, announcing, writing-publishing, information delivery, radio, television, cinema, internet, advertising, data processing, ensemble production, manual skills, teamwork]

  • Ethica ordine geometrico 1632-1677 Baruch Spinoza [Chitra svamsha]

  • Sound and Fury 1897-1962 novelist William Faulkner [Aryaman svamsha] violent alcoholism afflicted both husband and wife

  • Turtle Island 1930- poet environmentalist Gary Snyder [Chitra svamsha]

  • Queen 1946-1991 Freddie Mercury

  • novelist, essayist Victor Hugo yuti Ketu

  • quantum physicist, 1922 Nobel prize Nils Bohr

[Tula - Vanika] portion

Mangala mūlatrikoṇa = Mesha 7th-from

energetic engagement with contract, relationships, buy-sell-trade, justice, diplomacy, marriage, bargains, interaction, deal-making, match-making, design,

Hidden arrangements , deal-making, parity, pairs, partnership, equity, equanimity, equability, equality, equation, justice, fairness; rhyming , balanced lyrics,

crafting of agreements, counseling, advising, rapprochement. May include negotiation toward agreement on the terms of military ceasefire.

[Chitra pada-3 = Tula]


[negotiating, brokering, adjusting, equity, attorney, advocacy, accommodating, graciously arranging, pleasant, diplomatic, deal-making, trust-building, dithering, compromising, contractual, balancing, fair-deals, trade.]

[Karkata 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

tribal, ethno-national, agricultural, customary, fluctuating, border-defense, wall-builder, farmer, sustains a way-of-life, marine, protective, caretaking, ritualized. rhythmic/algorithmic, stays in the ancient ruts and struts, building, property-owning, transport ]

[Chitra pada-4 = Vrischika]

[transformative, identity-changing, mysterious, eruptive, shocking, penetrating, recycling, secret-keeping, revolutionary, healing, disguising, discovering, hidden-power.]

[Simha10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

political, theatrical, entitled, ceremonial, creative, idealistic, flamboyant, games, genius, romance, artistic performance, fashion-style, solar-energy, central attention-getter, glittering radiance, demonstrating, bright display]

EXAMPLE Masculine Nativities

Chitra Svamsha

[Kanya - Parthya] DOUBLE KANYA

[Tula - Vanika]

QUOTATION from Das / Behari

General results of being born in Chitra Nakshatra :

1. Physical features:

You have a lean body.

  • In some cases there is an indication of a stout and tall body.

You can be recognized or identified in a crowd of hundreds of people

  • through your magnificent dealings and expressions.

there is a hidden inherent gift of having wonderful ideas

  • that may initially appear silly

  • that are later viewed as excellent.

There is also an inherent gift of intuition.

You are the type of person who is very much fit for the astrological profession

  • where intuition is very much needed.

In some cases it is also noticed that you may experience dreams that come true .

  • this indirectly indicates that a divine power may be installed in the psyche of Chaitra born.

You are the type of person who is not bothered about the sentiments of others

  • nor are you selfish to others.

Your dealings with the poor will be very cordial and full of kindness .

You may be mistaken by others as rude and stingy.

Guard your tendency t o speak before you think.

You may have to confront your enemies at every step but are capable of escaping any conspiracy.

You have a soft spot for those in need and spend your energy in their upliftment.

3. Education, sources of income/profession:

Obstacles in life are no problem for you.

You can overtake all hurdles with courage and hard work.

You may not lead a comfortable life up to the age of 32 years.

  • The period between 33 years and 54 years of age will be your golden period.

One of the redeeming features of Chitra born is that you receive help from unexpected places without much effort.

4. Family life:

While you love and respect your siblings and parents,

  • you may experience some doubts concerning them.

You may not enjoy the benefit, love and affection of your father .

  • You may even live separate from him,

  • even while he may be famous or successful.

You are more attached to your mother and enjoy benefit from the maternal side.

there is a saying that the Chitra born cannot stay in the house where you are born .

this may manifest in many ways, you may travel and live far from your home town

  • or your childhood home may be destroyed.

  • In any case you will settle far from home.

Married life may be considerably strained .

While the marriage will be stable,

  • the relationship between the couples may not be cordial,

  • at times leading to frequent friction on small matters.

5. Health:

  • there may be some difficulty with internal organs .

[end quote]

Mangala-ruled Chitra = Tvastri

Description of the Pada = quarters

Chitra Pada-1

23:20 until 26:40 Kanya - Parthya

Svamsha = Simha navamsha



[Vrishabha - Urisha] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Shukra-profiled careers in valuation, finance and banking, storage and containment, conservation of natural values, capitalization, contracts, equity, partnership, peerage, artistic beauty, music, voice-face-hair, speech-song, story-telling, history, genetics, animal breeders, physicians of the eyes, jaw, mouth, teeth, tongue, throat, dentistry, luxurygoods, delicacies and sweets, fine foods, wines and liqueurs, flowers and perfumes, fine textiles, beautiful decorations, ornaments, and pleasures.


[Kumbha - Ghata] = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting spousal characteristics of pragmatic nature, maturity, seniority. Affinity for massive systems, social participation, economic distribution, community networks. Heightened awareness of dimensional time, work ethic, and scientific perspective.

D-1 Shan ican indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Shani in D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors.

[pada-1 Simha]

[demonstrating, displaying, creative, artistic, glittering, showy, ceremonial, brightly intelligent, confident, narcissistic, splendidly dramatic, gaming, romantic, political, entitled.]

[Urisha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

treasures, pleasures, wines, music, visual arts, beauty, luxury, face-eyes-mouth, finance, capitalization, evaluation, assessment, pricing, hoarding, genetics, breeding, cattle, memory, knowledge, speech-song, tradition, ornaments, storage, food.]

Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-1 Chitra]

Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-1 Chitra]

QUOTATION commentary of Das / Behari

" You may have bent shoulders and hands.

  • You will be a sweet speaker, and passionate.

  • there is an indication of two daughters.

  • You will be expert in various arts.

  • there may be frequent quarrels among siblings." [end quote]

QUOTATION = Four Pada (quarters) of Chitra - for the Male only = by Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 105:

" Considered handsome by most standards.

  • Very grave, but witty in a quiet way.

  • Would make a good surgeon.

  • Very fond of music." [end quote]



SURYA-BUDHA combination + Shukra-career

  • indriya-lagna = Kanya ruled by Budha
  • Svamsha = Simha ruled by Surya
  • Surya and Budha are friends
  • Shukra activates 10th-navamasha

Chitra-pada-1 shows many of the typical Simha - Leya traits of glittering intelligence, enjoyment of center-stage roles, interest in politics and drama, and natural self-centered authority.

If, within the Simha Svamsha , the nakshatra of the navamsha-lagna lies between 13:21 and 26:39 (Purvaphalguni) then the Shukra-ruled artistic, musical, beauty. and finance indicators are further strengthened.

Ladies are often found in the fashion-beauty-entertainment industries

Vrishabha= 10th-navamsha = Shukra influence upon career

Typically professionally engaged with matters of Vrishabha such as visual arts, illustration, beautification, women's ornamentation and fashion, eyes-hair-face, mouth-teeth, flowers, perfumes and aromatic oils, sensual pleasures, speech, song and music, facial beauty, eyesight, banking and financial treasures, sweets and liquors, dairy foods and cattle.

Any graha located in Vrishabha - Urisha 10th-navamsha can be definitive for professional portfolio and public service. The public career may be subject to revaluation and reassessment because Professor Shukra indicates historical, financial, and aesthetic valuer.


Nakshatra Divisions of Simha Svamsha

[Magha svamsha]

00:00 until 13:21]

Affinity for ceremonial roles, auric splendor, gold, and fire. May be surrounded by political people, and offer bright entertainments, yet prefers to withdraw from the fray. May appear haughty, high-priestly, or above-it-all. Ghostly, inchoate, observer. Attention disperses then re-appears.

A fixed meditative practice can ground Ketu's nebulous emptiness into radiant spiritual witness. May subtly glow with intelligent humor, or radiate a quiet ephemeral sparkle.

Urisha career

regal, liturgical spectator within the public realms of banking, sensual pleasures, delicious foods, political expression of traditional values, fine textiles, music, cosmetics and beautification, ornaments, scents, oils, wines. Finance, jewels and precious objects, storage, valuation, historical knowledge, speech-and-song. May acquire luxurious treasuries.

Check graha in Urisha 10th-navamsha ++ Shukra in kundali ++ Ketu in kundali, along with Ketu's ruler.

[Pūrvaphalgunī svamsha] [13:21 until 26:39]

[DOUBLE-SHUKRA for career = Brighu rules 10th-navamsha + nakshatra-pati]

Affinity for splendid designs, pleasures, and treasures. Creative use of political monies. Attracted to the bright sparkle of gracious display. May be immensely talented in dance-music, creative arts, theatrical show.

Enjoys costume, adornments, and most of all romantic relationships. Must have luxury and fame. Charming, lovely, adored - yet often affixed to the mirror.

Urisha career = entitled, idealistic, attractive entertainer within the public realms of banking, finance, sensual pleasures, delicious foods, political expression of traditional values, fine textiles, music, cosmetics and beautification, ornaments, scents, oils, wines.

Collector of jewels and precious objects, storage, valuation, historical knowledge, speech-and-song. May acquire luxurious treasuries.

Check graha in Urisha 10th-navamsha ++ Shukra in kundali.

[ Uttaraphalguni svamsha]

26:39 until 29:59 ].


Affinity for brightly creative, regally entitled, glittering diva-style. Commanding center-stage roles in politics, brilliant ceremony, flamboyant drama. Intelligent, independent, autocratic, entitled, charismatic, decisive. Confidently, magnificently outshines all others. May be blinded by one's own light. Celebrated entertainer, auric deity, or divinely appointed monarch.

Urisha career = radiant center of power and attention within the public realms of banking, finance, sensual pleasures, delicious foods, political expression of traditional values, fine textiles, music, cosmetics and beautification, ornaments, scents, oils, wines. Collector of jewels and precious objects, storage, valuation, historical knowledge, speech-and-song. May acquire luxurious treasuries.

Check graha in Urisha 10th-navamsha ++ Shukra in kundali ++ Surya in kundali.

  • Realm of Light 1874-1947 painter Nicholas Roerich [Aryaman svamsha] (born Rus, lived in numerous lands, settled in India; suffered pneumonia)

Chitra Pada-2



This indriya-lagna is eligible to use śatābdikā dasha

26:40 until 30:00 Kanya - Parthya

Svamsha = Kanya - Parthya navamsha

ministries of service, logical argumentation

  • when Professor Budha-Kanya The Articulator occupies Chitra-pada-2 [vargottamsha] , He provides a sharply analytical, criticizing, methodical logic often directed into engineering and design



[Mithuna - Dvamdva] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Budha-profiled careers in business administration, shopkeeping, tasks, meetings, correspondence, instructional delivery, handcraft, manual arts and tool use, conversation, committee-work, team-building, communication, event management, song-writing, commerce, painting, writing, documentation, description, illustration, publishing, evangelism, announcements, messaging, cinema, scripting, programming codes, information technology, signaling, gesture, matching, mating, coupling, doubling, duplication, doppelganger, polarities, mirroring, twinning


[Meena - Antya] = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting spousal characteristics of philosophical nature, propensity to teach-and-preach, affinity for distant worlds + private enclosure, concern with inner-vision + imagination, ability to receive interior guidance + preference for contemplative living.

D-1 Guru can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Brihaspatii in D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors.

[pada-2 Kanya]

[Logistical, analytical, strategic, calculating, ministering, helpful, tactical, assisting, medicating, arguing, complaining, litigious, human services, seva, scandal.]

[Mithuna 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

mercantile, process-product manufacturing, sales, scripted, administrative, project-managing, media-messaging, announcing, writing-publishing, information delivery, radio, television, cinema, internet, advertising, data processing, ensemble production, manual skills, teamwork]

Masculine Public-Figure Examples

[Chitra pada-2 = Kanya]


Feminine Public-Figure Examples

[Chitra pada-2 = Kanya]


QUOTATION from Das / Behari WRT Chitra-pada-2

" You are truthful and charitable.

  • You may live in foreign places,

  • have two daughters.

You may suffer from upper respiratory disorders." [end quote]

(BPL: two daughters may also = two artistic sons)

Description of the Four Pada (quarters) of Chitra - Spica - for the Male only = - from: QUOTATION from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 105

same as Chitra pada-1

" Considered handsome by most standards.

  • Very grave, but witty in a quiet way.

  • Would make a good surgeon.

Very fond of music." [end quote]


Nakshatra Divisions of Kanya Svamsha

[ Uttaraphalguni svamsha]

00:00 until 09:59]

Affinity for political portfolio within aggrieved or unbalanced environments. Empowered ministerial roles in war, military, medicine, crime, poverty, litigation, toxicity, mistreatments, abuse.

Helper, aide, assistant. Mentalized, tactical, argumentative, analytical. Although prefering second-in-command, lieutenant, prime-minister, power-behind-the-throne, Aryaman can indeed assume visible authority -- yet remains in service to a higher command. May be blinded by one's own light.

Mithuna 10th-navamsha Career Reputation

confident, entitled, logical strategist within the public realms of mercantile management, sales-and-marketing, touring itinerary, communications, publicity, information delivery, media-messaging [radio, cinema, television, internet] manufacturing, transaction, documentation, writing-publication, announcements.

Check graha in Mithuna 10th-navamsha ++ Budha in kundali ++ Surya in kundali.

[ Hasta svamsha]

10:00 until 23:20]

Affinity for paced, comfortable, predictable, householder roles. Parent, safety officer, schoolteacher, caretaker, gardener, environmentalist. Guards the customary boundaries on land and waters. Feeds and shelters. Stewards the old Way-of-Life.

Local police. Emotionally supportive, delivers nourishing aid. Calming ministries of service. Concerned with security, cultural foundations, ancestral habits, safety of the settlement. Although usually placid and content, Hasta gets defensive when routine is disturbed.

Mithuna 10th-navamsha Career Reputation

ethno-rhythmic, sensitive helper within the public realms of mercantile management, sales-and-marketing, touring itinerary, communications, publicity, information delivery, media-messaging [radio, cinema, television, internet] manufacturing, transaction, documentation, writing-publication, announcements.

Check graha in Mithuna 10th-navamsha ++ Budha in kundali ++ Chandra in kundali

[ Chitra svamsha]

23:20 until 29:59]


Affinity for fashioning, tool-crafting, design arts, couture, surgery, draftsmanship, drawing-and-painting, sculpture, architecture, musical instruments, mechanical design, sexual pursuit, helpful repairs, calculated movement. Incisively critical, physically proactive, weaponizing. Skilled use of sharp invasive implements such as lasers, guns, drills, scissors, knives, needles, scalpel, writing-stylus, sword. Physically, verbally, and psychically penetrating energy.

Mithuna 10th-navamsha Career Reputation

kinetic, forward-pushing, logical engineer within the public realms of mercantile management, sales-and-marketing, touring itinerary, communications, publicity, information delivery, media-messaging [radio, cinema, television, internet] manufacturing, transaction, documentation, writing-publication, announcements. .

Check graha in Mithuna 10th-navamsha ++ Budha in kundali ++ Mangala in kundali.

  • Ethica ordine geometrico 1632-1677 Baruch Spinoza [Chitra svamsha] legendary maker of custom-designed glass lenses for telescopes and microscopes [died of lung disease]

  • Turtle Island 1930- poet environmentalist Gary Snyder [Chitra svamsha]



TRIPLE BUDHA = manual skill, mentality , writing

This [vargottamsha] pada often produces superb lyrical prose writer sand Songwriter s.

The Chitra-pada-2 nativity shows many of the typical Kanya - Parthya traits of logical argumentation, problem-solving, service-ministry, attention to detail, orientation to health care, unbalanced interpersonal arrangements, and mitigation of pollution (cleaning). Often micro-managers and perfectionists.

Chitra-pada-2 is typically professional engaged with matters of communicative management Mithuna - Dvamdva such as

  • writing and editing, publications, conversation, announcements, declarations,
  • writing and publishing
  • radio-television-internet, cinema
  • propaganda, policy statements, slogans,
  • documentation, media-messaging, evangelism, cinema, books-magazines-journals-blogs,
  • travel itineraries, scheduling, schematics, planning, meetings, business administration,
  • project management, conferences, seminars, presentations, instructional delivery, description, explanation,
  • diagrams, photography, drawings, hand-craft, tool-use, apprenticeship.

They have a special affinity for engines, surgical tools, and architectural design

As Shilpande comments, the ladies are active, industrious, and manually skilled. They are often found in modeling, photography, and garment manufacture.

Any graha located in Mithuna 10th-navamsha can be definitive for professional portfolio and public service. The definition of the public career may be subject to a lifetime of re-describing and re-explaining because Professor Budha indicates chattering.

Chitra-2 produces a highly mentalized triple-Budha effect.

The disposition of Budha becomes critically important for assessing both the personality and the career. Typically, the personality is so strongly identified with the career that public profile and personal profile tend to merge; one becomes one's work.

[00:00 until 03:20 Tula - Vanika]

[Chitra Pada-3 ]


[vargottamsha] super-pada for designers and fabricators

[Tula Svamsha]

[mūlatrikoṇa for Shukra]

This indriya-lagna is eligible to use śatābdikā dasha



[Karkata - Kadaga] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Chandra-profiled careers in homemaking, parenting, caretaking, nursing, school-teaching, naurturing arts, farming and gardening, home-construction, property management, real-estate, interior decor, pathways of transportation, policing and border patrol, defensive skills, protection of ethnic root rhythms, customary rituals, fishing, shipping, oceanography, marine professions.


[Mesha - Aja] = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting spousal characteristics of competitive nature, athletic tendencies, pursuit of dominance, quest for championship, physical vigor, pioneering attitude, innovative skills, preference for direct action , and heroic perspective.

D-1 Mangala can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Kuja-D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors.

[Chitra pada-3 = Tula] [DOUBLE-TULa] [negotiating, brokering, adjusting, equity, attorney, advocacy, accommodating, graciously arranging, pleasant, diplomatic, deal-making, trust-building, dithering, compromising, contractual, balancing, fair-deals, trade.]

[Karkata 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

tribal, ethno-national, agricultural, customary, fluctuating, border-defense, wall-builder, farmer, sustains a way-of-life, marine, protective, caretaking, ritualized. rhythmic/algorithmic, stays in the ancient ruts, building, property-owning, transport ]

Masculine Public-Figure Examples

[Chitra pada-3 = Tula]


Feminine Public-Figure Examples

[Chitra pada-3 = Tula]


QUOTATION from Das / Behari

" You will be learned in scriptures and are intelligent, and calm in speech.

  • You will be satisfied with small profits.

  • You may have a strong temper but still enjoy a good reputation.

this position of the Moon (or lagna) may cause problems with your parents.

  • You may suffer from diseases that cause burning sensations.

You may also suffer from upper respiratory disorders." [end quote]

QUOTATION = Description of the Four Pada (steps) of Chitra - for the Male only = from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra .p 105

" Inclined to the study of occult subjects,

  • religious but quite unorthodox.

Would be good at designing patterns and weaving in textiles.

Likes artistic work with the hands.

  • Usually a widower at the close of life.

  • Career is a changing one."

[end quote]


Nakshatra Divisions of Tula Svamsha

Chitra svamsha]

00:00 until 06:40]

Affinity for fashion modeling, fine-arts painting, garment design, architecture, structural engineering, energy design, metal-sculpture. Gracious sexual pursuit, animating relationships, color-balancing instruments, competitive brokered relationships, vigorous contract negotiations.. Suave yet sharp movement, expert dancer or musician. Landscaping, shapes farms-gardens with waterworks, precise application of sharp cutting tools for aesthetic result, beautification surgery.

Karkata career =

competitively arranging middleman within the public realms of real-estate, schooling, agriculture, water-channels, flow, ancient ways-of-life, boundary protection, defense. caretaking, parenting, policing, security, shipping, vehicles-transport, environmental protection. Seasonal rituals, tribal rhythms, customary routines, folkways, houses of worship. Also hormonal pulse of dance music, esp if entrancing Rahu-Karkata..

Check graha in Karkata 10th-navamsha ++ Chandra in kundali ++ Mangala in kundali.

[ Svati svamsha]

06:40 until 19:59]

Affinity for unorthodox equity-establishment via race-class mixing, unprecedented social justice, unusually fair treatment of outsiders, taboo-challenging match-making, over-reaching brokerage. May expediently cross ethno-cultural barriers. Fabulous deal-maker, arranger of risky alliances, exciting financial contracts. Extravagant liaisons.

Karkata career =

ambitiously balancing diplomat within the public realms of real-estate, schooling, agriculture, water-channels, flow, ancient ways-of-life, boundary protection, defense. caretaking, parenting, policing, security, shipping, vehicles-transport, environmental protection.

Seasonal rituals, tribal rhythms, customary routines, folkways, houses of worship. Also hormonal pulse of dance music, esp if entrancing Rahu-Karkata.

Check graha in Karkata 10th-navamsha ++ Chandra in kundali ++ Rāhu in kundali.

[Viśākha svamsha]

20:00 until 29:59]

Affinity for growth and expansion, with some impolite shocks. Favors negotiated, large-scale improvement. Spreads philosophically principled understanding. Visionary and charitable. Believes in social justice, but long-term worldview may tolerate short-term injustice. Can be a military-defense officer, or a parental guiden.

  • Viśākha wifely figures are dedicated to their husbands.
  • Viśākha husbandly figures are dedicated to their patrons.

Karkata career =

broad-overview multiple-treaty arranger within the public realms of real-estate, schooling, agriculture, water-channels, flow, ancient ways-of-life, boundary protection, defense. caretaking, parenting, policing, security, shipping, vehicles-transport, environmental protection.

Seasonal rituals, tribal rhythms, customary routines, folkways, houses of worship. Also hormonal pulse of dance music, esp if entrancing Rahu-Karkata.

Check graha in Karkata 10th-navamsha ++ Chandra in kundali ++ Guru in kundali.




The Chitra-pada-3 nativity shows many of the typical Tula - Vanika traits of bargaining, trade, arrangements, negotiation, match-making, deal-making, concern with the terms of the contractual agreement, and seeking of alliance.

The Chitra-pada-3 nativity is typically professional engaged with matters of Karkata such as rhythms and routines of a settled people, folk customs, local environments, protective and nurturing behaviors, caretaking, parenting, guardianship, stewardship, nourishment, stabilization , groundskeeping, home-keeping, gardening, farming, fishing, ocean tides, estuaries, cultivation, protection of land and property, patriotism , safety, policing, homemaking, naursing, early childhood teaching, sheltering, defending, temple rituals, seasonal festivals, comforts. real-estate, building, pathways of transportation, infrastructural security of the settlement.

[Karkata - Kadaga] rules the 10th-navamsha = Chandra-guided career

Tends toward professions that flow with a predictable rhythm, such as caretaking, stewardship, guardianship, parenting, schoolteaching, police, protecting, shipping, transport, farming, seasonal labor.

Any graha located in patriotic Karkata - Kadaga 10th-navamsha can be definitive for professional portfolio and public service. The definition of the public career may fluctuate because Professor Chandra indicates Ebb and Flow.

Chitra Pada-4

03:21 until 06:40 Tula - Vanika

Svamsha = Vṛścika navamsha

[mūlatrikoṇa for Shukra]



[Simha - Leya] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Surya-profiled careers in politics, creative performance, entitled roles, drama, entertainments and amusements, gambling and games, speculative finance, adventure, center-of-attention, royalty, fashion and glamour, theatre, glitter and sparkle, sun-worship, bright displays, artistic genius, individuality, poetry, romantic idealism, celebrity, fame.


Vrishabha-Stauri = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting Shukra-profiled spousal characteristics of acquisitiveness, harmonizing nature, sweets-seeking tendencies, luxury lifestyle, gracious arrangements, adjustability, collecting skills, partnership orientation, and diplomatic perspective.

D-1 Bhrigu can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Shukra-D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors.

Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-4 Chitra]

Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-4 Chitra]

QUOTATION from Das / Behari

" You are charitable.

  • You may travel frequently for your earning .

  • You serve your parents and teachers with full devotion.

However, you may have to undergo several sorrows of life before attaining results."

[end quote]

QUOTATION Description of the Four Pada (quarters) of Chitra - for the Male only = by Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 105

same as Chitra pada-3

" Inclined to the study of occult subjects,

  • religious but quite unorthodox.

Would be good at designing patterns and weaving in textiles.

Likes artistic work with the hands.

  • Usually a widower at the close of life.

  • Career is a changing one."

[end quote]


Nakshatra Divisions of Vṛścika svamsha

[Viśākha svamsha]

00:00 until 03:19]

Affinity for active root-splitting guided growth. Optimistic expansionvia shakti/shock. Can be a military general, or philosophical guidance figure. Generous but forward-pushing to the point of invasiveness. Permission to produce large-scale change both personally and socially. Not afraid to destroy lives or livelihoods. Believes spiritual emergence through trauma.

  • Viśākha wifely figures are dedicated to their husbands.
  • Viśākha husbandly figures are dedicated to their patrons.

Simha career =

energetic principled growth-pusher within the public realms of Politics, human drama, celebrity entitlement, creativity, gambling. May be autocratic, showman/conman, ceremonial, displays of paternalistic confidence..

Check graha in Simha 10th-navamsha ++ Surya in kundali ++ Guru in kundali

[ Anuradha svamsha]

03:20 until 16:39]

Affinity for maintenance of social order in times of danger, disaster, or threat. Responsible for regulation of perilous environments. Disguised as normal, yet - when required - may rise to action using lawful force.

Often in military, paramilitary brotherhood, insurance underwriting, risk management, explosives control, poison control, ordnance, weapons, firefighter, emergency medical response. Public safety protocol officer. Compliance officer. Battlefield triage.

Simha career =

secretive crisis regulators within the public realms of politics, human drama, celebrity entitlement, creativity, gambling. May be autocratic, showman/conman, ceremonial, displays of paternalistic confidence.

Check graha in Simha 10th-navamsha ++ Surya in kundali ++ Shani in kundali

[Jyeṣṭha svamsha]

16:40 until 29:59]

Affinity for provocative, dangerous, or camouflaged communications. Verbosity with instigation to urgent action. May weaponize information.

Writing-publishing, announcements, investigative journalism, mercantile-marketing, cinema scripts, conversations, interviews, commercial management. Shrewdly exposes propaganda, reveals camouflaged threat, opinionated, and sharply logical within their bias.

Simha career =

energetic bright confident messaging within the public realms of politics, human drama, celebrity entitlement, creativity, gambling. May be autocratic, showman/conman, ceremonial, displays of paternalistic confidence.

Check graha in Simha 10th-navamsha ++ Surya in kundali ++ Budha in kundali



Shukra-KUJA combination

The Chitra-pada-4 nativity shows many of the typical Vṛścika - Thriketta traits of pursuit of hidden empowerments, sharp focus on the mysterious and confidential, drive to control, manipulative or intrusive nature, explosions and implosions, and energetic penetration of secrets.

The Chitra-pada-4 nativity is typically professional engaged with matters of Simha such as politics and political elections, theatre, literary creativity, performance arts, celebrity, royal entitlements, pageantry, poetry, ceremony, entertainments, ceremonial dance, children, romantic idealism, courtly love, games, gambling, expressions of genius, applause, brilliant confidence, solar power, bright lights, divine Intelligence, self-knowledge, ego, individuality, independence, non-conformity, exceptionalism, uniqueness, center of attention, brilliant red things.

Any graha located in glittering Simha - Leya 10th-navamsha can be definitive for professional portfolio and public service. The public career may be brightly visible because Professor Ravi indicates self-referential radiance.

There is potential for the development of a splendid healer and brilliant symbol of intelligent transformation. But there is an equal potential for the development of a political figure whose need for equitable agreements may weaken the effectiveness of leadership.


Sri Rangam Temple = Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple


Thiruva-rangam = temple of reclining Vishnu

in Srirangam, tiruchirapalli, tamil Nadu, India



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