

Graha - Bhava - Amsha - Rashi

Nakshatra of Brihas-pati


Repetition, restoration


Madhubani Style

Artist = Vidya Devi and Dhirendra Jha

Deity : Earth as Aditi

World Mother, mother of the Gods





OM graam greem graum sah gurve namah

OM jhram jhreem jroum sah gurave namah

Ambujavaasini thevakana sevitha punarpoosathevi sahaayakrube


पुनर्वसु punar-vasu

= पुनर् punar [adverb] go back, toward home, go in an opposite direction

+ वसु vasu eight elemental deities

= restored riches

Acc. Monier-Williams www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de - "the names of the Vasus, according to the Viṣṇu-Purāṇa"

  1. अप्, āpa water [alternatively, अहन् ahan day]

  2. ध्रुव dhruva the pole-star

  3. सोम soma Earthen Moon

  4. धरा dharā Earth

  5. अनिल ānila wind

  6. पावक pāvaka fire

  7. प्रत्युष pratyūṣa the dawn

  8. प्रभास prabhāsa light

punavasa - purnavasi - punarbasu - puṇartam - puṉarpūsam - punarpoosam - funoas


dhātu √ यम् sustain, hold, support, reach

यामक yāma-ka

[masc. dual. vriddhi in samasa] = doubled


अदिति a-diti = abundant, unbounded, free

आदित्य ā-dit-ya = belonging to the Āditya


अस्तभवन asta-bhavana = eight-born

= birthplace of the eight वसु vasu


जा = direct, command

जाया jāyā = bringing forth

जामित्र jāmitra = Gk. διάμετρον = 7th nakshatra

Chandra in Punarvasu



Kolkata, circa 1890

Victoria and Albert Museum

contributions coming to Earth

from the civilizations of

Castor alpha Geminorum + Pollux beta Geminorum

The Twin Gardeners Castor and Pollux

again, doubling

restoring values

re-commencement of civilization, of wealth = return of the Vasu

puna = purifying; vasu = bright ones, excellent

The Bright Ones (Vasu) Returning (Puna)

Return of the Pure Lights

restoration of well-being

recovery of wellness-wealth

classroom of Professor Generous Guru

curriculum of expressive philosophy

wise explanations

Sacred Tree for Punarvasu

"There is no such thing as fiction."

~~ Neville Goddard

When Punarvasu forms the 7th bhava cusp

~~ Bhrigu Sutram Sarga-34 Shloka-12

"If Sagittarius or Pisces or Jupiter's Navamsha be descending, the husband will be brave, have control over his passions and desires and will possess other virtues."


The Enchanted Garden of Messer Ansaldo

by Marie Spartali Stillman (1889)

The Seventh Nakshatra (new ordering)

  • Punarvasu = Aditya = 20:00 Mithuna - Dvamdva until 03:20 Karkata - Kadaga

  • Pada-25, 26, 27, 28 of total 108

  • first half of the Nakshatra pair-portal = Punarvasu + Pushya

Punarvasu Nakshatra Celestial Location~~ The Circle of Stars

  • The twin sons of Zeus and Leda:

  • Castor alpha Geminorum + Pollux beta Geminorum " mild Pollux, void of blame" (Shelley, 1818)

Regional Names for Punarvasu Nakshatra

  • Aditya - indivisible, unsplit, eternal, endless

  • asta = astabhavana - setting (as of the sun or of luminaries) end, death (7th nakshatra)

  • jAyA = bringing forth, a wife (7th nakshatra)

  • jamitra

  • kalatra - a wife , consort, the female of an animal, the hip and loins, pudendum muliebre, aroyal citadel, astronghold or fastness (7th nakshatra)

  • Punarvasti = Punartham = Malayalam

  • Punarpusam = Punarpoosam = Tamil

  • Vutvrta


Illustration of Felidae from a Medieval Bestiary

preserved in the vast Bodleian Library collection at Oxford University

Punarvasu Attributes

Punarvasu Nakshatra Bija Syllables

  • Ke - Ko - Ha - Hi

Punarvasu Nakshatra Body Part

  • Nose of the nakshatrapurusha - Kala-purusha

Punarvasu Nakshatra Symbol

  • quiver of arrows

  • Archer's Bow

Punarvasu Nakshatra Gana - Group

  • Heavenly = Deva

Punarvasu Nakshatra Classical TibetanTradition

  • Nabso = Nap-So= Goddess

  • Jinme Lhamo = Goddess of Gifts

Punarvasu Meanings

  • " The Two who are Good and Prosperous Again"
  • " The Two Who Give Back Goods Again"
  • " The Twinned Ones "

Puna-Pushya are a gateway pairwhich supports an interdimensional radio portal

Punarpoosam = Puna-rvasu WITH Poosam = Pushya

are similar to these pairs:

  • Purva-phalguni - Uttara-phalguni
  • Radha - Anuradha
  • Pūrvāṣāḍhā - Uttarāṣāḍha
  • śrāviṣṭha - Dhaniṣṭha
  • Purva-bhadra - Uttara-bhadra

Career + Public Roles for Punarvasu

  • The Guru-ruled Nakshatra trine expresses the qualities of Lord Brihaspati.

As a broad pattern, the Guru-ruled nakshatra Punarvasu - Yamaka and Viśākha - Rādhā and Purvabhadra - Pegasus indicate those who are natural educators, with a distinctive propensity toward world travel, and a pronounced interest in theory-philosophy-doctrine.

  • As a rule, they flourish in environments which feature the spontaneous natural creativity and innocent faith of children.

Professor Guru activates

the optimistic, expanding inclusive, preacher-teacher, generous, wise, abundance-offering World Traveler = Nakshatra trine

  1. Punarvasu-Aditya - Vasu = Yamaka

  2. Viśākha - Rādhā = Vishakha = Vishaja = Bishaka = Bishaja

  3. Purvabhadra - Pegasus = Proztha-padas = Pegasus

BPHS = Punarvasu Nakshatra Auspicious events

  • Doing things to improve health,
  • performing remedies,
  • travel,
  • making ornaments,
  • laying foundation stones,
  • starting fasts,
  • construction or repair of vehicles,
  • beginning agriculture,
  • having first lessons


  • Applies to nakshatra of indriya-lagna AND nakshatra of Chandra. For emotional relationships, nakshatra of Chandra is more influential in determining compatibility and ease of interaction.

Psycho-socially compatible with Punarvasu = Aditya

Nakshatra of Brihaspati

= Brihaspati's ever-expanding realm of inclusive doctrinal understanding can be shared easily with other optimistic, generous, growth-oriented Guru-folk.

Nakshatra of Mangala

= Kuja and Guru are mutual friends Mangala the Champion leads the conquest of new worlds. He is a pioneer, an inventor, and a sexually driven competitor who rages in vital warfare, runs faster, drills deeper, and pursues His quarry without restraint. Mangala-ruled folk join can compatibly join charitable, indoctrinating Guru folk in support of Brihaspati's expansive ventures.

Nakshatra of Chandra

= Guru and Chandra are mutual friends. = matrikaraka caretaking Chandra's rhythmic, parenting, routinized style provides a pleasing compliment to Guru's patronizing, paternalistic style. These pairs may be found in the cultural realms of ethnic religion.

Nakshatra of Surya

= center-stage, sparklingly exceptional, brightly self-reflexive Surya finds a willing companion in optimistic, generous, preaching, fertile Guru. Together they are often found in creative, political avenues of education and religion.

Psycho-socially neutral with Punarvasu = Aditya

Nakshatra of Shani

= Shani and Guru are mutually neutral. Shani's governance structures can support Guru's preaching, and Brihaspati's philosophical ideologies can reside within Shani's hierarchies. This pair can be found in the world of institutionalized religion, universities, and charitable social organizations.

Psycho-socially uneasy with Punarvasu = Aditya

Nakshatra of Rāhu or Ketu

= whether highly exciting [Rahu] or deeply observing [Ketu] the fascinating yet disruptive nodal styles are cautiously useful to Guru's campaign to expand the paradigm of belief. Positive relationships can support exotic preaching, foreign missionary expansion, or outreach to culturally mixed environments. For other developments, discernment is required.

Most catalytic (challenging) nakshatra for Punarvasu = Aditya

Nakshatra of Shukra

= Shukra is all about two-party human-to-human arrangements that promote wealth acquisition, social harmony, and sensual pleasure within the union. Guru is all about one-to-many, divine-to-human broadcast events that disperse teachings into civilizations not Generally, into individuals. Guru is not averse to abundance, but the coffers of donated wealth are held by religious groups not by human partnerships. Guru has a strong animosity toward Shukra's materialism and sensuality. Therefore this pairing is generally unpleasant.

Nakshatra of Budha

= Budha can tolerate Guru, but from Brihaspati's perspective, professor Budha is a shatru-graha = arch-enemy. Doctrinal, philosophical, theoretical Guru becomes profoundly annoyed by detailed, technical, talking-head Budha. A Guru-ruled nakshatra may contemptuously dismiss the perceived triviality of a Budha-ruled nakshatra. Therefore this pairing is generally unpleasant.

Sacred Tree for Punarvasu

see nakshatra gardens at: www.vedicvanas.com/nakshatravana.html

  • western botanical name =

  • Sanskrita namah:

  • Tibetan (bodkye):

  • Common names:


Bambusa tree sacred to Punarvasu Nakshatra


Punarvasu indriya-lagna = attributes and behaviors

Puna-r-vasu natives typically express the philosopher-writer or teacher-messenger model. Their communication [Mithuna] is usually Guru-influenced = theoretical, inspirational, universal-global, humanistic, understanding, wise, doctrinal, or related to ultimate outlook (dharma).

Punarvasu refers to the "restoring of goods " or the "commencement of wealth" . In etheric cosmology, the subtle particulate nature of the Earth is considered to be fundamentally composed or fabricated from the rays emitted by seven graha. The system of rays is very complex with many overlays and inter-weavings.

One of the interlocking systems of rays which travels through the infrastructure established by the rays of these seven graha is the roadway or channel network by which 27 advanced civilizations travel into the Earth along one of the 27 constructed pathways (na-kshatra). Each of these 27 pathways facilitate the bringing of intelligence, awareness, technology, and other gifts into Earth.

In this cosmology, Punarvasu is a location, aworld, from which originate the beneficent rays of multiplication by replication, abundance and wisdom. The travellers from Punarvasu are carried into Earth on their customary channel.

It seems as if they arrive instantly. They are technologically capable of leaving the galactic time-belt, travelling along the dematerialized no-time change-belt, then re-entering the time belt, which seems like a no-time-elapsed event. These missionaries and guides implant their wisdom into the multiple electro-magnetic grids which surround and interpenetrate the Earth.

Essentially, they are empowered to restore lost technology. The basis of technology is consciousness. However, the y require permission and their gifts must align with the recipients' paradigm of belief.

Those who are genetically designed to match the energy of Punarvasu for example, those born with some lagna or a graha located within Punarvasu can partake of Punarvasu gifts quite naturally, through the aligned conditions of their birth.

Traditionally there are eight Bright supervisors of the Punarvasu communication channel:

  1. Apa = water = = = or Ahan = day
  2. Dhruva = the Pole-star
  3. Soma = Somana = Chandra = the Earthen Moon
  4. Dhara = flowing water
  5. Anila = Colorless Wind
  6. Anala or Pavaka = Fire
  7. Pratyusha = the Dawn
  8. Prabhasa = Light

The light radiance of these beings is called fiery as it is extremely bright. Generally humans can perceive only a protected, heavily veiled and muted aura surrounding the Vasu. At the present time in history most humans would be blinded, both physically and perceptually, by the full intensity of this light. It would fry the human nerve system. There are always throughout history a few aligned Earth-humans whose consciousness is aligned to the restorers. They were typically writers who described the higher consciousness and the magical technology even though during the recent millennia of quarantine it was not yet permitted to materialize these bright ideas.

Ruled by Brihaspati, puna-r-vasu born human-beings are humanistic philosophers.

Their particular genius is Brihaspati-oriented wisdom of fertility and abundance. Punarvasu humans can become masters of the art of replication. They understand at birth how to copy, how to duplicate, how to multiply, how to regenerate from a seed . They are the master gardeners. Thus Typically, the Punarvasu native becomes wealthy and wise via the arts of replication.

Technology is not just the material expression; in its core technology is consciousness. Development of technology arises from education and awareness.

Punarvasu natives are engaged in the development of civilization and they are all quite confident (Brihaspati) in their abilities.

However, these sagacious types are of two different species: pada 1-2-3 = the Mithuna portion and pada-4 = the Karkata type.

Mithuna pada 1-2-3 are conceptual thinkers and communicators who are more attuned to expository teaching and institutional management. They prosper in university administration and in intellectualized commercial environments. Due to Guru's mūlatrikoṇa = bhava-7 Dhanus, pada 1-2-3 have a particular interest in mediation, contracts and mutually beneficial relationships. Mithuna rashi confers the ability to coordinate with like-minded others via writings, conferences, committees, and peer-review.

Measured from Mithuna indriya-lagna , brihaspati ruling both bhava-10 and 10th-from-10th bhava-7 suffers kendra adhi-pati dosha. Thus Punarvasu pada 1-2-3 can be associated with careerism.

One may place the public career above all other values, so that the primary aim of life becomes public recognition via channels of peer advising and social governance.

However, the career always models a principled development of leading ideas that are grounded in a coherent theory of beneficial "goods". Punarvasu clearly understand the concept of a social good and are enabled to act on that perception. Also, no matter how demanding their administrative tasklist may be, punarvasu-born usually finds time to teach [Guru].

All Punarvasu folk throughout pada 1-2-3-4 are blessed by a strong conviction that the broad truths are fully represented by their theoretical viewpoint. It is virtually impossible to sway them from their doctrinal position via logical argument from any basis.

Punarvasu, like Viśākha and Purvabhadrapada, are"born knowing" their truth and they perceive the incarnation as an opportunity to serve others by preaching upon their principles. When frustrated by other's lack of wisdom (particularly as expressed by those playing Budha-style victim roles) the natives of Brihaspati-ruled Punarvasu, -Viśākha and Purvabhadrapada can seem condescending at times.

Guru plays a salient role in the nativity, and Vimshottari periods of Guru bring forth their inner proclivity to fill the roles of teacher, preacher, and sage.

Vocabulary for Punarvasu Nakshatra

  • selected definitions QUOTATIONs

    from the Koeln Sanskrit Lexicon - www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de


  • name of the Nakshatra Punarvasu

  • twin, doubled, twofold
  • a religious obligation or observance
  • two similar greasy substances, oil and ghee
  • restraint, check
  • a kind of hiccough
  • a double band or bandage
  • the repetition in the same stanza of words or syllables
  • similar in sound but different in meaning,
  • paronomasia (of which various kinds are enumerated); a kind of meter


  • purifying, cleansing


  • excellent, good, beneficent
Of the gods - as the good or bright ones ,
  • esp. Of the Adityas, maruts, asvins, indra, Ushas, rudra, Vayu, Vishnu, siva, and Kubera
The names of the Vasu, according to the Vishnu-Purana =
  1. Apa water or Ahan Day
  2. Dhruva the Pole-star
  3. Soma the Moon
  4. Dhara flowing water
  5. Anila Wind
  6. Anala or Pavaka, Fire
  7. Pratyusha the Dawn
  8. Prabhasa Light
A symbolical Name of the number 'eight'
  • A ray of light; light, radiance
  • wealth, goods, riches, property
  • the god of wealth or property
  • the god of life
  • stream of financial wealth
  • of the heavenly Ganga
  • of sacred bathing-place
  • gold; a jewel, gem, pearl
  • any valuable or precious object" [end quote]


WRT Punarvasu Nakshatra

by Pandit David Frawley = https://www.vedanet.com

  • Fruits of Worshipping Each Nakshatra

" The Earth in the beginning had no growths.

  • She desired, "May I produce herbs and trees ."

One who makes the appropriate offering to Aditi, to Punarvasu, produces progeny and cattle.

Punarvasu is a creative Nakshatra ruled by the Earth as the World Mother Aditi .

  • It gives the ability to create in form and structure .

Those born under it like to produce thingsin a maternal way." [end quote]



  • returning, toward

late O.E. agan, from earlier ongean"toward, opposite, against, in exchange for"

  • from on "on" + -gegn against, toward,

  • compounded for a sense of"lined up facing, opposite,"and"in the opposite direction, returning ."

For -gegn, cf. O.N. gegn straight, direct, Dan. igen against, o.Fris. jen, o.H.G. gegin, Ger. gegen against, toward, Ger. entgegen against, in opposition to.

In O.E., eft was the main word for again, but this often was strengthened by ongean, which became the principal word by 13c. Norse influence is responsible for the hard -g-.

  • Differentiated from against 16c. in southern writers, again becoming an adverb only, and against taking over as preposition and conjunction, but again clung to all senses in northern and Scottish dialect (where against was not adopted).

Rising Nakshatra

Feminine Public-Figure Examples


Purnavasi - Vutvrta - Jamitra


For Saptarishi births of a feminine valence, the condition of prosperous, preaching, inclusive, broad-scope, philosophical, humanistic Guru may considerably affect the outcome.

Due to the definitive influence of dhava-karaka Guru, ladies born in Puna, Viśākha, or Purvabhadra may find that their worldview is greatly shaped by the character of the masculine companion

For those born into the Guru-ruled paradigm of Jamitra, teachers, preachers, professors, patrons, agents of generosity and guidance, guru-figures, ideologues, indoctrinators, theorists, know-it-alls, proselytes, philosophers, pontificators, patriarchs, pandits, prelates, pater-nosters, proponents of principled understanding, wise-ones, wizards, druids, and paradigms of belief may be especially influential..

Guidance is provided by emissaries from the realm of the Twin Gardeners called Castor-and-Pollux. Their purpose is restoration, renewal, and rehabilitation of lost knowledge..

High forehead. Punarvasu have a global perspective. The majority of Aditya-born nativities are higher dimensional Seva-wanderers who assume interpretive guidance roles.

Instructing, Explaining, describing

[Mithuna - Dvamdva]

pada 1-2-3] represent Guru's rulership of 7-agreements ++ 10-leadership, while also expressing the tension between broad-view Brihaspati versus detail-oriented Bantering Budha. Pada 1-2-3 are blessed with an expansive human wisdom for evocative writing or speaking. Often excellent writers who can facilitate spiritual growth via specific explanation and description. Pada 1-2-3 are often found in the literary arts, in teaching roles, in academic advising, as travel guides, and as poets who describe the natural world.

[Karkata - Kadaga]

pada-4] represents Guru's rulership of 6-imbalance ++ 9-philosophy. Pada-4 also embodies the tension between global, paternalistic Guru versus local, motherly Chandra. Often these remarkable women are found in the gardening and domestic realms. Natural herbal physicians, they understand and can elicit the wisdom of the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms. Pada-4 may also emerge into the religious professions where they may grow a garden of psycho-intuitive understanding.

Although the priestly husband seeks wisdom, for Karkata-Punarvasu the husband may also be adversarial, polluted, impoverished, or ailing (due to Guru activates 6). Check 7th-from-Chandra.

Themes of restoration of lost knowledge , gardening, fertility of understanding, wish fulfillment, and conceptual teaching may contextualize Aditya's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra in Punarvasu - Aditya


from Shil-Ponde (1939) Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 93

" ... will be successful in everything she undertakes.

If she elects to have a career of her own,

  • she will become very well known and highly respected.

If she marries,

  • she will have a husband and children who adore her

  • and her domestic life will be most happy .

Her house will be orderly and well kept,

  • as she is very particular and discriminating,

  • and insists on beautiful and harmonious surroundings for herself and family.

Her health is good

  • except that she will suffer from gastric complaints

  • and must be careful in her diet."

[end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939]

TeresaAvila_age61_painted1576.jpg -



Feminine Nativities

Often great Gardeners and Nourishers of the Earth and of the Human Spirit

Unique empowerments of Punarvasu's ruler Guru include

  • significator of the husband
  • having mulatrikona in Dhanus-7
  • planetary patron of bhava-7 Dhanus

Due to the special role of Guru for Mithuna and for Punarvasu, many Puna women are able to maintain long-lasting, generously tolerant, mutually beneficial but improbable marriages.

The husband in return = generally supportive and help to develop The wifely figure's career (7 = 10th-from-10th).

The characteristics of her placement of Brihaspati will help to profile the husband-role player in her life.

[Mithuna - Dvamdva] rashi

pada-2 [Urisha and pada-4 [Karkata] = pushkara pada for Guru-ruled nakshatra

pada-1, pada-2, pada-3

ruled by Generous Gardening Guru the environmentalist philosopher-preacher

Guru's mulatrikona 7th counted from Mithuna indriya-lagna = fair-deals, bargains, diplomacy , trusts and treaties, vows , promises, relationships, negotiation, agreements, equity, fair-trade, marriage, equality, parity, partnership, peerage, mutual interest, justice, balance, yoga

[Punarvasu Pada-1]


[pioneering, dominating, active-aggressive, speedy, forceful, conquesting, competitive, athletic, naew, bloody, muscular, innovative, battling, invasive, first-arriver, championship master.]

[Makara 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

status-maintaining, hierarchical, institutional, regulatory, governing, directing, legitimizing, ranking, ordering, class-conscious, structuring, lawful, fixed-position, dignified elite. ]

[Punarvasu Pada-2]


Pushkara pada]

[finance, face, family, food, tradition, treasures, pleasures, speech, song, language, capitalization, sensual values, historical knowledge, sound, color, taste, touch, beauty, cattle, oil, sugar, sweetness, wine, ornaments, music.]

[Kumbha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

community, fundraising, social-participation, gridworking, gainful, economic, scientific, futuristic, networking, profitable, collectivist, populist, friendly.]

[Punarvasu Pada-3]


[publicizing, explaining, detailing, mercantile, collaborative, communicative, media-messaging, team-working, tallkative, managing, planning, writing, instructional, neighborly.]

[Meena 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

guiding, intuitive, conceptual, abstract, visionary, theoretical, charitable, sleepy, imaginative, contemplative, dreamlike.

  • POTUS-31-pair Girl Scouts 1874-1944 author Lou Henry Hoover] -- [Mriga svamsha]LHH་was the writer-and-cowriter of 30 books, including most of the titles that were attributed to her husband. LHH was also a hands-on executive manager of the USA Girl Scouts. [[Mriga svamsha]

[Karkata - Kadaga] pada-4 = Pushkarya pada

Guru's mulatrikona 6th counted from Karkata

Often an expansive personality expressing high-minded tenets, inspirational doctrine + theoretical views toward schooling, nourishment, housing, security, patriotism, and defensive protection of the root culture.

However, broadly permissive dogma such as "freedom" and "all-one" tends to justify shad-ashtaka = 6/8 illicit acts while such impersonal philosophy may mask exploitations. Often operating with high principles within environments rife with inequity, illness, addiction, servitude, master-slave relationships, dominant-subordinate relationships, criminal activities, war, accusations and blaming, betrayal, divorce, ministries of service, medical care, disease + unfair contracts

[Punarvasu Pada-4]


[defensive, nationalistic, rhythmic-algorithmic, worshipping, protective, customary, ritualized, routinized, rutting, tidal, moody, habitual, parental, cultural-agricultural, householding.]

[Mesha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

championship, engineering, first-arriving, invasive, weaponizing, fighter, pioneering, muscular, dynamic, energetic, pushy, conquesting, innovative, fiery, new-birth .]

Feminine Public-Figure Examples

Punarvasu Svamsha

Mithuna pada 1-2-3

Karkata pada-4

Rising Nakshatra

Masculine Public-Figure Examples


Purnavasi - Vutvrta - Jamitra


For Punarvasu births of a masculine valence, the condition of prosperous, preaching, inclusive, broad-scope, philosophical, humanistic Guru may considerably affect the outcome.

Masculine births under auspice of Puna, Viśākha, or Purvabhadra may find that their worldview is greatly shaped by the character of priestly teachers and guides.

For those born into the Guru-ruled paradigm of Jamitra, teachers, preachers, professors, patrons, agents of generosity and guidance, guru-figures, ideologues, indoctrinators, theorists, know-it-alls, proselytes, philosophers, pontificators, patriarchs, pandits, prelates, pater-nosters, proponents of principled understanding, wise-ones, wizards, druids, and paradigms of belief may be especially influential.

Guidance is provided by emissaries from the realm of the Twin Gardeners called Castor-and-Pollux. Their purpose is restoration, renewal, and rehabilitation of lost knowledge.

High forehead. Punarvasu often has a global perspective. The majority of Aditya-born nativities are higher dimensional Seva-wanderers who assume interpretive guidance roles.

Instructing, Explaining, describing

[Mithuna - Dvamdva] pada 1-2-3 represents Guru's rulership of 7-agreements ++ 10- leadership, while also expressing the tension between broad-view Brihaspati versus detail-oriented Bantering Budha.

Pada 1-2-3 are blessed with an expansive capacity for evocative description or inspirational speaking. Often excellent writers who can facilitate spiritual growth via specific explanation and detailed description.

Pada 1-2-3 are often found in the literary arts, in teaching roles, in academic advising, as travel guides, and as poets who describe the natural world.

[Karkata - Kadaga] -pada-4 represents Guru's rulership of 6-imbalance ++ 9-philosophical principles. Pada-4 also embodies the tension between global, paternalistic Saptarishi versus local, undulating, motherly Somana.

As master gardeners and natural herbal physicians, they understand the wisdom of the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms. Pada-4 may also emerge into the religious professions where they may grow a garden of psycho-intuitive understanding that develops into doctrine.

Although the Higher Teacher seeks wisdom, for Karkata-Punarvasu the guru-figure may also be adversarial, impoverished, polluted, or ailing (due to Brihaspati activates 6).

Themes of restoration of lost knowledge , gardening, fertility of understanding, wish fulfillment, and conceptual teaching may contextualize Aditya's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra in Punarvasu - Aditya


from Shil-Ponde (1939) Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 81

" ... from Arudra to Punarvasu, a startling chan ge in mental development.

In Punarvasu, the native is possessed of profound intelligence,

  • capable of delving into and understanding all manner of philosophical and metaphysical postulates.

He revels in abstractthought

  • and has a lively and profound imagination.

He may be also poet of high attainment, expressing a fire and vitality in his verse

  • which is the result of an unusually passionate temperament

He will, however, be only moderately successful by worldly standards during his lifetime

  • although unlike the Arudra native, he will not experience poverty."

[end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939]

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Masculine Public-Figure Examples

Mithuna - Dvamdva rashi

Pada-1 + pada-2 + pada-3

ruled by Generous Gardening Guru the environmentalist philosopher-preacher theorist

Guru's mulatrikona 7th counted from Mithuna indriya-lagna = fair-deals, bargains, diplomacy , trusts and treaties, vows, promises, relationships, negotiation, agreements, equity, fair-trade, marriage, equality, similarity, parity, partnership, mutual interest, justice, balance, valance, yoga, seeing both sides of a polarized situation, representing both sides of a conversational dialog

[Punarvasu Pada-1]


[pioneering, dominating, active-aggressive, speedy, forceful, conquesting, competitive, athletic, naew, bloody, muscular, innovative, battling, invasive, first-arriver, championship master.]

[Makara 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

status-maintaining, hierarchical, institutional, regulatory, governing, directing, legitimizing, ranking, ordering, class-conscious, structuring, lawful, fixed-position, dignified elite. ]

[Punarvasu Pada-2]


Pushkara pada]

[finance, face, family, food, tradition, treasures, pleasures, speech, song, language, capitalization, sensual values, historical knowledge, sound, color, taste, touch, beauty, cattle, oil, sugar, sweetness, wine, ornaments, music.]

Kumbha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

community, fundraising, social-participation, gridworking, gainful, economic, scientific, futuristic, networking, profitable, collectivist, populist, friendly.]

[Punarvasu Pada-3]



[publicizing, explaining, detailing, mercantile, collaborative, communicative, media-messaging, team-working, tallkative, managing, planning, writing, instructional, neighborly.]

[Meena 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

guiding, intuitive, conceptual, abstract, visionary, theoretical, charitable, sleepy, imaginative, contemplative, dreamlike.

  • Way of Zen 1915-1973 radio philosopher Alan Watts [Puna svamsha - triple]

  • Be Here Now 1931-2019 Baba Ram Dass [Punarvasu svamsha]

  • Among the Believers 1932-2018 culturalist V.S. Naipaul [Puna svamsha - triple]

[Punarvasu Pada-4]

Karkata] = [Pushkara Pada]

Guru's mulatrikona 6th counted from Karkata

high-minded tenets, philosophical and theoretical views toward ethnicity, schooling, nourishment, housing, security, patriotism, and protection of the root culture in the place of settlement.

Planting, gardening and plants-minerals, deva of the plant and mineral kingdoms.

Expression of the philosophy tends to produce 6th-from results such as and inequity, illness, liquor addiction, servitude, sectarianism, master-slave relationships, dominant-subordinate relationships, criminal activities,

war, accusations and blaming, betrayal, treachery, divorce, ministries of service, medical care , disease-discomfort, exploitation and protection of the exploited, unfair contracts, and animosity generally.

[pada-4 Karkata] [DOUBLE KARKATA]

[defensive, nationalistic, rhythmic-algorithmic, worshipping, protective, customary, ritualized, routinized, rutting, tidal, moody, habitual, parental, cultural-agricultural, householding.]

[Mesha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

championship, engineering, first-arriving, invasive, weaponizing, fighter, pioneering, muscular, dynamic, energetic, pushy, conquesting, innovative, fiery, new-birth .]

Masculine Public-Figure Examples

Punarvasu Svamsha

Mithuna pada 1-2-3

Karkata pada-4



Punarvasu Indriya lagna

earth, gardens, water-springs, green leaves, fields and forests. Often sensitive to the presence of spirits via exquisite sense of natural life-force energy. Communes with the biological rhythms of plants and senses the pulse of nature in all living things.

  • compare to Mriga-sirasa, which has the same high sensitivity but less toward plants and more towards animals, including the human animal.

Punarvasu Svamsha takes a partner role which emphasizes nurturing, gardening, developing behavior within the union.

If the partnership suppresses or denies the native 's parental style of environmental restoration and growing (whether children, plants, or businesses), then the native must leave.

Punarvasu generally have several marriages or several important unions during the lifetime. Natural speculators,

Punarvasu almost universally love gambling. Most natives will not suffer from a gambling addiction or other untoward results; rather one enjoys placing bets and watching the outcome on any type of numbers game.

Punarvasu ruled by Aditi-Surya may become famous (Ravi, attention-center) during the lifetime. This rapid rise to visibility-fame is often a great surprise to the native who was busy with environmental development and not trying to get famous at all!

Punarvasu-born are usually productive writers, who often continue writing until their end-of-days.

Punarvasu normally prefers a simple gardener-parent-schoolteacher life. One will act consciously to reduce unnecessary trappings, so that creative free space is open for the invisible vital forces to do their development work.

  • Punarvasu needs to stay open for speculative opportunities; while being involved in growth of projects they also keep openness to alternative methods and ideas (Mithuna portion especially).

  • Punarvasu Nakshatra has a tendency to eschew the accumulation of personal wealth; prefers to participate in the shared wealth of the group. May give little thought to retirement savings or other scarcity-minded plans since they perceive great abundance of living resource in nearly all environments.

  • Highly predictable, tightly regulated lifestyles including those burdened with wealth management are not interesting to Aditi-ruled Punarvasu who glories in the spectacular, abundant creativity of the natural universe.

What one is really trying to avoid is the need to maintain and protect already-materialized resources; there is no fun in that!

General Description

Punarvasu-Aditya characteristics

QUOTATION from Das / Behari

1. Physical features

  • Handsome, long thighs and long face.

  • Some identification mark on the face, or on the back side of head.

2. Character and general events

You will complete faith in God. You are religiously inclined .

Initially you will have good behavior,

  • but later on according to the circumstances you may change your behavior.

  • Therefore, others have to be careful while approaching you.

  • It is very difficult to know your inner thought.

  • Contented with little but at the same time hot tempered.

  • You stick to ancient tradition and belief.

  • You will not stand a party to any illegal activities and will try to resist others from doing so.

  • You do not like to cause trouble to others, on the other hand you try to help the needy.

  • You will lead a simple life.

3. Education, sources of earning/profession:

You can shine and get success in almost all the subjects, except in partnership business.

You can attain much name and fame as a teacher or as an actor, writer, physician etc.

Period up to 32 years of age may be difficult,

  • as a result try to avoid any major business dealings until after that year.

You may not be in a position to accumulate wealth

  • but you can attain public honor.

  • You may have a lack of business trick and inherent straightforwardness.

One peculiar expression can be seen in your face an innocent and frustrated look.

4. Family life:

  • You are the most obedient child of your parents.

  • You respect your father and mother as your teachers.

Married life may be difficult.

  • You may divorce or have another marriage.

  • First spouse may have weak constitution, and will be a good partner.

  • Frequent friction between other family members may take place.

  • The combination of these factors may cause much stress.

5. Health:

  • There will not be any serious health problems, but tend to all health problems seriously.

  • You will have strong digestion."

[end quote]

Description of the Pada = four steps of Punarvasu-Aditya

[Punarvasu Pada-1]

20:00 Mithuna 23:20

Mesha Svamsha



[Makara - Draco] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Shani-profiled careers in governance , over-seer, legislation, policy and law, executive decision-making, bureaucracy, social ordering, hierarchies, stepwise processes, protocols and procedures, imposition of rules and consequences, elder judge, graduations and grading, professions of aging and antiquities, geriatrics, stiffening, rigidity, stones-and-bones, old things, structure


[Tula - Vanika] = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting Shukra--profiled spousal characteristics of harmonizing nature, sweets-seeking tendencies, luxury lifestyle, gracious arrangements, adjustability, negotiating skills, partnership orientation, and diplomatic perspective.

D-1 Bhrigu can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Shukra-D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors.

Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-1 Punarvasu]

Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-1 Punarvasu]

[Punarvasu Pada-1] QUOTATION

Das / Behari

" There may be some difficulty with internal organs .

Mixed temperament.

You may have two mothers and few brothers.

Suppression of enemies.

You can undertake several jobs at one time

  • and complete them all successfully.

You are respected by the learned."

[end quote]

[Punarvasu Pada-1] QUOTATION

for the Male only, by Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 105

Same as pada-1

" A poet, author, or scientist

Fond of metaphysical subjects,

  • and a deep thinker.

Careful in business affairs,

  • and faithful to a trust"

[end quote]

SUB-SECTIONS of [Punarvasu Pada-1]

Nakshatra Divisions of Mesha Svamsha

[ Asvini svamsha]

00:00 until 13:21]

Affinity for pioneering innovation. Astute observer. Eccentric. May be an equestrian specialist. Forward-moving and unencumbered by outdated restrictions. Champion of new approaches in medicine and engineering.

Makara career =

Physician, inventor, engineer within the public realms of regulatory compliance, organizational governance, status hierarchies, maintenance of social order.

Check graha in Makara 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Ketu in kundali, along with Ketu's ruler.

[Bharani svamsha] [13:21 until 26:39]

Affinity for finance, acquisitions, and storage of precious assets. May specialize in matters of earthen-body death, such as estate law, funerals, or end-of-life arrangements. May be specialists in the financial affairs of the dead. Weighs and balances the trading values. May carry heavy burdens of precious goods. Preserves food, tradition, natural resources, historical knowledge, hoards.

Makara career =

Entreasurement brokers and arrangers within the public realms of regulatory compliance, organizational governance, status hierarchies, maintenance of social order . Often in corporate banking, currency-trading and evaluation, institutional equity.

Check graha in Makara 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Shukra in kundali.

[Kṛttikā svamsha]

26:39 until 29:59 ]

Affinity for politics, center-stage attention, theatrical romance, sparkling costume, adoring children, and speculative games. Financially intelligent. Radiates confident superiority. Genius of ceremonial display. Cannot be intimidated. Brilliantly self-assertive. Delighted to stand in the spotlight. May enjoy winning public office by acclamation or political election.

Makara career =

charismatic policy-maker, self-certain creator within the public realms of regulatory compliance, organizational governance, status hierarchies, maintenance of public order.

Check graha in Makara 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Surya in kundali.

BPL COMMENTARY [Punarvasu Pada-1]

Pūrvābhādra-pada-1 = one corner of a triangle formed by the Guru-ruled nakshatra inhabiting air-element rashi

  • Viśākha-1
  • Pūrvābhādra-1
  • Punarvasu-1

Each of these three trinal pada produce Mesha Navamsha.

[Punarvasu Pada-1] 20:00 Mithuna - Dvamdva 23:20 = Mesha - Aja navamsha

Theory-and-application agents focused on competitive, athletic, potentially aggressive movement. Develops Makara careers that climb the ladder of a governance hierarchy. Often found within institutional government and large corporations, depending on role of kundali Shani.

[Punarvasu Pada-2]

[23:20 until 26:40 Mithuna - Dvamdva]

Vrishabha Svamsha

[Pushkara Navamsha]



[Kumbha - Ghata] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Shani- profiled careers in scientific systems, regulated networks, distribution networks, economics, ecologies, communities, friendship linkage, weaving, knitting, knotting, making of nets, marketplaces, associations, large-scale gatherings, professions of the marketplaces, bazar, social participation, gridwork, framework, conceptual exchange grids, social and electro-magnetic connections


Vṛścika-Ketta = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting spousal characteristics of penetrating nature, surgical tendencies, pursuit of mystery, quest for discovery and disclosure, psychological vigor, trauma-healing abilities, controlling attitude, mining and harvesting skills, preference for unexpected action , and secretive perspective.

D-1 Mangala can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Kuja-D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors.

Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-2 Punarvasu]

Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-2 Punarvasu]

[Punarvasu Pada-2] QUOTATION

Das / Behari

"You are fond of your friends,

  • and you have a deep understanding of lovemaking.

You may be attracted to gambling.

You may be a scientist, ambassador or representative.

A number of marriages or long term relationships are indicated." [end quote]

[Punarvasu Pada-2] QUOTATION

for the Male only = , by Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 105

Same as pada-1

" A poet, author, or scientist

Fond of metaphysical subjects, and a deep thinker.

Careful in business affairs,

  • and faithful to a trust" [end quote]

SUB-SECTIONS of [Punarvasu-pada-2]


Nakshatra Divisions of Urisha Svamsha

[Kṛttikā svamsha]

00:00 until 09:59]

Affinity for politics, center-stage attention, literary-theatrical romance, sparkling jewels, adoring children, and speculative games. Financially intelligent. Friendly, creative, connected. Lavishly entitled. Speaks for proletarian causes. Genius of political fundraising. Luxuriates in admiration from the common folk. May be a gifted orator or singer.

Kumbha career =

charismatic socialite in the public realms of economic gridwork, mass-participation interlinkage, fundraising systems, vast electronic array, distribution networks, associative friend ships.

Check graha in Kumbha 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Surya in kundali.

[ Rohini svamsha]

10:00 until 23:19]

Shukra the fair-bargainer confers equity. Affinity for soothing routines of home and household. Requires the adoring attentions of the beloved, being lavished with luxury, and decorated with beautiful ornaments. If these needs are met, expect a devoted and protective companion. Intuitive sense of rhythm and pace may confer musical gifts. May be sensually attractive and popular with the masses.

Kumbha career =

sensitive, parental socialite within the public realms of economic gridwork, mass-participation interlinkage, fundraising systems, vast electronic array, distribution networks, associative friendships.

Check graha in Kumbha 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Chandra in kundali.

[ Mriga-shiras svamsha]

23:19 until 29:59]

Affinity for commercial assessment and financial competition. Pursues valuable collections. Monetary management, business banking. Energetic, sensual physical movement. Vigorous accrual, pro-active acquisition, energetic storage of heritage wealth. May be an entrepreneurial funding specialist, shopkeeper, craftsperson, manufacturer, or shrewd vendor of luxury ornaments, textiles, wines, scents, or oils.

Kumbha career =

evaluating, businesslike socialite within the public realms of economic gridwork, mass-participation interlinkage, fundraising, electronic systems, distribution networks, associative friendships.

Check graha in Kumbha 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Mangala in kundali.


[Punarvasu Pada-2] Pushkara Navamsha

[Punarvasu Pada-2] is one corner of a triangle formed by the Guru-ruled nakshatra inhabiting air-element rashi

  • Viśākha-2
  • Pūrvābhādra-2
  • Punarvasu-2.

Each of these three trinal pada produce Urisha Navamsha.

[Punarvasu Pada-2]

23:20 Mithuna 26:40 = Vrishabha - Urisha Navamsha = Pushkara Navamsha

Theory-and-application agents focused on historical knowledge, material acquisitions, banking, conservation, containment of value, sensual luxury, and natural beauty. Develops Kumbha careers in large-scale economic and scientific systems, depending on role of radical Shani. Social-science and large-scale systems of all kinds.

Sensually balancing Shukra activates the pada, while generous, guiding Guru activates the nakshatra and articulating, evangelical Budha activates the rashi. Shukra-Guru are an adversarial pair: Shukra wants to invest all values into human-to-human partnerships, while Guru wants to raise the viewpoint to global, philosophical level.

Yet, the verbally facile, articulating Budha can help to resolve this ironic conflict of the two Great Sukha-graha by giving words to the dilemma. Marital harmony or world peace? Professor Budha may not accomplish either but He can give good reasoning for both.

Shukra-ruled Punarvasu pada-2 = relationship oriented, but identified with multiple [Guru] couplings; fertile Guru lord of Punarvasu is less concerned with legality and more with philosophical understanding, so domestic couplings even those that produce children do not always seek a legal contract.

Matters of Shukra such as negotiation, meditation, agreement-seeking, accumulated material wealth (capital), sensual pleasure, marriage, beauty, architecture, decoration, and all species of arrangement are featured in pada-2 within the larger contexts of Punarvasu's proclivity for theory and philosophical thought along with Mithuna's commercial behaviors.

[Punarvasu Pada-3]

[26:40 Mithuna - Dvamdva 30:00]

[DOUBLE MITHUNa] [vargottamsha]

super-pada for inspirational writers

Mithuna Svamsha

This indriya-lagna is eligible to use śatābdikā dasha



[Meena - Antya] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Guru-profiled careers in charity, spiritual guidance, divination, water-gazing, dream-interpretation, clairsentient visions, imagination, conceptual thought, theory, first principles, research, interiority, hallucination, sacred symbols, astral bridging, invisible environments, sleep, subtle sounds and vibratory patterns, private prayer, meditation, seclusion, great cosmic cycles, reflective thought, philosophical theory, ancestor spirits, telepathy, empathy , cetaceans and cultures of Sirius


Dhanus = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting Guru-profiled spousal characteristics of expansive nature, preaching or professorial tendencies, engagement with higher principles and dogma, quest for understanding, philosophical vigor, inclusive attitude, priestly roles, indoctrination skills, preference for humanistic worldview, and global perspective.

D-1 Brihaspati can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Guru-D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors.

Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-3 Punarvasu]


Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-3 Punarvasu]


[Punarvasu Pada-3] QUOTATION

Das / Behari

" You may be very attracted by the opposite sex

  • clever

  • gambling tendencies,

  • fond of music." [end quote]

[Punarvasu Pada-3] QUOTATION

for the Male only = , by Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 105

Same as pada-1

" A poet, author, or scientist

  • Fond of metaphysical subjects, and a deep thinker.

Careful in business affairs,

  • and faithful to a trust" [end quote]

SUB-SECTIONS of [Punarvasu-pada-3]

Double Mithuna]

Nakshatra Divisions of Mithuna Svamsha

[ Mriga-shiras svamsha]

00:00 until 06:39]

Affinity for commercial assessment and business competition. Active administrative communications. Energetic physical gesturing movement. Vigorously transactional. Champion of sales, advertising, media-messaging, publications, instructions, announcements. May be an entrepreneur, shopkeeper, craftsperson, manufacturer, writer, or vendor of information. Brooks no interference.

Meena career =

commercially driven visionary within the public realms of fantasy. conceptual imagery, global understanding, spiritual guidance, expansion of compassion, private contemplation, faith in oceanic oneness, dreamlike sanctuary.

Check graha in Meena 10th-navamsha ++ Brihaspati in kundali ++ Mangala in kundali.

  • POTUS-31-pair Girl Scouts 1874-1944 author Lou Henry Hoover]

    [Mriga svamsha]chief national corporate administrator of Girl Scouts, publications writer-editor

  • Waste Land 1888-1965 poet-publisher T.S. Eliot [[Mriga svamsha]Poet winner of 1948 Nobel Prize in Literature, social critique ++ notable publishing company that merchandised a generation of literary talent

[ Arudra svamsha]

6:40 until 19:59]

Affinity for atmospheric volatility. Intense signaling communication between the physical-body and the mentality. Spans exhilaration to pain . Disruptive jealousy. Stormy, ambitious, taboo-challenging personality seeks extreme weather. Prone to wrestling, fighting, dancing, and hormonal fluctuation. Fabulous scripts, exaggerated interpretation, cinematic illusion.

Meena career =

commercially opportunistic visionary within the public realms of fantasy. conceptual imagery, global understanding, spiritual guidance, expansion of compassion, private contemplation, faith in oceanic oneness, dreamlike sanctuary.

Check graha in Meena 10th-navamsha ++ Brihaspati in kundali ++ Rāhu in kundali

[ Punarvasu svamsha]

20:00 until 29:59]

[DOUBLE PUNARVASU] + + [Guru rules both svamsha and 10th-navamsha]

Guru the Grower confers breadth of understanding. Affinity for writing. Uplifting fiction and cosmic explanations. May develop a broadly encompassing, comprehensive script which details the lives of well-crafted characters. Wide-scope, expansionist, tolerant, ideological globalist, philosophical worldview. Inspirational, principled, and generous. Seek mercantile publication of their grand concepts.

Meena career =

commercially humanistic visionary within the public realms of fantasy. conceptual imagery, global understanding, spiritual guidance, expansion of compassion, private contemplation, faith in oceanic oneness, dreamlike sanctuary.

Check graha in Meena 10th-navamsha ++ Brihaspati in kundali

BPL COMMENTARY [Punarvasu Pada-3]

[26:40 Dvamdva 30:00]



Writers, publishers, script developers

Punarvasu-pada-3 = one corner of a triangle formed by the Guru-ruled nakshatra inhabiting air-element rashi = Viśākha-3 ++ Pūrvābhādra-3 ++ Punarvasu-3.Each of these three trinal pada produce Mithuna - Dvamdva navamsha .

Theory-and-application agents focused on explanatory and descriptive communications.

Develops Meena careers

in intuitive development, divination, esoteric philosophy, psychic and spiritual guidance, and various forms of teaching, depending on role of radical Guru. Meena often also involves music and imagery that relaxes and transports.

  • War and Peace 1828-1910 Leo Tolstoy ] Punarvasu svamsha] global Christian-anarchism. Interweaving massive narratives of Russian social consciousness, ecclesiastical doctrine s and anti-doctrines, along with his own relentless internal reflection

  • Savitri 1872-1950 revolutionary poet Shri Aurobindo Ghose [Punarvasu svamsha]global vedanta

  • Way of Zen 1915-1973 radio philosopher Alan Watts [Rahu-yuti-Guru]

    9] global philosophy

  • Be Here Now 1931-2019 Baba Ram Dass [Punarvasu svamsha]global bhakti vedanta

[Punarvasu Pada-4]

[00:00 until 03:20 Karkata]


[vargottamsha] super-pada for ethno-cultural writers

Karkata= Svamsha

[Pushkara Navamsha]

This indriya-lagna is eligible to use śatābdikā dasha

  • Guru in Punarvasu-4 [vargottamsha] attains Karkata-navamsha, indicating protective charity, patriotic generosity, and philosophical humanism



[Mesha - Aja] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Mangala-profiled careers in championship, first-arrival, innovation, engineering, competition, challenge, conquest, dueling, domination, pioneering actions, use of force, hunting, dance, massage, muscular physique, physical appearance, embodiment, sexual pursuit, athletics, new birth, insemination, obstetrics, blood chemistry, inventions, naovelty, singularity, winning


[Makara - Draco] = the 7th navamsha = broadly suggesting Shani-profiled spousalcharacteristics of disciplined nature, regulatory or legislative tendencies, engagement with duty and responsibility, quest for orderly systems, pragmatism, common-sense attitude, rule-application skills, preference for conservative practices, and materialistic perspective.

D-1 Shani can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Shani in D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors.

Masculine Public-Figure Examples

[Puna pada-4 = Karkata]


Feminine Public-Figure Examples

[Puna pada-4 = Karkata]


[Punarvasu Pada-4] QUOTATION

Das / Behari

" You are skilled in sexuality,

And are somewhat stressed,

  • leading for example to often having bloodshot eyes." [end quote]

[Punarvasu Pada-4] QUOTATION

for the Male only , by Shil-Pondey. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 105

" An artist or musician.

  • Fond of drinking,

  • and somewhat of a comedian.

At any rate, agay person, always laughing,

  • and particularly fond of the music of stringed instruments."

[end quote]

SUB-SECTIONS of [Punarvasu-pada-4]

Nakshatra Divisions of Karkata Svamsha

[ Punarvasu svamsha]

00:00 until 03:19]

Guru the Grower signals breadth of understanding. Affinity for writing. Uplifting fiction and cosmic explanations. May develop a broadly encompassing, comprehensive script which details the lives of well-crafted characters. Ethno-rhythmic habits yet wide-scope, expansionist, tolerant, ideological globalist, philosophical worldview. Humanistic anthropologist. Inspirational, principled, and generous. Recognizes the ancient routines.

Mesha career =

innovative teacher-preacher within the public realms of new starts, physical medicine for vitality, engines and generation, competitive championship, kinetic energy, first-arrival, birth.

Check graha in Mesha 10th-navamsha ++ Mangala in kundali ++ Guru in kundali.

[Pushya svamsha] [03:20 until 16:39]

Affinity for lawful hierarchies. Often a lawyer or regulatory official. Needs a structured, ritualized, undulating routine within the governing apparatus. Maintains the rhythms of the customary order. Seeks security through rank, status, and position. Sensitive to ancestral land use, marine environments, parental duties, and family respect.

Mesha career =

innovative bureaucrat within the public realms of new starts, physical medicine for vitality, engines and generation, competitive championship, kinetic energy, first-arrival, birth.

Check graha in Mesha 10th-navamsha ++ Mangala in kundali ++ Shani in kundali.

[Aśleṣā svamsha]

16:40 until 29:59]

Affinity for instructional conversation. Hands-on administration, commerce, information handling, teamwork, discussions, media-messaging, manufacturing, and process control. Expert use of guilt or other emotional bondage to restrain the interlocutor. Needs to lash, leash, restrain, manipulate, embrace, and secure. Animal control, police officer, instructor-trainer in handcraft, anchoring, harnesses and reins, factory security, arm-twisting salesperson.

Mesha career =

innovative process manager within the public realms of new starts, physical medicine for vitality, engines and generation, competitive championship, kinetic energy, first-arrival, birth.

Check graha in Mesha 10th-navamsha ++ Mangala in kundali ++ Shani in kundali ++ Budha in kundali.

BPL COMMENTARY [Punarvasu-pada-4]

[00:00 until 03:20 Karkata]

[DOUBLE KARKATA] [Punarvasu-pada-4 is one corner of a triangle formed by the Guru-ruled nakshatra inhabiting water-element rashi = Viśākha-4 ++ Pūrvābhādra-4 ++ Punarvasu-4. Each of these three trinal pada produce Karkata navamsha.

Punarvasu Pada-4 [00:00 Karkata - Kadaga 03:20]

Pushkara Navamsha] [emotionally wrought writers

The 4th pada of Punarvasu is a distinctive placement combining the exploitation and conflict of the shad-ashtaka 6th-from angle with the poetic verse and philosophical high-mindedness of generously inclusive, Guru-ruled Punarvasu.

Punavasu-4 is a curious and unique individual pada which is often characterized by local-scale [Chandra] exploitation of marginalized subjects, conflict, accusation, or crime -- along with global-scale [Guru] humanistic viewpoints expanding the higher principles of theory, wisdom, and paradigms of belief.

Theory-and-application agents agents focused on establishing settlements, foundations of all kinds, fundamental schooling, caretaking, work with the plant kingdom, parochialism, patriotism, and protectiveness. Develops Mesha careers that are innovative, pioneering, and surging with physical life-force energy, depending on role of radical Mangala.

Pada-4 is less oriented to rank and recognition within the social hierarchy and also less of an explaining teacher. All Punarvasu energy provides guidance, however Pada-4 guides less by explaining and more by asserting "self-evident" truth.

  • POTUS-03 Declaration of Independence 1743-1826 Thomas Jefferson helped to establish as the cornerstone principle of the USA a "self-evident truth" , requiring no evidence or precedent, that "all men are created equal" . (Yet, being born in the Karkata pada, he kept many in slavery including his quadroon second wife. Pada-4 suffers a gap between theory and practice that can produce condescension and hypocrisy.)

Punarvasu pada-4 operate from a level of wisdom-mastery that has benevolent and also less benevolent consequences. Of course if bhava-10 is strong, the Punarvasu native may rise to an elite leader-adviser role as easily as pada 1-2-3.

However pada-4 Punarvasu is naturally less attuned toward governance and more attuned to the promulgation of ideology, catechism of belief, credenda. Pada-4 evokes a challenging mixture. Its very high perspective of theory and principled thought (9) must partially operate in environments rife with exploitation, accusation, and conditions of imbalance-seeking-a-remedy (6). This juxtaposition leads to complex outcomes for pada-4.

Due to Guru's mūlatrikoṇa Dhanus = bhava-6, punarvasu pada-4 can interpret Punarvasu's gift of replicating mastery in unfair and unsavory ways. Their philosophical principles are of the highest caliber. They are tremendous believers in human potential. They confidently and sincerely espouse enlightened beliefs.

Yet, Punarvasu pada-4 must take care that their understanding of mastery does not slip into unbalanced master-slave arrangements based on their concept of natural superiority. Due to Guru rogesha, they must take scrupulous care of health, especially digestion, and avoid high-conflict environments.

Punarvasu pada-4 can produce inspiring insights that provide transcendent guidance for the spirit. However, the ir magnificent theory does not easily apply in practice. Day-to-day actions may seem hypocritical and inconsistent with exalted beliefs. Pada-4 may be perceived by those who demand moral accountability as a patronizing ideologue or even a criminal. Often pada-4 does truly "great" [Guru] things for the broader civilization while simultaneously marginalizing or mistreating those in their immediate care.

  • POTUS-03 Declaration of Independence 1743-1826 Thomas Jefferson = a brilliant theorist whose Enlightenment ideology contributed forcefully to the principled development of the United States of America. Yet, his second wife was a slave and even at his death he did not free her.


Ancient protector deity = bhapa = bhesha


Proliferating vegetation which desires to develop, display,

then cyclically consumes itself,

leaving only the regenerative Head.


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"My Lord! Increase me in knowledge."

Qur'an 20:114 = Surah Ta-Ha
