

Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Nakshatra of Chandra




Rohini = Kolkata, circa 1890

Victoria and Albert Museum


The wife of one of the Vasu is tempted to steal the wish-bearing cow, naandini.

By Madhu Walad Tawhid, mughal India, c. 1580



AUM som somaya namah

AUM hreem shreem chandraya namah

Mokshprathaayinee manjulabaashini rohinithevi sahaayakrube


√ रुह् ruh = rise, ascend, grow

रोहिणी rohiṇī = grows, increases, makes descendants

[MW] a red cow or = later any cow =

represented as a daughter of Surabhi and mother of cattle, esp. Of Kāma-dhenu = cow of plenty

कामधेनु kāma-dhenu = desire-cow

सुरभि surabhi Suravi = sweet-smelling

√ रुध् rudh = be ruddy, redden

रोहिणी rohiṇī

= red-one

[MW] ... from the colour of the star Aldebaran ... figured by a wheeled vehicle or sometimes by a temple or fish

आनुरोहिण ānurohiṇa = rohiṇī

प्राजापत्य prājāpatya = chariot of rohiṇī

शकटाह्वा śakaṭāhva = cart-named

rhini - rōhiṇi - rōgiṇi - rehena - roanu


√ वृध् vridh = increase, grow

ब्रह्मी brahmī = place of ब्रह्मन् brahaman

= growth, expansion, evolution, development


प्राजेश prājeśa = sacred to prajāpati = brahma


केश keśa = whose lord is prajāpati

Chandra in Rohiṇī - Aldebaran

contributions coming to Earth

from the star-civilizations

near al-debaran - alpha tauri


The Red One = from the red color of Rohini's huge sphere, al-debaran

Favorite Wife of the Moon

To Grow, to make large (al-debaran is very large!)

Called the follower, rohini follows the Pleyades = Krittika

classroom of Professor Soothing Somana

curriculum of rhythmic pleasures and valuable nourishment

Description of the Four Pada

General Description of Rohini characteristics



Source: Kongelige Bibliotek

Royal Library of Denmark

Bestiarius - Bestiary of Anne Walsh

Copyright 2003 Kongelige Bibliotek [Gl. kgl. S. 1633 4-deg, folio 57 ]

The animal symbol of Rohini is a Male Serpent.

The Fourth Nakshatra

] new system]

  • 10:00 Vrishabha - Urisha until 23:20 Vrishabha (Taurus)

  • Pada-13, 14, 15, 16 of total 108

Rohini Nakshatra Celestial Location

  • alpha Tauri - Al-debaran ~~ Roebuck, The Circle of Stars


  • a calf
  • a red cow
  • daughter of Surabhi
  • mother of cattle
  • daughter of Daksha
  • the star Aldebaran

Regional Names for Rohini Nakshatra

  • kama-dhenu = wish-fulfilling cow (Suravi)
  • keza whose ruler is Prajapati = the mane, the tail
  • Praujapatya = Praajeza = Praja-pati
  • paitamaha - from a grandfather, presided over by Brahma, brahma's son (patronymic of Manu), forefathers, ancestors
  • Rohinitva = Rohita = Rauhina = Rhini
  • Suravi = Surabhi
  • Vishnu
  • zakathahva


  • al-de-baran

Al-debaran size, compared to the Earthen Sun

Aldebaran = Rohini = Red-One = orange giant star located +65 light years from Earth within the rashi of Vrishabha = Sthaurin = Taurus.


Aldebaran-Sun comparison-en by Mysid = Wikimedia Commons

Nakshatra Vana

Sacred tree for Rohini

see nakshatra gardens at: www.vedicvanas.com/nakshatravana.html

  • western botanical name = Syzygium jambolanum = Eugenia Jambolana = Eugenia cumini

  • Sanskrita namahjambula

  • Common names = jambu, jamboola, jamuna, kalo-jaam, jamblang, Java plum, black plum, damson plum, duhat plum, portuguese plum, malabar plum

  • fruits: kalo-jaam


Syzygium Jambolanum = Jambu tree

sacred to Rohini Nakshatra


wikipedia Rohiṇī - Aldebaran

Regent presiding protective Deity = bhapa = bhesha

  • Praja-pati

  • Brahma

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brahma

BPHS Rohini auspicious activities

  • Performing action to improve health,
  • marriage,
  • collecting money,
  • construction of religious or government buildings
  • or installing religious objects,
  • all auspicious purposes,
  • first wearing of ornaments.

Rohini Nakshatra Body Part

  • Fore-head of the nakshatrapurusha - Kala-purusha

Rohini Symbol

  • temple

  • wheeled vehicle (ox-cart)

  • fish

Rohini gana = group

  • Hu-man = Man-ushya

Rohini Classical TibetanTradition

  • Narme = Nar-Ma = Goddess

  • Dalwe Lhadenma
  • The peaceful goddess = She rules five star-gods in the form of a chariot.

  • Connected with Kyegyu Dakpo, The Lord of all beings = Brahma.

Rohini Meanings

  • The Growing One
  • The Red One
  • lightning
  • a young girl in whom menstruation has just commenced
  • inflammation of the throat
  • steel
  • one of the 16 (red) vidya-devils


  • Applies to nakshatra of indriya-lagna AND nakshatra of Chandra. For emotional relationships, nakshatra of Chandra is more influential in determining compatibility and ease of interaction.

Psycho-socially compatible with Rohini = Brahmi

Nakshatra of Chandra

matrikaraka caretaking Chandra's rhythmic, parenting, routinized style provides security-seeking home-based similarity.

Nakshatra of Surya

center-stage, sparklingly exceptional, brightly self-reflexive Surya finds Himself reflected in the passively companionable Moon.

Psycho-socially neutral with Rohini = Brahmi

Nakshatra of Brihaspati

Guru and Chandra are mutual friends.. Protective Chandra keeps the emotionally nourishing routines pulsing while fertile Guru expands the doctrinal wisdom of understanding.

Nakshatra of Mangala = Kuja and Chandra are mutual friends. Mangala leads the conquest of new worlds and Chandra provides a safe home.

Psycho-socially uneasy with Rohini = Brahmi

Nakshatra of Shukra = materialistic, accumulating, sensual Shukra is all about partnership, pairing, two-ness, cooperation, contract, sharing. Chandra operates on a parent-child model that is incompatible with equity partnership. Shukra's conditional contractual agenda and Chandra's unconditional protective agenda are deeply incompatible and often mutually resentful.

Nakshatra of Shani = Shanaicarya has a great dislike of both Chandra and Mangala. Shani's systems are lawfully regular and rule-governed while Chandra's flooding, swelling emotions maintain a culture of moody irregularity.

Nakshatra of Budha = Despite Chandra's parental acceptance of adolescent Budha, from Budha's perspective there is no greater enemy than caretaking Chandra. Therefore this pair is unbalanced and unhappy, with parental Chandra quietly absorbing all of Budha's inexperienced wordiness while Budha vociferously rejects Chandra's ancient, mute routines.

Most catalytic (challenging) nakshatra for Rohini = Brahmi

Nakshatra of Rahu or Ketu = whether highly exciting [Rahu] or deeply observing [Ketu] the fascinating yet disruptive nodal styles are overtly hostile to Chandra's nourishing, protective lunar cycle. These pairings follow incommensurable agendas. The Chandra partner is likely to feel stressed by the unpredictability of the Rahu-Ketu partner.

Shakti of the Rohini Nakshatra

QUOTATION from Fruits of Worshipping Each Nakshatra

by Pandit David Frawley = https://www.vedanet.com

" Prajapati created creatures but thus created they went away.

of them, he thought about Rohini.

  • He desired, "May she approach me.

  • May we unite together."

One who makes the appropriate offering to Prajapati, to Rohini, his beloved approaches him and he unites with her.

Rohini is a Nakshatra of love, passion and sexuality that is generally fertile and creative, but not inclined to tolerate limits.

Because of this it is very productive for almost everything but can draw jealousy upon it ." [end quote]

QUOTATION from Dennis Harness, The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology

"4. Rohini: The Star of Ascent

Taurus 10 00 to 23 20

The symbols of this asterism are a chariot, atemple and a banyan tree. Rohini provides movement toward the divine as well as a place of worship.

The sacred banyan tree is the home of the Goddess of the ancient Indus Valley civilization. It has a manushya, or human temperament, with a primary motivation of moksha, or spiritual liberation.

The divine Krishna is said to have had both his Moon and Ascendant in this lunar mansion.

The primary deities are Brahma and Prajapati, the creators of the universe. The shakti experienced here is the ability to " foster growth and creation"r.

Rohini Career Interests:

  • Fashion designers, models and actors.
  • Artists, poets, writers, musicians, and dancers.
  • Restaurant, hotel management and dignified positions of authority.
  • Agriculture, food products, herbalists and real estate.
  • Politicians and consultants.

Rohini, known as "the red one" correlates with the rose star Aldebaran, the red eye of the Bull constellation." [end quote]

QUOTATION from Valerie Roebuck, The Circle of Stars, p. 103

" The wish-fulfilling cow:

... The cow who, when milked, grants all wishes ... all fertile and creative qualities " [end quote]

Rohini ruled by Brahma (breath)

QUOTATION from Tenzing Gyatso + Alexander Berzin, The Gelug/Kagyu Tradition of Mahamudra

" When we focus our attention on the passage of breath,

we break the usually continuous flow of thoughts of attachment, hostility and so forth, whatever they might be.

  • This causes such thoughts to subside for the moment.

Thus, by occupying the mind with our breath ,

we cleanse it of all positive and negative conceptual thoughts

  • and thus remain in a neutral state of mind unspecified as either constructive or destructive.

This is the meaning of the line in the root text,"Thoroughly clean out your state of awareness."

This unspecified or neutral state of mind, cleaned out of all positive and negative conceptual thoughts,

  • is the most conducive one to work with .

Because an unspecified state of mind like this is unburdened and supple,

  • it is relatively easy to generate it into a constructive state." [end quote]

Vocabulary for Rohini

  • QUOTATION Koeln Sanskrit Lexicon - www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de


  • sacred to Praja-pati

  • The Nakshatra Rohini

Rohiṇī - Aldebaran

" red"

a red cow or [later] any cow

  • (represented as a daughter of Surabhi and mother of cattle,

  • esp. Of Kama-dhenu, "cow of plenty"

  • in the Veda, rohini may perhaps also mean "a red mare" )

the ninth Nakshatra or lunar asterism and of the lunar day belonging to it;

  • personified as the favorite wife of the Moon,

called" the Red one"

  • from the color of the star Aldebaran

  • or principal star in the constellation which contains 5 stars, prob. Tauri,

figured by a wheeled vehicle or sometimes by a temple or fish

  • lightning

  • a young girl in whom menstruation has just commenced;"a girl nine years of age"

  • Helleborus Niger;Acacia Arabica; Gmelina Arborea

  • inflammation of the throat (of various kinds)

  • a kind of steel


  • connected with the Nakshatra Rohini, born under it

  • sandal-wood; the sandal tree (accord. To others `" the Indian fig-tree" ')

  • name of Agni

  • a demon slain by Indra


  • holy, devout, divine

  • a kind of fish, Macrognathus Pancalus (commonly called Panca)

  • a kind of vegetable

  • Clerodendrum Siphonantus, Ruta Graveolens, Enhydra Hingcha

the Shakti or personified energy of Brahma

  • (regarded as one of the 8 Matris or divine mothers of created beings

  • ... They are said to attend Skanda)

  • speech or the goddess of speech (= Sarasvati)

name of Durga

  • the wife of a Brahman

  • a religious practice, pious usage

a woman married according to the Brahma rite

  • the constellation Rohini

  • a female fish or frog; a species of ant; a kind of brass


Chandra's emotional reactivity in the context of Shukra's effort to partner, pair, harmonize, match, mate, form agreements

Although Chandra has no enemies thus every nakshatra is deeply valued, shukra the Equalizer sees Chandra the Parent as a shatra-graha = enemy

Strives for Equal

Shukra the Deal-Maker specializes in the conditional love (according to the terms of agreement) generated via the balancing, adjusting, negotiating accommodations of adult equal partnerships.

Strives for Unequal

Chandra's mission is to provide naturally unequal parental energy of unconditional love , expressed via the protective, soothing, naurturing, security-providing actions of the mother-child relationshipr.

Rohini has the tough task of trying to feel the unconditional parenting love of Chandra within the Shukra-governed experience of adult relationships. designed to provide marital love according to terms of the alliance contract. Although much of the outcome depends on the relative characteristics of Chandra and Shukra in the D-1 and D-9, rohini is often disappointed in this Quixotic arrangement.

Rohini women are a special breed. They must have constant attention from their husband-role counterpart. Rohini are some of the most beautiful women in the world. They are plump, sensual, and delicate with a great love of luxury, art, music and interior décor. If they can be assured of the full devotion of their life-partner, the Rohini woman will do everything in her power to nurture a happy marriage.

Rohini returns all devotion in full. However, if Rohini folk are not receiving full attention, rohini tends to feel [Chandra] utterly abandoned.

Typically, they respond emotionally (not mentally) to the despair induced by the perceived abandonment.

Where others might tolerate a period of spousal distraction (caused by work or other interests) as a normal phase in the rhythms of adult life, rohini may interpret even a brief lapse of attention from the partner as a devastating betrayal.

Sensitive and sensual Rohini may feel jilted then in a state of catastrophic disappointment decide to abandon the relationship.

Masculine-valence Rohini natives also have a quick-release abandoning trait. When a relationship is over, it is over definitively with typically no further contact. Exacerbated by Mangala drishtir.

Guru is the dhava-karaka-1 in a wifely-companion nativity. Therefore look to the placements of Brihaspati relative to Chandra and Shukra for more information about Rohini's husband-wife relationship dynamics.

In a husbandly nativity, professor Bright Beautiful Bhrigu serves as the kalatra-karaka signifying the wife. Therefore look closely to Shukra relative to Chandra for more information about Rohini's husband-wife relationship dynamics.

Rising Nakshatra

Feminine Public-Figure Examples

Rohiṇī - Aldebaran


For Rohini births in the feminine valence, the condition of reflective, sheltering, undulating, rhythmic, habitual, culturally rooted, boundary-defending, security-seeking, nourishing, parental, matrikaraka Chandra may considerably affect the outcome.

For those born into the Soma-ruled paradigm of Suravi, mother-figures, protectors, guardians, elemental spirits, natural environments, waters, roots, eggs, gardeners, farmers, fisher-folk, caretakers, foundation-builders, police, schoolteachers, parents, providers of nourishment , and defenders of the root culture, may be especially influential.

Throughout life, whatever their travels for safety or financial need, Rohiṇī-born remain profoundly patriotic toward their homeland and anchored in familiar domestic routines.

Guidance for the Rohiṇī-born is provided by instructors from the civilizations of Al-debaran. Their purpose is to sweetly protect , defend, and shelter all the creatures and environments which come under their care.

Praujapatya-born ladies are often found in the domestic arts, in caretaking and protective roles, or in specialties of home decor and property valuation. Their purpose is calming. Typically feminine births in Rohini indicate a comfortable, grounded focus into the realms of beauty, banking, luxury goods, and family lineage treasuries.

All four pada occur within Vrishabha rashi. Surabhi-born thus express a tension between the materialistic, partnership-driven duality of Shukra versus the emotionally based, need-driven behaviors of Chandra. One seeks to be cared for in a sensual fashion.

Known for their intuitive negotiation and equity-seeking skills, rohini ladies are found in the worlds of finance, food, fashion, investment, evaluation, collections, and treasuries, with special emphasis on real-estate and jewelry.

Themes of luxury accommodation, sensual nourishment, family affluence, and personal beauty may contextualize Rohini's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra in Rohiṇī - Aldebaran



Shil-Ponde.(1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 92

" ...a round face, fair complexion, and a very nice figure.

Certain parts of Rohini Rising will correspond with a very beautiful face and body.

  • Some of the most beautiful women are born [in Rohini].

Besides her beauty of face and figure she will have a keen intellect ;

  • she will be an interesting conversationalist,

good at discussion and repartee,

  • yet withal an attentive and interested listener .

She will be devoted to her parents

  • and her domestic life should be very happy,

because her personal inclinations will be clean, honest, and upright ."

[end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939]

MarieAntoinette_paintedByLouis_ElisabethVigee-Lebrun_1782.jpg - LorenSophia_1950s.jpg -

StreepMeryl1979_byJackMitchell.jpg - Hathor_golden.JPG

Rising Nakshatra

Feminine Public-figure Examples

Rohini = Surabhi indriya-lagna

Rohiṇī - Aldebaran

Chandra's mūlatrikoṇa = Vrishabha bhava-1

personality-self, complexion, appearance, emotional responsiveness, fleshly-form, emotional vitality, banking, finance, and treasuries of knowledge, language , speech-song, animal herds, habitual routines, folkways customs, established cultural norms of the place of settlement, rhythms of life, initiative, first-arrivers, movement, actions, direct pursuit, conditions of birth

[Rohiṇī-pada-1] = [Mesha]

[pioneering, dominating, active-aggressive, speedy, forceful, conquesting, competitive, athletic, naew, bloody, muscular, innovative, battling, invasive, first-arriver, championship master.]

[Makara 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

status-maintaining, hierarchical, institutional, regulatory, governing, directing, legitimizing, ranking, ordering, class-conscious, structuring, lawful, fixed-position, dignified elite. ]

[Rohiṇī-pada-2] = [DOUBLE URISHA] = [Pushkara pada]

[finance, face, family, food, tradition, treasures, pleasures, speech, song, language, capitalization, sensual values, historical knowledge, sound, color, taste, touch, beauty, cattle, oil, sugar, sweetness, wine, ornaments, music.]

[Kumbha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

community, fundraising, social-participation, gridworking, gainful, economic, scientific, futuristic, networking, profitable, collectivist, populist, friendly.]

[Rohiṇī-pada-3] = [Mithuna]

[publicizing, explaining, detailing, mercantile, collaborative, communicative, media-messaging, team-working, tallkative, managing, planning, writing, instructional, neighborly.]

[Meena 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

guiding, intuitive, conceptual, abstract, visionary, theoretical, charitable, sleepy, imaginative, contemplative, dreamlike.]

[Rohiṇī-pada-4] = [Karkata]

[defensive, nationalistic, rhythmic-algorithmic, worshipping, protective, customary, ritualized, routinized, rutting, tidal, moody, habitual, parental, cultural-agricultural, householding.]

[Mesha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

championship, engineering, first-arriving, invasive, weaponizing, fighter, pioneering, muscular, dynamic, energetic, pushy, conquesting, innovative, fiery, new-birth .]

Feminine Public-Figure Examples

Rohini Svamsha


Rising Nakshatra

Masculine Public-Figure Examples

Rohiṇī - Aldebaran


For Rohini births of a masculine valence, the condition of reflective, sheltering, undulating, rhythmic, habitual, culturally rooted, boundary-defending, security-seeking, nourishing, parental, matrikaraka Chandra may considerably affect the outcome.

For those born into the paradigm of Soma-ruled Suravi, mother-figures, protectors, guardians, elemental spirits, natural environments, waters, roots, eggs, gardeners, farmers, fisher-folk, caretakers, foundation-builders, police, schoolteachers, parents, providers of nourishment , and defenders of the root culture, may be especially influential.

Throughout life, whatever their travels for safety or financial need, Rohiṇī-born remain profoundly patriotic toward their homeland and anchored in familiar domestic routines.

Guidance for the Rohiṇī-born is provided by instructors from the civilizations of Al-debaran. Their purpose is to sweetly protect , defend, and shelter all the creatures and environments which come under their care.

Praujapatya-born gentlemen are often found in the building arts, in caretaking and protective roles, or in specialties of real-estate and property valuation. Their focus is sustainability.

Typically masculine births in Rohini indicate a comfortable, grounded focus into the Shukra-realms of finance, music, luxury goods, and family treasuries.

All four Rohini pada occur within Vrishabha rashi. Surabhi-born thus express a tension between the materialistic, partnership-driven duality of Shukra versus the emotionally based, need-driven behaviors of Chandra. One needs to be soothed in a sensual fashion.

Rohini marriages and financial partnerships are subject an undulating pattern. They feel affectionate appreciation followed by an urge to careful re-evaluation, like the cycle of high tide and low tide.

Known for their intuitive negotiation and equity-seeking skills, rohini fellows are found in the worlds of environmental science, real-estate, finance, food, investment, evaluation, collections, and treasuries, with special emphasis on sustainability of nutrient and shelter.

Themes of luxury accommodation, sensual nourishment, family affluence, and personal beauty may contextualize Rohini's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra in Rohiṇī - Aldebaran


from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 80.

" ...a thin person, decidedly underweight,

  • who has a who has a critical and analytical turn of mind.

His critical attitude toward everything and everybody develops, unless checked,

  • into a disposition to find fault continually .

He is inordinately fond of the opposite sex

  • But although he may at first be blind to the faults of the object of his devotion,

a time will come eventually when his fault-finding propensities will exert themselves in this direction."

[end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939]


Rohini Nakshatra

Masculine Public-Figure Examples

[Rohiṇī-pada-1] = [Mesha]

[pioneering, dominating, active-aggressive, speedy, forceful, conquesting, competitive, athletic, naew, bloody, muscular, innovative, battling, invasive, first-arriver, championship master.]

[Makara 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

status-maintaining, hierarchical, institutional, regulatory, governing, directing, legitimizing, ranking, ordering, class-conscious, structuring, lawful, fixed-position, dignified elite. ]

[Rohiṇī-pada-2] = [Pushkara pada] = [DOUBLE Urisha]

[finance, face, family, food, tradition, treasures, pleasures, speech, song, language, capitalization, sensual values, historical knowledge, sound, color, taste, touch, beauty, cattle, oil, sugar, sweetness, wine, ornaments, music.]

[Kumbha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

community, fundraising, social-participation, gridworking, gainful, economic, scientific, futuristic, networking, profitable, collectivist, populist, friendly.]

[Rohiṇī-pada-3] = [Mithuna]

[publicizing, explaining, detailing, mercantile, collaborative, communicative, media-messaging, team-working, tallkative, managing, planning, writing, instructional, neighborly.]

[Meena 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

guiding, intuitive, conceptual, abstract, visionary, theoretical, charitable, sleepy, imaginative, contemplative, dreamlike.]

[Rohiṇī-pada-4] = [Karkata]

[defensive, nationalistic, rhythmic-algorithmic, worshipping, protective, customary, ritualized, routinized, rutting, tidal, moody, habitual, parental, cultural-agricultural, householding.]

[Mesha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

championship, engineering, first-arriving, invasive, weaponizing, fighter, pioneering, muscular, dynamic, energetic, pushy, conquesting, innovative, fiery, new-birth .]

Masculine Public-Figure Examples

Rohini Svamsha

BPL commentary WRT Rohiṇī - Aldebaran

Brahmi = Professor Chandra

Rohini pada-1-2-3-4 [URISHA] = 1st, chandra.

To predict Rohini characteristics, it is necessary to know the condition of Chandra including rashi, bhava, incoming drishti.

Importantly Chandra's nakshatra is definitive.

Rohini normally presents an emotionally responsive personality. Fundamental orientation to shelter, naurture, and protect oneself.

Rohini is an easier placement for a feminine-figure, due to the innate feminine understand of FLOW. A masculine-figure may compare every woman (unfavorably) to his own sainted mother.

Deeply sensitive and self-protective; oriented to personal appearance, ever-soliciting the emotional engagement of others and constantly in flux.

Mother is self-concerned. Most Rohiṇī-folk, any gender, are attracted to the color rubio [pink]. Masculines may find ways to integrate pink-colored objects into their environments such as pale pink shirts and neckties, pink-framed eyeglasses, pastel colored artworks or furnishings etc. Women distinctively collect pink clothing, accessories, ornaments, and artworks.

Earth-Moon-Mars form a triangulation. Chandra provides a brightly reflective white glow transmuting the dark red of Kuja making Mangala's violence more palatable before sending it to Earthly eyes.

Often a schoolteacher, parent, home-owner, and environmentalist but the social role depends upon the characteristics of Chandra. Self-nurturing manifests according to natal characteristics of Chandra.


applies to both Rohini in kundali indriya-lagna and Chandra in Rohiṇī - Aldebaran

Rohini is rather lush and sensually inclined.

  • Being Chandra-ruled, both male and female require a great deal of emotional attention in order to feel emotionally satisfied with life.

  • Shukra = sparkling white and Chandra = pale, diffused whitish; one's fleshly form appears more fair-complected than others in one's gene pool.

  • Rohini has a basically slender physique but retains fluids and tend toward a certain plumpness near the glands. The eyes may appear somewhat bulged. [Chandra].

  • In the fashion of modern Martian-athletic culture, rohini tries (without much success) to become more attractive by exercising to get muscular and svelte.

  • But the natural physique is quite lovely and ladies are particularly round in the glandular areas including the breasts.

  • Feminines tend to be lusciously seductive and often seeking sexual attention for their comely disposition.

  • Rohiṇī-born may be soothed by complimentson their attractive appearance.

  • Like the all of the Chandra-ruled Nakshatra, Rohini, Hasta, Śrāvaṇa, the Rohini native needs home-comforts .

  • The home is extremely important, more than career or money.

  • Feminines tend toward abundant breasts.

  • Rohini likes children sincerely, but the relationship with the children is often more of a ploy to get continuous attention from the mate.

  • Rohini likes to feather the nest with comfortable furniture, and ornamental decor.

  • Rohini dislikes bright light, particularly strong electrical [Shani] lights or direct sunlight [Surya]. They prefer diffused pale light, especially Moonlight.


Medieval illuminated manuscripi


Hathor = Hawthor


General Description of Rohiṇī - Aldebaran characteristics

QUOTATION from Das / Behari

'You are normally of slim physique.

  • However, based on other planetary positions and aspects, short structured and fatty persons have also been seen.

Your eyes are very attractive with a special magnetic touch.

  • Appearance is very beautiful and attractive, big shoulder and well-developed muscles.

You are short-tempered.

  • Once you get angry, it will not subside so easily, and nobody can change your decision.

  • You become extremely obstinate if someone attempts to over-ride your opinions or thwart your plans.

  • You remain oblivious to any advice or ideas counter to your own.

  • You have a special knack to find fault in others.

You are ruled by your heart rather than your brain.

While you are ready to sacrifice everything for loved ones,

  • you will not hesitate to cause extreme trouble to the hated.

You feel impressed with your own work.

Acceptance of the truth and discard of the false is your plus point.

  • Your life is full of ups and downs as you do not try to pre-plan your objectives.

  • You can attain great success in life provided a little restraint is kept in the freedom of your mind.

  • There is no tomorrow for you. You spend everything for the sake of today's comfort.

You can shine not only in any independent profession or business

  • but also in the social work.

As far as possible you try to be more sincere and honest in all the work you undertake.

  • But you lack patience and forgiveness.

You try to be a jack of all trades and in the process you fail to pass through the path of requisite rhythm and system.

Your freedom of mind will quite often lead to your downfall.

It is also seen that some Rohini born persons have risen from the lowest rung of life to the highest rung of life due to the finest placement of other planets.

You may earn from milk products, sugarcane or as a chemical engineer.

  • You are best adapted for mechanical and laborious work.

Between the age of 18 and 36 will be the most trying periods.

  • You will have to face a lot of problems economically, socially and on health grounds.

  • It is often noticed that such people enjoy their life's best between the age of 38 and 50, and 65 and 75.

One of the primary factors to keep in mind is that you should never take anyone into confidence.

  • You have to be extra careful with business partners and employees.

There is an inherent drawback in you that you blindly believe others .

  • For a happy existence, it is suggested that you should screen people thoroughly before confidence is bestowed on them.

While you cannot enjoy full benefit from your father,

  • you will be more attached to your motherand maternal uncle or maternal things.

You will not hesitate to throw away any social or religious laws when warranted.

  • Hence your married life will be marred with disturbances.

You are prone to diseases connected with blood, spoiled blood, blood cancer, jaundice, urinary disorders, blood sugar, tuberculosis, respiratory problems, paralysis and throat trouble."

[end quote]

Description of the Pada = quarters = of Rohini


[10:00 Urisha 13:20]

Mesha= Svamsha

[mulatrikona for Chandra]



[Makara - Draco] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Shani-profiled careers in governance , over-seer, legislation, policy and law, executive decision-making, bureaucracy, social ordering, hierarchies, stepwise processes, protocols and procedures, imposition of rules and consequences, elder judge, graduations and grading, professions of aging and antiquities, geriatrics, stiffening, rigidity, stones-and-bones, old things, structure


[Tula - Vanika] = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting Shukra--profiled spousal characteristics of harmonizing nature, sweets-seeking tendencies, luxury lifestyle, gracious arrangements, adjustability, negotiating skills, partnership orientation, and diplomatic perspective.

D-1 Bhrigu can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Shukra-D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors.

Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-1 Rohini]

Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-1 Rohini]

[Rohiṇī-pada-1] QUOTATION

Das / Behari

" Pleasant manners,

  • lovely appearance, sweet tongue,

  • earns from cattle, dairy, sugarcane or oil.

  • Defect in the ear,

  • many brothers and sisters,

  • good going in business." [end quote]

[Rohiṇī-pada-1] QUOTATION

For the Male only: by Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 105

  • "A very fair complexion, with beautifully proportioned features.

  • Is very romantic.

  • Fond of dress, often changing his clothes many time during a day.

  • Fond of women and popular in society." [end quote]

SUB-SECTIONS of [Rohiṇī-pada-1]

Nakshatra Divisions of Mesha Svamsha

[ Asvini svamsha] = [00:00 until 13:21]

Affinity for pioneering innovation. Astute observer. Eccentric. May be an equestrian specialist. Forward-moving and unencumbered by outdated restrictions. Champion of new approaches in medicine and engineering.

Makara career =

Physician, inventor, engineer within the public realms of regulatory compliance, organizational governance, status hierarchies, maintenance of social order.

Check graha in Makara 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Ketu in kundali, along with Ketu's ruler.

[Bharani svamsha] = [13:21 until 26:39]

Affinity for finance, acquisitions, and storage of precious assets. May specialize in matters of earthen-body death, such as estate law, funerals, or end-of-life arrangements. May be specialists in the financial affairs of the dead. Weighs and balances the trading values. May carry heavy burdens of precious goods. Preserves food, tradition, natural resources, historical knowledge, hoards.

Makara career =

Entreasurement brokers and arrangers within the public realms of regulatory compliance, organizational governance, status hierarchies, maintenance of social order . Often in corporate banking, currency-trading and evaluation, institutional equity.

Check graha in Makara 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Shukra in kundali.

[Kṛttikā svamsha] = [26:39 until 29:59 ]

Affinity for politics, center-stage attention, theatrical romance, sparkling costume, adoring children, and speculative games. Financially intelligent. Radiates confident superiority. Genius of ceremonial display. Cannot be intimidated. Brilliantly self-assertive. Delighted to stand in the spotlight. May enjoy winning public office by acclamation or political election.

Makara career =

charismatic policy-maker, self-certain creator within the public realms of regulatory compliance, organizational governance, status hierarchies, maintenance of public order.

Check graha in Makara 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Surya in kundali.


[ 13:20 Urisha 16:40]


[vargottamsha] super-pada for popular music and luxurious beauty

if Professor Rahu occupies Rohiṇī-2, He displays an insatiable craving for ultra-premium luxury

Svamsha= Urisha navamsha

[Pushkara pada]

[mulatrikona for Chandra]

This indriya-lagna is eligible to use śatābdikā dasha



[Kumbha - Ghata] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Shani- profiled careers in scientific systems, regulated networks, distribution networks, economics, ecologies, communities, friendship linkage, weaving, knitting, knotting, making of nets, marketplaces, associations, large-scale gatherings, professions of the marketplaces, bazar, social participation, gridwork, framework, conceptual exchange grids, social and electro-magnetic connections


Vṛścika-Ketta = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting spousal characteristics of penetrating nature, surgical tendencies, pursuit of mystery, quest for discovery and disclosure, psychological vigor, trauma-healing abilities, controlling attitude, mining and harvesting skills, preference for unexpected action , and secretive perspective.

D-1 Mangala can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Kuja-D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors.

Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-2 Rohini]

Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-2 Rohini]

[Rohiṇī-pada-2] QUOTATION

from Das / Behari

" You take a keen interest in music and fine arts.

  • You may earn from the hotel or lodging industry.

  • There may be some break in your education .

  • Frequent change of residence.

Male person will have more sons

  • and female person more daughters."

[end quote]

[Rohiṇī-pada-2] QUOTATION

For the Male only: by Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 105

" Has great love of family.

Will be gay and joyful within his own family circle,

  • but quiet and reserved outside." [end quote]

SUB-SECTIONS of [Rohiṇī-pada-2]

Nakshatra Divisions of Urisha Svamsha


[Kṛttikā svamsha] = [00:00 until 09:59]

Affinity for politics, center-stage attention, literary-theatrical romance, sparkling jewels, adoring children, and speculative games. Financially intelligent. Friendly, creative, connected. Lavishly entitled. Speaks for proletarian causes. Genius of political fundraising. Luxuriates in admiration from the common folk. May be a gifted orator or singer.

Kumbha career =

charismatic socialite in the public realms of economic gridwork, mass-participation interlinkage, fundraising systems, vast electronic array, distribution networks, associative friend ships.

Check graha in Kumbha 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Surya in kundali.

[ Rohini svamsha] = [10:00 until 23:19]


Shukra the fair-bargainer confers equity. Affinity for soothing routines of home and household. Requires the adoring attentions of the beloved, being lavished with luxury, and decorated with beautiful ornaments. If these needs are met, expect a devoted and protective companion. Intuitive sense of rhythm and pace may confer musical gifts. May be sensually attractive and popular with the masses.

Kumbha career =

sensitive, parental socialite within the public realms of economic gridwork, mass-participation interlinkage, fundraising systems, vast electronic array, distribution networks, associative friendships.

Check graha in Kumbha 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Chandra in kundali.

[ Mriga-shiras svamsha] = [23:19 until 29:59]

Affinity for commercial assessment and financial competition. Pursues valuable collections. Monetary management, business banking. Energetic, sensual physical movement. Vigorous accrual, pro-active acquisition, energetic storage of heritage wealth. May be an entrepreneurial funding specialist, shopkeeper, craftsperson, manufacturer, or shrewd vendor of luxury ornaments, textiles, wines, scents, or oils.

Kumbha career =

evaluating, businesslike socialite within the public realms of economic gridwork, mass-participation interlinkage, fundraising, electronic systems, distribution networks, associative friendships.

Check graha in Kumbha 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Mangala in kundali.


[16:40 Urisha 20:00]

Svamsha = Mithuna navamsha

[mulatrikona for Chandra]



[Meena - Antya] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Guru-profiled careers in charity, spiritual guidance, divination, water-gazing, dream-interpretation, clairsentient visions, imagination, conceptual thought, theory, first principles, research, interior guidance, hallucination, sacred symbols, astral bridging, invisible environments, sleep, subtle sounds and vibratory patterns, private prayer, meditation, seclusion, great cosmic cycles, reflective thought, philosophical theory, ancestor spirits, telepathy, empathy , cetaceans and cultures of Sirius


Dhanus = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting Guru-profiled spousal characteristics of expansive nature, preaching or professorial tendencies, engagement with higher principles and dogma, quest for understanding, philosophical vigor, inclusive attitude, priestly roles, indoctrination skills, preference for humanistic worldview, and global perspective.

D-1 Brihaspati can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Guru-D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors.

Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-3 Rohini]

Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-3 Rohini]

  • France-Queen 1755-1793 Madame Deficit Marie Antoinette [Arudra svamsha]

  • Sophie's Choice 1949- drama Meryl Streep /Oiye Leestin!/ [Arudra svamsha]

  • Siddha Yoga 1955- Swami Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

    ] Puna svamsha]

[Rohiṇī-pada-3] QUOTATION

from Das / Behari

" Pleasant life in the company of the opposite sex.

  • May join a profession connected with water.

  • Lovely appearance.

  • Intelligent and stable mind.

Eye troubles or sore throat." [end quote]

[Rohiṇī-pada-3] QUOTATION

For the Male only by Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 105

" Weak eyes;

  • hands, legs and stomach are short and stubby.

  • Clever but modest;

  • inclined to be religious .

Likes the company of the opposite sex

  • but is not a philanderer."

[end quote]

QUOTATION [Rohiṇī-pada-3-4]

Special note from: Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 105

" If a woman be born with the third or fourth part of Rohini rising, she will have a beautiful face and body, and will be successful as an actress or dancer."

[end quote]

SUB-SECTIONS of [Rohiṇī-pada-3]

Nakshatra Divisions of Mithuna Svamsha

[Mriga-shiras svamsha] = [00:00 until 06:39]

Affinity for commercial assessment and business competition. Active administrative communications. Energetic physical gesturing movement. Vigorously transactional. Champion of sales, advertising, media-messaging, publications, instructions, announcements. May be an entrepreneur, shopkeeper, craftsperson, manufacturer, writer, or vendor of information. Brooks no interference.

Meena career =

commercially driven visionary within the public realms of fantasy. conceptual imagery, global understanding, spiritual guidance, expansion of compassion, private contemplation, faith in oceanic oneness, dreamlike sanctuary.

Check graha in Meena 10th-navamsha ++ Brihaspati in kundali ++ Mangala in kundali.

[ Arudra svamsha] = [6:40 until 19:59]

Affinity for atmospheric volatility. Intense signaling communication between the physical-body and the mentality. Spans exhilaration to pain . Disruptive jealousy. Stormy, ambitious, taboo-challenging personality seeks extreme weather. Prone to wrestling, fighting, dancing, and hormonal fluctuation. Fabulous scripts, exaggerated interpretation, cinematic illusion.

Meena career =

commercially opportunistic visionary within the public realms of fantasy. conceptual imagery, global understanding, spiritual guidance, expansion of compassion, private contemplation, faith in oceanic oneness, dreamlike sanctuary.

Check graha in Meena 10th-navamsha ++ Brihaspati in kundali ++ Rāhu in kundali

[ Punarvasu svamsha] = [20:00 until 29:59]

[Guru rules both svamsha and 10th-navamsha]

Guru the Grower confers breadth of understanding. Affinity for writing. Uplifting fiction and cosmic explanations. May develop a broadly encompassing, comprehensive script which details the lives of well-crafted characters. Wide-scope, expansionist, tolerant, ideological globalist, philosophical worldview. Inspirational, principled, and generous. Seek mercantile publication of their grand concepts.

Meena career =

commercially humanistic visionary within the public realms of fantasy. conceptual imagery, global understanding, spiritual guidance, expansion of compassion, private contemplation, faith in oceanic oneness, dreamlike sanctuary.

Check graha in Meena 10th-navamsha ++ Brihaspati in kundali

  • Siddha Yoga 1955- Swami Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

    ] Puna svamsha]


[20:00 Urisha 23:20]

Svamsha = Karkata navamsha

[mulatrikona for Chandra]

  • Guru in Rohiṇī-4 attains Karkata-navamsha, indicating patriotic benevolent generosity and philosophical humanism



[Mesha - Aja] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Mangala-profiled careers in championship, first-arrival, innovation, engineering, competition, challenge, conquest, dueling, domination, pioneering actions, use of force, hunting, dance, massage, muscular physique, physical appearance, embodiment, sexual pursuit, athletics, new birth, insemination, obstetrics, blood chemistry, inventions, naovelty, singularity, winning


[Makara - Draco] = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting Shani-profiled spousal characteristics of disciplined nature, regulatory or legislative tendencies, engagement with duty and responsibility, quest for orderly systems, pragmatism, common-sense attitude, rule-application skills, preference for conservative practices, and materialistic perspective.

D-1 Shani can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Shani in D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors.

SPECIAL GIFTS of double-Chandra

Super-pada for Mothers, grand-mothers, bonus-moms, foster-moms, teachers of the very young, naurses, gardeners, farmers, environmentalists, parents, parental guardians, custodians, caretakers

Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-4 Rohini]

Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-4 Rohini]

[pada-4 Rohini] QUOTATION

from Das / Behari

" Earns money out of gems business.

  • Goldsmith.

  • Income from dairy farm.

  • Blessed with ornaments, vehicles and good servants.

Pain in the legs and feet." [end quote]

[pada-4 Rohini] QUOTATION

For the Male only: by Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 105

  • Same as pada-3

" Weak eyes;

  • hands, legs and stomach are short and stubby.

  • Clever but modest

  • inclined to be religious

Likes the company of the opposite sex

  • but is not a philanderer." [end quote]

[pada-3-4 Rohini]

Special note from: QUOTATION from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 105

  • " If a woman be born with the third or fourth part of Rohini rising, she will have a beautiful face and body, and will be successful as an actress or dancer."[end quote]

SUB-SECTION of [Rohiṇī-pada-4]

Nakshatra Divisions of Karkata Svamsha

[ Punarvasu svamsha] = [00:00 until 03:19]

Guru the Grower signals breadth of understanding. Affinity for writing. Uplifting fiction and cosmic explanations. May develop a broadly encompassing, comprehensive script which details the lives of well-crafted characters. Ethno-rhythmic habits yet wide-scope, expansionist, tolerant, ideological globalist, philosophical worldview. Humanistic anthropologist. Inspirational, principled, and generous. Recognizes the ancient routines.

Mesha career =

innovative teacher-preacher within the public realms of new starts, physical medicine for vitality, engines and generation, competitive championship, kinetic energy, first-arrival, birth.

Check graha in Mesha 10th-navamsha ++ Mangala in kundali ++ Guru in kundali.

[Pushya svamsha] = [03:20 until 16:39]

Affinity for lawful hierarchies. Often a lawyer or regulatory official. Needs a structured, ritualized, undulating routine within the governing apparatus. Maintains the rhythms of the customary order. Seeks security through rank, status, and position. Sensitive to ancestral land use, marine environments, parental duties, and family respect.

Mesha career =

innovative bureaucrat within the public realms of new starts, physical medicine for vitality, engines and generation, competitive championship, kinetic energy, first-arrival, birth.

Check graha in Mesha 10th-navamsha ++ Mangala in kundali ++ Shani in kundali.

[Aśleṣā svamsha] = [16:40 until 29:59]

Affinity for instructional conversation. Hands-on administration, commerce, information handling, teamwork, discussions, media-messaging, manufacturing, and process control. Expert use of guilt or other emotional bondage to restrain the interlocutor. Needs to lash, leash, restrain, manipulate, embrace, and secure. Animal control, police officer, instructor-trainer in handcraft, anchoring, harnesses and reins, factory security, arm-twisting salesperson.

Mesha career =

innovative process manager within the public realms of new starts, physical medicine for vitality, engines and generation, competitive championship, kinetic energy, first-arrival, birth.

Check graha in Mesha 10th-navamsha ++ Mangala in kundali ++ Shani in kundali ++ Budha in kundali.



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