

Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Nakshatra of Chandra


Shri Vishnu Sahasranama

manuscript, c. 1690



Kolkata, circa 1890

Victoria and Albert Museum


AUM som somaya namah

AUM hreem shreem chandraya namah

manimaya poojitha saantha soroopini thiruvonathevi sahaayakrube

√ श्रु śru = hear

+ √ वण vaṇa = noise, sound


श्रावण śrāvaṇa

= heard, audible

three stars of constellation Aquila, the Eagle


श्रुति śruti

= hearing, the ear

श्रावणत्व śrāvaṇa-tva =

hearable, audibility

thiruvonam - tiruvōnam - shrona - sarvana - shraban - chrivana - suvana - huvan

विष् activator, performer

Vishnu riksha

विष्णुऋक्ष viṣṇu ṛkṣa

= constellation having Viṣṇu as its divine patron


हरिदेव hari-deva

= having Viṣṇu as its divine patron

हरिनक्षत्र hari-nakṣatra

= ṛkṣa of Viṣṇu

अर्धोदय ardha-daya half-risen

अश्वत्थ aśvattha = pippala tree

Chandra in Śrāvaṇa - Hari

contributions coming to Earth

from the star-civilizations of

Altair the Flying Eagle


+ Alshain the Falcon


+ Tarazed = the Pointer


The Way (vana) of the Listener (sra)

One Who Hears



endless streaming, flowing

classroom of Professor Comforting Chandra

curriculum of sensitive shamanisam

regulated listening

Sacred Tree for Śrāvaṇa


Attributed to: Mori Sosen, (1747 - 1821) Monkeys. Late 18th - early 19th century. Japan.

Hanging scroll, ink and color on silk.

The Animal Symbol for Shravana = Female Monkey


Valerie Roebuck, The Circle of the Stars, p. 100

" 22-Śrāvaṇa and 23- Śrāviṣṭha (Dhanishta) are a pair, even though they are not called purva-uttara, like the other nakshatra pairs."

Intimacy with the Object of Study = Hearing

QUOTATION from H.H. Tenzin Gyatso, Kindness, clarity, and Insight 25th Anniversary Edition .

Jeffrey Hopkins (Trans. Ed.), Elizabeth Napper (Ed.),

" When engaging in hearing , it is important to mix the mind, to familiarize the mind, with what is being heard.

  • The study of religion is not like learning about history.

It must be mixed with your mental continuum; your mind should be suffused with it.

A sutra says that the practices are like a mirror;

  • your actions of body, speech, and mind are like a face to be seen in the mirror;

  • and through the practices you should recognize faults and gradually get rid of them.

As it is said in the oral transmission,

  • "If there is enough space between yourself and the practices for someone else to walk through, then you are not implementing them properly."

[end quote]

the Twenty-second Nakshatra

  • 10:00 - until - 23:20 Makara - Draco

  • pada 85, 86, 87, 88 of total 108

  • first half of the Nakshatra pair-portal = Sraviṣṭha + Dhaniṣṭha

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquila_(constellation)

Shravana Nakshatra Celestial Location

QUOTATION from The Circle of Stars

  1. alpha-Aquilae = Al-tair = Nesr al-Tair = The Flying Eagle -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altair

  2. beta-Aquilae = Al-shain = al-Sahin = The Royal Falcon = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_Aquilae

  3. gamma-Aquilae = Tarazed the Pointer = Persian Sahin Tarazu = Latin Humerus Vulturis = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_Aquilae


under which horses [ashva] stand = the holy fig tree = Ficus Religiosa

aśvattha = a sheltered place for listening to instructions

  • According to Roebuck in The Circle of Stars, aśvattha = The Pipal Tree = ficus religiosa
  • Famed as the sacred tree under which [Gautama] Buddha attained enlightenment
  • aśvattha was also an emblematic, sacred tree within the Sarasvati Indus culture 2000+ yrs before the birth of [Gautama] Buddha .


Shrona is a rendering of Śrāvaṇa nakshatra. Ashva-attha means the tree under which horses take shelter. This same tree, Ficus Religiosa, is also a place where the Shaman = Shramin go to listen to the spirits. But despite aśvattha being an attribute of Shrona, due to being associated with horses, aśvattha is also sometimes applied as a moniker for Aśvini.

Tibetan Tradition



The constellation of Aquila from Richard Dibon-Smith


The location of Dhaniṣṭha = Vasava Nakshatra has been added in red by BP Lama


The Listener

Śrāvaṇa = Shamana

Sacred Tree for Śrāvaṇa Nakshatra

see nakshatra gardens at: www.vedicvanas.com/nakshatravana.html

  • western botanical name: Calotropis gigantea

  • Sanskrita namah:

    Tibetan (bodkye):

    Common names: Madar (India) widuri (indonesia)

    English name: Crown Flower


Calotropis Gigantea = Crown Flower = sacred to Sravishtha Nakshatra


Vishva-rupa = Jaipur c. 1850

Rare Book Society of India

Śrāvaṇa the Ear is a splendid Nakshatra for any of the listening professions.

Śrāvaṇa governed by Soma = aligned with customary laws, ancestral rituals, boundaries-borders, cultural sensitivity.

Cautious of reputation. Perceived as quiet, but often influential.

Śrāvaṇa = passive, inuitive [Chandra] listening

then having heard the beat. the next nakshatra Dhaniṣṭha - Delphinus -Vasu = active [Mangala] upward movement, dance, rhythmic climbing

Professional Listeners

  • psychic channelers, messengers, evangelists, announcers, non-linear-to-linear interpreters

  • language interpreters, literary translators

  • Social workers and Community Advocates

  • Spiritual counseling in its many guises.

  • pastoral counselors, peer counselors

  • Psychiatrists and psychological therapists

  • court-reporter, deposition attorney

  • intake officers, interviewers, receptionists

  • Wire-tapping, secret information gathering; police detective

  • public relations advisers

  • military security and espionage

  • Counseling and confidentiality professions, esp. physician and attorney


  • governor-NM and diplomat Bill Richardson ,

  • USA Sec. Of State 2005-2009 Condoleezza Rice

श्रावण Śrāvaṇa ATTRIBUTES

Śrāvana Nakshatra

Tibetan Tradition

  • Dro-Shin = Drokhin - Trokje = God of the Wind or Sun

  • Jizhin, nagag Nyenpa = Pleasant-voiced

Śrāvaṇa Nakshatra Planetary Ruler

Śrāvaṇa Nakshatra protective Deity = bhapa = bhesha

  • viṣṇu ṛkṣa

Śrāvaṇa Nakshatra Symbol

  • Arrow

  • 3 footprints side-by-side (One Who Limps)

Śrāvaṇa Nakshatra Body Part

  • Genitals of the nakshatrapurusha - Kala-purusha

BPHS Śrāvaṇa Nakshatra Auspicious events ritual timing

  • Installations (as in installing a new appliance),

  • establishing a home,

  • sacred ceremonies,

  • performing remedies,

  • improving health,

  • and other auspicious actions.

Śrāvaṇa Nakshatra Gana= Group

  • Heavenly / Deva

Śrāvaṇa Nakshatra Meanings

  • The Way of Listening and Learning
  • Hearing - The Ear

  • Lame / One Who Limps

  • Listening Equipment


  • Applies to nakshatra of indriya-lagna AND nakshatra of Chandra. For emotional relationships, nakshatra of Chandra is more influential in determining compatibility and ease of interaction.

Psycho-socially compatible with Śrāvaṇa = Hari

Nakshatra of Chandra

matrikaraka caretaking Chandra's rhythmic, parenting, routinized style provides security-seeking home-based similarity.

Nakshatra of Surya

center-stage, sparklingly exceptional, brightly self-reflexive Surya finds Himself reflected in the passively companionable Moon.

Psycho-socially neutral with Śrāvaṇa = Hari

Nakshatra of Brihaspati

Guru and Chandra are mutual friends.. Protective Chandra keeps the emotionally nourishing routines pulsing while fertile Guru expands the doctrinal wisdom of understanding.

Nakshatra of Mangala

Kuja and Chandra are mutual friends. Mangala leads the conquest of new worlds and Chandra provides a safe home.

Psycho-socially uneasy with Śrāvaṇa = Hari

Nakshatra of Shukra

materialistic, accumulating, sensual Shukra is all about partnership, pairing, two-ness, cooperation, contract, sharing. Chandra operates on a parent-child model that is incompatible with equity partnership. Shukra's conditional contractual agenda and Chandra's unconditional protective agenda are deeply incompatible and often mutually resentful.

Nakshatra of Shani

Shanaicarya has a great dislike of both Chandra and Mangala. Shani's systems are lawfully regular and rule-governed while Chandra's flooding, swelling emotions maintain a culture of moody irregularity.

Nakshatra of Budha

Despite Chandra's parental acceptance of adolescent Budha, from Budha's perspective there is no greater enemy than caretaking Chandra. Therefore this pair is unbalanced and unhappy, with parental Chandra quietly absorbing all of bantering Budha's inexperienced wordiness while Chattering Kumara vociferously rejects Chandra's ancient, mute routines.

Most catalytic (challenging) nakshatra for Śrāvaṇa = Hari

Nakshatra of Rahu or Ketu

whether highly exciting [Rahu] or deeply observing [Ketu] the fascinating yet disruptive nodal styles are overtly hostile to Chandra's nourishing, protective lunar cycle. These pairings follow incommensurable agendas. The Chandra partner is likely to feel stressed by the unpredictability of the Rahu-Ketu partner.

Vishnu_lotus_small.jpgNakshatra Vocabulary

QUOTATION from ~~ Koeln Digital Sanskrit Lexicon www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de


  • to hear, listen or attend to anything


"The ear

The act of hearing (cf. shruti )

  • acquiring knowledge by hearing, learning, study;

  • relating to or perceived by the ear, Audible

knowledge derived from hearing; listener

fame, reputation;

Three footsteps = tri-vikrama

hypotenuse of a triangle or the diagonal of a tetragon

The 20th (or 23rd) Nakshatra (presided over by Vishnu

  • and containing the three stars inc. Aquilae,

  • supposed to represent three footsteps "

QUOTATION from Dennis Harness, The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology

"22. Śrāvaṇa: The Star of Learning

(Capricornus 10 00 to 23 20 )

Śrāvaṇa translates as the hearing, with its primary symbol being an ear. It is a deva, or godly nakshatra that has the capacity to hear the astral sounds of Krishna s flute, and the celestial bells or the cosmic Om.

The natives of this asterism usually have brilliant minds and the capacity to study other cultures and spiritual dimensions.

The movie director, George Lucas and Vedic scholar, david Frawley both have their natal Moons in this auspicious nakshatra.

Material success is a result of the primary motivation of this asterism being artha or wealth.

The primary deity is Vishnu, the Preserver of the Universe.

Saraswati, the Goddess of Learning, is considered to be the female deity associated with Śrāvaṇa.

The shakti is the power to provide connection with others ."

QUOTATION Pandit David Frawley


  • Fruits of Worshipping Each Nakshatra

" Vishnu desired, "May i hear people say good words about me.

May I not gain any bad regard."

One who makes the appropriate offering to Vishnu, to Śrāvaṇa,

  • hears good words about himself

  • and does not come to any bad regard.

Those born under Śrāvaṇa are concerned about what people say about them

about their public reputation .

  • They will strive to keep themselves in good repute.

They are sensitive about the opinions of others."

[end quote]

Rising Nakshatra

Feminine Public-Figure Examples


Shrona - Hari-deva - Viṣṇu ṛkṣa


For Zra-vana births of a feminine valence, the condition of reflective, sheltering, undulating, rhythmic, habitual, culturally rooted, boundary-defending, security-seeking, nourishing, parental, matrikaraka Chandra may considerably affect the outcome.

For those born into the Soma-ruled paradigm of Apramaya, mother-figures, protectors, guardians, elemental spirits, natural environments, waters, roots, eggs, gardeners, farmers, fisher-folk, caretakers, foundation-builders, police, schoolteachers, parents, providers of nourishment , and defenders of the root culture, may be especially influential.

Throughout life, whatever their travels for safety or financial need, श्रावण-born remain profoundly patriotic toward their homeland and anchored in familiar domestic routines.

Instructional guidance provided by emissaries from the civilizations of Aquila. Their purpose is sensitive, parental leadership and maintenance of the comforting rhythms of the social orderr.

The Listener = Shaman

Śrāviṣṭha ladies are exceptionally concerned with their social reputation. Orderly personalities who often conduct high-visibility careers, they are dedicated to family life and naturally comfortable with motherhood. Shrona-born often assume caretaker roles in social organizations and at all levels of government.

Apramaya-born are often found operating charitable agencies, teaching school, or protecting their cultural foundations. Hari-born attend to the needs of mothers and children, often using the slow and indirect bureaucratic methods that might intimidate a less patient leader. Yet, in their care it is quietly effective.

Śrāvaṇa-born are highly skilled listeners. Due to their exceptional sensitivity to rhythm, pace, and tone, Śrāvaṇa can be music and dance performers. Whether professionally or socially, Śrāviṣṭha ladies are typically superb dancers who delight in the orchestrated flow of gracious dancing.

Measured, appropriate tone

The primary aim of Apramaya-born is to deflect any unfavorable public opinion from themselves and their family. A secondary aim is to socially structure the regular flow of seasons in the lunar cycle. Thus, they are often engaged with the comforting rituals of the liturgical calendar.

Combining Chandra's orientation to the past with Shani's need for reliable rules of conduct, shrona folks may appear to be rather old-fashioned. Misbehavior is upsetting for them. Śrāvaṇa mothers bask in the glow of their children and grandchildren's accomplishments. Being a grandmother, or a grand-dame in some socially respected way, is perhaps their most cherished role.

Themes of propriety, politeness, security, seasonal flow, and the soothing rhythms of homelife may contextualize Śrāvaṇa's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra in Śrāvaṇa

QUOTATION श्रावण Śrāvaṇa

from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 99.

" Denotes a charitable and benevolent person of

  • strength of character

  • and calmness of demeanor .

She gives courage to others.

  • The nervous and needy come to her for help,

  • and get it.

These women make good designers and interior decorators ."

[end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939]

PolkSarah_Whitehouse1846_byGHealy.jpg - QE2_1952.png

CarterRosalyn_1977.JPG - ClooneyAmal_2016.jpg


Feminine Public-Figure Examples

  • All four pada of Śrāvaṇa = the shaman, the listener = occupy Makara-Draco lagna:

  • see also: Chandra in Śrāvaṇa - soothed by careful listening = protectors of undulating shamanic sound = needs customary lawfulness

  • pada-2 [Urisha] = pushkara for Chandra-ruled nakshatra

All four pada of Śrāvaṇa occupy Makara - Draco rashi

Śrāvaṇa - Hari = the Listener

ruled by intuitive protective, habitual, rhythmic, parental, sheltering, customary, affectionate Chandra

Chandra's mūlatrikoṇa = Vrishabha bhava-5 = literary genius, political entitlements, royalty, entertainment, gambling, center-stage roles, celebrity status, charismatic performance, creative literature


[pada-1 Mesha]

[pioneering, dominating, active-aggressive, speedy, forceful, conquesting, competitive, athletic, naew, bloody, muscular, innovative, battling, invasive, first-arriver, championship master.]

[Makara 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

status-maintaining, hierarchical, institutional, regulatory, governing, directing, legitimizing, ranking, ordering, class-conscious, structuring, lawful, fixed-position, dignified elite. ]

  • USA Sec. Of State 2005-2009 Condoleezza Rice


[pada-2 Urisha]

[Pushkara pada]

[finance, face, family, food, tradition, treasures, pleasures, speech, song, language, capitalization, sensual values, historical knowledge, sound, color, taste, touch, beauty, cattle, oil, sugar, sweetness, wine, ornaments, music.]

[Kumbha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

community, fundraising, social-participation, gridworking, gainful, economic, scientific, futuristic, networking, profitable, collectivist, populist, friendly.]


[pada-3 Mithuna]

[publicizing, explaining, detailing, mercantile, collaborative, communicative, media-messaging, team-working, tallkative, managing, planning, writing, instructional, neighborly.]

[Meena 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

guiding, intuitive, conceptual, abstract, visionary, theoretical, charitable, sleepy, imaginative, contemplative, dreamlike.


[pada-4 Karkata]

[defensive, nationalistic, rhythmic-algorithmic, worshipping, protective, customary, ritualized, routinized, rutting, tidal, moody, habitual, parental, cultural-agricultural, householding.]

[Mesha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

championship, engineering, first-arriving, invasive, weaponizing, fighter, pioneering, muscular, dynamic, energetic, pushy, conquesting, innovative, fiery, new-birth .]

Feminine Public-Figure Examples

Śrāvaṇa Svamsha

POTUS-pair-18 Civil War 1826-1902 Julia Dent Grant

Yentl 1942- drama-song-activist Barbra Streisand

Germany Bundeskanzlerin 1954- Angela Merkel

Rising Nakshatra

Masculine Public-Figure Examples

Śrāvaṇa श्रावण

Shrona - Hari-deva - Viṣṇu ṛkṣa


// keeping the beat //

For Zra-vana births of masculine valence, the condition of reflective, sheltering, undulating, rhythmic, habitual, culturally rooted, boundary-defending, security-seeking, nourishing, parental, matrikaraka Chandra may considerably affect the outcome.

For those born into the Soma-ruled paradigm of Apramaya, mother-figures, protectors, guardians, elemental spirits, natural environments, waters, roots, eggs, gardeners, farmers, fisher-folk, caretakers, foundation-builders, police, schoolteachers, parents, providers of nourishment, and defenders of the root culture, may be especially influential.

Throughout life, whatever their travels for safety or financial need, श्रावण-born remain profoundly patriotic toward their homeland and anchored in familiar domestic routines.

Instructional guidance provided by emissaries from the civilizations of Aquila. Their purpose is sensitive, parental leadership and maintenance of the comforting rhythms of the social orderr.

The Listener = Shaman

Śrāviṣṭha gentlemen are exceptionally concerned with their social reputation.

Parental in their authority style, they adopt organizational caretaker roles and are found in secure positions at all levels of society. Śrāvaṇa-born are often found working in the slow but reliable bureaucracies which evoke their characteristic persevering patience.

Apramaya-born are often found operating charitable agencies, teaching school, or protecting their cultural foundations. Although their careers may elevate to the highest ranks of social decision-making, Hari-born remember always the simple family folk and their concerns with property, security, and nourishment.

As fathers, teachers, and social leaders, shravistha chaps are generally stable and protective. They are blessed with an intuitive understanding of the social law in context of ancient customs. Many are lawyers, judges, social-justice advocates, or teachers of the law.

In personal relationships, their comfort-seeking Chandra seeks an equally placid, parental match. Yet, being such peaceful people, these men may find balance with wives who are somewhat more outspoken.

Śrāvaṇa-born are highly skilled listeners. Due to their exceptional sensitivity to rhythm, pace, and tone, Śrāvaṇa can be singers and musicians. Śrāviṣṭha gentlemen are typically superb dancers who delight in the orchestrated flow of gracious dancing. When the occasion calls for careful listening to the beat of the music, their steps may be practiced and elegant.

Measured, appropriate tone

Śrāvaṇa must combine Shani's mandate to maintain the larger social order with parental Chandra's focus on the local settlement, housing, schools, and farms. Often their focus is property law .

Although public dignity remains important, Śrāvaṇa fellows are also concerned to maintain the steady life flow [Chandra] of the ethnicity or the nation. Combining Chandra's orientation to the past with Shani's need for reliable rules of conduct, shrona folks may appear to be rather old-fashioned. They find comfort in the old liturgical rhythms and are often regular participants in the rites of public worship. Their most cherished roles are usually Father and Grandfather.

Themes of social stability , public safety, property rights, protection of the old routines, maintenance of the tribe, and the soothing rhythms of homelife may contextualize Śrāvaṇa's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra in Śrāvaṇa

QUOTATION श्रावण Śrāvaṇa

from Shil-Pondey (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 86 .

" An excellent character, the keynote of which is kind heartedness and generosity,

  • particularly to those less fortunate than himself.

This man will always be able to accumulate the good things of life

  • without injuring anyone else to do so.

He will be disposed to share his belongings with the poor and needy.

  • The extent of his activities in this direction,

  • will of course depend on his station in life.

Many social workers and philanthropists have Śrāvaṇa rising.

He will also be very religious

  • and will participate in church activities

  • if his environment permits."

[end quote]

Pierce_Franklin_Pres14.jpg - Rossevelt_Theo_midlife.jpg -

- BurhanuddinSyednaMhd_Dai52_elder.jpg

Śrāvaṇa Masculine Nativities
  • Śrāvaṇa = the shaman, the hearer, the listener

  • All four pada occupy Makara-Draco lagna:

  • see also: Chandra in Śrāvaṇa - soothed by careful listening = protectors of undulating shamanic sound = needs customary lawfulness

Pada 1-2-3-4 of Śrāvaṇa occupy the center of Makara - Draco

[pada-1 Mesha]

[pioneering, dominating, active-aggressive, speedy, forceful, conquesting, competitive, athletic, naew, bloody, muscular, innovative, battling, invasive, first-arriver, championship master.]

[Makara 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

status-maintaining, hierarchical, institutional, regulatory, governing, directing, legitimizing, ranking, ordering, class-conscious, structuring, lawful, fixed-position, dignified elite. ]

[pada-2 Urisha]

Pushkara pada]

[finance, face, family, food, tradition, treasures, pleasures, speech, song, language, capitalization, sensual values, historical knowledge, sound, color, taste, touch, beauty, cattle, oil, sugar, sweetness, wine, ornaments, music.]

[Kumbha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

community, fundraising, social-participation, gridworking, gainful, economic, scientific, futuristic, networking, profitable, collectivist, populist, friendly.]

[pada-3 Mithuna]

[publicizing, explaining, detailing, mercantile, collaborative, communicative, media-messaging, team-working, tallkative, managing, planning, writing, instructional, neighborly.]

[Meena 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

guiding, intuitive, conceptual, abstract, visionary, theoretical, charitable, sleepy, imaginative, contemplative, dreamlike. Vague.

[pada-4 Karkata] [defensive, nationalistic, rhythmic-algorithmic, worshipping, protective, customary, ritualized, routinized, rutting, tidal, moody, habitual, parental, cultural-agricultural, householding.]

[Mesha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

championship, engineering, first-arriving, invasive, weaponizing, fighter, pioneering, muscular, dynamic, energetic, pushy, conquesting, innovative, fiery, new-birth .]

Masculine Nativities

Śrāvaṇa = Svamsha

The Beat, the pulse, the Listener - also, tend to be church-y

General Description of Śrāvaṇa characteristics

QUOTATION from Das / Behari

" ... very good attractive physical features.

Normally height will be small and ... a peculiar mark on the face, may be in the form of a mole or some other mark which appears to be a kind of disfigurement.

In some cases, ablack mole beneath the shoulder has been noticed.

You are very sweet in speech and also you maintain neatness in every work you undertake.

  • There is a set principle for you in life.

  • You expect your surroundings to be very clean and you dislike persons who do not have the tendency of maintaining neatness.

  • Once you notice a person in untidy conditions you will not hesitate to open your mouth.

  • You take pity on the condition of others and try to help others as far as possible.

  • You like to have very neat and delicious food... a very good host.

You are god fearing and have full respect for elders.

  • You are a believer in victory for truth.

  • You cannot expect much benefit or return from those persons whom you have helped whereas it has been noticed that you are subject to deceit from others.

  • Even if you catch a thief, you will try to find out the truth of the circumstances which led that person to become a thief and if you are convinced you will let that person go.

Your inherent quality of peaceful appearance and the knack of dealings will penetrate to the minds of the public , hence you are the fittest politician for modern times.

  • Your smile is enough to attract and be remembered by others.

  • Whatever may be the ups and downs in life, you will neither reach to the top or bottom.

  • In other words, a mediocre life will be enjoyed by you.

  • Even illiterate persons born in this Nakshatra will show complete maturity and will be eager to gather knowledge whenever they get opportunity.

You are a very good adviser.

  • Others will look to you for solving individual as well as collective problems.

  • You are a versatile genius.

  • You have the ability and capacity to undertake different jobs at a time.

  • If you are installed in a seat of some power and authority, you will shine well.

You are always in search of an authoritative job.

Since you have to shoulder much responsibilitiesand spend for fulfilling responsibilities you will always be in need of money.

  • You will not like to take revenge even on your bitterest enemies.

  • On the other hand you will think to let God give due punishment to them.

  • Up to 30 years of age you will undergo several changes.

  • Between 30 to 45 years of age will mark stability in all walks of life.

  • In case you go beyond 65 years due to beneficial planetary positions you can expect remarkable progress both economical and social.

  • You are suitable for taking up mechanical or technical work or engineering. You may also be connected with petroleum or oil products.

Married life will be filled with extra-ordinary happiness.

  • You will have a spouse with all good qualities.

  • That does not necessarily cause you to remain faithful however.

You may suffer from ear problems, skin disease, eczema, rheumatism, tuberculosis and indigestion."

[end quote]

Description of Śrāvaṇa four Pada = four quarters = four steps


Mesha= Svamsha



[Makara - Draco] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Shani-profiled careers in governance , over-seer, legislation, policy and law, executive decision-making, bureaucracy, social ordering, hierarchies, stepwise processes, protocols and procedures, imposition of rules and consequences, elder judge, graduations and grading, professions of aging and antiquities, geriatrics, stiffening, rigidity, stones-and-bones, old things, structure


[Tula - Vanika] = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting Shukra--profiled spousal characteristics of harmonizing nature, sweets-seeking tendencies, luxury lifestyle, gracious arrangements, adjustability, negotiating skills, partnership orientation, and diplomatic perspective.

D-1 Bhrigu can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Shukra-D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors.

Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-1 Mesha]

Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-1 Mesha]

[Śrāvaṇa-pada-1] QUOTATION

from Das / Behari

  • __________________________ [end quote]

[Śrāvaṇa-pada-1] QUOTATION

for the Male only = by Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 105

" Fair complexion.


  • orthodox in religion , usually attending church regularly,

likes social functions and fond of family life.

  • Will have more than two children.

Has good health,

  • likes to dress well,

  • and fond of flowers .

Get much enjoyment out of the company of the opposite sex;

  • likes to travel.

Will have trouble in the generative organs and possibly a surgical operation."

[end quote]

SUB-SECTIONS of [Śrāvaṇa-pada-1]

Nakshatra Divisions of Mesha Svamsha

[ Asvini svamsha]

00:00 until 13:21]

Affinity for pioneering innovation. Astute observer. Eccentric. May be an equestrian specialist. Forward-moving and unencumbered by outdated restrictions. Champion of new approaches in medicine and engineering.

Makara career =

Physician, inventor, engineer within the public realms of regulatory compliance, organizational governance, status hierarchies, maintenance of social order.

Check graha in Makara 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Ketu in kundali, along with Ketu's ruler.

[Bharani svamsha] [13:21 until 26:39]

Affinity for finance, acquisitions, and storage of precious assets. May specialize in matters of earthen-body death, such as estate law, funerals, or end-of-life arrangements. May be specialists in the financial affairs of the dead. Weighs and balances the trading values. May carry heavy burdens of precious goods. Preserves food, tradition, natural resources, historical knowledge, hoards.

Makara career =

Entreasurement brokers and arrangers within the public realms of regulatory compliance, organizational governance, status hierarchies, maintenance of social order . Often in corporate banking, currency-trading and evaluation, institutional equity.

Check graha in Makara 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Shukra in kundali.

[Kṛttikā svamsha]

26:39 until 29:59 ]

Affinity for politics, center-stage attention, theatrical romance, sparkling costume, adoring children, and speculative games. Financially intelligent. Radiates confident superiority. Genius of ceremonial display.

Cannot be intimidated. Brilliantly self-assertive. Delighted to stand in the spotlight. May enjoy winning public office by acclamation or political election.

Makara career =

charismatic policy-maker, self-certain creator within the public realms of regulatory compliance, organizational governance, status hierarchies, maintenance of public order.

Check graha in Makara 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Surya in kundali.


Vrishabha - Urisha Svamsha

[Pushkara Navamsha]



[Kumbha - Ghata] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Shani- profiled careers in scientific systems, regulated networks, distribution networks, economics, ecologies, communities, friendship linkage, weaving, knitting, knotting, making of nets, marketplaces, associations, large-scale gatherings, professions of the marketplaces, bazar, social participation, gridwork, framework, conceptual exchange grids, social and electro-magnetic connections


Vṛścika-Ketta = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting Mangala-profiled spousal characteristics of penetrating nature, surgical tendencies, pursuit of mystery, quest for discovery and disclosure, psychological vigor, controling attitude, mining and harvesting skills, preference for unexpected action , and secretive perspective.

D-1 Mangala can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Kuja-D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors.

Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-2 Urisha]

Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-2 Urisha]

[Śrāvaṇa-pada-2] QUOTATION

from Das / Behari

  • ___________________ [end quote]

[Śrāvaṇa-pada-2] QUOTATION

for the Male only = by Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 105

same as Śrāvaṇa Pada-1

" Fair complexion.


  • orthodox in religion , usually attending church regularly,

likes social functions and fond of family life.

  • Will have more than two children.

Has good health,

  • likes to dress well, and fond of flowers .

Get much enjoyment out of the company of the opposite sex;

  • likes to travel.

Will have trouble in the generative organs and possibly a surgical operation." [end quote]

SUB-SECTIONS of [Śrāvaṇa-pada-2]

Nakshatra Divisions of Urisha Svamsha

[Kṛttikā svamsha]

00:00 until 09:59]

Affinity for politics, center-stage attention, literary-theatrical romance, sparkling jewels, adoring children, and speculative games. Financially intelligent. Friendly, creative, connected. Lavishly entitled. Speaks for proletarian causes. Genius of political fundraising. Luxuriates in admiration from the common folk. May be a gifted orator or singer.

Kumbha career =

charismatic socialite in the public realms of economic gridwork, mass-participation interlinkage, fundraising systems, vast electronic array, distribution networks, associative friend ships.

Check graha in Kumbha 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Surya in kundali.

[ Rohini svamsha]

10:00 until 23:19]

Shukra the fair-bargainer confers equity. Affinity for soothing routines of home and household. Requires the adoring attentions of the beloved, being lavished with luxury, and decorated with beautiful ornaments. If these needs are met, expect a devoted and protective companion. Intuitive sense of rhythm and pace may confer musical gifts. May be sensually attractive and popular with the masses.

Kumbha career =

sensitive, parental socialite in the public realms of economic gridwork, mass-participation interlinkage, fundraising systems, vast electronic array, distribution networks, associative friendships.

Check graha in Kumbha 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Chandra in kundali.

[ Mriga-shiras svamsha]

23:19 until 29:59]

Affinity for commercial assessment and financial competition. Pursues valuable collections. Monetary management, business banking. Energetic, sensual physical movement. Vigorous accrual, pro-active acquisition, energetic storage of heritage wealth. May be an entrepreneurial funding specialist, shopkeeper, craftsperson, manufacturer, or shrewd vendor of luxury ornaments, textiles, wines, scents, or oils.

Kumbha career =

evaluating, businesslike socialite within the public realms of economic gridwork, mass-participation interlinkage, fundraising, electronic systems, distribution networks, associative friendships.

Check graha in Kumbha 10th-navamsha ++ Shani in kundali ++ Mangala in kundali.


Mithuna= Svamsha



[Meena - Antya] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Guru-profiled careers in charity, spiritual guidance, divination, water-gazing, dream-interpretation, clairsentient visions, imagination, conceptual thought, theory, first principles, research, interior guidance, hallucination, sacred symbols, astral bridging, invisible environments, sleep, subtle sounds and vibratory patterns, private prayer, meditation, seclusion, great cosmic cycles, reflective thought, philosophical theory, ancestor spirits, telepathy, empathy , cetaceans and cultures of Sirius


Dhanus = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting Guru-profiled spousal characteristics of expansive nature, preaching or professorial tendencies, engagement with higher principles and dogma, quest for understanding, philosophical vigor, inclusive attitude, priestly roles, indoctrination skills, preference for humanistic worldview, and global perspective.

D-1 Brihaspati can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Guru-D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors.

Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-3 Mithuna]

Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-3 Mithuna]

  • Carolyn Bessette Kennedy partner of celebrity publisher 1960-1999 JFK-Jr

[Śrāvaṇa-pada-3] QUOTATION

from Das / Behari

" You will be an expert in various higher branches of knowledge.

  • You have many sons." [end quote]

[Śrāvaṇa-pada-3] QUOTATION

for the Male only = by Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 105 same as Śrāvaṇa Pada-1

" Fair complexion.


  • orthodox in religion , usually attending church regularly,

likes social functions and fond of family life.

  • Will have more than two children.

Has good health,

  • likes to dress well, and fond of flowers .

Get much enjoyment out of the company of the opposite sex;

  • likes to travel.

Will have trouble in the generative organs and possibly a surgical operation." [end quote]

SUB-SECTIONS of [Śrāvaṇa-pada-3]

Nakshatra Divisions of Mithuna Svamsha

[Mriga-shiras svamsha]

00:00 until 06:39]

Affinity for commercial assessment and business competition. Active administrative communications. Energetic physical gesturing movement. Vigorously transactional. Champion of sales, advertising, media-messaging, publications, instructions, announcements. May be an entrepreneur, shopkeeper, craftsperson, manufacturer, writer, or vendor of information. Brooks no interference.

Meena career =

commercially driven visionary within the public realms of fantasy. conceptual imagery, global understanding, spiritual guidance, expansion of compassion, private contemplation, faith in oceanic oneness, dreamlike sanctuary.

Check graha in Meena 10th-navamsha ++ Brihaspati in kundali ++ Mangala in kundali.

  • POTUS-14 Bleeding Kansas 1804-1869 Franklin Pierce [Mriga svamsha]FP's family were property-owners in New Hampshire. When his dad left FP an inheritance of farmland and other parcels, FP began investing in real-estate. By the end of his life, he was one of the largest landlords in New England.

[ Arudra svamsha]

6:40 until 19:59]

Affinity for atmospheric volatility. Intense signaling communication between the physical-body and the mentality. Spans exhilaration to pain . Disruptive jealousy. Stormy, ambitious, taboo-challenging personality seeks extreme weather. Prone to wrestling, fighting, dancing, and hormonal fluctuation. Fabulous scripts, exaggerated interpretation, cinematic illusion.

Meena career =

commercially opportunistic visionary within the public realms of fantasy. conceptual imagery, global understanding, spiritual guidance, expansion of compassion, private contemplation, faith in oceanic oneness, dreamlike sanctuary.

Check graha in Meena 10th-navamsha ++ Brihaspati in kundali ++ Rāhu in kundali

[ Punarvasu svamsha]

20:00 until 29:59]

[Guru rules both svamsha and 10th-navamsha]

Guru the Grower confers breadth of understanding. Affinity for writing. Uplifting fiction and cosmic explanations. May develop a broadly encompassing, comprehensive script which details the lives of well-crafted characters. Wide-scope, expansionist, tolerant, ideological globalist, philosophical worldview. Inspirational, principled, and generous. Seek mercantile publication of their grand concepts.

Meena career =

commercially humanistic visionary within the public realms of fantasy. conceptual imagery, global understanding, spiritual guidance, expansion of compassion, private contemplation, faith in oceanic oneness, dreamlike sanctuary.

Check graha in Meena 10th-navamsha ++ Brihaspati in kundali


20:00 until 23:20 Makara


  • Brihaspati in Śrāvaṇa-4 attains Karkata-navamsha, indicating patriotic benevolent generosity and philosophical humanism



[Mesha - Aja] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Mangala-profiled careers in championship, first-arrival, innovation, engineering, competition, challenge, conquest, dueling, domination, pioneering actions, use of force, hunting, dance, massage, muscular physique, physical appearance, embodiment, sexual pursuit, athletics, new birth, insemination, obstetrics, blood chemistry, inventions, naovelty, singularity, winning


[Makara - Draco] = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting Shani-profiled spousal characteristics of disciplined nature, regulatory or legislative tendencies, engagement with duty and responsibility, quest for orderly systems, pragmatism, common-sense attitude, rule-application skills, preference for conservative practices, and materialistic perspective.

D-1 Shani can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Shani in D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors.

Super-pada for Mothers, grand-mothers, bonus-moms, foster-moms, teachers of the very young, naurses, gardeners, farmers, environmentalists, parents, parental guardians, custodians, caretakers

Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-4 Karkata]

Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-4 Karkata]


[Śrāvaṇa-pada-4] QUOTATION

from Das / Behari

" You will have respect to priests or persons doing worship,

  • and you will have a domineering disposition.

Your 20th year will be very risky." [end quote]

[Śrāvaṇa-pada-4] QUOTATION

for the Male only = by Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 105

same as Śrāvaṇa Pada-1

" Fair complexion.


  • orthodox in religion , usually attending church regularly,

likes social functions and fond of family life.

  • Will have more than two children.

Has good health,

  • likes to dress well,

  • and fond of flowers .

Get much enjoyment out of the company of the opposite sex;

  • likes to travel.

Will have trouble in the generative organs and possibly a surgical operation." [end quote]

SUB-SECTIONS of [Śrāvaṇa-pada-4]

Nakshatra Divisions of Karkata Svamsha

[ Punarvasu svamsha]

00:00 until 03:19]

Guru the Grower signals breadth of understanding. Affinity for writing. Uplifting fiction and cosmic explanations. May develop a broadly encompassing, comprehensive script which details the lives of well-crafted characters. Ethno-rhythmic habits yet wide-scope, expansionist, tolerant, ideological globalist, philosophical worldview. Humanistic anthropologist. Inspirational, principled, and generous. Recognizes the ancient routines.

Mesha career =

innovative teacher-preacher within the public realms of new starts, physical medicine for vitality, engines and generation, competitive championship, kinetic energy, first-arrival, birth.

Check graha in Mesha 10th-navamsha ++ Mangala in kundali ++ Guru in kundali.

[Pushya svamsha] [03:20 until 16:39]

Affinity for lawful hierarchies. Often a lawyer or regulatory official. Needs a structured, ritualized, undulating routine within the governing apparatus.

Maintains the rhythms of the customary order. Seeks security through rank, status, and position. Sensitive to ancestral land use, marine environments, parental duties, and family respect.

Mesha career =

innovative bureaucrat within the public realms of new starts, physical medicine for vitality, engines and generation, competitive championship, kinetic energy, first-arrival, birth.

Check graha in Mesha 10th-navamsha ++ Mangala in kundali ++ ++ Shani in kundali.

[Aśleṣā svamsha]

16:40 until 29:59]

Affinity for instructional conversation. Hands-on administration, commerce, information handling, teamwork, discussions, media-messaging, manufacturing, and process control.

Expert use of guilt or other emotional bondage to restrain the interlocutor. Needs to lash, leash, restrain, manipulate, embrace, and secure. Animal control, police officer, instructor-trainer in handcraft, anchoring, harnesses and reins, factory security, arm-twisting salesperson.

Mesha career =

innovative process manager within the public realms of new starts, physical medicine for vitality, engines and generation, competitive championship, kinetic energy, first-arrival, birth.

Check graha in Mesha 10th-navamsha ++ Mangala in kundali ++ Shani in kundali ++ Budha in kundali.


Śrāvaṇa Moonrise

BPL commentary on Śrāvaṇa Nakshatra

People are talking; Śrāvaṇa is listening

  • Śrāvaṇa is deeply concerned with public respectability and reputation.

any graha which occupy the Śrāvaṇa degree range = 10:00 - 23:20 Makara =functioning as one's listening equipment

the more graha located in Śrāvaṇa (including graha in the varga) the more energy one may devote to maintaining a spotless public reputation


Śrāvaṇa is perpetually concerned with Public Relations. Suitable professions include

  • attorney
  • publicist
  • image-management
  • PR departments of corporations and governments
  • diplomatic roles
  • spin doctors of every stripe


Chandra-ruled Śrāvaṇa feels most comfortable in a Chandra+Shani environment that combines familiar, predictable rhythms with a fixed, status-ranked hierarchy.

Thus the Listeners may self-soothe by hearing the Mass [message] or devoutly participating in the liturgy of their culture's status-cult.

Regular [Shani] attendants at state-sponsored worship, they tend to be " churchy" .


Oswald West State Park + Short Sands Beach

Summer photo by OregonStateParks


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The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!

" And now my friends,

all that is true, all that is noble,

all that is just and pure,

all that is loveable and gracious,

whatever is excellent and admirable -

fill all your thoughts with these things."

~~ Paul of Tarsus, Epistle to the Philippians 4:8
