
Aum hrim srim gum glaum gam somyaha-sumukhaya vakratundaya Shree

maha ganadhipattaye namoh namah


Maha-pranama to Shri B. V. Raman in deep respect to his lifetime of devoted service to Jyotishavidya.

See also: BPL page pancha-maha-purusha yoga

QUOTATION from B.V. Raman. [1947). Three Hundred Important Combinations.

" The Panchmahapurusha Yogas can be said to exist only when the planets concerned are strong and are full of vitality .

The meaning implies five types of great men .

Naturally, a really powerful Yoga would be a rare phenomenon.

Emphasis is laid on the word halishta so that if a planet is weak by debilitation, association or aspect the Yoga does not operate in its real sense, though nominally, it may exist.

Here importance is attached to the de facto rather than de jure presence of the Yoga. ..."

Aadityaaya somaaya mangalaaya budhaaya cha |

guru Shukra shanibhyashcha raahaveketave namah ||

Panch - maha - purusha


from B.V. Raman, Three Hundred Important Combinations. [10th ed., delhi, 1991). Originally published in 1947.

Yoga 19-23

Supplementary Comments, Examples, vocabulary notes, and text formatting for elucidation of Shri Raman's key points * PROVIDED by B. Pijan Lama

Panchmahapurusha yoga:

19. Hamsa Yoga

Vocabulary from Koeln Sanskrit Lexicon - www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de


  • A goose, gander, swan, flamingo [or other aquatic bird, considered as a bird of passage sometimes a mere poetical or mythical bird,

  • said in RV. To be able to separate Soma from water, when these two fluids are mixed, and in later literature, milk from water when these two are mixed

  • also forming in RV. The vehicle of the Asvins, and in later literature that of Brahma

  • The soul or spirit [typified by the pure white colour of a goose or swan , and migratory like a goose female goose

  • sometimes " the Universal Soul or Supreme Spirit"

  • the universal and the individual Spirit

  • A man of supernatural qualities born under a particular constellation

  • An unambitious monarch

  • An excellent draught-ox [accord. To some," a buffalo" )

QUOTATION from: B.V. Raman. [1991). Three Hundred Important Combinations.

" Definition.


  • His legs will have the markings of a conch, lotus, fish and ankusa.
  • He will possess a hand some body
  • he will be liked by others
  • he will be righteous in disposition and pure in mind.


This and the following four Yogas go under the special distinction of Panchamahapurusha Yogas producing five kinds of great men.

Varahamihira has extolled these five combinations in his Brihat Samhita.

Hamsa Yoga is caused if Jupiter is in a Kendra which should be identical with his own sign or the sign in which he gets exalted.

In other words, Hamsa Yoga is possible in respect of all common and the movable signs Aries, cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

The assumption here is that Lagna is also a Kendra or quadrant.

Those born in fixed signs [Taurus, Leo, scorpio and Aquarius) cannot possess Hamsa Yoga, inasmuch as neither Jupiter's exaltation sign nor own house can be identical with his situation in a Kendra.

The strength of the Yoga is dependent as usual on the strength of Lagna and Jupiter and in which Kendra he is disposed. Obviously, the tenth Kendra is the most powerful.

The ownership of Kendra by Jupiter is not desirable but when Hamsa Yoga is present the general principle loses its significance. As between the situation of Jupiter in a Kendra identical with svakshetra and a Kendra identical with his uchcha, Hamsa Yoga caused by the latter is preferable inasmuch as even the trace of evil due to Jupiter's quadrangular ownership disappears.

Hamsa Yoga should be very carefully interpreted, as it is supposed to produce a man of sterling character and immense moral fibre." [end quote]



* Hamsa yoga

[Guru in lagna-1] -- [Hamsha Yoga]

[Guru-Karkata] -- [uchcha] -- [dikbala]


[Guru-Dhanus] --- [svakshetra] [dikbala]

[Guru-Meena] [svakshetra] [dikbala]

[Guru in bhava-4] -- [Hamsha Yoga] multiple settlements, multi-roots

[Guru-Karkata] -- [uchcha]



[Guru in bhava-7] -- [Hamsha Yoga]

[Guru-Karkata] [uchcha

  • Knowledge of Higher Worlds 1861-1925 Rudolf Steiner [rhythmic-farming Aśleṣa-4]



[Guru in bhava-10] -- [Hamsha Yoga] multiple social responsibilities * growth of visibility

[Guru-Karkata] [uchcha]

[Guru-Dhanus] = lagnesha


  • NASCAR 1951-2001 motorsports Dale Earnhardt [calculating-analyzing Uttarabhadra-2]

20. Malavya Yoga = Malavaya = Maidlaya

Vocabulary from Koeln Sanskrit Lexicon - www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de


  • relating or belonging to Malava

  • a prince or princess of the Malava kingdom

  • Name of a country = Malwa in central India

  • a horse-keeper

  • in music, apartic. Raga

  • a white-flowering Lodhra

  • Clypea Hernandifolia

QUOTATION Malavya-Yoga

B.V. Raman. [1991). Three Hundred Important Combinations.

" Definition.

  • Venus should occupy a quadrant which should be his own or exaltation sign.


The person will have

  • a well-developed physique,
  • will be strong-minded,
  • wealthy,
  • happy with children and wife,
  • will command vehicles,
  • endowed with clean sense-organs
  • and renowned
  • and learned.

[Raman] Remarks.

Malavya Yoga can come into existence if Venus is exalted in a Kendra or occupies a Kendra which should be his own house.

Malavya Yoga cannot occur with reference to every sign of the zodiac.

Consistent with the nature of Venus, malavya Yoga will make one resolute, immensely rich and give him happiness from wife and children and fame and name.

Venus is the indicator of conveyances, sensual pleasures, music, dancing, fine arts, luxury and material comforts.

Naturally Malavya Yoga renders one inclined towards all the indications of Venus, with the result that his spiritual advancement and outlook will be in inverse ratio to his material comforts and pleasures.

In other words, while both Hamsa and Malavya are Raja Yoga s, the former makes one more idealistic, spiritual, broad-minded and selfless, while the latter indicates love of pleasure, and a predominantly materialistic outlook of lifer.

Malavya Yoga can manifest in reference to the various Bhavas as given hereunder for persons born in different Lagnas.

  • First house Seventh house Tenth house

  • Taurus, Libra and Pisces
  • Aries, scorpio and Virgo
  • Gemini, Leo and Capricorn
  • Sagittarius, aquarius and
  • Cancer ... Fourth house"

[end quote]



* Malavya yoga

[Shukra in lagna-1] -- [Shukra-Urisha]


[Shukra in lagna-1] -- [Shukra-Tula]

[Shukra in lagna-1] -- [Shukra-Meena-uchcha]

[Shukra in bhava-4] [Shukra-Urisha]

[Shukra in bhava-4] -- [Shukra-Tula]

[Shukra in bhava-4] -- [Shukra-Meena] -- [uchcha]


[Shukra in bhava-7] -- [Shukra-Urisha]

  • USA Black Power 1925-1965 Nation of Islam Malcolm X [champion-innovative Rohiṇī-1] [Surya-yuti-Shukra]

  • USA-Sen-Tenn VPOTUS Climate Change 1948- Al Gore [populist-profitable Kṛttikā-3]


[Shukra in bhava-7] -- [Shukra-Tula]

[Shukra in bhava-7] -- [Shukra-Meena-uchcha]


[Shukra in bhava-10] -- [Shukra-Urisha]


[Shukra in bhava-10] -- [Shukra-Tula]

[Shukra in bhava-10] -- [Shukra-Meena] -- [uchcha]



श श क ś aś aka = rabbit, hare

Sasa Yoga * Sasya * shashya * sasaya

BPL comment

in 7 or 10, supplies empowerment for lawful structures and institutional governance

Zasya yoga can occur for these eight indriya lagna

  • Mesha indriya-lagna
  • Urisha indriya-lagna
  • Karkata indriya-lagna
  • Simha indriya-lagna
  • Tula indriya-lagna
  • Vṛścikaindriya-lagna
  • Makara indriya-lagna
  • Kumbha indriya-lagna

Vocabulary from Koeln Sanskrit Lexicon - www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de


  • to be recited or treated as a Sastra

  • to be praised or celebrated

  • to be wished, desirable, excellent

  • good quality, merit

Quotation from: B.V. Raman. [1991). Three Hundred Important Combinations.

QUOTATION " Definition.

Sasa Yoga is given rise to


One born in this Yoga

  • will command good servants.
  • His character will be questionable.
  • He will be head of a village or a town or even a King,
  • will covet other's riches
  • and will be wicked in disposition.


Here Saturn comes into the picture. He should be exalted in a Kendra or occupy a Kendra being his own house. Birth in movable or fixed signs can give rise to Sasa Yoga by a certain disposition of Saturn.

Naturally, common signs are exempted.

Saturn's inherent nature seems to play a large part in giving rise to the Yoga. Saturn is cruel, mean, undignified and sinful and consistent with these characteristics, the results of Sasa Yoga should be depicted.

The man no doubt becomes famous and happy but his sexual outlook would be perverse. He would be sporting with other men's wives and he would employ every unscrupulous means to gain other's money. Most of our 'war contractors' would perhaps be having Sasa Yoga otherwise they could not have minted millions at the cost of the poor man.

In interpreting the Sasa Yoga, due consideration should be bestowed on The disposition of the Moon.

If this luminary is free from affliction, then the person having Sasa Yoga will not covet other's wealth nor will he be unscrupulous. Where the Moon is not afflicted, the evil results attributed to Sasa Yoga can have an only 'restricted play'." [end quote]



* Sasa yoga

Shasya yoga * Zasyayoga* Sasayayoga

Excellence in matters of age, maturity, stamina, endurance, respectability, bones, stones, orderliness, social hierarchies, rank and status, rule-governed systems, lawful structures, governance

[Shani in lagna-1] -- [Shani-Tula-uchcha]


[Shani in bhava-1] -- [Shani-Makara-Draco]

[Shani in bhava-1] -- [Shani-Kumbha]

  • Das Kapital 1818-1883 economics Karl Marx [financial-heritage Purvabhadra-2]

[Shani in bhava-4] -- [Shani-Tula-uchcha]

  • Cuba-Dictator 1926-2016 Fidel Castro [announcing-commercial Viśākha-3]

[Shani in bhava-4] -- [Shani-Makara-Draco]

  • Bello Gallico 100-44 BCE Julius Caesar [dominating-competitor Śrāvaṇa-1]

[Shani in bhava-4] -- [Shani-Kumbha]


[Shani in bhava-7] -- [Shani-Tula-uchcha]

  • Esoteric Astrology 1925-2005 Jyotiṣika Bepin Behari [pioneering-initiating Viśākha-1] [navamsha Shani-Mesha-nīcha ] [Shani-7 parivartamsha Shukra-10]

  • USA-Gov-FL 1953- offshore finance Jeb Bush [secretive-eruptive Chitra-4]

[Shani in bhava-7] [Shani-Makara-Draco]


  • UK-PM Finest Hour 1874-1965 Winston Churchill [publishing-explaining Śrāvaṇa-3]

  • POTUS-31 Challenge to Liberty 1874-1964 Herbert Hoover [publishing-explaining Śrāvaṇa-3]

[Shani in bhava-7] -- [Shani-Kumbha]

[Shani in bhava-10 ] [Shani-Tula] -- [uchcha]

[Shani in bhava-10] -- [Shani-Makara-Draco]

[Shani in bhava-10] -- [Shani-Kumbha]

22. Ruchaka Yoga

See public-figure examples below

Vocabulary from Koeln Sanskrit Lexicon - www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de

rucaka :

very large agreeable, pleasing

  • sharp, acid tonic, stomachic

  • a kind of golden ornament or necklace

  • a ring any object or substance supposed to bring good luck

  • a citron

  • a dove, pigeon

  • name of one of the five remarkable personages born under partic. constellations

  • a kind of four-sided column

  • a horse-ornament a garland

  • a bright yellow pigment

  • a kind of tonic

  • a sort of building or temple having terraces on three sides and closed only on the north side.

Quotation from: B.V. Raman. [1991). Three Hundred Important Combinations.

" Definition.

  • Mars should be exalted in a Kendra
  • or occupy a Kendra which should be his own sign.


The person born in Ruchaka will

  • have a strong physique,
  • famous,
  • well-versed in ancient lore,
  • King or an equal to a King,
  • conforming to traditions and customs.

He will

  • have a ruddy complexion,
  • attractive body,
  • charitable disposition,
  • wealthy,
  • long-lived
  • and leader of an army.


The Panchamahapurusha Yogas can be said to exist only when the planets concerned are strong and are full of vitality. The meaning implies five types of great men.

Naturally, areally powerful Yoga would be a rare phenomenon. Emphasis is laid on the word halishta so that if a planet is weak by debilitation, association or aspect the Yoga does not operate in its real sense, though nominally, it may exist.

Here importance is attached to the de facto rather than de jure presence of the Yoga. ... Ruchaka Yoga is caused by the strong disposition of Mars in a Kendra identical with his own or exalted sign. Ruchaka Yoga makes one martial, aleader of men, agreat Commander, an aggressive but a patriotic ruler or an equal." [end quote]



* Ruchaka yoga

[Mangala in lagna-1] [Mangala-Mesha]


[Mangala in lagna-1] -- [Mangala-Vṛścika]


[Mangala in lagna-1] -- [Mangala-Makara-Draco-uchcha]


[Mangala in bhava-4] -- [Mangala-Mesha]


[Mangala in bhava-4] -- [Mangala-Vṛścika]

[Mangala in bhava-4] -- [Mangala-Maraka-Draco -uchcha]

[Mangala in bhava-7] [Mangala-Mesha]

[Mangala in bhava-7] -- [Mangala-Vṛścika]

[Mangala in bhava-7] -- [Mangala-Makara-uchcha]

[Mangala in bhava-10] -- [Mangala-Mesha] -- [dikbala]

[Mangala in bhava-10] [Mangala-Vṛścika] [dikbala]

[Mangala in bhava-10] -- [ Mangala-Makara-Draco] -- [uchcha] [dikbala]

23. Bhadra Yoga




BPL: power to influence others by instruction, explanation, logical argument

Vocabulary from Koeln Sanskrit Lexicon - www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de


  • blessed, auspicious, fortunate, prosperous, happy good, gracious, friendly, kind excellent, fair, beautiful, lovely, pleasant, dear skillful great

  • a good or gracious king

  • a beautiful lover or husband

  • the auspicious quarter the south

  • kind or friendly speech in familiar address = my good sir or lady, my dear or my dears, good people

  • happily, fortunately, joyfully to do well a sanctimonious hypocrite

  • of Mount Meru

  • the celestial Ganges

  • prosperity, happiness, health, welfare, fortune

    to grant welfare to, bless

QUOTATION from: B.V. Raman. [1991). Three Hundred Important Combinations.

" Definition.

Bhadra Yoga is caused by the disposition of


The person born in Bhadra Yoga

  • will be strong,
  • will have a lion-like face,
  • well-developed chest,
  • well-proportioned limbs,
  • will be taciturn,
  • will help relatives and
  • will live up to a good old age.


Mercury is the planet of intellect and in consonance with the inherent nature of Mercury, bhadra Yoga will manifest.

Mercury must be very powerful as otherwise the presence of the combination will be simply de jure." [end quote]



Bhadra Yoga

[Budha in lagna-1] -- [dikbala] -- [Budha-Mithuna]

[Budha in lagna-1] -- [Budha-Kanya] -- [uchcha] --- [svakshetra] [mūlatrikoṇa if within 16-20 deg]

[Budha in bhava-4] -- [Budha-Mithuna]

[Budha in bhava-4] - [Budha-Kanya] -- [uchcha] --- [svakshetra] [mūlatrikoṇa if within 16-20 deg]

[Budha in bhava-7] -- [Budha-Mithuna]

  • Law of One 1943-2015 Ra Material Carla Rueckert [managing-explaining Punarvasu-3]

[Budha in bhava-7] - [Budha-Kanya] -- [uchcha] --- [svakshetra] [mūlatrikoṇa if within 16-20 deg]

[Budha in bhava-10] -- [Budha-Mithuna]

[Budha in bhava-10] -- [Budha-Kanya] -- [uchcha]

Maha-pranama to Shri B. V. Raman in respect to his lifetime of devoted service to Jyotishavidya.

Quotations from the original commentaries of B.V. Raman:



Ninth Edition: Bangalore, 1983 Reprint: Delhi, 1994



Also available at: MOTILALBANARSIDASs * 41 U.A.Bungalow Road, Jawahar Nagar. Delhi 110 007 * 120 Royapettah High Road, mylapore, madras 600 004 * 16 St. Mark's Road, bangalore 560 001 * Ashok Rajpath, patna 800 004 * Chowk, Varanasi 221 001 * ISBN: 81-208-0843-6 [Cloth) ISBN: 81-208-0850-9 [Paper)


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