
Amsha * Amshaka

Arudha lagna A-1


A-12 BPHS Vyaya Pada Aroodha dvadasa

A-7 BPHS Dara Pada

Karaka-amsha - Graha Arudha - Pranapada

Lagna pada of the twelve bhava

Graha pada of the 9 graha



see also: Public Figures listed according to their Arudha Lagna

public opinion about the native (not necessarily accurate, but compellingly persuasive)

lagna-pada = steps from the line = an often accurate view of outcomes from any lagna

BPl arudha lagna for Vṛścika and Kumbha

BPHS Arudha-lagna

Vocabulary for Arudha Lagna
  • Arudha = image, appearance; raised up, mounted or ascended

  • pada = quarter, step, foot, portion

QUOTATION from B.V. Raman , A Catechism of Astrology. part I, p. 64

" Q. 77 --What are the different kinds of Arudhas ?


Jaimini emphasizes 12 Arudhas : Lagna Arudha, dhana-arudha, Vikram-arudha etc.. . One for each Bhava.

Arudhas are to be determined as follows :

Note where the lord of the ascendant stands and count as many signs from this Rasi

as the ascendant lord is removed from the ascendant.

  • (1) The Rasi so got is Arudha or Pada or Lagna Arudha .

Similarly note where the lord of 2 is from the 2nd house and the number of Rasis passed by him.

Calculate the same number from the Rasi occupied by the lord of 2.

  • (2) The Rasi so got is Dhana Arudha.

In the same way work for other 'houses' and we get

  • (3) Vikrama Arudha (3rd).

  • (4) Matru Arudha (4th),

  • (5) Santana Arudha (5th),

  • (6) Vyadhi Arudha (6th),

  • (7) Bharya Arudha (7th),

  • (8) Niryana Arudha (8th),

  • (9) Bhagya Arudha (9th),

  • (10) Karma Arudha (10th),

  • (11) Labharudha (11th) and

  • (12) Upapada or Vyaya Arudha (12th)."

Jyotishavidya terminology for the Arudha of the 12 bhava


lagna pada of bhava-1

Lagna Arudha

Lagna Pada

Arudha pada

lagna-pada is the Arudha of bhava-1

lagna-pada = Arudha-lagna = points a way toward identity of the incarnational embodiment. lagna-pada particular definitions include the place in the social order where the native feels most natural, and the general view of society in assessing one' contributions. It shows identity and placement.


lagna pada of bhava-2

Dhana Arudha; dhanaroodha

Dhana Pada

Dhana-pada is the Arudha of bhava-2, and it points a way toward accumulated treasuries of valuable goods and knowledge. Dhana-pada is a great place for storage, acquisition, collection, cooperage, and containment including preservation of nature and knowledge of breeding genetics.

  • Entertaining 1941- housekeeping Martha Kostyra Stewart = her dhanapada is bhava-4 containing Shukra. dhana=pati Budha communications. Ms. Stewart's personal treasury is substantial. Its source is home architecture, home decorating, and " the lost art of housekeeping" .


lagna pada of bhava-3

Vikrama Pada; Vikrama Arudha

Bhratru Pada

Sahaja Pada

Parakrama Arudha

Bhratru-pada = the Arudha of bhava-3. This location points a way toward collaborative cohorts. Parakrama-pada is a great place for commerce, messaging, transactions, and ensemble work. It also can indicate the influence of siblings.


lagna pada of bhava-4

Bandhu Pada

Matru Pada; Matru Arudha

Sukha Pada

Sukha-pada is the Arudha of bhava-4, and it points a way toward protected environments, security, and local settlements. Matru-pada is a great place for the familiar comforts of home.


lagna pada of bhava-5

Mantra Pada

Putra Pada


Santana Pada; Santana Arudha

Vidya-pada is the Arudha of bhava-5, and it points a way toward expressions of creative intelligence. Vidya-pada is a great place for assessing children, games, celebrity, fashionable lifestyles, politics, drama, romantic idealism, and fun.


lagna pada of bhava-6

Ari Pada

Ripu Pada

Roga Pada

Satru Pada

Vyadhi Pada; Vyandhi arudha

Roga-pada is the Arudha of bhava-6, and it points a way toward imbalanced conditions including accusations, addictions, and disease. Roga-pada is a great place for making medical treatment plans and seeking remediation of conflicted situations.


lagna pada of bhava-7

Dara Pada

Kalatra Pada

Yuvati Pada

Bharya Pada; bharyaroodha

Dara-pada is the Arudha of bhava-7, and it points a way toward terms of agreement within contractual relationships. Dara-pada is a great place for enjoying the pleasures of a harmonious relationship..


lagna pada of bhava-8

Randhra Pada

Mrityu Pada

Marana Pada

Niryana Pada; niryanaroodha

Randhra-pada is the Arudha of bhava-8, and it points a way toward healing discovery. Randhra-pada is a great place for updating to a new identity, exploring and healing the past, engaging the life-force energies to create a new life, rebirth, rejuvenation, and disaster recovery.


lagna pada of bhava-9

Pitru Pada

Dharma Pada

Bhagya Pada; bhagyaroodha

The dharma-pada is the Arudha of bhava-9, and it points a way toward the view which confers a philosophical understanding of life. Dharma-pada is a great place for higher learning, communion with the Divine, study of sacred scripture, and acts of global humanism.

  • 52nd Dai, dawoodi Bohra 1915-2014 Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin = renowned guide of his faith community whose philosophical wisdom was perhaps exceeded only by his financial acumen. Dharmapada = Vrishabha = bhava-5 ruled by yogakaraka Shukra-1 lord of 5+10. His political (5) literary (5) intelligence (5) was famed along with his financially [Shukra] prosperous understanding (dharmapada) of speculative investment (5). He oversaw the transformation of his congregation from the misery of victimized impoverishment to ownership of valuable assets, possession of considerable funds, and remarkable equity between the genders.


lagna pada of bhava-10

Karmaa Pada; karmaroodha

Raja Pada

Karma-pada is the Arudha of bhava-10, and it points a way toward leadership. Karma-pada is a great place for social reputation, professional recognition, dignity, and respect for one's contribution to the social order.


lagna pada of bhava-11

Labha Pada; labharoodha


Labha-pada is the Arudha of bhava-11, and it points a way toward community. Labha-pada is a great place for economic gainfulness, social networks, and the sense of well-being surrounded by friends.


lagna pada of bhava-12

Vyaya Pada; Vyayarudha

Upa Pada - but upa-pada may also signify A-2

Gauna Pada (the second step in a series)

Aroodha dvadasa (Raman)

Upa-pada is the Arudha of bhava-12, and it points a way toward sanctuary. Upa-pada is a great place for enclosure and protective space.

What is an arudha pada?

Generally speaking, all of the arudha pada show the illusion-projection that a person uses to defend oneself against psychic invasion, and arudha pada also represent the general estimate that the public receives on getting a "first impression" of a person

Given the stresses of public life and a certain required narcissistic anxiety that accompanies most social interaction, there is frequently a factual gap between the arudha lagna (A-1 until A-12) illusion-projection about matters of the bhava versus the reality of the material-social manifestation.

Psychic advertising

Everyone projects, around the material self, an 'aura' (gold bubble) of hopes-dreams-wishes-expectations-needs. Usually this aura projection is quite unconscious and it represents the psychic truth of the person.

  • However, clever people can consciously or unconsciously project the illusion of being quite a different soul than one really is. The aura is by default rather pure and innocent but in the control of a skillful handler it becomes a combination of social attributes, subtle suggestion, charismatic charm, and marketing 'spin'. Some very well trained psychics even know how to make their aura invisible, which makes the person appear to to vanish even though the material particles of the body remain present in the room.

  • The aura is a very powerful entity when properly understood and controlled.

  • Everyone has an astral shield that is full of messages about oneself that may or may not be materially accurate but nevertheless this is the advertising which the public uses to decide what is true about a person.

Is it true?

The arudha pada might give a positive or negative impression. It is rarely a perfect match to the material truth. Arudha pada show the direction a person is going or wants to go. They might be blocked in going to their next step.

Most of us are not quite yet Realized Beings who are exactly the person we want to be. The Aura will show one's next step, what one truly wants and needs, but not necessarily what one is doing or capable of at this moment in the life history. The aura reports a spiritual truth but not necessarily a material truth.

  • The arudha pada is not normally related to material truth because it is an astral phenomenon not a material one.

Nevertheless, the public thinks they know the material truth based on the astral projection. People may say, "I have the impression that ...." and they do indeed have that impression.

The intuitive impression that they have received is the psychic product of the arudha pada.

Power of the "first Impression"

Psychic projections are usually quite compelling and in the absence of fact - or indeed in the presence of fact.

Students of the school of Earth may adhere to their first impression which was not a rational conclusion but rather an apprehension based entirely on a first intuitive arudha-pada hit .

Vocabulary for Arudha lagna via

~~ Koeln Digital Sanskrit Lexicon www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de

ArUDha =

  • mounted, ascended, bestridden (as a horse)

  • risen;raised up, elevated on high

  • undertaken; reached, brought to; brought under the cognizance of the senses, perceived

  • having reached or attained, come into (a state)

Upa =

  • towards, near to, by the side of, with, together with, under, down; to go near, undergo; approaching

  • As unconnected with verbs and prefixed to nouns{upa} expresses:

    • direction towards, near ness, contiguity in space, time,

    • number, degree, resemblance, and relationship,

    • but with the idea of subordination and inferiority

    near to, towards, in the direction of, under, below; with, together with, at the same time with, according to

  • [cf. Zd. {upa}; Gk.- Lat. { sub }; Goth. {uf}; Old Germ. {oba; Mod. Germ. { Ob} in {Obdach}, {obliegen}]

Gauna =

  • relating to a quality; having qualities, attributive

  • subordinate, secondary, unessential

  • metaphorical, figurative

  • relating to multiplication or enumeration

dAra =

  • A wife (wives)

  • ake to wife, marry

Use of Arudha Lagna,

from ~~ Vedic Astrology: An Integrated Approach,

by P. V. R. Narasimha Rao www.vedicastrologer.org

" While lagna stands for true self, arudha lagna (AL) stands for the maya associated with self.

  • It shows the how the native is perceived in the material world.

  • It shows the status of the native .

A timid and confused individual may be perceived in the world as a strong leader. In that case, that is the maya associated with his personality and AL shows it.

Because arudha lagna deals with maya , illusions, perceptions and impressions, it is very important in judging various materialistic things.

For example, parashara and Jaimini taught that the 11th and 12th houses from AL show financial gains and expenditures.

  • Natural malefics in the 3rd and 6th houses from AL show someone who is perceived as a bold person who hits enemies hard.

Since such impressions are usually formed about materially successful people, malefics in the 3rd and 6th from AL make one bold and materially successful.

  • Natural benefics in the 3rd and 6th houses from AL make one very gentle and restrained in public behavior. Such a person does not fight with others boldly.

  • this combination is usually found in the charts of saints and saintly and mild-natured people.

The 10th house from lagna in D-10 shows one's true conduct in society. It shows the one's career and the true nature of one's karma (work).

  • The 10th house from AL in D-10 shows perceptions about one's conduct in society. It deals more with one's status in career."

" Computation of Bhava Arudhas,

from ~~ Vedic Astrology: An Integrated Approach

by P.V.R. Narasimha Rao, www.vedicastrologer.org

Arudha padas of all the 12 houses (bhavas) in all the divisional charts are defined as follows:

(1) Take sign containing the house of interest in the divisional chart of interest.

(2) Find the sign occupied by the lord of that house.

  • NOTE: Aquarius is owned by Saturn and Rahu.

  • Scorpio is owned by Mars and Ketu.

  • Take the stronger lord in the case of houses falling in these two signs. (...)

(3) Count signs from the house of interest to the sign containing its lord .

Counting is in the zodiacal direction always.

For example, if the house we are interested in is in Gemini and its lord Mercury is in Aquarius,

we count signs from Gemini to Aquarius and get 9.

(4) Count the same number of signs from the sign containing the lord and find the ending sign.

  • In the above example, we count 9 signs from Aquarius and we end up in Libra.

(5) Exception

  • If the sign found thus in step (4) is in the 1st or 7th from the original sign in step (1),

    • then we take the 10th sign from the sign found in step (4).

    Otherwise we don't make any change.

(6) The resulting sign contains the Arudha pada of the house of interest." [end quote]

Note the Nodes!

BPL COMMENTARY for arudha lagna for Vṛścika and Kumbha

Two rashi carry dual rulership.

Vṛścika is ruled jointly by both Ketu and Mangala. Kumbha is ruled jointly by both Rahu and Shani.

Calculating the arudha lagna can produce some interesting results when the upagraha ruler is stronger than the graha ruler. If Ketu is stronger than Mangala (due to rashi or association) or if Rahu is stronger than Shani (due to rashi or association) then arudha lagna should be counted from the co-ruling node and not from the graha ruler.

This does not happen too often but when it does it is revealing of a psychologically (nodal) intense pattern of projection of the image of the AL bhava onto the public consciousness. The native rather intensely craves to be seen in a particular public frame represented by the AL, even though there may be a considerable disjunction between the AL and the personality markers symbolized by the Earthen-body birthing indriya-lagna .

ADD 10

The " exception" causes considerable polarizing catalysis for beginners. Here is another explanation:

The Arudha Pada cannot be in the starting rashi, nor in the 7th-from starting rashi.

If, after normal step-wise counting, the arudha lagna ends up in either the starting rashi or 7th-from the starting rashi, then take one extra step. ADD 10.

  • the extra step = jump 10 rashi forward.

    • E.g., if the lagnesha of the 'house of interest' occupies bhava-4, then 4th-from-4th = bhava-7.

    • The rule says: arudha lagna can never be 7th-from-starting rashi.

    So, jump 10 houses forward from the 7th house = bhava-4 again.

  • Lagna pada in this case = bhava-4.

See example below. 1806-1876 * Sainte Catherine Labore of Paris


Miraculous Medal * Médaille Miraculeuse - 1806-1876 * Sainte Catherine Labore of Paris

lagnesha Mangala occupies svakshetra Mesha indriya-lagna . ADD 10. Arudha lagna becomes Makara karma-sthāna-10. The public saw Sister Catherine as an upholder of the institutional order (10). however, she more likely saw herself as an individual person with a strong will and a great deal of physical energy. The kārakāmsha bhava-6 and rogesha-6 Budha-1 indicate her career in the service ministry of medical nursing.

QUOTATION by B.V. Raman, Three Hundred Important Combinations, page 301

" 297. Raja-bhrashta Yoga


  • The lords of Aroodha lagna and Aroodha dvadasa should be in conjunction.


  • The subject will suffer a fall from a high position .


  • Most astrologers pay attention to Raja Yogas and Dhana Yogas and hardly take into account combinations which either act as breaks to the functioning of Raja Yogas or completely neutralise the Raja Yogas with the result horoscope judgments invariably go wrong.
  • When Raja Yogas are really more powerful than Rajabhanga Yogas, then alone the former could function.
  • Aroodha Lagna is the sign arrived at by counting as many signs from Lagnadhipathi as the Lagnadhip Lagna.
  • Similarly, aroodha dvadasa Rasi is as many signs away from the 12th lord as the 12th lord is from the 12th house.

Supposing Lagna is Aries and the lord Mars is in Leo.

Then the 5th from Leo, viz., sagittarius would be Aroodha Lagna. Likewise if the 12th is Pisces; and the 12th lord, viz., Jupiter is in Taurus (the 3rd from 12th), then the dvadasarudha would be Cancer, the 3rd.From the horoscope, where Lagna is Aries and Lagnadhipathi is in Leo and the 12th lord Jupiter is in Gemini, Lagnarudha would be Sagittarius and dvadasarudha would be Virgo. Conjunction between these two lords, viz.. Mercury and Jupiter would result in a Rajabhrashta Yoga." [End Quote]

Arudha lagna of Public Figures

2nd from Arudha lagna

" When the Moon , Jupiter, or Venus are in the second from arudha lagna, the native becomes prosperous and wealthy."

-- Jaimini Sutram (Upadesha Sutra) Sarga-1, shloka-15

3rd from Arudha lagna
4th from Arudha lagna
5th from Arudha lagna
6th from Arudha lagna
7th from Arudha lagna


~~ Jaimini Sutram (Upadesha Sutra) Chapter 1 Shloka-2 0

[BPL: in other words, the disturbance to marital harmony occurs only when arudha of yuvati-bhava occupies bhava-2, 6, 8, or 12 .]

" When the arudha of the seventh house is in a

  • Kendra (1, 4, 7, 10)

  • Trikona (1, 5, 9)

  • Or upachaya (3, 10, 11)

from arudha lagna, there is compatibility and harmony between husband and wife."

~~ Jaimini Sutram (Upadesha Sutra) Chapter 1 Shloka-2 1

If the arudha lagna and the arudha of the seventh (wife quarter * dara pada) are mutually in 6, 8, 12 houses, there can be no mutual harmony between husband and wife.

They will always be inimical.

8th from Arudha lagna
9th from Arudha lagna
10th from Arudha lagna
11th from Arudha lagna

-- Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra Sarga-39, shloka-8 -11

If the 11th from the Lagna Pada is occupied or receives aspect from a planet the native will be happy and rich ... If the planet be in exaltation or own rashi, there will be plenty of gains and plenty of happiness.

QUOTATION Jaimini Sutram ( Upadesha Sutra) 3rd pada,2

When the 11th from Arudha lagna has a planet or is aspected by a planet, the native becomes prosperous and wealthy.

  • Psycho 1899-1980 film noir Alfred Hitchcock * has Shukra + Surya-Karkata-3 (cinema) in 11th from Arudha-lagna Kanya-5.

  • Lord of the Rings 1892-1973 linguist J.R.R. Tolkien = Mangala-2, language, linguistics, historical knowledge, storytelling

  • POTUS-pair-36 Wildflowers 1912-2007 Ladybird Johnson= contains [Jyeṣṭha -Budha-yuti-Mangala-Jyeṣṭha] in 3, mercantile management = 11th-from-Arudha-lagna-5 . LJ owned a highly profitable chain of radio-and-television companies in the southern USA. She specialized in advertising. She also managed most of her husband's political campaigns. During her lifetime, she was one of the wealthiest women in the USA.


-- Jaimini Sutram * Upadesha Sutra Sarga 1, shloka 5

If the eleventh from Arudha Lagna is well associated and aspected by benefics or those in exaltation , in Moola-Trikona and the like, the person has wealth through justifiable means ."
12th from Arudha lagna

~~ Jaimini Sutram (Upadesha Sutra) Chapter 1 Shloka-17

" If the Upapada or its second is one of the signs owned by Mercury,

and if it is associated with Saturn and Mars,

the wife (or the husband) suffers from nasal disorders like sinusitis and polyps."

Graha arudha

Graha Arudha

The following is an exact QUOTATION from the works of esteemed Jyotiṣika Pt. Narasimha Rao at www.vedicastrologer.org

[begin exact quote]

" Computation of Graha Arudhas

Just as arudha padas of all houses (bhavas) are defined, arudha padas of all the nine planets (grahas) are also defined and they are called graha arudhas. They are computed as follows:

(1) Take the sign containing the planet of interest in the divisional chart of interest.

(1) Find the sign owned by that planet.

NOTE: Mars, mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn own 2 signs each. In their case, take the stronger sign owned by the planet. ...Take the two signs, apply those rules and find the stronger sign.

(1) Count signs from the sign containing the planet of interest to the stronger sign owned by it. Counting is in the zodiacal direction always. For example, if the planet we are interested in is Sun and he is Gemini, we count signs from Gemini to Leo and get 3.

(1) Count the same number of signs from the stronger sign owned and find the ending sign. In the above example, we count 3 signs from Leo and we end up in Libra.

(1) Exception: If the sign found thus in step (4) is in the 1st or 7th from the original sign containing the planet, then we take the 10th sign from the sign found in step (4). Otherwise we don't make any change.

(1) The resulting sign contains the arudha pada of the planet of interest.

[continue exact quote from Pt. Ns. Rao]

Use of Graha Arudhas

Just as arudha padas of various houses show the illusions of the world related to the matters signified by various houses, arudha padas of various planets show the illusions of the native related to the matters signified by various planets. Houses show various aspects of the person's life and their arudhas show how they are perceived in the world. Planets show various persons, forces and situations that impact various aspects of a person's life and their arudhas show the related perceptions by the person.

Just as the perceptions of the world about a native can be totally different from the reality, perceptions of a native about himself, about the world and about the situations that (s)he goes through can be totally different from the reality. Graha arudhas throw light on these perceptions." [end of exact quote from Jyotiṣika Pt. Narasimha Rao

BPL opinion

A -1: Arudha lagna / Lagna pada

What can be predicted from A-12?

A-12 = arudha lagna = lagna pada reveals how Others perceive one's personality. It shows how one projects one's own illusion or 'glamour' into the world .

If the lord of the arudha lagna is favorable, these projections are well received in the minds of others.

Famous persons and Entertainers frequently have highly favorable lords of A-1.

Lagna pada = arudha lagna is a good key to finding out how a person is perceived by the outside world. While the lagna may give a good profile of physical appearance, the arudha lagna shows the native 's psychic projection upon others - how the native strikes the minds of others.

If the arudha lagna is favorable, even a person with a poorly supported rashi lagna can be quite successful, getting job promotions and celebrity recognition etc. Arudha means illusion or image.

If the kundali indriya-lagna itself is strong and vibrant but the lagna pada is weak, even quite a remarkably vital and attractive person will be missed by the public.

The more interesting cases are people who rather unaccountably become celebrities. These folks experience their image being broadcast day and night over all media - their personal goings-on becomes of great interest to the common herd. Such people frequent have a powerful lagna-pada. Their celebrity periods, often flash-in-the-pan, are expected during the bhukti of their Lord of Lagna -pada, called the kārakāmsha .

Similarly, dhana pada shows how others perceive one's wealth.

A person might be buried in consumer debt or paying huge medical loans or tax liens - but if A-2 is favorable, they could still be looking/acting financially privileged. A-2 which contrasts favorably with the realities of actual bhava-2 is common in westerners who become"house poor"after buying a home that is too expensive for their income, or folks who become"car poor"after buying a prestige vehicle that looks good but leaves them without grocery money!

And so forth for the arudha of various other lagna. Check for disparities. If the person seems to be faking it or living a lie of some type, look for the gap between reality and illusion by checking the arudha lagna for the bhava in question.

BPL commentary WRT Dara-pada = A-7

What can be predicted from the A-7?

A-7 Dara pada = kalatra pada shows the glamour or charm of the spouse's personality, what people think of one's husband or wife.

  • Perhaps the native has married a person of high moral caliber who nevertheless lacks some social graces. The general public may, if the A-7 is poorly situated, have a lower opinion of such a spouse than is truly warranted - and one may suffer on this account.

  • By contrast some people find it difficult to sue for divorce when, despite their deep unhappiness in their marriage, their spouse is well thought-of in their community. This dilemma would also show up in the gap between A-7 and the reality of kalatra bhava and yuvati-pati-7 .

  • " Dara" = "wife" . Darapada is the arudha lagna of the radix seventh house. Darapada tells about the physical communion of the marriage, which is mainly the physical lovemaking.

    Consideration of upapada and darapada are especially valuable for understanding the conditions applying in marriage and the behavior of the spouse.

    Arudha lagna of the bhava reveal the illusions, or what the sleepwalking public believes, about the goings-on of the bhava. One of the most important meanings of the dara-pada is Therefore, the illusory purpose of marriage which is physical sexuality.

    Dara-pada can be analyzed to distinguish the physical dimension of marriage and describe how the spouse behaves physically. For example, is the partner's behavior sensed by the native as qualitatively affectionate, passionate, or withholding, distant?

    The fleshly psycho-sexual dimension of marriage while often demeaned in body-reviling cultures as inferior or delusory, is in fact absolutely vital to marital well-being. There must be bona fide nurturing, appreciative, pleasuring affection between the spouses in order for marriage to succeed.

    1. To find the dara-pada, count from yuvati bhava to the lord of yuvati.

    2. Then count the same number of houses forward again, to reach the dara-pada. (see example Below)

    3. If yuvati-pati-7 is in svakshetra (his own house) then darapada = bhava-10.

    Darapada for second spouse

Darapada for the second spouse counts from dhana bhava to dhanapati-2. Then count the same number of houses forward again, to reach the second-marriage dara-pada.


What can be predicted from the A-12?

A-12 = Upa pada or Vyaya pada = the second-most-consulted arudha lagna.

A-12 shows the aura of glamour or bubble of charm which surrounds the native 's marriage , as seen by the minds of others.

Gauna Pada shows what people believe about the native 's marriage -- which may be quite different from what is really going on.

Upa pada particularly indicates the psychic projection into"public image" of matters of the private bedroom. Do people think you have a happy marriage? Are they sure that communication and satisfaction is being delivered and received in the private bedroom? Or is there speculation that one's marriage is not satisfying, not balanced, not adequately pleasurable on a private, intimate level?

the public are usually quite sure that they can determine these matters and everyone will have an opinion -- that opinion is based on the appearance of the Upapada

Nativities of politicians, business people, and others in public life who successfully project a loving marriage upon the public consciousness, frequently have a strong A-12. These folks often have a reputation, not really based on fact, for being reflective thinkers, prayerful and meditative, and some strong affinity with religious retreat and long-term foreign residence (such as university student study-abroad).

Given the stresses of public life and a certain required narcissistic anxiety that accompanies high-profile leadership positions, there is frequently a factual gap between A-12's illusion-projection about matters of vyaya bhava - the good and the bad -- vs the reality of their private bedroom, sanctuary retreat, and meditation practice.

Nevertheless, the public thinks they know. People will say"I have the impression that ...."and they do. Their impression is the psychic work of the arudha pada. Psychic projections are usually quite compelling and in the absence of fact - or indeed in the presence of fact - people may adhere to their first impression which was not a rational conclusion but rather an apprehension based entirely on a first intuitive hit.

A powerful upapada can make the public believe that everything is fine with (the bedroom function of) one's marriage, even when the partners are long separated. According to Sanjay Rath, srijagannath.org one enjoying a strong upapada may announce a Divorce long after a physical separation, in the period of 2nd-from-upapada.

Upapada = arudha lagna of bhava-12. It shows the public impression regarding the status of one's marriage.

Consideration of upapada and darapada are especially valuable for understanding the dynamics of a marriage. It is often said that Upa-pada represents the institution of marriage as practiced by the couple.

Upapada does imply all the inherent conflict institutionalized into a stable format that Vyayasthāna-12 being 6th-from-7th,

To locate the upa-pada "shadow-portion"

start from vyayabhava-12, count the bhava going forward to the twelfth-lord.

Then, count the same number of bhava forward again, to reach the upa-pada.


  • POTUS-43 Decision Points 1946- George W. Bush bhava-12 = Simha-12.

  • Starting at Simha-12, count 11 bhava to reach Surya-10

  • Then count 11 from Surya-10. Arrive at Mesha-8.

  • Mesha-8 is the upa-pada which gives more insight into matters of 12.

  • The private aspects of the marriage relationship are focused upon secret-keeping, undisclosed assets, and hidden relationships, dangerous conditions, and threats of war.

  • The upapada viewpoint upon private marital bedroom and other private isolated secluded environments such as espionage [12] are governed by Mangala-12. Since Kuja is the problematic ruler of 8 and 8th-from-8 for a Kanya birth, there are repeating 8-patterns which emphasize the catastrophic, but also healing and rejuvenating, conditions permeating 12 seen via upapada. Connections between 8 and 12 are generally mutually helpful, similar to a Sarala-Yoga. However, the married couple may need to handle some dangerous or terrifying secrets, especially in regard to Mesha items like blood, conquest, brains, and warfare.

Married couples who are secretly miserable while enjoying a smooth public presentation, as is so common in the instrumental marriages of politicians and senior executives, may display a successful upapada but polarizing catalysis appears in darapada.

Q:If the strongest, most competitive and vibrant graha in my entire Kundali is languishing in the 12th from Arudha Lagna, doesn't that mean I will permanently suffer a lack of success?

I want to succeed in life to make my family proud, but it looks rather unlikely due to the poor disposition of this excellent graha.

Sometimes I feel a deep despair, just knowing how badly this graha is situated. I feel even cheated in a way, by a life that gives me plenty of life energy but I seem to waste it.

What are my honest chances for success?


Arudha lagna is the basis of the public's perception of one's character. As many commentators agree, arudha lagna is specifically an illusion. AL can exist in vivid contradiction to the material daily reality being lived by the native .

Exempli gratia, the classic movie star with a spectacular AL has every kind of problem, but is idealized by the public, who find out only after their death that the star lived a highly corrupt life. Or vice versa, the outcast held in public contempt is discovered to have worked silently for charity and praised richly only at his funeral.

AL is not a material measure but rather a public relations indicator. In the modern lingo of spin doctors (professional public-image managers), the arudha of any lagna = publicity"spin" .

  • A powerful Mangala in 12th from AL=Vrishabha indicates that the public would perceive one's masculine, creative, competitive energy to be expressed in the business of creating Sanctuary space.

  • This configuration is perfect for elder care. It is also good for clandestine productivity of all kinds, international closed door business dealings, innovations and inventions in the equipment used in hospitals, monasteries, and other institutional enclosures. Mangala's proximity to the friendly, expansive Guru is very helpful in making the public relations projection a positive one.

  • The public does not necessarily understand the details of your worthiness, because things in 12th are dissolved from view and rather foggy, but the overall take-away impression which most people have = you are a nice guy who means well and who brings a large but indefinite amount of physical and financial resource to the project at hand.

  • It is fundamentally a"positive" illusion and will not cause you any polarizing catalysis as regards public reputation and"profiling" treatment.

What is "success "?

" Success "as defined by the individual versus "success "as defined by social fashions are often two different things."Success " is the measure of having met a goal.

  • Individual success may be measured as the amount of ignorance converted into wisdom during the incarnation: broken relationships healed, crimes forgiven, others served.

  • The individual may hold any number of personal goals which society does not value. For example, the individual may have as major goals things like conducting research a subject which has no practical application in the marketplace, or the individual may want to read the sacred scripture of one's tradition from beginning to end and fully understand it, or the individual may wish to have a deep and engaging relationship with one's spouse.

  • Society will not praise these goals, if accomplished, as constituting"success ".

What is "society" ?

The social collective as an amorphous but fierce entity has only a few driving interests: safety of the leaders, military protection, food distribution, and maintenance of order. Rather like an ant colony - human society values materially productive work and accumulations of material resources. It protects the leaders and sacrifices the lower workers first.

  • The two biggest goals of any social are acquisition of dominant status re other societies and hoarding of treasury-resources.

  • Will empowered Angarika in your 12th-from-AL hurt the social definition of"success "?

  • Well, you will not be seen as a dynamic dominating top leader so in the event of an national emergency you will not be whisked to an underground bunker or surrounded with Secret Service detail. You will However, be able to pile up a fair amount of money (Shukra Vriddhi-pati-11 in 2). So"success " financially, yes.

Karma Pada

The 10th from AL (karma pada) is ruled by the strong and steady Shani, and you're in Shani Mahadasha.

  • From the AL, shani would occupy the relative 3rd bhava which indicates commercial business, local supplier-vendor-client relationships, ability to process paperwork etc. The business of business!

  • And from this signification, lord of karma pada, you are thus in the best position to receive social recognition for the value of your contribution to the colony.

  • You are known as a reliable businessman whose specialization is the provision of innovative and welcoming [Guru] sanctuary space, especially for elders, which space has a unique emphasis on the independence [Mangala] and exercise or movement [Mangala] of the denizens.

The public won't need or want too many details -- yours is not an iconic celebrity AL. (compare to George Bush-43 whose AL = Vṛścika/5 = his D-9 lagna and a packed 10th navamsha, thus he gets lots of media attention). Vrishabha is the natural 11th. Most people will know you simply as a businessman with many marketplace connections in your community.

" Success " can certainly be obtained if"success " is properly defined and the energy needed to develop both internal and external success is properly apportioned.

As Jesus Christ is quoted to have said,"Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to the Lord what is the Lord's."

Q: Namaskar.

I read the few texts of UL lord of Rashi from Shri Sanjay Rath's articles and other sources.

  • Rule 1: If Lord of UL is exalted in D-9 or Rashi it shows partner from high status family.

  • Rule 2: If Lord of UL is debilitated, in D-9 or Rashi, the partner comes from poor status.

  • In my case UL lord Venus (Libra) of Rashi is debilitated in D-9. What does it imply? I am bit confused by these Jaimini Sutras.

  • Also, if yuvati-pati-7 is considered or randhresha-8 is considered they are exalted in rashi and D-9 respectively.

  • How to ascertain the difference from two techniques.?

A: Namaste

The basis of both Parashari and Jaimini Jyotisha (which are complementary and not contradictory!) is the concept of the Karaka.

When looking for"implication" the spiritual, mental, emotional, or material effect of a karaka, ifind it helpful to return to the original karaka.

The Upapada lagna is an expression of bhava-12. Upa Pada Lagna = arudha of the radix 12th rashi. (In some traditions, UL is calculated from dhana bhava for even rashi kundali indriya-lagna .)

bhava-12 represents the previous lifetime. The previous lifetime is not"finished" . Like all other lifetimes past and present, the"previous " lifetime is ongoing in the astral plane, which is a world not controlled by time and space rules. There are no clocks on the astral plane, and there are no barriers or boundaries. On the astral plane, you can put your hand right through a steel wall, and there are no sequences such as before-and-after. Everything happens simultaneously.

(bhava-2 represents the next future lifetime.)

The UL represents those conditions carrying forward from previous lifetimes, which are extremely vivid memories stored in the subconscious. These memories are quite"near" or"close-by" (upa) and these memories or subconscious expectations manifest as the psychic influence of those who are close-by in our lives. Traditional ly, the spouse is the 'closest person" in life, one's most intimate mirror. (But of course there are many exceptions to this tradition and some marriage partners are quite distant.) The spousal agreement was made on the astral plane a long time before the present lifetime, and the spouses know a great deal about each other's subconscious reality (not necessarily conscious knowledge, but intuitively one recognizes the spouse's imagination and understands their dreams often better than they do themselves.)

Vyaya bhava is the house of private imagination, meditative reflection, dreams, and foreign travel. It is the domain of the loss of separate physical identity, and the loss of social egoic-mind recognition. It = part of our lives conducted primarily during sleep, in the dream state, and of course the person 'closest' to one in the dream state is Typically, the adult spouse who is sleeping only inches away. What happens in bhava-12 = in the dream state, the native is traveling the pathways of the astral worlds. Dreams are active, dreams are busy, dreams are purposeful and informative -- for those who can read the dream information, anyway! And those who remember their dreams report that they"saw" their future spouse in their dreams (or waking meditations) whether that vision was a material form or a psychic vibration, perhaps a tone or a color-pattern. For those who have an adequately sensitive perceptual apparatus that is focused on the radar screen of bhava-12, pre-knowledge of soon-to-materialize persons and events is readily available.

So... just remember that the * Baseline for interpretation of the UL* is bhava-12 and its function in human life. In particular, the UL influences the manifestation of the Most Intimate Private Life Partner (the nearest one) but in general all of the near-by people, such as family members, essential teachers, romantic lovers (esp the clandestine) may all emerge from the subconscious programming established in the previous life (12).

Look closely into the dream imagery and you will see that all these people are very familiar and each one represents much more than one role! Vyaya-bhava is like a kaleidoscope of brilliant guiding [Guru] imagery, and the major players assigned to act out"12" roles in our lives have the power to deliver essential guidance via intimate telepathic exchange of imagery.

Pt. Narasimha Rao says "The second most important Arudha is the Upapada Lagna (the Arudha of the 12th house). Upa means near or relating to (as well as giving and ornament), and is calculated from the sign near and related to the lagna and shows the person who ends up near and relating to you."


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