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Rashi Lagna - Graha - Samchara


9 graha from Karkata indriya-lagna

12 bhava from Karkata indriya-lagna

lagnesha = Chandra

  1. [Mesha - Aja]

  2. [Vrishabha - Urisha]
  3. [Mithuna - Dvamdva]

  4. [Karkata - Kadaga]

  5. [Simha - Leya]

  6. [Kanya - Parthya]

  7. [Tula - Vanika]

  8. [Vṛścika - Thriketta]

  9. [Dhanus - Haya]

  10. [Makara - Draco]

  11. [Kumbha - Ghata]

  12. [Meena - Antya]

  1. [Sparkling Splendid Surya]
  2. Chandra
  3. [Competitive Champion Kuja]
  4. [Busy Bantering Budha]
  5. [Generous Growing Guru]
  6. [Sweetly Suave Shukra]
  7. [Shani]

  8. [Risk-rewarding Rahu]
  9. [Collapsing unshackling Ketu]


AUM som somaya namah

AUM hreem shreem chandraya namah

OM hrinayagrabhaye avyaktya rupine namah

OM Radha-Krishnaya Namah

NavaGraha AdhiPati


Summary of Nine Graha Rulership Portfolio

with Sacred Jewels general recommendation for Karkata nativities

measured from

lagna * ligne * line



Karakatara * Karkara


Kadakam * Kadaga


Khepra (beetle)



woodcut from Liber Astronomiae

by Fra. Guido Bonatti, c. 1277


Cayo Costa Island State Park, Florida


dhanapati-2 from Karkata indriya-lagna

Pride and a Bright Radiant Quality in one's face, voice, eyes, hair(depending of course upon placement of Surya).

Pride in one's collection of valuable assets, including treasuries of valuable goods and conserved knowledge.

Chandra + Surya = lagnesha-1 + dhanapati-2

  • Surya-Chandra are the 1-2 lords. Therefore, in their life priorities, Karka-born are predisposed to put self and family heritage first,

  • Matters of bloodline descent and ancestral values, antiques, historical records, old stories, are naturally important to Karkata natives. They are often leaders within their families.

Father * Surya = pitri-karaka

Father is related to matters of bhava-2 historical values including eyes, face, hair, voice, teeth, banking, treasuries of knowledge and language, libraries and databases, precious collections of all kinds, lineage values-fulfillment , and an understanding of family history

  • The father of Mighty Heart 1975- drama-activist Angelina Jolie = the celebrated dramatic actor Jon Voight. Dad's career is based in his gifted face-voice-speech.

  • The father of UK-Duke-Edinburgh 1921-2021 Philip Mountbatten was Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark. Father's compulsive gambling left few material assets but he developed a remainder career of being handsome that consisted primarily of being a genetic carrier for the Hapsburg lineage.

  • From the client files: Karkata nativity featuring Surya-Makara-7. Surya occupies 6th-from-2nd suggesting some conflict in the father's role within the family lineage. Yet, also an opportunity for ministry of service regarding the matters of bhava-2. Surya occupies 8th-from-12th (left eye 12) and Surya in 6th-from-2nd (right eye). Dad was a medical (6) surgeon (8) provider of healing medical transformations for human eyes. The father was a highly regarded ophthalmologist.

Surya = karaka for confidence, self, soul, pride, and awareness of the Divine intelligence within every human being. Ravi controls family-of-origin relationships, historical traditions, language capabilities; one's food, hoarded wealth, art and music collections, face, teeth, mouth, and hair.

Surya, being a karaka for the eyes as well as the lord of bhava-2, the bhava representing the right eye, may have a pronounced effect on the ocular health.

If Professor Surya is not well-disposed in the nativity or perhaps Surya is enduring a difficult temporary influence such as oppression by gochara Shani or the Vimshottari period of an enemy graha, gems for Surya may help strengthen the positive expectations which will assist with overall healing.

As d. Kapoor notes (below) a combination of pure Ravi-ratna with flawless Soma-ratna for the Karkata indriya-lagna native will assist in evoking Karkata-1 's subconscious imagery of positive vitality and radiant good health in the eyes.


  • Public Visibility
  • Social Reputation and Respect
  • Elite Positions
  • Leadership Roles
  • Governance Duties
  • Professional Responsibilities

Professor Guru activates bhava-6 ++ bhava-9, suggesting Brihaspati's natural affinity for matters of criminal activity (6) disease and disagreement (6) conflict and helping professions, ministries of service (6) along with matters of doctrine and preaching (9) universities and global humanism (9) patriarchy, patronage and father figures (9).

Ironically, for Karkata-born, the wise and generous agency of Brihaspati poses some significant challenges in matters of career.

Although Professor Guru is a natural pleasure-giver subhagraha and a mitrugraha * friend toward lagnesha Chandra, nevertheless Guru activates the contentious abundance-of-problems bhava-6 and the rank-dissolving 12th-from-10th. The other leading career bhava is 7 = 10th-from-10th; from the 7th lagna, Guru activates 3rd-from-7th suggesting a primarily administrative focus in Career.

Guru mahadasha provides is a different experience than the earlier dynamic, competitive leadership energy of Mangala mahadasha. Depending on Rahu's ruler, the Rahu mahadasha is Typically, an era of ambitious and social-material accomplishment driven by the desire for privilege (and other desires of the Ruler). Therefore depending on Chandra's nakshatra which sets the starting mahadasha, one may have experienced quite a long era of public recognition and praise for leadership only to have a bit of a fall during Guru bhukti .

If Guru has strength in the nativity, Guru mahadasha may be a time of very modest career advancement with a primarily philosophical (9) and often in the modern day highly internationalized (9) emphasis. Brihaspati is always a bringer of blessings in areas of consciousness, generosity, inclusiveness, and wisdom Therefore, it can never be said that Professor Guru is harmful to the human life. However, due to His non-helpful role in the particular area of career and public visibility, brihaspati does bring an era of quietude and administrative rather than executive empowerment.

Because [Sparkling Splendid Surya] = karaka for visible career and public recognition, and Ravi = dhanapati-2 for Karkata indriya-lagna, the Karkata native is somewhat disposed toward accepting public roles and professional leadership responsibilities in banking, storage and collections, esp. food (2) and speech and the mouth, song, language, story-telling, memory and historic conservation of natural and cultural artifacts.

Example environments include:

  • banking, art collections, curator, historical knowledge, memory, food and seed storage, music archives, gatherer, recorder of images of beautiful things (photographer, arts librarian, archivist) record-keeper, wealth management, shopkeeper, inventories and warehousing, barns and silos, dentistry, speech therapist and public speaker and singer , language specialties, and all varieties of hoarding and accumulating.

Sacred Jewels for Surya

Manika = pure Ruby

QUOTATION d. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology . Ranjan Publications, New Delhi . p. 88

" In the birth chart with Cancer (Karaka) Ascendant,

  • Sun is the lord of the second house, the house of wealth .

  • Sun is also a friend of Moon, the lord of Cancer Ascendant.

If there is loss or lack of wealth or trouble in eyes on account of the unhappy disposition or affliction of Sun in the chart,

  • wearing a Ruby will prove very helpful.

The second house is also a Maraka house (house of death).

  • Therefore, it will be better if Ruby is worn along with Pearl which is the gem stone for the lord of Cancer Ascendant.

The beneficial results will be more pronounced

  • in the major period and sub-periods of Sun."


Chandra activates bhava-1

Chandra = lagnesha provides the most natural environments for Karkata nativities

Chandra activates bhava-1, granting a particularly intuitive understanding and ability for matters of The earthen body and its appearance, vitality and movement, often seen in iconic, representative, or athletic roles.

Because lagnesha Chandra activates tanu bhava-1, Karkata natives tend to be creatures of rhythmic habit who are uniquely sensitive to matters of physical appearance. Often they are socially defined less by distinctive actions and more by distinctive bodily appearance.

The bhava position of Chandra plus any influence upon Professor Somana from Rahu-or-Ketu are essential keys to the Karkata nativity's social placement and role. Any graha yuti Chandra or casting drishti into Chandra are extra potent for the Karkata indriya-lagna. Unless emotionally hardened by Nishturabhashi yoga or dulled by Chandra-yuti-Ketu, sensitive Shri Soma tends to be empathetic, impressionable, and receptive to the influence of others.

Consider the effects of companion graha (if any) when assessing Chandra's expected behaviors.

Muscular exercise and sport for purpose of physical fitness, costume and grooming, and maintenance of The earthen body is typically important to their self-esteem and a normal feature of their routine. (Naturally graha in 1 or yuti Chandra will affect the appearance.) Karkata feels secure emotionally when the physical shell is looking energized and alive and when the vitality allows one to accomplish one's earthly work.

" Na' = moon and 'shetra' = field, campus, grounds. The three na-kshatra mansions of the Earthen-Moon which comprise Karkata rashi are distinctive in their effects upon the Karka nativity's social expression.

  1. Punarvasu - Yamaka
  2. Pushya - Sidhya
  3. Aśleṣa - Naga

Karkata's component nakshatra are distinguished by high levels of patriotism and environmentalism.

Soma's sensitivities flow from a deep connection to the Home Planet, her oceans, and the root people in their lands of settlement. However, there are important differences due to the impressionability of sensitive Chandra.

Guru-ruled Punarvasu-Aditya lagna produces emotionally motivated preachers, physicians and root-culture-defenders (including war-mongers) who protect and develop the place of settlement. Relationship between Guru and Chandra is key.

  • POTUS-03 Declaration of Independence 1743-1826 Thomas Jefferson also had a shad-ashtaka 6-8 Chandra-angle-Guru, leading to exploitive relationships and criticism for hypocrisy albeit overall he enjoyed the appreciation of his countrymen . Jefferson's success arose from the USA Revolutionary War.

Shani-ruled Pushyami lagna produces lawyers, governors, and agents of social order maintenance. Because Shani dislikes Chandra (due to Chandra's parental exceptionalism vs. Shani's no-exceptions system) the legislative, judicial actions typical of Pushya tend to express an un The relationship between Shani and Chandra is key.

  • UK-King 1948-environmentalist Charles-3 enjoys a bhagya 5-9 Chandra-angle-Shani, which has provided him a lifetime of respect in performance of royal duties.

  • Mighty Heart 1975- drama-activist Angelina Jolie enjoys a dignified 4-10 Chandra-angle-Shani, which has provided her a regarded duty roster in international social policy work.

Budha-ruled Aśleṣa lagna produces messengers, announcers, writers, signalers, and businesspeople who use words as their primary tool of social engagement. Because Budha dislikes Chandra, the communications tend to be resentful of perceived slights, and emotionally charged by grievances. Relationship between Budha and Chandra is key.

The bhava of Chandra indicates the realm of identity and routine adult activities.

For women, the emotional need may express may involve a lifetime of beauty treatments and fashion fluctuations, in pursuit of a steady flowing with current images of vitality and youthful pleasing appearance.

For men, the emotional need for vital and competitive appearance may express as physical strength skills training for musculature and agility , in pursuit of a steady flowing with current images of vitality and youthful pleasing appearance.

Karkata often need to dance, swim, and take water-cures in order to feel their best.

Moon-Sun = lagnesha-1 + dhanapati-2

  • Surya-Chandra are the 1-2 bhavapathi,. Karkata = predisposed to put self and family lineage first in their life priorities.

  • Matters of bloodline descent and ancestral values, antiques, historical records etc. are naturally important. They are often leaders within their families.

The highly fluctuating and impressionable Chandra must be studied closely to gain a clear profile of this personality. Lagnesha Chandra infuses the Karkata native with emotional sensitivity and deepens the natural connection to the parents .

Karkata = comfortable with boating, fishing, and life near the sea shore.

Chandra's position will make or break the success of Karka lagna folks. Chandra will show the style and direction in which the life force wishes to travel.

lagnesha chandra in [uchcha] asha, svakshetra, or in parivartamsha with His ruler, or in kendra provides emotional stability and often a visible element of social recognition. he stronger Soma's traits the strong Karkata-1 's performance in his specialty.

Guru, shukra, and other sukha-graha may contribute their own measure of talent and capability to the life. However, the lagnesha Chandra has amplified powers to provide identity and a deep sense of belonging to a people or a placer.

  • if Chandra occupies Urisha * Sthurin * Taurus * in labha bhava-11 , one has many friends and good business intuition. Female friends will provide many valuable opportunities. [uchcha] Chandra in bhava-1 1 gives connections, naetworks, goals, accomplishments, and the marketplace suggests that this native will be well-known in their community for traits of beauty, artistic sense, financial stability, love of fine foods and drinks, and celebrations. This person has a wonderful team spirit and will be well-liked even if other planets cause distress.

  • By contrast, if Sensitive Soma occupies Vṛścika * Scorpionis - where He is fallen, in putra bhava , the individual may find that their creativity and self-expression seeks the dark side. There is a journalistic fascination with the negative psychology of other people's lives, which is not necessarily a bad thing for society (often makes healers, psychologists, occult authors) but this condition may deprive the individual of deep inner peace.

When lagnesha occupies the bhagya (fortunate) houses 1, 5, or 9, circumstances must be beneficial. Yet, the fallen Moon causes moodiness (to the extreme of bi-polarity), emotional implosion, and hostility in the family. Vṛścika Moon may press Karkata-1 into a self-obsessive state that yields great scientific discoveries; works of penetrating art and literature; or transcendent tantric achievements. Yet Karkata-1 pays a price of permanent inner turmoil.

  • Lagnesha Soma in Dhaniṣṭha - Delphinus nakshatra in Randhra-sthāna-8 would bring the treasuries always associated with Dhaniṣṭha Moon, and in bhava-8 [2nd-from-7th] the wealth would be expected to come through the first spouse.

Despite his wealth this native will suffer all the self-destructive instincts which accompany any lagnesha in 8th-house - but so much stronger when lagnesha is Chandra, lord of the psycho-mental field. This birth is outwardly fortunate; internally disastrous.

Karkata indriya-lagna Sacred Jewels for Chandra

Moti = pure natural Pearl

QUOTATION from d. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology . Ranjan Pub., New Delhi .. p. 93

" For the Cancer Ascendant,

  • Moon rules the Ascendant.

For Karkata-1 of this Ascendant,

  • Pearl will prove very beneficial

  • and they should wear it throughout their lives.

The Pearl will ensure good health and long life.

It will make life smooth, free from mental disturbances and will improve finances."


Vidyapthi-5+ karmesha-10

[Yogakaraka creative vidya-pati from Karkata indriya-lagna

[Yogakaraka dutiful karmesha]

Mangala activates

  • 5-intelligence, creativity, celebrity
  • 10 social visibility, respect, reputation, leadership

a well-placed Mangala often brings Karkata nativities into the world of politics

Counted from the Karkata indriya-lagna, karmesha-10 + vidya-pati-5 Mangala has much power to determine career

  • 10 = holding respected authority in public roles
  • 5 = 9th-from-10th creating sudden upheavals in fixed status which are usually experienced as surprise promotions or sudden new opportunities.

From the baseline of Karkata indriya-lagna, [Yogakaraka] Kuja has the power to bring celebrity fame (5) speculative winnings (5) leadership roles (10) and public dignity (10).

From a strictly careerist perspective, mangala produces the least impeded results when He is located

  • neither 6-nor-8 from bhava-10
  • neither 6-nor-8 from bhava-5.

Kuja gives dynamically energetic results in lagna being 4th-from-10th and 9th-from-5th. The native is able to overcome the most impossible challenges - and often must!

  • Green Mile 1947- horror-fiction Stephen King [Mangala in bhava-1] + [Kuja-yuti-Shani] + [nīcha=Chandra-5 parivartamsha Kuja-1-nīcha]

  • SK suffered from crippling substance addictions in his earlier writing career, which were overcome by a combination of family intervention support ++ personal discipline. After his financial and literary success = well established, sK was severely injured by an out-of-control van while SK was walking down a road near his home, thinking of story lines. The physical recovery required years of painful therapy.

[nīcha] Kuja residing = indriya-lagna, usually gets [nīcha-bhanga] and becomes very beneficial for public recognition (10) through vigorous, self-defending competition in politics and entertainment (5) .

Makes a famous sea captain, industrialist, politician, entertainer, or adventurer.

entertainer, emotionalized jingles and ditties

Problematic in bhava-2 = may be a highly public (10) and energized [Mangala] Teller of Tales who can suit the facts of the world to one's own financial (2) purposes.

Sacred Jewels for Karkata indriya-lagna

flawless Red coral = munga

  • QUOTATION from d. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology . Ranjan Publications, New Delhi . p. 96

" For the Cancer Ascendant,

  • Mars being lord of the 5th a trine (trikona) and 10th house quadrant (kendra) is a very auspicious (yoga Karaka) planet.

If it is worn always by Karkata-1s of this Ascendant

  • they will be blessed with children, intelligence, fortune , naame, fame, honours and success in their professional career.

If Red Coral is worn with Pearl, the gem stone of the lord of Cancer ascendant,

  • results will prove more beneficial.

The beneficial results will be more pronounced

  • in the major period of Mars."

Bantering Budha

activates 3 + 12

Budha rules 3 + 12 for Karkata indriya-lagna. Communication style is generally oriented toward management and process [3] while also characterized as withholding and private [12]. When there are issues with this Budha, the usual-suspect is bhava-12 which indicates withholding of information. [Also potentially true for vyayapati Budha in a Tula nativity.]

Both day-to-day mentality and the meditative imagination are busy [3 transactions] and superficial [12, information used as a privacy screen].

Karkata-born tends toward shallow, short-term thinking, unless Budha is quite well disposed or there are strongly philosophical occupants in bhava-12.

As ruler of 3-12, the Kumara can assist business success due to bhava-3's bhavat bhavam signification as a location of self-made treasury .

Presuming that Budha is well-disposed, Karkata-born tend to have constitutional administrative ability due to Budha svabhava-3. Although self-protective, Karkata can be chatty and mentally agile, depending upon Budha's rashi-bhava-drishti.

May be especially successful in publications business such as bookstore or media advertising. However, the Karkata native is not a philosopher but rather one's mentality is looking for short-term advantage (3) and opportunity for bedroom sanctuary (12) or indulgence of articulated fantasies (12)

Upachaya bhava-3 improves with time. In middle age and beyond, Karkata-1 may develop effective writing skills if Budha is healthy..

Sacred Jewels for Karkata indriya-lagna

Budha-ratna = Panna = pure Emerald

QUOTATION d. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology . Ranjan Publications, New Delhi . p. 100

" For the Cancer Ascendant,

  • Mercury rules two inauspicious houses, the 3rd and the 12th.

  • It will, therefore, be not advisable for natives of this Ascendant to wear Emerald.

  • Moreover, moon, the lord of this Ascendant, is an enemy of Mercury.

However, if Mercury is in his own sign in the 3rd and 12th

  • Emerald can be worn, if at all necessary, in the major period of Mercury."

Generous Globalist Guru

[Rogesha-6 for Karkata indriya-lagna]

]Dharmesha-9 for Karkata indriya-lagna]

Ruling both the mega-dushthamsha bhava-6 AND the mega-bhagya sthāna bhava-9, brihaspati gives very mixed results for Karkata indriya-lagna.

Brihaspati can contribute to a philosophy of life [Guru] that is on the one hand humanistic and internationalized [9] but on the other hand, is broadly tolerant of wide-scope indebtedness, disease-discomfort, conflict, mistreatment, greed, caste bigotry, accusations, and animosity.

Generally a graha which rules two bhava will yield the default stronger effects for the bhava of His mūlatrikoṇa rashi. Unless there are graha located in bhava-9, professor Guru's effects may be stronger for bhava-6 Dhanus.

Like any graha that rules bhava-6 Brihaspati can contribute to marital arguments. Guru can produce permissiveness in regard to breaking or ignore contracts.

If Guru is yuti lagnesha Chandra, Karkata-1 is prone to mix sincere religion with deep corruption

However Guru as rogesha-6 can function as a divorce agent

Guru-Dhanus [svakshetra] [Guru in bhava-6] identifies with religious culture, but tends toward ostentatious show of social ceremony. Priestly energy is consumed with caring for the lower classes. Karkata-1 is a sincere humanist who may be a wonderful teacher esp. Of the underprivileged, but the circumstances of one's school or temple are full of conflict, illness, and debt.

Overconfidence (similar to [nīcha] Guru). Overspending on costume, trying to appear of higher rank. Diseases of overeating and misuse of religious funds.

Guru can be an especially challenging graha for Karkata nativities in which Guru = rogesha-6 from both kundali indriya-lagna (material animosity) and Chandra lagna (emotional imbalance-seeking-a-remedy):

  1. Karkata kundali indriya-lagna + Karkata Chandra

  2. Karkata kundali indriya-lagna + Tula-Chandra

Karkata Chandra + Tula indriya-lagna

Vimshottari periods of rogesha-6 +Dharmesha-9 Guru = often an end-of-agreement phase within relationships

However, the very same period of Guru is often spectacularly good for religious knowledge and spiritual practice.

The best path during a Guru bhukti is nearly always some form of worship, ideally according to a sacred scripture. One will be nourished by attending religious services, practicing in your own home, traveling to holy places, enjoying the company of priests and wise persons, and also taking continuing education classes in your profession.

Although really, with Guru being ruler-of-12 from 10, there is often degradation of the professional status as spiritual priorities make professional ambitious look rather less interesting.

most of the benefits are personal and not professional;

in fact, Guru bhukti is so excellent for global travel that you might find yourself working less and traveling more.

In any case, develop your religious and spiritual intelligence physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, financially (charity tithe) and ritually. It is a splendid time for traveling abroad with those like-minded. Also Guru = karaka for language, therefore for the Karkata indriya-lagna periods of Brihaspati reward study of the sacred languages in which the holy scriptures are writtenr.

Depending on characteristics of Brihaspati according to yuti-graha, rashi, drishti. and bhava, Guru Mahadasha for the Karkata radical nativity is generally a period of great health imbalance-seeking-remedy and great theoretical understanding or doctrinal truth.

Guru's mūlatrikoṇa being Dhanus, overall effects of roga-bhava-6 are generally somewhat stronger than the effects of dharmasthāna-9.

The pairing of illness and accusation with enlightenment wisdom may seem incongruous. Yet, because of the role played by Professor Guru for the Karkata nativity, and the animosity of Guru toward lagnesha Chandra, it is a common experience that physical ailment would accompany the great blessings of spiritual guidance during this 16-year mahadasha.

Sacred Jewels for Karkata indriya-lagna

Guru-ratna = yellow sapphire

QUOTATION d. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology . Ranjan Publications, New Delhi . p. 105

" For the Cancer Ascendant, Jupiter will be lord of the 6th and 9th houses.

  • Being lord of the 9th, aTrine, Jupiter is considered to be an auspicious planet for this Ascendant.

Consequently wearing a yellow sapphire

  • will bless Karkata-1 with good children,

  • high education, charitable and religious inclinations,

  • fortune , wealth, naame and fame.

The results will be more pronounced

  • in the major and sub-periods of Jupiter.

If the Jupiter is in the Ascendant

  • he will be exalted and in 9th he will be in his own sign.

  • These dispositions give rise to powerful Raja Yoga s and a Yellow Sapphire will enhance the beneficial results of the yogas.

Karkata-1 of this Ascendant can expect more favourable results

  • If he wears a Yellow Sapphire with Red Coral or Pearl.

  • Mars who rules over Red Coral (and is a yoga karaka for the Cancer Ascendant) and Moon who rules over Pearl rules the Ascendant and both are the friends of Jupiter. "

Suave Sweet Shukra

bandesha-4 + Vriddhi-pati-11 from Karkata indriya-lagna

Shukra Main Page

Primary social-material focus of Shukra-Mahadasha + + focus of each Shukra bhukti =

  • bandesha-4 + Vriddhi-pati-11

to locate the emotional focus of Shukra periods in the Vimshottari Dasha, count from Chandra-lagna. Locate the two bhava ruled by Shukra.

  • For example, for Mesha-Chandra lagna, shukra activates 2 + 7 = emotional focus of Shukra periods = conservation and heritage ++ contracts and partnerships

cintamani * mani * money Debt and Finance

Special opportunity for financial gain provided by Shukra dhanakaraka for treasury

Vriddhi-pati-11 for economic earnings via marketplace gains and bandesha-4 for wealth via owned-stewarded properties, shelters, vehicles. If Shukra is well-placed the Karkata native can expect significant wealth in Vimshottari periods of Shukra.

Feminine Partners

In the nativity of one playing the husband role, professor Shukra represents those who may play the role of the wife.

She specializes in matters of 4-household + 11-community network. A well-placed Shukra indicates crucial wifely support for career via stabilizing the home (4) + conducting friendly, economically vital social events (11).

As planetary patron of bhava-4 ethnic rhythms, parenting, shelter, cultural roots and owned-stewarded properties as well as planetary patron of bhava-11 community, economy, gainfulness and friendship, shukra favors partnership particularly but not limited to marriage.

The partners are friendly by nature, gainful, and often strongly identified with the foundational schooling (4), folk customs and established cultural norms (4) lands (4) and environmental practices of their root culture.

Partners may identify with any social gender. They may form both personal and professional contracts. Typically, the partners are land-holding (4) persons who are naturally gainful (11) due to being socially and aesthetically well-connected.

From the perspective of the husbandly companion, a wifely partner (including the modern "work-wife") may be inclined to be aesthetically home-based and environmentally engaged and gainful. Although there are exceptions for [nīcha] Shukra and Shukra-yuti-Ketu, the Karkata husband tends to marry well. Through the wife, the couple may enjoy an active social network. She may take a strong interest in the children's education to insure their own later income.

Graha yuti Shukra require special consideration.

  • POTUS-03 Declaration of Independence 1743-1826 Thomas Jefferson = Shukra -10 yuti Surya-yuti-Rahu. Jefferson married the landed widow Martha Wayles, awoman of social position (10). Surya dhanapati-2 suggests her capital assets , along with substantial land holdings bandesha-4 and income Vriddhi-pati-11 via Shukra. Yet Shukra-yuti-Rahu suggests an irregularity in the wife-cluster (there should be 2, possibly 3 wives). Martha's slave-owning father was widowed three times, but before he died he had sired 12 children with a slave woman. 9th-from-Surya = bhava-6 slavery. Thus although Martha was a local white aristocrat, most of her siblings were mixed-race slaves.

  • One of Martha's enslaved sisters who was 25 years younger than Martha was named Sally Hemings. Sally accompanied Jefferson on his diplomatic assignments to France, lived in his house, and bore Jefferson six children. However, due to her exotic [Rahu] status, sally and her children remained illegitimate. Most historians denied the impolite reality of their union until twenty-first century genetic research made the facts obvious.

Example of the [nīcha] Shukra qualification:

  • UK-King 1948-environmentalist Charles-3 * [nīcha-Shukra-3] parivartamsha Budha-Tula-4. Like most Karkata nativities, prince Charles exemplifies financially gainful friends and a lifelong engagement with contractual land-ownership. [nīcha] Shukra would predict an unsatisfying experience with the ill but socially well-connected and parental first wife. Budha provides a more conversational-sexual experience with the private, team-oriented second wife.

Bandhesha Shukra governs Properties, patriotism, protections, walls, fences, lands, deeds of title, security, childhood home

A case of famous, complex, and volatile environments highlighting patriotism and in matters of belongingness, the place of residence, entitlement to lands, housing, and the childhood home:

Philip= Bandesha-4 Shukra yuti Ketu-10 while Shani drishti to bhava-4 ++ Rahu-4

  • the royal parents of UK-Duke-Edinburgh 1921-2021 Philip Mountbatten were driven out of Greece by threats of murder after his father was blamed for a failed military coup. His father became distant and his mother lost her sanity. Yet, he survived and thrived in these most difficult foundational circumstances due to the power of Rahu-4 suggesting the hunger for prestigious properties.

Treasury via Home, place, schooling, belongingness

Sweets-seeking Shukra = by and large a beneficial graha for Karka lagna, bringing sensual sweetness to the schooling and roots experience of belonging to a place or an ethnic culture (4)

If Shukra's ruler is strong, the wealthy and well-housed native may be attracted [Shukra] to social-community activism (11) particularly with regard to issues of security for the vulnerable and foundational education.

  • Mighty Heart 1975- drama-activist Angelina Jolie * Shukra -1 Karkata. Chandra planetary patron of Shukra is exceptionally well-placed in bhava-9 Revatī-1 yuti Meena-Guru and Meena-Mangala suggesting an influential but domineering father. Ms. Jolie is known for her global scale community activism supporting foundational schooling and shelter for vulnerable populations notable children (Karkata protection).

Wealth via socializing, large-scale social-economic networks and gainful market relationships .

Shukra holds an aesthetic of preference for one's homeland (4) and one's socializing network (11). Friends are generally gainful.

Seva for Shukra ruling 4 + 11

  • Seva can empower entreasurement. Seva target = networked assistance via large organizations which provide financial support and arrange alliances. Service targets those needing organized, principled support to establish secure homes and schools , particularly mothers and children and those concerned with the environment of early childhood protection and cultural education.

  • consider offering help to the ladies in matters of social networking, building woman-to-woman community (11), using distribution systems (11), and promoting voluntary organizations (11) that build equity and justice.

Badhaka -sthāna = harming-houses

Badhaka-sthāna counted from Urisha indriya-lagna

  • Vriddhi-pati-11 Shukra = the badhaka lord for Karkata indriya-lagna

  • Cardinal = moveable = chara lagna typically has some polarizing catalysis from the elder sibling, from friendly association, from the marketplace, from the nature or method of setting goals, from achievements and profits.

  • If the teachings of Professor Shukra are subject to prolonged repetition of the key structural elements of the learning pathway (which are in reality multiple opportunities for accepting of gifts of understanding) Usually, via constrictive drishti. Some considerable polarizing catalysis involving one's network of friendly association. In periods of Shukra, one may suffer peer-pressure from friends with low self-esteem, or fall in with a greedy or pleasure-mismanaging crowd. Karkata-1 may suffer isolation or the identity is oppressed by herd mentality or crowd movements.

Karkata indriya-lagna natives sometimes voice their dislike of bankers and large herders rather vociferously.

  • UK-King 1948-environmentalist Charles-3= [nīcha] Shukra has come out against large-scale cattle operations (during the Mad Cow disease epidemic) and also against large-scale genetic seed manipulation (seed storage also = Vrishabha-2, 11th from 4th farmland.)

Periods of Shukra may bring forward an agent in the form of a friend, mentor, elder sibling, or marketplace associate - typically, afeminine-figure - who (often inadvertently) causes harm to Karkata-1 via addictive or excessively sensual behavior, obsession with cintamani * mani * money or physical beauty, and generally materialistic values.

  • Commonly the badakha agent functions as a banker, herder-hoarder, asset collector, gatherer, resource-minder, possessor (or re-possessor), treasurer, warehouser, librarian, custodian of items, storage-storekeeper, historian, or other 'cattle-collecting' behavior of Vrishabha.

This badhaka agent must be handled with compassion, in the knowledge that this harm-causing agent is merely a projection of one's own unrealized attraction to the process of entering into new connections with people and ideas that are deeply sensual and earth-bound in nature.

Difficult graha in occupation of labha bhava or Shukra drishti upon bhava-11 may exacerbate the badhaka agency.

Sacred Jewels for Shukra

Flawless Diamond (hira) for Karkata indriya-lagna

QUOTATION from d. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology. Ranjan Publications, New Delhi . p. 111

" For the Cancer Ascendant, Venus will be lord of The 4th and the 11th houses.

  • According to the principles of Hindu Astrology, lordship of those houses does not make Venus an auspicious planet for this Ascendant.


Still we feel that the 4th and the 11th are auspicious houses

  • and wearing of a Diamond in the major period of Venus will prove fruitful, particularly if Venus is in his own sign in the 4th or in the 11th ."

Sober Structured Strictly Lawful Shani

Shani Main Page

Primary social-material focus of Shani Mahadasha and focus of each Shani bhukti = yuvati-pati-7 + randhresha-8

Due to combined rulership of 7 + 8, the overall architecture of any Shani bhukti - and emphatically of the Shani-Shani svabhukti - must combine the contract-balancing effects of 7 with the identity-change effects 8/

Naturally, shani's bhava and rashi are determinative. However, the structure of Shani's periods is generally one of

  • loyalty to contractual obligations [7]
  • while at the same time

  • undergoing a systematic transformation of the core identity [8]

The personality is inexorably evolving . However, the promises made by one's previous identity must be upheld. Other graha in 7 or other graha in 8 may cause either the old alliances [7] or the newest rejuvenation of the self [8] to predominate. Look carefully at which total scenario is stronger, and account for Shani's rulership from Chandra-lagna.

Other randresha-graha may facilitate or even provoke divorce, but because Shani must maintain previous covenants, divorce is uncommon. Because Shani rules 2nd-from-7, when Shani bhukti (especially the svabhukti) occurs in elder years, widowhood is more likely than divorce, by far.

  • // Two steps forward, one step back // is often the unique rhythm of Shani for the Karkata-born.

Normally, shani works to maintain a homeostasis. During His bhukti as ruler of 7-and-8, the Stoic One produces significant effort to regulate inevitable conditions of upheaval and transformation while continuing to honor His partnership agreements.

There may be a pattern of constant shifting between maintenance of fixed legal duties and cautiously engaging in refereshing, therapeutic change. Relationships with long-time advisers or advocates [7] may end via attrition or death. Relationships to in-laws [8] especially their financial demands, are often problematic due to their secrecy. Old reliable agreements may expire, while openings to make new bargains seem narrow or scarce.

Shani's effects are cold, dry, dark, long-lasting, and slow to change. The work of the randhresha is to operate a svabhava of hot, fiery, competitive Mangala. The randhresha is responsible for creating a field of experience characterized by sudden, unexpected upheavals, initiations, and healings. Clearly, slow-and-stubborn Shani's nature is unsuited to the sometimes violent, near ly always shocking, emerging-energy themes of 8.

Due to His stodgy ways, Stoic Shani can be a challenging randresha. For both Mithuna-born and Karkata-born, His periods can feature a surge-resist, surge-resist pattern that is particularly perplexing. One may want to move ahead. For example, awidow may want to start a rejuvenating new relationship. However, there may be persistent contractual obligations remaining from a previous alliance which prevent a dynamic move forward.

Find Shani's bhava to discover the source of the contractual restraint. Shani usually represents a legal requirement, but He can also show a restraint based in fear of consequences.

For example,

  • Shani-2 can signal profound responsibilities to one's family of origin, or fear of the consequences of one's own transformation WRT one's heritage, one's assets, or one's knowledge. Because Shani-2 casts drishti into 8, the evolutionary advance is further delayed.
  • [Shani-5] can signal profound responsibilities to children or fear of the consequences of one's own transformation WRT one's children, especially the eldest child. Because Shani-5 casts drishti into 7, the ability to bargain new marriages, new legal contracts, or new agreements is often significantly delayed.

  • Shani-6 can signal hesitation or restraint due to poverty, indebtedness, chronic animosity, or medical conditions. Because Shani-6 casts drishti into 8, the evolutionary advance is further delayed.
  • [Shani-10] can indicate a time-consuming social authority position, such as being a boss. Because Shani-10 casts drishti into 7, the ability to bargain new representation, new advisors, new legal contracts, or new alliances is often significantly delayed. However the delays are likely to produce a fairly negotiated final judgment.

  • Shani-11 the duty to earn revenues or must-work fear of insufficient income. Because Shani-11 casts drishti into 8, the evolutionary advance is further delayed. However all consequences of impulsive action in secret matters, and potential complications from in-laws, are avoided precisely via these delays.

Some distinctionsin expected outcome, according to the kundali rising nakshatra portion of Karkata lagna

Punarvasu - Yamaka * pada-4 ruled by Guru. Shani periods can produce the expected qualities of stress, pressure, constraint, and retardation. Yet, puna folk are usually able to transform Shani's time-compressed experiences into a philosophical tale. Eventually these coming-of-age stories are praised for their guidance to others.

Pushya - Sidhya * pada 1-2-3-4 ruled by Shani. One is attuned at birth to the disciplined, calendared, frugal, legalistic, architectonic ways of Lord Shani. Each Shani period reinforces the virtues of systematic conduct, community obligations, age, and neutrality. Generally, the challenges are met with dignity andforebearance.

Aśleṣa - Naga * Pada 1-2-3-4 ruled by Budha. Aslesa // can't let go / won't let go //. This portion of Karkata may experience the harshest results. Randhresha Shani simply must propel the native into an experience of identity-change and rebirth. Yet it is the nature of Aslesa to attempt to tie-down, lash, secure the old ways of doing things. Aslesa tends to reinforce the anchoring power of one's existing contracts [7] while denying the inevitability of the current cycle of evolutionary change. Aslesa tends to experience more of the catastrophic scenarios, and more severe resistance to the New Normal.


  • POTUS-45 Play to Win 1946- Beauty Pageants Donald Trump

  • Guru-Shani bhukti = Aug-2020 until Apr-2022 = 20 months

  • DJT lost his bid for re-election to POTUS in Nov-2020, during a Shani bhukti while Shani-gochara-via-7-Makara [DT age 74]. Aśleṣa response to the mandate to evolve, move-along, self-reinvent, was fierce resistance and a vindictive narrative of profound victimization via unfair voting systems. DJT promised a vibrant // comeback // to his // rightful // supreme-leader roles [7]. Nevertheless, the judicial system upheld the legality and fairness of the national election, and the nation moved forward in an orderly transfet of power. Shani rules the relative 3-4 [commerce, real-estate] from [nicha-Chandra-Vṛścika-yuti-Ketu-5]. Most commercial ventures failed and tenants abandoned his properties.

to locate the emotional focus of Shani periods in the Vimshottari Dasha, count from Chandra-lagna. Locate the two bhava ruled by Shani.

  • For example, for Mesha-Chandra lagna, shani activates 10+11 . Emotional focus of Shani periods = public roles and reputation + earnings and community

Stoic Shani rules

  • 7 = contracts, agreements, arrangements, alliances, equity, bargaining, deals
  • 8 = secrecy, non-disclosure, taxes, hidden relationships, camouflaged assets, lifepartner's family (in-laws)

Shani controls the public experience of marriage and contractual unions for Karkata-1.

As the Lord of Karma, scarcity-imposing Shanaicarya ensures that the duty roster is heavy and marriage-unions are not easy. Yet, one may rely upon conventional public expectations as a guide to obtaining dignity and approval in the spousal role.

Much discipline and necessity of accepting a lower status of the spouse, who may have strong Shani qualities of either common sense or stubbornness or both.

Spouse tends to be older , and hails from a lower social class than Karkata-1 . Partner enters the marriage already equipped with mature worldview, strong duty orientation, and usually some practical working skills.

However, unless Shani is very well placed, the social performance burdens of marriage upon Karkata-1 are distinctively heavy .

The partner's character may be rigid and inflexible , with little room for growth or change in the marriage behaviors."Take it or leave it" is Typically, the spouse's attitude toward intentional change.

  • Shani in bhava-6 or bhava-9 encourages religious sectarianism , great sense of duty in providing service to the sick and poor. Spouse = a generous, if dogmatic, soul.

Marriage is burdensome from many perspectives, Yet, always offering pre-incarnationally planned lesson (which are in reality multiple opportunities for accepting of gifts of understanding) If heeded these events grant the gift of realism -- which is always the first step toward enlightenment.

For Karkata-1, the most growth-challenging situations in the union can arise when the chronic neediness and compulsive emotional manipulations of Aśleṣa - Naga lagna characterize the lagna.

Even for Karkata's more self-sufficient Punarvasu - Yamaka and Pushya - Sidhya portions, Karkata-1 may endure a classic Parashari-defined marriage structure due to Shani-ruled elderly, impecunious, or unsuitable spouse.

Again there are certainly some exceptions that make the pre-incarnationally planned pre-incarnationally planned burden easier to accept, such as [uchcha] amza Shani or the highly disciplined and non-sexual Shani-7 which gains dikbala often transforming marriage into a celibate spiritual practice.

Karka-1 may experience an unusually strong emotional impulse to marry a parental figure in search of shelter, survival, and social dignity.

  • For the Karkata feminine nativity: If 9th-from-lagna and 9th-from-Chandra are well-disposed, Karkata may choose a parental type of spouse who is nonetheless compatible.

  • However, when 9th-from- significations are subject to prolonged repetition of the key structural elements of the learning pathway (which are in reality multiple opportunities for accepting of gifts of understanding) Usually, via constrictive drishti. The marriage forecast = altered.

Sacred Jewels for Karkata indriya-lagna

Blue Sapphire = Nilam = Shani-ratna

  • QUOTATION from d. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology. Ranjan Publications, New Delhi . p. 115

" For the Cancer and Leo Ascendants, Saturn will respectively be the lord of the 7th house, of the 8th house,

  • and the 6th and 7th houses.

The 6th and 8th are very inauspicious houses and the 7th is a death inflicting (maraka) house.

The lords of these Ascendants are also enemies of Saturn.

  • the natives of these two Ascendants should never wear a Blue Sapphire."

Remarkable Astounding Mesmerizing Illusory Rahu

Rahu = co-lord of the dusthamsha bhava-8 kumbha, therefore Rahu-ratna (gomedha) = less benevolent unless Karkata-1 has a specific purpose for enhancing the role of emergencies and sudden, forced changes in one's life.

For normal people with Karkata indriya-lagna a Gomedha is beyond consideration and should be completely avoided.

  • Nevertheless, certain tantrik practitioners may benefit from wearing the Gomedha after close examination of their unique goals and intents.

  • Also under the proper circumstances Rahu can support careers in surgery and transformative healing, emergency medical and disaster response, and management of confidential financial information .

Rahu in either rashi of maraka Shani = dangerous for Karkata indriya-lagna. Even for the specialized and rare tantrik targets, the Rahu-ratna should be considered only if the lord of bhava-8 and its occupants are exceptionally auspicious.

  • Rahu and Ketu are said to give positive results in the 3rd, 6th, and 11th bhava from the lagna or from Chandra.

  • In addition, some authorities posit that since R-K are exalted in Vṛṣa-Vṛścika (per BPHS), r-K tend to produce comfortable results when Mangala and Shukra are well-disposed.

  • Numerous other schemes for evaluating the elusive aprakasha graha also exist. (More details in the summary provided by d. G.S. Kapoor. )

Rahu = co-lord of bhava-8 Kumbha, therefore Rahu-ratna * gomedha ** Even for these particular targets, prescribe the Rahu-ratna only if the ruler of bhava-8 and its occupants are unusually comfortable.

Liberating Dispersing Fragmenting Freeing Ketu

Ketu's effects for Karkata indriya-lagna depend significantly on Ketu's bhava, rashi, and drishti. Ketu amplifies the effect of any graha who are sharing Ketu's house; and also Ketu magnifies the effects of the lord of His occupied rashi.

Collapsing Ketu = co-ruler of vidya-sthāna Vṛścika, therefore, Ketu-ratna may become a beneficial gem for the Karkata native. Ketu-ratna may be profitable if Karkata-1 is positively involved in politics, theatre, or special services for children (not standard cultural indoctrination of the government schools, but rather something special such as musical skills training or other evocation of individual talent .) However, even for these celebratory undertakings in the service of children, politicians, and thespians, the Ketu-ratna should be applied with caution and only if the lord of bhava-5 and its occupants are comfortably placed.


Cannon Beach, Oregon, USA


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