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![]() Health Disease Recovery
~~ Gayatri mantra We don't stop laughing because we grow old * We grow old because we stop laughing "Beloved, iwish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." ~~ 3 John 1:2, Gospel of John "Stressed" spelled backwards is "desserts" God cures, and the doctor sends the bill. Mark Twain We are mortal as long as we fear death. -- Lama Govinda, the Inner Structure of the I Ching |
Green Tara https://www.tibetan-art.de/gruene-tara.jpg |
" the higher self
continues producing catalyst until a
bias occurs
that catalyst not used fully by the mind and spirit is given to the body. this drama is enacted in the physical distortion complex the totally efficient use of catalyst upon your plane is extremely rare . The Great Way of the Body must be seen, as are all the archetypes of the body, to be a mirror image of the thrust of the activity of the mind. The body is the creature of the mind and is the instrument of manifestation for the fruits of mind and spirit. Therefore, you may see the body as providing the athano r through which the alchemist manifests gold." ~~RA 105.13 = https://www.llresearch.org/library.aspx That which is your physical body is a mirror of your emotional body. When The earthen body is not functioning very well, then you may look at what is happening with the emotional body. There is nothing, no diseasement of the body, which does not originate as a diseasement of the emotional body. ~~ Light Source P'taah -- www.ptaah.com |
~~Pema Chodron, Living Beautifully, page 10 "When you contact the all-worked-up feeling of shenpa [getting hooked on a negative emotion], the basic instruction is the same as in dealing with physical pain. Whether it's a feeling of I like or I don't like, or an emotional state like loneliness, depression, or anxiety, you open yourself fully to the sensation, free of interpretation. If you've tried this approach with physical pain, you know that the result can be quite miraculous. When you give your full attention to your knee or your back or your head - whatever hurts - and drop the good/bad, right/wrong story line and simply experience the pain directly for even a short time, then your ideas about the pain, and often the pain itself, will dissolve." [end quote] |
~~ Light Source P'taah - www.ptaah.com "Pain is a judgment of the energy, of the feeling. When you are birthed and you come into these belief structures, it creates a blockage in the emotional body. And so what occurs is that the pain, the pain that you first understood as a babe, accumulates. Just because you forget a situation that was most painful for you, the emotional body does not forget. And in a way neither does The earthen body ." |
QUOTATION from Louise Hay, ' author of You Can Heal Your Life ] which contains the famous index of diseases matched to emotions.] [Begin quote] " Over the years I've learned that there are really just two mental patterns that contribute to disease: Anger can show up as impatience, irritation, frustration, criticism, resentment, jealousy or bitterness. These are all thoughts that poison the body. When we release this burden, all the organs in our body begin to function properly. Fear could be tension, anxiety, naervousness, worry, doubt, feeling not good enough or unworthiness. Do you relate to any of this? We must learn to substitute faith for fear if we're to heal. Faith in what? Faith in Life! I believe we live in a "Yes " Universe. No matter what we choose to believe or think or say, the Universe always says "yes " to us.
It's up to us! The Universe wants us to experience anything we desire. So let's say "yes " to all good. Be a "yes " person, living in a "yes " world being responded to by a "yes " Universe. If you find yourself with some sort of diseases that is not listed in Heal Your Body, become your own investigator and healer. Ask yourself, is it one of the forms of fear or is it one of the forms of anger? Are you willing to release those thoughts? And replace them with positive affirmations? Loving yourself will also contribute greatly to healing your body for love heals. So how do you love yourself? First of all and most importantly: Cease all criticism of yourself and others. Accept yourself as you are. Praise yourself as much as you can. Criticism breaks down the inner spirit, praise builds it up. Look into a mirror often and simply say: I LOVE YOU, iREALLY LOVE YOU. It may be difficult at first, but keep practicing and soon you will mean and feel what you say. Love yourself as much as you can and all of life will mirror this love back to you. P.S. Fibromyalgia is fear showing up as extreme tension due to stress." [end quote] |
OM Tare Tutare Ture Svaham (Tib: So Ham) [U-Chan mantra courtesy of www.lamamigmar.com ] |
The core mantra of Tara, the Mother of all Buddhas. (Printed U-Chan Tibetan script above, roman character transcription below.)
Astrological charts do not show The earthen body directly. Rather, Jyotishavidya reads the astral plane. Geometric patterns between the seven massive planets and various energy points in earth's local system, form a map of the human body's astral plane. The subtle particles of the astral plane, unless consciously interrupted, will by nature percolate down into the interstitial spaces between the larger particles which compose the material plane. Keep in mind that whatever fleshly health conditions are revealed in the astral map, these conditions can be altered through accepting conscious responsibility ( without guilt ) for the Akashic memory patterning and releasing attachment to it. Returning to healthy balance Just as lifelines in the palm can grow longer or shorter, responding to conscious changes in lifestyle, so can the disease-causing imbalance-seeking-a-remedy be returned to balance, through conscious decisions that support true health. Sleepwalkers and the victim state Most people are sleepwalking. Sleepwalkers experience the system default
The good news: Those few with sufficient consciousness can in fact alter the effects of [akashic memory] in real-time. But be warned: it takes humility, willpower, and commitment to do authentic all-body healing work. Due to the fundamental structure of the universe, finer energies gravitate downward into grosser forms. Energy originates in spiritual form (with God), percolates down to the mental form, from the mental to the emotional and psychic (astral) form, and last - but definitely not least! - to the physical form. In general, problems originating at higher levels may be solved at higher levels without directly impacting your physical body. But problems neglected on spiritual, mental and emotional planes will unfortunately percolate down to physical dis-ease, imbalance-seeking-a-remedy, on the material plane. Physical Dis-ease is the RESULT of imbalance-seeking-a-remedy higher up. Ayurvedic medical practitioners can use the Jyotisha charts to guide their diagnosis. Tibetan lama physicians also study astrology during their medical training, and rely on Tibetan Astrological charts to guide and supplement their understanding of the patient's total condition Historically, in civilizations where medical treatment systems have evolved far enough to consider the effects of mental, emotional, and psychic experience on the patient's physical health, astrology - a key to reading psychic or astral body energy configurations - has been considered an adjunct medical science. Most questions about health can be answered by assessing Roga Bhava-6. However, the lagna (ascendant), 3rd, 8th, and 12th houses all play a role in health"problems." Further, planetary aspects and rulerships can be critical in easing or exacerbating health conditions. Most common disease agent rules the bhava-6. Health itself is found in Bhava-7, the house of contracts, agreements, relationships, and BALANCE.
Graha which are adversarial to Shani (Mangala, rahu=Ketu, suraja) in 6th-from-Shani = disease conditions based on punishing Social Criticism or extreme urge to conformity" Within The earthen body itself = a variety of exceptionally complex internal systems - pumps, pipes, membranes, network s - which must all cooperate and support each other. If one internal system weakens, the rest receive referred stressand the long-term imbalance-seeking-a-remedy becomes unsustainable.
But very predominantly the serious health challenges - which most of us face at some time in our lives - originate in Bhava-6, with the radix-6th-lord, and various drishti upon the lord and His Bhava. Navamsha role of rogesha-6 which shows the subconscious attitude toward imbalance-seeking-a-remedy, the D-30 Trimshamsha showing hidden expectations of "misfortune" , and even the natural maraka = Shani, Kuja, and Rahu = can all contribute to the stress, frustration, and often despair that a serious accident or disease may cause. In cases of poverty, marital conflict, and disease - the major victim state imbalance-seeking-a-remedy - our discovery focuses on rogesha-6 and His home Ripu Bhava = unbalanced environments. Release of conflict = loss of disease = bhava-5 12th-from any Bhava causes loss of the matters of that Bhava. E.g., bhava-10 for career also causes loss of income (bhava-11) because the native is too busy with leadership duties to be optimally active in the marketplace. bhava-2 for family cintamani * mani * money causes loss of self-made financial well-being (bhava-3) because one is focused on the family's assets, not one's own personal business.
The usual disease suspects = Primary karaka for illness and accident
Dushthamshapathi periods of rogesha ruler of bhava-6 = acute conflict, injury, accident, disease; usually a rapid process; the native remains attached to the body - even in the case of chronic conditions, the native stays in the body and remains egoic-mind engaged with the disease-disagreement process periods of vyaya-pati ruler of bhava-12 = dissolution and deterioration, usually a slow process, including loss of attachment to the body and gradual cessation of physical movement, increasing the sleep-dream state periods of randhresha ruler of bhava-8 = shock and trauma, forced initiation; a rapidly destructive-creative process; usually an experience of death recycle rebirth which does not require destroying the body, but after a certain number of cycle-spins the physical form will be destroyed to create a new birth rogesha-6 from any lagna (baseline) - especially Chandra lagna = Acute physical, mental, and social illness. [6th-from-Chandra] = disagreement and inequity in emotional relationships. Physical malfunctions of disease are caused by breakdown of supportive relationships at the causal (thought) and astral (emotional) levels, and this breakdown eventually percolates down into the gross physical body systems. Clinical, ambulatory medicine for acute conditions. The condition is still "moving" . Poisoning, breakage, toxicity, infection, tumor, drugs, pain. Shukra occupies [6th-from-Chandra] the acute (using) phase of drug addiction
Rāhu in 6th-from = exotic or taboo diseases . Rahu generally thrives in 6th-amsha
How to Fix Matters of bhava-6 originate in the causal (thought-Budha) level and these problems can therefore be corrected by fixing the originating thoughts The source of the illness will be a thought-complex which expresses a pattern of inter-related negative expectations, typically subconsciously held. There is plenty of vitality in bhava-6 and mental intervention can easily restore health when the native makes the proper self-correction. 12th-fromany lagna (baseline) - especially Chandra lagna = the"dissolving" stage Of physical, mental, and social phenomena. Physical vitality has ebbed; the conditions has begun its retreat from manifestation. 12th-from is more associated with"mental illness "as that label is used to describe the dissolution of the egoic-mind identification with The earthen body and social personality 12th-from is an angle of Guru, and many 12th-from effects are beneficial types of dissolving process. In the advanced stages of physical illness, this disintegration is normal and desirable as a step toward a peaceful death.. During periods of recovery after shock of a severe illness or accident, this disintegration may last for some period of time before a re-manifestation cycle begins. In the midst of life, this type of disintegration is socially dysfunctional unless the native finds residence in a sanctuary, such as the home of a religious order. ruler-of-12 = hospitalization, bed-ridden, institutionalization, imprisonment, long-term care away from public life, hospice; Yet, also: convalescence toward recovery, ashram sanctuary, convents and monasteries, prayer and meditation.
In normal human experience, 12th-from an undesirable thing is beneficial,, while 12th-from a desirable thing is materially unhelpful. Matters in the 12th-from will suck out the life force, drain the vitality, and motivate the process of de-materialization.
Epistle to the Philippians 4:8 , King James Version, c. 1611 "... Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." |
~~ Lao-Tse Continuing to fill a pail after it is full, the water will be wasted. Continuing to grind an axe after it is sharp, will wear it away. Excess of light blinds the eye. Excess of sound deafens the ear. Excess of condiments deadens the taste. He who possesses moderation is lasting and enduring. Too much is always a curse, most of all in wealth. |
~~ William Penn. (1693). Fruits of Solitude. "All Excess is ill: But Drunkenness is of the worst Sort. It spoils Health, dismounts the Mind, and unmans Men: It reveals Secrets, is Quarrelsome, Lascivious, impudent, dangerous and Mad." |
QUOTATION Joseph Murphy, ph.D. (1963). The Power of Your Subconscious Mind , p 38-39 " ... Motion and emotion must balance. As in heaven [your own mind] so on earth [in your body and environment]. This is the great law of life." You will find throughout all nature the law of action and reaction, of rest and motion. These two must balance, then there will be harmony and equilibrium.
What is your idea or feeling about yourself now? Every part of your being expresses that idea. Your vitality body, financial condition, friends, and social status represent a perfect reflection of the idea you have of yourself This is the real meaning of what is impressed in your subconscious mind and what is expressed in all phases of your life. We injure ourselves by the negative ideas we entertain. How often have you wounded yourself by getting angry, fearful, jealous, or vengeful? These are the poisons that enter your subconscious mind. You were not born with these negative attitudes. Feed your subconscious mind life-giving thoughts and you will wipe out off the negative patterns lodged within it. As you continue to do this, all the past will be wiped out and remembered no more." |
QUOTATION FROM -- His Holiness the Dalai Lama " In dealing with those who are undergoing great suffering,
it is best, for the sake of everyone, to withdraw and restore yourself.
Ripu bhava (Bhava-6) 6th-from-Moon Venereal diseases should involve Venus. |
QUOTATION from Sarvatha Chintamani, ch.6, shloka-1 " The following should be considered from the 6th Bhava by examining the influence of signs and planets:
6th lord brings animosity, debt, and disease. rogesha-6 in Ari Bhava will signify some physical outcome, such as bruising or the effects of fights. But rogesha-6 in a dusthamsha can have some good effects, particularly the natural challenger papagraha.
QUOTATION BPHS, sarga-17, shloka-2 "Should Ari's lord be in Ari itself, or in Lagna, or Randhra, there will be ulcers or bruises on the body. " QUOTATION BPHS , sarga-24, shloka-6 If Ari's lord is in Ari Bhava, the native will have enmity with the group of his kinsmen, but be friendly to others and will enjoy mediocre happiness in matters like wealth. [end quote] |
Budha (natural regulator of bhava-3 and bhava-6)
Budha has a nervous, chattery disposition |
The diseases indicated by Mercury are mental diseases, skin diseases, leucoderma, indigestion, piles, leprosy, naervous disorder, impediments of speech, diseases of the stomach, intestines and those arising from the curses of the devotees of Vishnu and wise men. -- Satyajatakam Sarga-3, sloka 4 |
6th from Budha |
BPHS , Sarga-39, shloka-4 1 " The 6th from Budha be also considered in regard to indications derivable from Ari Bhava." |
Malefic Graha occupying dushthamsha often give good fruit |
Papagraha in dushthamsha have beneficial implications. Malefics damage, threaten or prevent the matters of the bhava which they occupy. Destructive Mars, change-resistant Saturn, or chaotic Rahu-Ketu can give beneficial results in Ari Bhava, because they damage the satkona's ability to cause imbalance-seeking-a-remedy and dis-ease.
Fully Resourced planets in bhava-6 |
... frequently show a professional who is socially approved to manage imbalance-seeking-a-remedy conditions -- e.g. a physician, epidemiologist, clinic manager, adivorce attorney, hazardous waste expert, debt counselor, international financier, mortgage broker, et-cetera. Fully Resourced Saturn in 6 is *obligation* to serve the poisoned, fully Resourced Surya in 6 is * rational thinking/profession concerning medicine/poison/debt, Fully Resourced Rahu in 6 is often a Psychic Healer helping to release psycho-emotional toxicity. |
When conflict is gainful |
If Dhana's lord is in Ari Bhava along with a benefic the native will gain wealth through his enemies."
~~ BPHS, sarga-24, shloka-18 |
enemies, illness, or expense within relationships |
If Putra's lord is in Ari Bhava, the native will obtain such sons who will be equal to his enemies, or will lose them, or will acquire an adopted or purchased son. ~~ BPHS, sarga-24, shloka 54 If Yuvati's lord is in Ari Bhava, the native will beget a sickly wife and he will be inimical to her. He will be given to anger and will be devoid of happiness. ~~ BPHS, sarga-24, shloka-7 8 |
Sukha-graha in 6th-from angles can be conflicted, adversarial, agents of intensely polarizing catalysis -- or they may indicate an enlightened and established ministry of service |
...indicate personal illness caused by old animosities, carried over from parallel lives . For example, moon in 6 gives psychological pain - the enemies get into one's mind too easily. (" Weak aura." ) Venus in 6 gives enemies in love - attraction * akarshana * to high-conflict partners. Emotional problems will have physical symptoms, such as attraction to excessively sweet foods Drishti of Guru helps any Bhava, including Aristhāna. Gives wisdom to address the imbalance-seeking-a-remedy compassionately. In the Bhava of victims, Guru drishti helps eliminate blame-the-victim attitude, replace with kindness. |
The 12th Bhava |
...shows enclosures and spiritually positive losses. (Such as giving all one's money to the poor, which is not a practical material decision but which may have stellar spiritual effects.)
Detached planets in 12 - cold, dry Budha and Shani+ randhresha-8 , others by circumstance, can yield a brilliantly neutral servant of the voluntarily or involuntarily sequestered. |
Vimshottari dasha periods of rogesha-6 |
...show activation of imbalance-seeking-a-remedy Skandha For example, if rogesha-6 = Mars, disease factors will increase during Kuja mahadasha and dramatically so during Kuja bhukti. Disease karma arises, causes suffering, is understood, accepted, and healed, within the periods of rogesha-6 . |
Rahu-Ketu |
[during Budha-Rahu bhukti ] "There will be fear of premature death, if Rahu is in Dhana, or in Ari ." ~~ BPHS, ch 58, shloka 54-55 [during Shukra-Rahu bhukti ] "Enjoyments, destruction of enemy, enthusiasm and beneficence of the king will be the results, if Rahu is in Sahaja, or Ari, or Karma, or Labha." ~~ BPHS, ch 60, shloka-38-39 " If at the time of birth of a child all the planets are posited in their own signs, they guard against all evils caused by them. Rahu occupying the 3rd, the 6th or the 11th aspected by benefic planets wards off all evil." -- Jataka Desha Marga, sarga-4: Arishta Bhanga Prakaranam 2 Generally speaking, malefics do good work in dushthamsha. Rahu and Ketu with another planet may cause imbalance-seeking-a-remedy. For example, Ketu with Moon or Ketu with Mars may cause sexual impotence in the male. Rahu with Moon can lead to endocrine imbalance-seeking-a-remedy, especially in the female. |
Even the supreme pleasure-giver subhagraha Guru can make health problems
(if Guru occupies bhava-6 = expansion of association with ill people, with servants, with those suffering from animosity, victims and perpetrators of corruption, agents of bribery and fraud) [Guru in bhava-6] over-expands disagreements, internal and external, leading to anxiety |
Jupiter may be said to be responsible for appendicitis, disorders of the intestines , including fevers, neurotic disturbances caused by anxiety, fainting or swoon and phlegmatic disorders, ear trouble , vertigo ..." -- Phaladeepika, sarga-14, shloka-6 |
QUOTATION from: H. H. Dalai Lama. (2004). Mind of Clear Light: Advice on Living Well and Dying Consciously. Jeffrey Hopkins (Trans. and Ed.). " ... Compassion diminishes fright about your own pain and increases inner strength.
Let me give you a small example. Recently, when I was in Bodh Gaya, ifell ill from a chronic intestinal infection. On the way to the hospital, the pain in my abdomen was severe, and I was sweating a great deal.
Later, at the hospital, my thoughts kept circling on what I had seen, reflecting on how sad it was that here I had people to take care of me but those poor people had no one. That is where my thoughts went, rather than to my own suffering. Though sweat was pouring out of my body, my concern was elsewhere.
This is an example from my small experience of how an attitude of compassion helps even oneself, suppressing some degree of physical pain and keeping away mental distress , despite the fact that others might not be directly helped. Compassion strengthens your outlook, and with that courage you are more relaxed .
Q:Help! I knew that the Vimshottari Dasha period of the lord of the 6th house would have some sort of health event. Now after I've been in pain for several months, the d. says that (after CT scans) it is a big cyst (and I do mean BIG) on my ovary. What ?!? As you know I am an artist and mother. My mom is a famous performer and my youngest daughter has the family gifts of beauty, voice, and fashion. Anyway, you told me that Saturn is transiting against my Moon and I am thinking that Moon is Mother and creativity, right? Should I panic about this cyst? I am not too scared but it does hurt - will the surgery be OK? A: Louise Hay writes that ovaries represent "a point of creation. Creativity." (p. 208)
Psychic predators
Wishing you total health and ease and relaxation, |
QUOTATION from: H. H. Dalai Lama, The Dalai Lama's Book of Wisdom " We often speak of the external enemy.
But no matter how forceful this is, it cannot destroy the supreme source of my happiness, which is my calmness of mind.
Our country can be invaded, our possessions can be destroyed, our friends can be killed, but these are secondary for our mental happiness.
Nothing can destroy this except my own anger ." |
Biological-Body, old Age, and Death: Getting Ready QUOTATION from 14th Dalai Lama 1935- Policy of Kindness Tenzing Gyatso The Path to Enlightenment: " A tantric yogi who has gained control of the subtle energies of the body and the subtle levels of consciousness will have control over the inner and outer elements and consequently can transform his or her ordinary samsaric form into a joyous rainbow body. But until we can do this, we have to accept the fact that our physical basis is a magnet attracting every kind of discomfort and pain. ...This samsaric body keeps us running all of our lives. We have to run to fulfill its endless needs, to keep it away from things that may harm it, and to protect it from anything unpleasant. We have to give it pleasure and comfort.
Such is the nature of worldly existence. ...To care for our old people -- these ones who have given us our body, our life, and our culture -- is a sacred duty of humanity. But most humans act more like animals than people, and often we see old people who have been abandoned by their families. Family units were very strong in Tibet, and old people were usually cared for directly by relatives. The national care for the old that we see in the West is something very good, ahealthy sign, although perhaps here the spiritual and psychological basis is somewhat lacking.
Rather than live under the delusion of permanence, we should engage in spiritual training so that we can enter old age at least with the grace of wisdom. ... So we can see that this body indeed causes us much grief in this life and, sadly, in their quest to satisfy its many needs, most people just collect an endless stream of negative karmic instincts that will lead them to lower rebirths in the future. These are the sufferings of the human world.
Until we develop the wisdom that is able to free the mind from these compelling forces, there is no doubt that we shall experience suffering throughout our lives, and that we shall continue to wander endlessly in the wheel of birth, life, death, and rebirth where the presence of misery can always be felt." [end quote] |
![]() Mount Rainier, Cascade Range, summertime in western Washington State |
[How Readings Work] -- [Sample Sacred Jewels Ratna Recommendation] -- [Seva] |
file update = 30-Jan-2025
Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotishavidya Vedic Astrology Surya Sun Chandra Moon Mangala Mars Budha Mercury Guru Jupiter Shukra Venus Shani Saturn Rahu Ketu Graha Planets Dasha Timeline Calendar Nakshatra Navamsha Marriage Children Treasury Career Spiritual Wisdom Cycles of re-Death and re-Birth The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies! |
"And now my friends,
all that is true, all that is noble, all that is just and pure, all that is loveable and gracious, whatever is excellent and admirable - fill all your thoughts with these things." ~~ Paul of Tarsus, Epistle to the Philippians 4:8 |