

Commerce and Material Economy * Tobacco-Cotton plantations




preceded by

  • none * first to hold the job

succeeded by

  • POTUS-02 Thoughts on Government 1735-1826 John Adams




POTUS-01-partner [1789-1797]

slave plantation magnate

revolutionary war financier

tobacco broker

Martha Washington

a.k.a. Martha Dandridge

a.k.a. Martha Dandridge Custis

Earth-birth Wednesday-13-Jun-1731

dematerialization 22-May-1802 [age 70]

Members of the Founding Fathers Group

Way to Wealth 1706-1790 printer ambassador Benjamin Franklin

POTUS-01 American Revolution 1732-1799 George Washington

POTUS-02 Thoughts on Government 1735-1826 John Adams

POTUS-03 Declaration of Independence 1743-1826 Thomas Jefferson

Federalist Papers 1755-1804 Alexander Hamilton

POTUS-04 USA-Constitution 1751-1836 James Madison

POTUS-05 Monroe Doctrine 1758-1831 James Monroe

POTUS-06 American System 1767-1868 John Quincy Adams



tobacco farmer + sales manager

slave plantation owner

Martha Custis Washington


birth data from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha_Washington

tentatively rectified by BP Lama Jyotishavidya

charts + graphs + tables = produced by Shri Jyoti Star - www.vedicsoftware.com

- adapted by BP Lama

Rising Nakshatra

Feminine Public-Figure Examples

Mrigashiras - Invaka

Mraga - Mriga - Mruka - Marga - Agrahayani - Ena-shiras


For Mriga-shiras births of a feminine valence, the condition of kinesthetic, direct, yang-energy, forward-pushing bhratru-karaka Mangala may considerably affect the outcome.

Brother-figures, warriors, hunters, athletes, dancers, champions, challengers, inventors, explorers, dis-coverers, engineers, drivers, drillers, diggers, exploders, aggressors, pursuers, and competitions and battles may be especially influential.

Instructional guidance is provided by the civilizations of Orion. Their purpose is to promote engaging, instinctive messages that conquer, compete, startle, stimulate, pioneer, and provoke.

[Competitive Champion Kuja]-ruled Mriga-zirasa ladies tend to be physically fit, agile, energetic sportswomen and dancers. They are often found in politics, entertainment, and commerce, especially in sales, marketing, and advertising roles where their energy delivers competitive advantage.

Mraga are surprisingly accurate markswomen, able to handle weapons if necessary. They often have an interest in metalcraft. Agrahayani ladies may have a special affinity for quadruped animals, brothers, and soldiers. Due to the crystalline structure of their noses, mraga-born have an exceptionally acute sense of smell.

[Vrishabha - Urisha] pada 1-2 represent the 7-12 angle and the Shukra-Kuja attraction. Pada 1-2 pursue gracious arrangements, match-making, and brokerage in secluded environments, such as the private bedroom or in distant lands. Their goal is the formation of vitally valuable partnerships. Depending upon [Yogakaraka] Shani ruler of 9+10, Urisha pada-1-2 of Mriga have a stronger propensity toward guidance [9] and governance roles [10] .

[Mithuna - Dvamdva] pada 3-4 represent the 6-11 angle and the Budha-Kuja tension. Pada 3-4 are vocal socialites skilled in conflict intervention, and natural ministers of aid. Pada 3-4 may focus on community activism, economic profits, and service to the wounded [whether the wounds are physical, mental, or emotional] .

Themes of forward movement, group activity, and sporting competition contextualize Mriga's terrestrial experience. Incoming drishti from Kuja can mobilize their progressive, pioneering actions. Also applies to Chandra in Mrigashira - Invaka

QUOTATION Mrigashiras - Invaka

from Shil-Ponde. [1939] . Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra, p 91

" Usually this person is born in a wealthy family or at least well-to-do.

  • She will be brought up in a religious atmosphere

  • and will be deeply religious herself.

She is an entertaining and interesting speaker

  • and will participate in women's club activities

  • and other social enterprises .

If she adopts a public career , she will be successful and honored.

She is fond of beautiful clothes,

  • perfumes, and jewels,

  • and dresses elegantly and in good taste.

Her favorite color is green."

[end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939]


Martha Dandridge [MCW age 18] image circa-1750, near the time of her first marriage to the Virginia planter, Daniel Custis


Martha Dandridge Custis Washington -- painted 50 years after her decease, by Rembrandt Peale in 1853

Biographical events matched to the Vimshottari Dasha Calendar

[Surya Mahadasha] [age birth until age 7-months

Wed-13-Jun-1731 = Earth-birth in Chestnut Grove, Hanover, Virginia Colony, British America * Surya-Shukra bhukti * Shukra ātmakāraka lagnesha

[Chandra Mahadasha] [age 7-months until age 10.7]

[Mangala Mahadasha] [age 10.7 until age 17.7]

[Rahu Mahadasha] [age 17.7 until age 35.7]

15-May-1750 [MCW age 18]

DC age 38] consecration of marriage-1-of-2 with the slave-labor planter Daniel Custis * Rahu-Rahu svabhukti

1751 [MCW age 20] celebrated the birth of child-1 * Rahu-Guru bhukti

1756 [MCW age 25] grieved decease of father - Rahu-Ketu bhukti

1757 [MCW age 26] grieved decease of husband-1 Daniel Custis * Rahu-Shani bhukti * Shani activates 12th-from-7th-from-Chandra-4

06-Jan-1759 [MCW age 27]

GW age 26] consecration of marriage-2-of-2 with slave-labor planter George Washington * Rahu-Budha bhukti * Budha activates Kanya Svamsha containing Rahu

[Guru Mahadasha] [age 35.7 until age 51.7]

[Shani Mahadasha] [age 51.7 until age 70.7]

1785 [MCW age 54] grieved the bio-decease of her mother* Shani-Shani svabhukti * Shani activates 7th-from-matribhava

30-Apr-1789 [MCW age 58] husband-2 GW elected POTUS-01 * Shani-Ketu bhukti * Ketu produces effects of Surya + Kuja + Budha ++ Ketu-2 second husband

14-Dec-1799 [MCW age 68] grieved the bio-decease of husband-2 George Washington * Shani-Guru chidra-dasha * Guru activates 7th-from-2nd end of 2nd marriage

[Budha Mahadasha] [age 70.7 until decease age 70]

22-May-1802 [MCW age 70] blessed liberation from the Earthen-body * Budha-Budha svabhukti * Budha maraka activates-2

Distinctive features of the Nativity

[Sparkling Splendid Surya]

pitri-karaka [father] -- jyoti-karaka [light]

[homebound-anchoring bandesha for Urisha indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Surya's transactional dramatizing, instructional entitlement , collaborative demonstration

[intelligent financial conversation]

[self-confident business knowledge]

[political expression of administrative price-setting decisions]

[radiantly dramatic discussions about transactional values]

[brightly patriotic use of personally managed land ownership]

[identified with commercial property rights]

[talkative father-figure may be financial manager, mercantile banker, conversational resource-keeper, maker of neighborly land sales, ensemble musician]


[broker-bargainer Mriga-3] [navamsha Surya-Tula-nīcha ]




  • [Surya-Mithuna] [Mithra - neighbor, companion ] * brightly charismatic confidence of Center-stage Surya radiates through the conversational gesturing rashi of Budha

  • [Surya in bhava-2] center of heritage collections - creative values-fulfillment = confident story-telling = dazzling bardic tradition = intelligence for languages = genius for sound-and-color = radiant genetically preserved knowledge = focus on stored assets = banking entitlements = bright face-speech-song = eye on capital resources [including human capital] = father heart of family = sparkling star of entreasurement-drama = evaluating father may be banker, singer, assessor, historian, tale-teller, collector, herder, preservationist

  • [Surya-yuti-Kuja] confidently progressive * bright warrior * moves in alignment with the spiritual rays of the Sun * creatively intelligent brother-figures * self-reflexive political pursuits * champion of brilliant ideals * competitive father-figure * entitled to conquer * focused on winning * radiantly pioneering

  • [Surya-yuti-Budha] confidently conversational * brightly explaining messenger * entitled to discuss * creatively intelligent sibling-cohort * discursive father-figure * gestures conduct the spiritual rays of the Sun * radiantly descriptive * articulate in drama * skillful game-player * self-confident announcements * talks about ideals * narrative of power-politics * recites love poems * describes divine romance

  • [Surya-yuti-Ketu] confidently detached * bright observer * entitled to surrender * apathetic toward the spiritual rays of the Sun * creatively intelligent abandonment * disregards patriarchal power * politically disinterested * wandering father-figure * radiantly unconcerned


regally vociferous, sparkling face-eyes-voice,, shining eyes-hair-teeth, confidently oratorical, dramatically musical, flamboyantly financial, center of the family line, brilliantly sonorous, self-assuredly historical, politically traditional [Surya in bhava-2] rules

  • 4 cultural foundations, property boundaries, way of Life, protection, defense , homeland, household, routines, rituals, mother, parents, customary rhythms, caretakers, socialization schooling, gardens, waterways, transportation, housing, social security, sense of place, environmentalism, citizenship, belonging, ethnic basis, ethnoreligion, patriotism, real-estate, farming, land-ownership, burial, predictability, health of the elder sibling


[folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra] professional leadership

= commercialized Mithuna-2 = cluster of Surya-Budha-Mangala-Ketu

business knowledge + finance [2] = the emotionally dignified , social-ordering, leadership-seeking

Mithuna matches George Washington's 7th-from-Chandra, showing that his wifely companion would be a financially astute businesswoman.

Surya [politics] = the kharesha

[Comfortable Caretaking Chandra]

matrikaraka [mother] -- garha-karaka [village]

[busy-communicative bhratru-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Chandra's aggrieved feelings, helping rhythms, logical sensibilities

[comfortable with service ministry politics]

[feels dramatic pulse of grievance litanies]

[needs to display logical reasoning]

[theatrically sensitive to exploitive roles]

[soothed by habitual local expression of commercial bhratru-pati work practices]

[sense of belonging to a laboring team while following the enslaving ethno-rhythms]

[may present an argumentative, accusing show of patriotic parental protectionism]

[celebrity intelligence flows naturally in medical or military roles]

[helpful mother may brightly demonstrate her need to manually assist]

[comfortable with creative ministering]

[familiar with speculative ways of service]

[needs central attention while granting aid]

[feels confident in business bhratru-pati calculations]


[visionary-charitable Uttaraphalgunī-4] [navamsha Chandra-Meena] intuitively sensitive visionary imagination

  • [Chandra-Kanya] comforted by remedial aid * sensitive to logical argument * needs to help

  • Chandra in Uttaraphalguni - soothed by dramatic centrality * protectors of celebrity entitlement * needs political theatre

  • [Chandra in classroom-5] comfortable with politics * familiar with speculation * intelligent confident mother * soothed by playing games * charmed by children * needs applause * sensitive to center-stage roles * nourished by self-expression * feels entitled * attuned to heart-centered emotion * settled into the rhythm of artistic creativity * routinely seeks amusement * calmed by admiration * undulating celebrity * mother may be an entertainer, scholar, creative artist, gambler, romantic, speculator, queen


sensitively political, attention-needing, soothingly charming, familiar celebrity, intuitively speculative, sympatheticly romantic, center-stage caretaker, emotionally intelligent [Chandra in classroom-5] rules

  • 3-communications, messaging, sermons, scripts, media-products, writing, publications, letters of correspondence, announcements, planning, documentation, reporting, cohort, committee-work, process management, commercial business, instruction, explanation, discussion, diagrams, labeling, event management, signage, training, itinerary, tours


  • [folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra = collecting, preserving, enriching, storytelling, linguistic, musical, heritage, knowledgeable, financial duties performed in the commercial communicative process-managing style of Mithuna-2]


MARRIAGE partnership emotional equity support expectations

[7th-from-Chandra-5] lifepartnership 1-of-2

  • bhava-11 social-participation networks, gains, goals, achievements, economics, distribution systems
  • Meena contains Shani in Bhava-11 [husband-1 Daniel Custis = 20 years elder to Martha]
  • navamsha-7 contains

8th-from- [7th-from-Chandra-5] lifepartnership 2-of-2

  • bhava-6 military, war conflict, exploitation, disagreement
  • Tula justice, equity, agreement, fair judgment
  • bhava-6 benefits from [Harsha Yoga] suggesting that even in hostile conditions, the agents of bhava-6 [including her second lifepartner] would be held harmless.

2nd navamsha

[2nd marriage] contains Tula-Shani + Tula-Kuja + Tula-Surya

  • It could not have been easy to be married to the commander of a poorly trained, vastly out-manned and out-gunned revolutionary guerilla army
  • Yet, [uchcha] Shani in 2nd navamsha proves that with GW's focused effort and Martha's financial expertise, justice would be attained

GW's Meena indriya-lagna matches MCW's R-K navamsha axis

MCW's Kanya-Chandra occupies GW's bhava-7

[Competitive Champion Kuja]

bhratru-karaka [brother] -- virya-karaka [virility]

[bargaining-balancing jaya-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[vigorous narrative of commercial communications]

[pursues detailed financial information]


[bargaining-broker Mriga-3] [navamsha Mangala-Tula]




  • [Mangala-Mithuna] vigorous pursuit of interaction * competitive commerce * proactive information delivery * energetic group collaboration * dynamic debate * dominating gestures * lively writing * kinetic conversation * push toward explanatory instruction * champion of process management

  • [Mangala in bhava-2] vigorous orator * loudly lectures on values * pursuit of treasuries * competitive financial actions * innovative knowledge * energized face-voice-song * memorable speeches * Sings and shouts * champion of literacy-reading * historic pronouncements * prone to shouting * forward drive toward capitalization * promotes conservation * hyperactive family dynamics * acquisitive conquests

  • [Kuja-yuti-Surya] sparkling kinetic creativity * glorious innovator * high-energy confidence * dynamic genius * dominating force joins willful charm * fiercely competitive politics * brilliant winner * invigorating routines * physically active father-figure * self-referential championship * vigorously moving theatrical display

  • [Kuja-yuti-Budha] proactive communications * energized signaling * dynamic reporting * clipped speech patterns * abrupt announcements * champion of vigorous messaging * pushes toward direct commands * forward thrusting gestures * incisive speech * forceful writing

  • [Kuja-yuti-Ketu] vigorous break-ups * enervated * passive-aggressive * high-energy collapse * fierce pursuit of impermanence * pointless fights * diffused sexuality * dynamic wandering * apathetic brother-figures * potential for aggressive self-annihilation * pushes toward non-attachment * liberation by force


financially competitive, verbally assertive, forthrightly spoken, forceful declarations, forward-pushing use of language, enlivened by vital memories, vigorous pursuit of precious storage, energetic thrust of traditional values, knowledge-driven engineer, proactively acquisitive family lineage, champion of heritage preservation [Mangala in bhava-2] rules

  • 7-covenant, promise, trust, contractual relationships, social justice, advocacy, legal judgments, lawcourts, appeals, representation, equity, diplomacy, partners, justice, marriage, legal and formal partnerships, negotiation, alliance-crafting, match-making, fair arrangements, even deals, advocacy, trading, bargaining, brokerage, haggling, go-between, middleman, meddler a

  • 12 enclosures, the bed, fantasies, privacy, interior spiritual guidance, clandestine undertakings, intuitive awareness, non-linear conceptual undertanding, concealment, seclusion, invisibility, dissolved identity, meditation, contemplation, dreamworlds, astral plane, imaginary scenarios, sanctuary sleep, distant lands, health of the avowed partner


[Busy Bantering Budha]

jamayah-karaka [sibling] -- sandesha-karaka [message] -- shisya-karaka [student]

--- [svakshetra]

[collecting-evaluating dhanesha for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[witty-creative vidya-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[talks about historical traditions of mercantile capitalization dhanesha]

[gesturing conversations about pricing]

[specific inventory of catalogued asset collections]

[detailed discussions about financial speculation vidya-pati]

[managed planning for heritage resource conservation]

[scheduler for storage and retention]

[commercial voice makes political announcements]

[younger sibling or students engaged in business banking]


[systematic-connected Arudra-3] [navamsha Budha-Kumbha] intuitively detailed explaining of economic participation linkage systems




  • [Budha-Mithuna] business communications * articulation of specific instructions * informative pronouncements * messages about commerce *  hands-on management * signaling explanatory information *  detailed diagrams * talks about publication * interpretative interactions * commercial translation  * hands-arms-shoulders send descriptive gestures

  • [Budha in bhava-2] narrative of values-fulfillment * conversations about natural resources * talks about history * instructions for asset conservation * explains banking procedures * cherished recordings * discusses sound values * articulation of speech-song * quick-darting eyes-face * tells stories * defines storage methods * describes family lineage * manual preservation of collections * chats about knowledge base * conserves libraries * quick with language * manages archives * repeats from memory

  • [Budha-yuti-Surya] amusing explanations * entertaining chatter * central roles in communication * brightly clear descriptions * dramatic enunciation * confidently delivers instruction * articulation of radiant certainty * political messenger * talkative father-figures

  • [Budha-yuti-Mangala] competitive communications * scripted actions * impatient conversations * potential for sexualized messaging * penetrating explanations * direct instruction * dominating dialog * signals forward action * pioneering logical movement * energetically outspoken opinions * talkative brother-figures

  • [Budha-yuti-Ketu] mentally disconnected * explainer of impermanence * describes dissociation * articulates the process of dissolution * evacuated meeting spaces * incoherent conversations * sends prayers to the ineffable * apathetic narratives * script of martyrdom * spacey siblings * surrenders the attempt to render a complete message * speaks as the observing Witness * may channel the talkative spirits


discusses finance, assets manager, articulate singer-musician, traditional communicator, knowledgeable conversation, memorable gesturing, explains legacy values Budha in bhava-2] rules

  • 2-acquisition, family legacy, tradition, language-lexicon, preserved memory, banking, collections, entreasurement, herd-hoard, treasury containment, financial capital, accrued amounts, asset evaluation, knowledge of history, speech-song, heritage values, color-sound, arts-and-music, face-voice-eyes-teeth-mouth-hair, genetics, stored resources, health of the fatherming, land-ownership, burial, predictability, health of the elder sibling

  • 5- Politics, center-stage roles, theatre, demonstration, display, charming brilliance, genius, poetry, choice-making, showmanship, gambling and gamesmanship, romantic idealism, creativity, fashion-shows, flamboyance, celebrity entitlements, confidence, artistic performance, drama, children, financial speculation, intelligence, entertainments, fun


[Generous Growing Guru]

dhava-karaka [husband] -- bahuta-karaka [variety]

[mysterious-initiatory randhresha for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[friendly-gainful vriddhi-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna]

check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Guru's sparklingly philosophical, brightly wise, charmingly optimistic diversity

[bright display of many properties]

[splendidly philosophical domestic drama]

[political expansion of cultural foundations]


[patriotic-stabilizing Magha-4] [navamsha Guru-Karkata-uchcha] intuitively expanding protective sheltering nourishing beliefs

  • [Guru-Simha ] many lights * big political displays * much drama * doctrine of divine right * expands the scope of unique personality * great splendor * multiple games * diverse theatrical performances * multiple celebrations * romantic permissiveness * self-reflexive worldview * abundant creativity * believes in special entitlements

  • [Guru in bhava-4] many local roots * growth of homes * fertile gardens * many diploma-licenses * abundant owned-stewarded property* many vehicles * multiple protective caretakers * many mother-figures * much shipping-transport * tolerance for parochial perspectives * numerous deeds of title * a patron of environmental stewardship * in a wifely nativity, husbandly-companion may be a grower, building developer, schoolteacher, miner, shipper, landowner


expansively patriotic, generously routinized, doctrinally ritualistic, abundantly home-based, cheerfully localized, broadly educating, philosophically property-stewarding, diversely transporting, widely established, extensively familiarizing, multiplying marine-environments [Guru in bhava-4] rules

  • 8-unexpected eruptions of regenerating force, occult initiation, mystical revelation, shocking intervention, opaque empowerments, invasive surgery, intensive healing, evolution, violent explosion, sudden identity change, rejuvenation, recycling, rebirth, hidden assets, upheaval, undisclosed secrets, transformative events, discovery, in-laws of first marriage, health of younger sibling-cousin

  • 11-fruitful revenues, interconnected income, profits, material achievement, social networking, friendships, community linkage, fan-clubs, mass participation gatherings, collectivism, marketplace gridworks, distribution, association, populism, economic systems, fundraising, gains-and-goals, awards for work accomplished, health of the enemies


MCW's husband-1 was a grower = owner of numerous slave-labor tobacco plantations, replete with homes, pathways, and carriages [4].

Her second husband GW was also a slave-labor grower with extensive land holdings, as well as a legendary patriot [4 patriotism] .

When MC's inherited plantations from her father were combined with her receipt of husband-1's slave-farms following h-1 decease, mC became enriched in lands and slaves.

When finally her tobacco plantations combined with GW's plantations, inherited from his deceased father's estate, allowing economies of scale [Guru big] their combined land assets made George and Martha the most capitalized couple in British America.

Political incubator

While continuing to manage the properties and to independently interact with brokers to accomplish her own tobacco sales Mriga , MCW presided over several gracious homes spread across her holdings.

For years leading up to the Revolutionary War, George and Martha's large estate homes offered dances, dinners, and political entertainments for other elite revolutionaries who were collaborating with George Washington.

[Sweetly Suave Shukra]

svadu-karaka [sweet] -- kalatra-karaka [wifely companion]

[Harsha Yoga]

[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[inimical-medicating rogesha for Urisha indriya-lagna]

check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Shukra's competitive bargaining, innovative diplomacy, kinetic attractions


[secretive-eruptive Bharani-4] [navamsha Shukra-Vrischika] intuitively harmonizing secrecy balances hidden assets

[ātmakāraka = finance, arrangements, negotiation, equity]

  • [Shukra-Mesha] appreciation of direct movement * primal relationships * likes innovation * aesthetic of physicality * attracted to champions * pleasures of conquest * kinetic sensuality * prefers a lithely sporting partner * sweetly competitive * aristocratic agreements

  • [Shukra-12] seeks imaginative pleasure * private sensuality * values spiritually guided partnership * gracefully intuitive feminine-figures * agreeable sleep * visions of contemplative harmony * enjoys beautiful sanctuaries * aesthetic designs to adorn the feet * likes meditations * appreciation of Other Worlds * attracted to quiet spaces * in a husbandly nativity, wifely-companion may be contemplative-foreign-isolated-researcher


pleasantly meditative, aesthetically contemplative, privately sensual, seeking balanced invisible arrangements, musically intuitive, harmoniously researching, prefering luxurious bedrooms, wealth-via-contractual agreements, attracted to imaginative companions [Shukra-12] rules

  • 1- distinctive attributes of personality, dense material incorporation, individual personification, earthen embodiment, physical integrity, kinetic energy, dance, style of movement, athletic prowess, muscular mobility, unique character, kinetic vitality, circumstances of birth, tangible appearance, coherent social identity

  • 6-ministries of service, dehumanization, misconduct, war, jail, slavery, pollution, argumentation, healthcare workers, ailment, injury, medical treatment, hypocrisy, crime, cheating, animosity, toxins, complaints, accusation, litigation, blaming, scapegoat, aid workers, helpers. imbalanced conditions, injustice, betrayed promises, servants, laborers, hostility, animosity, disagreement, dehumanization


[Sober Structural Shani]

duro-karaka [endurance] -- jara-karaka [Jahre, years]


[Yogakaraka philosophical-guiding dharmesha for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[Yogakaraka dutiful-executive karmesha for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[dhanayoga Shani-11 rules 11-from-11]


[bargaining-broker Uttarabhādra-3] [navamsha Shani-Tula-uchcha] intuitively regulated diplomatic exchange relationships

  • [Shani-Meena] oppressive dreams * socially responsible imagination * fear of vast waters * required immersion * must use symbolic images * aging affects the bedroom * structural compression upon aching feet * strictly imposed sanctuary * endures proletarian prayer * slow elder diviners * limited access to ancient ancestor guides * pragmatically constrained intuition * must sustain the astral resonance * scarce contemplative resources * maintainer of old interior visions

  • [Shani in Bhava-11] [beneficial] steady time-structured achievements * must maintain connections * sustainedeffort toward realistic aims * must regulate economic linkage * cautiously conventional accomplishments * class-conscious social network * chronic pressure on nerves-skin * few friendships * limited revenues * works hard for earnings * resists new associations * supports lawful distribution systems * accepts marketplace rules * salary worker fatigue * rigidly dutiful socialite roles * elders maintain community responsibilities


dutifully earning, works diligently on goal achievement, responsibly associative, mature approach to friendship, must regulate the profits, structured distribution systems, burdensome community duties, formally interlinked, connection-maintaining, rigidly economic, aim constricting, orthodox assemblies, normalized mass-participation, conventionally gainful, systematically arrayed, imposes order in the marketplace, lawfully fruitful, seriously socializing [Shani in Bhava-11] rules

  • 5- Politics, center-stage roles, theatre, demonstration, display, charming brilliance, genius, poetry, choice-making, showmanship, gambling and gamesmanship, romantic idealism, creativity, fashion-shows, flamboyance, celebrity entitlements, confidence, artistic performance, drama, children, financial speculation, intelligence, entertainments, fun

  • 6-ministries of service, dehumanization, misconduct, war, jail, slavery, pollution, argumentation, healthcare workers, ailment, injury, medical treatment, hypocrisy, crime, cheating, animosity, toxins, complaints, accusation, litigation, imbalanced conditions, injustice, betrayed promises, servants, laborers, hostility, animosity, disagreement, dehumanization


Substantial dhanayoga = Shani-11 activates 11th-from-11th

[Risk-rewarding Rāhu]

rajyalobha-karaka [ambition] -- picchala-karaka [slippery]

[for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[transformative beliefs in times of revolutionary change]

[prestige doctrinal initiations]

[desire to transform the beliefs]


[calculating-logistical Pūrvāṣāḍhā-2] [navamsha Rahu-Kanya]

  • [Rahu-Dhanus] shimmering illusion of wisdom * craving for philosophical principle * mirage of generous patronage * extraordinary theory * extravagant preaching * unorthodox approach to higher truth * mask of global humanism* fascinating doctrine * over-reaching catechisms * fabulous proselytism * seeks special importance via apparent [but perhaps not authentic] attributes of philosophical belief * seeks privilege via guru-roles

  • [Rahu in bhava-8] passion for prestige mysteries * in svabhava of Competitive Kuja, the Shadowy Specter seeks glamorous veiling * surreptitious identity recycling * wizardry of aperture open-close * fascinating self-reinvention * amazing surgical rejuvenation * outsider who cleverly insinuates into revelatory roles * desires an important role in trauma-healing * fabulous transformative initiation * reveals occult truths * thrilling discovery of terrible knowledge * exciting mixed-culture secret-keeper * finds opportunity in catastrophe * masquerade of esoteric empowerment * poses as a secretary [secret-keeper] of a powerful entity * risk-rewarding in-laws * irregular inheritance * boundary-breaching disclosure of concealed evidence * intrigue of camouflaged assets * stimulated by dangerous emergencies * disguised as a cuidado or shaman * social mobility via mirage of hidden empowerments


[Rahu in bhava-8] social mobility via catastrophic sudden changes.

Rahu-8 intakes drishti from

  • Budha-2
  • Surya-2
  • Mangala-2
  • Guru-4
  • Shani-11

MCW was a major financial backer of the Revolutionary army [8] led by her husband George Washington. On the way to the revolution, she suffered seemingly endless personal trauma via the deaths of her children and first husband.

[Collapsing unshackling Ketu]

kavandha-karaka [headless] -- chidra-karaka [gaping] -- vasana-karaka [vacuum]

[for Urisha indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Ketu's spacey sentences, vague instructions, disinterested discourse

[eccentric management of collected resources]

[may signal disregard for traditional pricing conventions]

[banking documents disburse stored accruals]

[typically disconnected from commercial family-of-origin]

[second marriage, if any, may be remote or oddly mentalized]

[wandering transactional second lifepartner]

[peculiar talkative scripted discourse ]

[incoherently communicative hand-gesture]

[ambivalent interpretation of family heritage values]

[may find airy food-and-drink to be distasteful]

[passively fixated on ambitious revolutionary inspirational, expediently doctrinal Rahu-Dhanus-8 philosophical healers, believing explorers, optimistic transformers]

... ... ...

[visionary-contemplative Arudra-4] [navamsha Ketu-Meena]




  • [Ketu-Mithuna] dissociates from conversation * incomplete messages * explains the ineffable * empty instructions * absent from discussion * martyr to commerce * wandering mentality * fragmented signals * not limited by conventional talk * dialog of liberation * ignores normal business * forgives the sibling-cohort * incoherent scripts * releases a plant-green cloud of explanatory gestures into the misty abyss

  • [Ketu in classroom-2] surrenders preserved values * eccentric voice * odd face * disperses family affluence * disregards conventional limits on sound-music-language * disinterested in genetic lineage * surrenders the hoard * odd food * peculiar precious goods * abdicates banker-conserver-collector roles * dissolves libraries * devalues treasuries * unless other graha in 2, may prefer to live free from historic traditions

  • [Ketu-yuti-Surya] uncertain * abandons entitlements * sparkling empty drama * wavering confidence * proudly aloof father * apathetic politics * intellectual disengagement * dispersed vision * avoids power-games* unfulfilled creative genius * half-hearted gambling * charmingly incoherent entertainments * brightly wandering intelligence * liberation via surrendered egocentricity

  • [Ketu-yuti-Kuja] restless * surrendered championship * abandons fighting * inconsistent actions * disconnected brethren * odd innovations * unsustainable domination * apathetic competitions * peculiar disability * unfulfilled quest * pushes toward impermanence * incomplete births * liberation via vigorous movement

  • [Ketu-yuti-Budha] miscalculations * incoherent references * empty talk * unsustainable explanations * irrational statements * chats about non-existent events * spacey sibling-cohort * apathetic evangelism * incomplete details * witty misnomers * vacuous plans * unfulfilled deliveries * illogical messaging * liberation via mental surrender * for commercial nativities, may dissolve the cooperative team


Health issues with pneumonia

[a disease of grief] due to the Mithuna cluster containing Ketu

Martha Custis Washington was a remarkabl exception to the limitations usually upheld by businesswomen of her day. Martha communicated directly with the tobacco brokers who set the prices for her slave-plantation crops to be sold in England. She represented her own business in buy-sell transactions [Mithuna] .

Martha also played a leading role in arranging the finances [2] which made it possible to wage the USA Revolutionary War against the English Crown.

Through her eccentric financial dealings with a-political capitalists [2] who were only interested in a rate of return with no moral constraints, martha was able to obtain English funding to buy weapons and supplies for the USA war against England.

Rahu-ruled [fantasizing-charitable Arudra-4] + [Ketu-yuti-Surya + [Ketu-yuti-Kuja + [Ketu-yuti-Budha]


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