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Rashi Lagna

Friendship Networks

  1. [Mesha - Aja]
  2. [Vrishabha - Urisha]
  3. [Mithuna-Dvamdva]
  4. Karkata - Kadaga
  5. [Simha - Leya]
  6. [Kanya - Parthya]
  7. [Tula - Vanika]
  8. [Vṛścika - Thriketta]
  9. [Dhanus - Haya]
  10. [Makara - Draco]
  11. [Kumbha - Ghata]
  12. [Meena - Antya]


OM shum shukraya namah

OM dram drim draum sah shukraya namah

OM vasudevaya namah

OM gopalaya uttara dvajaya namaha

12 Bhava

counted from

Urisha indriya-lagna

applies also to bhava-effects counted from


the 12 houses counted from Taurus ascendant

ancient breed of Cadzow Cattle from Scotland


Mithila painting - by Sudha Kumar - Madhubani, bihar, India

displayed at the Philadelphia Museum of Art

Bhava-1- Appearances - Urisha = Taurus

Bhava 1 = Appearances, physical Foram

= competition for social validation. In order to win the competition a person needs to be born with a healthy, vital, well-coordinated combination of physical behaviors and social traits.

lagnesha-1 +rogesha-6 Shukra

bhava-1 signifies personal competition for social validation through a winning combination of physical behaviors and traits.

The Urisha-lagna nativity seeks to develop the physical identity through association with precious natural resources, wealth and luxury, arts and music, fine foods and furnishings. Personally identified with history, accumulated financial and artistic values, exquisite oils and textiles, and traditional lore. One prefers an aesthetic approach to life.

  • Vrishabha natives are generally artistic, beauty-loving folk who have a great love for animals and medicine (due to Shukra also lord of 6) along with a certain affiliation to servants and the working class (6).

Because Shukra = rogesha-6 for health, Vrishabha natives fight a lifelong battle with sugars (possibly in the form of alcohol).

  • The mineral-body appearance is governed partially by Shukra, which favors a pastel-white-diamond-variegated complexion. Within the native 's gene pool, there is a notable tendency for the appearance to favor lighter pigmentation and attractively balanced [Shukra] features.

Urisha-born strive to maintain a competitively attractive personality and physical appearance.

They like treasury and sensual pleasure.

  • If Shukra occupies 2, 5, 9 or 11, these natives often bank considerable hoards of valued items.

Physical appearance depends on the condition of D-1/D-9 Shukra.

QUOTATION from Das /Behari

" Taurus in the Ascendant bestows a pleasing face, small thick neck, plump thighs, broad shoulders and a well-built muscular body.

Amiable by temperament, artistic in nature, libidinous in character, you can be categorized as essentially materialistic.

Fond of luxury, favoring romance but tending to cultivate bad company.

Self-respecting and happy, mostly in the middle and latter portions of life.

Saturn, though He owns the 9th and 10th, produces a Yoga which is hard to collect on.

  • It's a Yoga, but a difficult one to fully realize depending on placement of Saturn in the chart.

Venus ruled periods should be good for money.

Mars ruled periods produce financial prosperity;

Jupiter periods are mixed.

You like to win, will have the tendency of gathering wealth right from youth,

will have broad and strong forehead, naose, cheeks and lips,

be industrious, fortunate, devoted to parents, liberal,

will have many expenses, be very short tempered, be phlegmatic and windy in humor, be the father of (many) daughters, ]

  • will insult your own people,
  • be less religious,
  • be interested in affairs for romance,
  • fickle-minded,

be fond of food and drinks

and be endowed with various kinds of clothes and ornaments."

Mithuna = Gemini = Bhava- 2 - Values

Budha: Mental Tasking governs a svabhava- of Shukra.

For Urisha indriya-lagna, presuming that Budha is fairly well disposed, periods of dhanapati-2+vidya-pati-5 Budha generate considerable wealth through family-of-origin hoarded assets and knowledge-values, as well as via creative genius, including children, speculation, theatre, romantic idealism, and games.

Graha in Bhava-2 expression prize * price * appreciation * preciousness or changes to the appreciativeness of the family (2) toward the native. The type of appreciation is determined by the character of the graha.

[Surya in bhava-2]

the family is charismatic, political, and theatrical with characteristically bright faces. Their ability to appreciate the native depends upon the treasury that one brings into the family coffers. Father may be primarily concerned with maintaining the capitalization of the lineage. Father may be involved in banking, archives, storage, collections, conservation, value, lineage knowledge, animal breeding, historical records. Father is often the center of the lineage.

Surya occupies Mithuna * ruler of 4 resides in 2

[Chandra in bhava-2]

the family is sensitive and routinized in their style of showing appreciation to the native.

Mother may be primarily concerned with maintaining the financial well being of the lineage. She can be involved with banking, archives, storage, collections, conservation, value, genetic breeding, lineage knowledge, historical records. Mother is often the center of the lineage with pale, moonglow faces.


Moon in bhava-2 occupies 12th-from-svakshetra, which tends to privatize the speech. Suggests a family lineage that is deeply identified with the Old Ways (Soma) but feeling a need to incorporate conversational variety into the values of the traditional folkways.

Soma seeks emotional stability and security via engagement with banking, conservation, record-keeping, libraries, collections, speeches, songs, along with treasuries of historical knowledge. Chandra seeks the comfort of a daily rhythm, and the most comfortable pattern for Chandra-2-Mithuna is Typically, aconstant chatter with the family members (2) regarding matters of treasury, herds-and-hoards, collections, containment, storage.


comforted by messaging * settled into rhythmic communications * needs mentality * ruler of 3 resides in 2

Seva for Chandra-Mithuna in bhava-2

  • During any period of Lord Chandra, the appropriate beneficiaries of Seva are Mothers and Children in family units. Therefore, offerings of aid, both personal time and financial support, are most effective when one is engaged with improving the welfare of Mothers (including grandmothers).

    Because your Chandra occupies Mithuna, aspecial quality of effective Seva is commercial and handcraft skills. Provision of practical training in hand-made goods, factory management, and other business abilities will be a particular value.

    Seva is not mindless charity but rather it works to promote the native spiritually when it is mindful. Choose beneficiaries who remind you of your own mother and grandmother, and serve them with the same respect that you would normally offer to the mothers in your family. Whether young or old, the mothers will have need of manual skills and basic business accounting to help them success in supporting their families.

[Mangala in bhava-2]

he family is competitive and outspoken in their style of showing appreciation to the native. . Brothers are dominating and vigorous. Often an athletic or warrior lineage. The native and the brothers are concerned with financial well-being, which is typically present at birth and dynamically pursued by the native.

[Mangala-Mithuna] * ruler of 7-12 resides in 2

[Budha in bhava-2]

the family is communicative and gesturing in their style of showing appreciation to the native. . Younger siblings of either gender may be managers of the financial well being of the lineage. Siblings and cohort-members can be involved with banking, archives, storage, collections, conservation, value, animal breeding, lineage knowledge, historical records. Siblings are often active in the center of the lineage.

[Budha-Mithuna] * ruler of 2-5 resides in 2 * dhanayoga

[Guru in bhava-2]

the family is expansive and inclusive in their style of showing appreciation to the native. . In the nativity of a wife, her husband (dhava-karaka Guru) is a curator of the marriage finances. In a husbandly nativity, the finances are influence by the paradigm of belief. One's own knowledge of values and history is expanded by the presence of teacher-preachers in the family lineage. Sacred doctrine may play a central role in the family tradition.

[Guru-Mithuna] * ruler of 8-11 resides in 2 * Significant dhanayoga

[Shukra in bhava-2]

the family is balanced, aesthetic, and aligned to financial well-being in their style of showing appreciation to the native. . For a husbandly nativity, shukra indicates the wife. For either husband or wife, shukra indicates sister, sisters-in-law, aunts, and feminine associatesare lovers of luxury and beautiful in a mysterious way. The native often has a seductively attractive voice. The sisterly-ones are concerned with financial well-being, which is typically present at birth and improved by the contractual, agreement-making abilities of the women and the native.

Shukra-Mithuna * ruler of 1-6 resides in 2


[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Urisha indriya-lagna] [inimical-imbalanced rogesha for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[preserves gracious conversational diplomacy] kept, remembered, voiced, historical arrangements

[2, capital assets, historical knowledge]

  • Holy Science 1855-1936 Shri Yukteswara Giri [arranging-brokering Mriga-3]

Shani in bhava-2

the family is delayed or stalled in their style of showing appreciation to the native. , but in time the necessary information will arrive. Shani is comfortable in Mithuna. He casts drishti into 4-8-11 bringing a degree of restraint into the childhood home, imposing conformity in the foundational education, delaying the inheritance, and slowing economic gains until maturity is reached. The treasury is considerable but slowed acquisition.

The family carries a weight of perceptual limitation due to materialism, preventing it from fully appreciating its own lineage. Agents of the government, officers of the social order, the elderly, hierarchs, and other Shani-figures may limit and restrain the family's acquisitions. Shani produces heavy restraint and social obligations upon the lineage, constraining but not denying wealth acquired via communications, publications, and administration of commerce.

[Shani-Mithuna] * ruler of 9-10 resides in 2

  • Pucci Prints 1914-1992 fashion Emilio Pucci [ideological-optimistic Arudra-1]

  • Basic Instinct 1944- drama-commerce Michael Douglas [philanthropic-visionary Arudra-4]

Rahu in bhava-2

the family is ambitious and seeking social mobility in their style of showing appreciation to the native. . Often the lineage is irregular in some fashion; most Typically, an imposter from another line is claiming legitimacy in the family line (usually a case of disguised parentage. Rahu's angle from Chandra will reveal this impostor.).

Rahu-2 Mithuna is a fast talker, and He prefers to talk about values, finances, or aesthetics (although He will discuss anything which is instrumental to His social mobility). He craves expedient obtainment of the privileges accorded to the class of business managers, scribes, reporters, announcers, and information vendors. May an obsessive collector of information.

If the family finds it expedient to promote and appreciate the native, this may occur. Yet, if the family finds it expedient to disgrace the native, this may also occur. Find Rahu's ruler, and evaluate other graha in 2, to determine which path is most instrumental for mentally volatile Rahu.

Lineage features individual or family over-reaching [Rahu] via commercial business, communications media, instruction, description, explanation, or conversation.


[Ketu in Bhava-2]

the family is dispersed and disregarding in their style of showing appreciation to the native. . The family's lineage wealth may dissipate over the period of one's lifetime. Second marriage is rare with Ketu-2, and if it occurs the spouse is eccentrically detached from oneself. Find Ketu's ruler Budha, and evaluate other graha in bhava-2, to determine which outcomes are likeliest.




Karkata = Cancer = Sahaja Bhava- 3- Mental Process

Chandra -Moon: the Whole Mind governs a svabhava- of Budha

bhratru-pati-3 Chandra

Sympathetic, nourishing, sheltering Chandra activates bhava-3; therefore, Vrishabha is fundamentally cohort oriented and loyal to the sibling group.

Finds security and stability in the corporate department, committee, sports team, work-group, entourage, ensemble performance. Sympathetically emotional style of small-group management.

Attached to collaboration, tool use, manual skills, the production of documents, writing reports, attendance at meetings, business travel, and daily administration.

May defend and protect [Chandra] any sibling, cousin, teammate, or member of the cohort, even a fellow who has harmed others. If Chandra is afflicted, emotionally based communication or manual handling issues may arise.

Here find protection teams, such as a police protective detail for an important person, or the loyal group of defenders called the "household guard" of ancestral times.

Mental Habits, business Administration, conversations, memoranda, teamwork

  • bhava-3 rules "busy-ness " (business).

  • Naturally, whichever bhava is ruled by Chandra the Lord of tides and flows will fluctuate.

  • Under Chandra's lordship, the native 's approach to the repeating habits of daily life will fluctuate.

  • The Urisha-lagna nativity is soothing and empathetic one moment, distracted and inaccessible the next.

  • one's mental habits and manual craftiness will experience ebb and flow cycles throughout life.

  • It is easier if the collaborative-communicative work team or corporate department is composed mainly of women; or those who have good feelings toward women.


  • If Chandra is well-disposed, Vrishabha natives may enjoy extraordinary psycho-emotional intuition regarding the hands.

  • Often one is a gifted palm-reader, massage therapist, or hands-on healer such as a physician, cosmetician, hair-stylist, or dentist.

Mental health vacillates.

  • Mind is overactive. Depending on Chandra and occupying graha in Bhava--3, the thinking process may be brilliant or berserk, tyrannical or tame. In general the native will face mental challenges related to learning-challenge with studies, inability to concentrate, and resistance to complex or profound subjects of thought.

  • However, the Urisha-lagna nativity can learn well through intuitive channels , and via any methods which involve rhythmic repetition [Chandra] such as ritual chanting or dance.

Talking about Feelings

  • Urisha indriya-lagna derives emotional satisfaction and a sense of belonging from the act of talking.

  • May enter into debates and planning sessions with an emotionally charged motive.

  • Often one feels a need to get emotional nurturing attention through repetitive argument ;

    such a pattern does not seek to"win" the debate but rather to create emotional validation through cyclical repetition of familiar (if negative) feelings


  • Urisha indriya-lagna natives are often born to mothers with an Actively mentalized lifestyle, particularly the"wearing many hats " mentality required in self-owned business .

  • Mother might be a businesswoman involved in sales, marketing, advertising, all dimensions of commercial administration. Includes every variety of spoken and written communications, such as media producer, teacher-trainer, writer, publisher, or travel planner.

If Chandra and Budha = shad-ashtaka 6-8 challenge-angle or both graha are otherwise ill-disposed, there may be significant mental health concerns for the mother.

Chandra is a highly sensitive, emotional, bonding, rooting, soothing talker. Soma seeks emotional stability and security via conferences and conversations, daily exchange of information with neighbors and co-workers, apleasant and emotionally sensitive business environment, and continuous communications with sibling and extended family.

Das comments on Rahu-Karkata for the Urisha indriya-lagna

" There is no family support,

but you obtain a powerful status in society nevertheless.

  • You are more feared than respected."

Simha = Leo = Bhava- 4

Surya -Sun: the Soul-Self governs a svabhava- of Chandra.

Home, family, security

  • politician of security

  • parents are prideful;

  • may suffer from parenting ego

  • takes a patronizing role at home.

  • prefers a showcase home with

  • demands a central role

  • can be bossy in the home

  • the home should radiate the native 's personality and tastes in egoic-mind expressive detail

bandesha-4 Surya

  • one's own sense of place is connected with celebrity personalities, in politics, arts, and entertainment

  • ideally home = a brightly lit mountaintop, either socially or geographically

  • needs a red-colored or brightly lit home property

Urisha = egoic-mind identified with caretaking and sheltering activities, home and family

Depending on Surya's condition, may use the home as a base for political action, as a theatrical setting for development of Self.

If Surya supports it, can be an excellent teacher of folkways. More prone in practice to use the role of Parent or Grandparent as the major teaching vehicle.

One possesses a regal confidence in approach to matters of patriotic defense, property ownership-stewardship and management, stewardship of the land, local folkways customs and established cultural norms, foundational schooling, licensing and examinations.

Centrality Entitlement Ego

The ideal parenting style = Chandra = compassionate, tolerant of growth cycles, naurturing, gentle.

  • If Surya the brilliant and confident karaka of Truth should become compromised by unfortunate association, one may develop a self-righteous (Ravi) style of parenting that is self-reflexive, intolerant, and politicized rather than compassionate.

  • If such a disability develops, it may manifest in a home culture of exaggerated parental honor, in which the only acceptable behavior of children and family members is that which directs praise and applause upon the parenting native. Children's creativity may be stifled by an attention-hungry parent who wishes the public to see an Ideal Home.

Sample placements

  • Surya (fortunate) = much stability and pride in the home + vehicles, including cars, boats, and airplanes. The native is often happy in the role = big fish in a small pond = a sort of local celebrity .

  • Shani (unfortunate) the urge toward political engagement in one's local setting is soured by parochialism and defensive negativity. Narrow-minded and vulgar politics in the homeland.

Surya-Simbha-4 Bandhesha-4 in 4 = Surya in svakshetra = a radiant placement for real-estate, building construction, land-ownership, pathways of transportation, foundational schooling, border policing, agriculture, fishing, and all of the customary activities of a settled people upon their land.

Surya-Simha-4 adds a political, dramatic dimension to the 4th-bhava rhythms. As the natural center of attention, one radiates the bright light of charismatic intelligence within the parochial realm.

Kanya = Virgo = Bhava- 5

Budha mental Tasking governs a svabhava- of Surya.

Romance, creativity, children, performance Art, authorship, Genius

  • theatre of logical argument, categorical organization of information

  • performance art of servitude, exploitation, imbalance-seeking-a-remedy, grievance

dhanapati-2+vidya-pati-5 Budha

Dynamic self-expression and divine intelligence find a wellspring of energy for medicine, police work, social work, and other human service ministries.

The Urisha-lagna nativity is a natural servant of humanity.

If Budha is strong, an extraordinary intelligence may leads to celebrity recognition for the genius of one's service to the working classes.

Loves children, especially sick children and ill geniuses, and egoic-mind identifies deeply one's divine inspiration to serve them.

On the negative side, the Urisha-lagna nativity may seem to act like a petulant child due to a chronically self-centered (5) repetitive argumentation [Kanya] that one dramatizes in a sort of adolescent performance art. Vrishabha can tend to repeat a litany of chronic complaints in the workplace [Kanya]; and to brush off one's own patterns of misappropriation, misrepresentation, and theft with regal disregard.

There is a tendency toward taking illicit privilege while maintaining a compelling internal argument which justifies the decision.

For Urisha indriya-lagna, presuming that Budha is fairly well disposed, periods of dhanapati-2+vidya-pati-5 Budha generate considerable wealth through family-of-origin hoarded assets and knowledge-values, as well as via creative genius, including children, speculation, theatre, romantic idealism, and games.

Tula = Libra = Bhava- 6

Lagnesha Shukra governs a svabhava- of Budha.

lagnesha-1 +rogesha-6 Shukra

Health can be compromised by sweet indulgences. Loves socializing around food, alcohol, and in beautiful company. Always seeking a balanced resolution to conflict. Can enter where angels fear to tread, believing that he has the solution.

Depending on condition of Shukra, one will tend to be well-liked and respected for sincerity if not for having workable solutions.

The Urisha-lagna nativity gets intoeniorments which required negotiation of polarizing catalysis during periods of the rogesha just like everyone else, but one's natural desire to provide everyone with access to beauty and truth is the get out of jail free card.

Unless Shukra is ill-disposed, one will through sweet words and sensual indulgence avoid serious conflict most of the time.

Conflict-ridden Bhava--6 is often a good environment for The Urisha-lagna nativity , iF they choose to professionalize it with medicine, teaching, or law careers.

That is because Shani is a [Yogakaraka] for Vrishabha and Shukra-Shani are super-good friends.

Many of the best physicians in social justice [Tula] settings like public health clinics and social work environments have the Urisha indriya-lagna with a strong Shani (work) -Shukra (wealth) combination.

Surya-Vanika located in bhava-6 Bandesha-4 occupies service-bhava-6 . Surya in 3rd from svabhava. It is a radiant placement for business which involves medicine, litigation, military, or any ministry of service.

However, [nīcha] Surya is uncomfortable Tula, the diplomatic rashi of His enemy Shukra. Surya prefers to apply His own autocratic beliefs and judgments without feeling restrained by Shukra's diplomatic concern for the interests of others

Therefore, you are generally successful but live in a constant state of frustration as your own convictions are not always shared by your workmates in the place of employment (6). There is special contentiousness often regarding the best methods for balancing and creating equality.

Vṛścika = Scorpionis = Bhava- 7

Kujagoverns a svabhava- of Shukra

yuvati-pati-7 +ruler-of-12 Kuja

Marriage = sexualized and competitive, with a powerful fleshly sensuality. Unless Kuja is dignified, conflict emerges in the marriage. Vrishabha tends to marry the competitor, aprofessional equal, rather than seek traditional public-private compatibility. Wants mystery, control, and exploration in the marital scene.

Marriage is perceived as a deeply confidential, almost secret relationship between the two partners [Vṛścika].

  • Contracts, agreements, legal discussions, all types of advising are vigorously, actively pursued from the basis of the native 's intent to gain control. Divorce is common due to anger, unless Kuja is tamed; but the partners may remain sexually involved even after divorce.

  • Spouse is a healer: manipulative, secretive, ambitious, vigorous, insightful, and likes to win. Sexual and psychological intimacy is easy to achieve, but the struggle for control between the two partners may be monumental.

~~ Bhrigu Sutram Sarga-34 Shloka-11

" If Aries, scorpionis be descending, or Mars' Navamsha be descending,

the woman will get a husband, angry but devoted to her."

BPHS Sarga-80, shloka-2 2-2

" If at woman's birth, the 7th bhava or the setting Navamsha be that of Mars,

the husband will be fond of other women and will be of an irascible temper."

Dhanushya8yantra.png Bhava- 8 - Dhanus = Sagittarius

[Generous Growing Guru] governs a svabhava- of friend Kujar.

Sudden, forced changes; catastrophic upheavals; recovery of suppressed memories, sudden upheaval, Joint assets of marriage, secret matters' in-laws, therapeutics, healing, taboos, taxes, tantra

randhresha-8 + Vriddhi-pati-11 Guru

Joint assets of marriage are generously shared. Spouse contributes wealth, well and cheerfully, unless the teachings of Professor Guru are subject to prolonged repetition of the key structural elements of the learning pathway (which are in reality multiple opportunities for accepting of gifts of understanding) Usually, via constrictive drishti.

Spouse hails from a religious, optimistic, successful family of equal or higher social standing than the native . Spouse has a liberal, distributive outlook.

Deep healing is easy to access. All forms of therapeutic touch and talk are available; Guru will show the level of permission to access healing modalities.

Wealth from hidden sources.

Moon in bhava-8 for Urisha indriya-lagna nativity

Sahajapathi-3 Chandra is a messenger and a salesperson.

Soma occupies 8th while ruling 8th-from-8th. This is a tantric placement specializing in hidden assets and confidential relationships.

Soma seeks emotional stability and security via engagement with crisis and upheaval, trauma and mystery. Although Chandra seeks the comfort of a daily rhythm, the emotional nature is oriented to the excitements of sudden and unexpected events. One craves identity-change and tends to feel restless.

During Chandra bhukti , basic mercantile skills (3) and administrative training (3) are enhanced. You are a capable businessperson, but the management skills may be focused upon undisclosed matters because Chandra resides in bhava-8 secrets.

Bhava- 9 - Makara - Draco = Capricorn

[Shani] governs a svabhava of neutral Gurur.

Principles of Philosophical understanding;

the Temple;

High-Priesthood; pontiff, proselyte

Guru; Professor; University;

Wisdom Wit Knowings;

Father-figure; Pitri, patrons, patronage;

doctrinal instruction and paradigm of belief

human perception of Divine Law

  • Temples of wisdom,

  • preachers, pontiffs, and professors,

  • father-figures, dogma and doctrine,

  • children and grandchildren

  • mountaintop celebration of Divine Light

Dharmesha-9 + karmesha-10 Shani

The inspiration and consolation of Religion is not easily accessible. Native tends toward a positivistic, materialistic worldview. Sees religious authority and priestly ritual with a skeptical, common-sense eye.

Although deprived of access to and respect for ancient spiritual traditions, the native can when Shani is exceptionally strong with nodal influence, set himself up as his own priest. Typically he seeks authority to transmit an structural materialistic viewpoint as a cure for religious excess.

Bhava- 10 - Kumbha = Aquarius

[Yogakaraka] Shani governs a svabhava- of Shanir.

leadership responsibilities, orderly and hierarchical environments, public respect and regard from below

Bhava- 10 - Kumbha [= Professional Success depends on Shani

Dharmesha-9 + karmesha-10 Shani

  • Hard working and respectful of the hierarchy in his chosen profession.

  • Will follow the rules laid down by his predecessors for gaining the social credentials necessary to access high prestige. Then, works hard, and consistently, to achieve one's social goals.

  • Although graha in and drishti to Bhava--10 make a critical difference in determining the outcome of career, Urisha indriya-lagna is advantageous.

  • If the native also benefits from a Shani drishti to karma-bhava, one will be admirably steady in one's work, and praised for one's disciplined determination.

  • Ideally Shani will be angular and receive friendly drishti. Yet Shani = yogakaraka for the Urisha indriya-lagna and Shani a good friend of lagnesha Shukra. Even a poorly placed Shani may contribute modesty and a self-regulating, institutionally loyal attitude in leadership roles.

    Professional reputation flourishes in specialties of institutional and bureaucratic functions. Vrishabha enjoys business administration (3) when they have an adequately sensitive work-group (Karkata, 3) to support their need for caretaking, sheltering, and nurturing behaviors in the commercial environment.

    Shani being dharmesha-9 +karmesha-10 , matters related to higher educational credentialing as well as father-figures or male authorities (9) and the regulation of large, often global, organizations (10) will constitute their heaviest professional and personal burden.

Bhava- 10 - Kumbha = Shani = possible delay in highest education

Often The Urisha-lagna nativity lacks the highest university (9) credential in their professional field but feels a conservative resistance to achieving that ultimate diploma which would give them full respect.

The resistance is generally based on one's perceived obligation to fulfill their present duties (Shani, makara) so that there is no Time [Shani] for higher education.

  • For example in medicine, the hard-working and medically capable native may hold the R.N. Or P.A. credentials but resist obtaining their M.D., and remain negatively patronized (9) by M.D.'s with higher rank.

  • An enlisted military man might never apply to officer school; regardless of his strategic and tactical planning capabilities he will be always need to work harder than others [Shani] to obtain respect.

  • The clerical accountant who needs an M.B.A. To advance into corporate leadership might never find the time to earn a higher diploma, thus remaining under-recognized in her corporate hierarchy.

Bhava- 10 - Kumbha = Management roles

Vṛścika enjoys managing transactions (3) that contain regulatory policies and bureaucratic information [Makara] and collaborating on teams with people who possess rank and social position (Makara, 3).

of course, much depends upon the lord of the 10th navamsha as well as any graha occupying Bhava-10 or 10th-from-10th = Bhava-7.

Bhava- 11 - Meena = Pisces

[Generous Growing Guru] governs a svabhava of Shanir.

bridge between the astral plane and the material plane. Dreams, imagination, conceptual thought, theory, first principles, research, interior guidance, hallucination, bedroom, privacy, meditation, out-of-body experiences, beings without bodies, ancestors, intuition, feet

randhresha-8 +Vriddhi-pati-11 Guru

Guru confers a natural advantage for earnings and mobility in the marketplace. The elder sibling is generally helpful, and mentors appear along the path to help the native expand his circle of associations.

If Brihaspati is comfortably placed, income is generous and many pleasant, optimistic friends support the native 's life endeavors.

Seeks the company of (11) dreamers [Meena], meditators, psychic intuitives, those associated with ashrams and retreat centers, the lost and wandering; those who serve in hospitals, prisons, or camps; reflexologists or those who work with the feet.

If a meditation Sangha is available, and Guru is reasonably well disposed, the Urisha-lagna nativity will certainly join it. Vrishabha also befriends the lost, the sleepy, foreigners, and those who communicate with the ancestors.

General Effect on Friendship Networks

Guru as Vriddhi-pati-11 favors friendships with teachers, both secular and religious. Happily, the native counts many religious persons, philosophers and priests within one's social network

if rogesha-6 in 11:

Presence of rogesha-6 Shukra in 11 can indicate one who becomes friendly with lawyers or who has wealthy but self-indulgent friends.

Bhava- 12 - Mesha = Aries

Kujagoverns svabhava of friendly Gurur.

  • who arrives First

  • birth, blood,

  • fleshly appearance,

  • competition, the hunt, hero,

  • athlete, naoble

  • innovation,

  • internal combustion engines, fire,

  • the hot and the new

yuvati-pati-7 +ruler-of-12 Kuja

The meditation and inner sanctuary Bhava- is disrupted by Kuja's vigorous physical energy.

Unless Kuja is dignified, performance of sitting meditation in this athletically active rashi may be out of the question. Energized discussions on cosmic matters and many forms of hunting, including hunting of spirits and insights, are favored under Urisha indriya-lagna.

Enemies of the marriage, always indicated by the ruler-of-12 and graha within vyaya bhava, tend to be masculine or competitive, sporting personalities with a strong entitlement toward sexual pursuit.

Beneficial for active work in sanctuary spaces such as think-tanks, hospitals, ashrams, private elite conferences, other activities shrouded from public view.

Propensity toward extramarital engagement, but as always this depends on Kuja's role and any graha inhabiting or sending drishti to Bhava--12, as well as Kuja's disposition in D-9.


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