OM graam greem graum sah gurve namah OM jhram jhreem jroum sah gurave namah OM Hrim Shrim Krim Dharani Dharaya Namah OM srideva krushnaya oorthishitaya namaha Navagraha adhipati Summary of Nine Graha Rulership Portfolio withremedial ratna general recommendation for Mesha nativities measured from lagna = ligne = line of Dhanus * Dhanus Taukshika Sagittarius friendly and unfriendly bhava-activating rulerships |
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Professor [Sparkling Splendid Surya] = rules Dharmabhava-9 Dhanus-born normally presents a great intelligence matched with potentially great pride in one's theoretical, doctrinal, or philosophical wisdom. One's portfolio of world travel; one's membership in some priesthood of higher learning. Particularly when Mūla nakshatra rises within Dhanus, the Taukshika-born may develop into extraordinary figures who have the power to disregard [Ketu] existing doctrine [Dhanus]
sacred doctrine For the Dhanus nativity, ravi controls the all-good dharma bhava , site of priestly discourse, doctrine, and philosophical discussion. Simha = Ravi's mūlatrikoṇa rashi = = identical to Dhanus's dharmasthāna. Surya = usually exhibits as affinity for public religion, although in a predictably orthodox fashion which is more oriented to charismatic, entertaining and self-reflexive [Surya] expressions of public piety and less to the quiet, invisible realm of private prayer.
Special capability for fire-* worth-ship * worship and ancient rituals of the agnihoma. Surya = karaka for charisma, glamour, brilliance, ego, soul, and Divine Intelligence. If Surya is very well disposed, may produce a magnificent preacher or priest, or a brilliant theologian or professor of religious studies. Father * Surya = pitri-karaka Dhanus indriya-agna often indicates a benevolent father. Yet Dhanus indriya-lagna may provide a growth-challenge in regard to the mother, since Karkata = randhasthāna-8. Father is related to matters of bhava-9 including "divine right" entitlements of royalty (9 =5th-from-5th) teaching-preaching, proselytizing, promulgation of doctrine, international humanism, theory, first principles, theology, philosophy, divinity, aristocratic patronage of charitable causes, and public provision of spiritual guidance from the gods. The father is often a university professor or theorist with international humanistic appeal. The father = philosophical, although strong-willed; and confident, although possibly rather egoistic due to karako bhavo nashto. Father may be a religious guidance figure in one's birth community. The flesh-father may pale in importance to the spiritual director such as the guru or high-priest; indeed Dhanus may consider the spiritual father to be the genuine father.
Because [Sparkling Splendid Surya] = Bright Light that receives public recognition, and Ravi = Dharmesha-9 for Dhanus indriya-lagna Dhanus = somewhat disposed toward to accept high-visibility roles and professional leadership responsibilities within universities, temples (9) and world traveling religious or philosophical groups (9) . Under auspice of a strong Surya, the Dhanus indriya-lagna may produce a celebrity in the fields of religion, philosophy, moral teachings, or international travel pursuits. Example environments include ritual priesthood, university professor, specialties of sacred literature and wisdom teaching, temple-based education, religious missionary, preacher, moral talks. Ravi = ruler-of-12 from 10th
Sacred Jewels for Surya * Manika * pure Ruby QUOTATION from d. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology . Ranjan Publications, New Delhi . p. 90 " For the Sagittarius (Dhanu) Ascendant
Ruby will give the same beneficial results to the Sagittarius natives as it gives in the case of Scorpio Ascendant. In addition it prolongs the life of the father of the native ." |
Professor [Comfortable Caretaking Chandra] rules randhrabhava-8 randhresha-8 [Dhanus - Haya] indriya-lagna always has a scripted curricular element in the Learning Pathway that involves sudden, shocking, or catastrophic change impacting the situation of the mother [Chandra] and the native's own emotional security. Chandra randhresha grants a particularly intuitive understanding and ability for matters of occult or undisclosed knowledge, hidden forces and secret relationships, and sudden change of circumstances or new identities often seen in healing and emergency intervention roles. Dhanus indriya-lagna may feel an emotionally need[Chandra] for security in regard to their occult knowledge. The potential for emotional chaos is higher than usual for Dhanus-born. Vimshottari Dasha periods of Chandra may tend to bring out the extremes of volatility, particularly if the indriya-lagna is Mula. There is a tangible emotional hunger to access to confidential information, and to be engaged in emergency response behaviors such as disaster-preparedness. They want to able to "go with the flow" when emergencies strike. They are comfortable when they have the ability to predict the rhythms of cyclical upheaval in all environments (physical, emotional, mental, financial, social, spiritual...) A foundational insight in the understanding of Dhanus nativities = the emotional needs of randhresha-8 Chandra. As randhresha, chandra instills an emotional need for hidden identity protected by of Soma's habitual, stabilizing behaviors. Wanting stable, grounded, and rooted experience, one feels secure when engaged in masked, occult activities which are emotionally drive by one's need for stability in times of upheaval. This content of the secret is known by only a few tantric companions - perhaps a reliable group of long time neighbors and family members who have practice emergency drills, have stored survival supplies et-cetera. Hidden relationships or hidden resources, which is to say those relationships that are only awakened when there is a bhava-8 type eruption of hidden forces, are required for emotional vitality. The content of the typical"emergence" of new life and new identity-within-old-containers is determined by Chandra's bhava, rashi, and incoming drishti, as well as the gradually cycling relationships between Chandra and the current Mahadasha-pati. For example,
Mahadasha of Chandra = Typically, aperiod of maximum reconstruction of the identity, including catastrophic and surgical changes. In a more domestic nativity, however,"identity change" may take the form of reliable and consistent healing role within the family home or in local community, such as schoolteaching, parenting, or policing. The transformative agency of randhresha-8 Soma does not have to be glamorous or high-titled; in fact, chandra prefers to move in the rhythm of the local environment. Psycho-emotional predisposition: Chandra activates bhava-8 Dhanus indriya-lagna has a psycho-emotional predisposition to expect that access to secret associations and confidential information will provide their security and protection . Chandra-8 feels happiest , albeit not always successful but indeed happiest, in mysterious roles that express healing behaviors. Roles such as psychotherapist, surgeon, psychic intuitive, money launderer, silent business partner, secret sexual partner, or as the holder of highly confidential information in secure positions such as executive secretary or military officer. Chandra's radix and navamsha rashi and any drishti to Chandra will show the native 's specific style of pursuing security and emotional fulfillment.
Typically, these natives expect to gain social and emotional stability by investing in hidden information and secret relationships. They often live two lives, one public and one private - and profit thereby. Despite their desire for secure protection, they are prone toward intrigue and may face a lifetime of sudden, unpredictable psycho-emotional upheavals including health crises. Both the native and one's mother may suffer mysterious, medically un-diagnosable illnesses which a psychic would know to have emotional causes. Mother The mother takes a hidden role, potentially in the fashion of an unpredictable or disruptive emotional force if Chandra is subject to unbalanced drishti. Yet when Chandra is moderated by other graha the style of secret influence may be power behind the throne. Depending upon Chandra's ruler, mom may be a predominantly veiled, disguised, or secretive figure. The highly fluctuating and impressionable Chandra regulates and empowers randhra bhava, the house of magical transformative healing, emergencies, and hidden or highly confidential information.
pattern of the feminine intuitive subconscious draining the energy from the masculine productive consciousness (Chandra always activates 12th from Surya's house) for Dhanus indriya-lagna, this pattern is often exacerbated within the family. Chandra becomes the mysterious randhresha-8 while Surya strives to preach wisdom as the Spiritually Guiding Dharmesha-9 . Dhanus men may have extra polarizing catalysis with women who may seem to drain their vital, worshipful, self-righteous life force (9). Chandra-1 A special situation which can occur for Dhanus nativities when randresha Chandra-Dhanus occupies bhava-1. The pattern of reiterative rhythm of upheaval is emotionally intensifies and one may feel [Chandra] intensely propelled by revolutionary-evolutionary forces to seek security via sudden transformation of the personality. The ruler of 8 in 1, chandra-in-8, or ruler of the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra located in 1, can all produce what in modern parlance is called the Crisis Junkie. This sort of need for speed transformational self-reinvention pattern is Chandra-influenced hormonal at its basis, but when Chandra intermingles with other graha there are social triggers too. |
Sacred Jewels for Chandra - Mukta (moti, pure natural Pearl) quotation from ~~ d. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology . Ranjan Publications, New Delhi .. p. 94 " For the Sagittarius Ascendant, Moon is the lord of the 8th. Persons with this ascendant should avoid wearing a Pearl unless Moon is in his own sign in 8th .
Professor Kuja vidya-pati-5 + ruler-of-12 5-celebrity, dramatics, center-stage roles, creativity, intelligence, romance, speculative finance, theatre, ,children, politics, entitlement, prizes Vital and competitive Kuja controls children, performance arts, politics, brilliant acts of genius, as well as long-term foreign residence, meditation and prayer, contemplative arts, and dissolution of the physical identity. |
Sacred Jewels * Kuja-ratna * moonga QUOTATION from d. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology . Ranjan Publications, New Delhi . p. 98 " For the Sagittarius Ascendant,
Professor Budha yuvati-pati-7 ++ karmesha -10 partnerships and social rank
Budha wants to think-about and talk-about , instruct, explain, classify, discriminate, analyze, articulate, and announce WRT matters of bhava-7 and bhava-10 = partnering and social rank Relationships and contracts unions, weights and measures, balancing, values, interactions, mutual interests, agreements, accords, negotiations, bargains, marriage, partnership, diplomacy, bartering, match-making, pairs Professional or social dignity
Conversational and sexually curious Budha suffers from kendra-adhi-pati doshar. Badhesha Dhanus indriya-lagna = Budha
Sacred Jewels for Dhanus indriya-lagna QUOTATION from ~~ Dr. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology Ranjan Publications, New Delhi . p. 101 " Mercury is the lord the 7th and 10th.
Still if Mercury is in the Ascendant, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th (in his own sign) 9th, 10th, (in his own sign) and 11th;
If as a result Mercury (as planetary patron of the 10th) being disposed in the 6th, 8th or the 12th, the native suffers set backs in his profession.
If as ruler of 7th Mercury is not well placed ,
For women, Yellow Sapphire will prove very effective as Jupiter is Karaka for husband in a woman's birth chart." |
Professor Guru lagnesha-1 + bandesha-4 Wise and expansive Guru defines The earthen body level of social personality identity, and personality integrity, as well as the native 's approach toward matters of education and property ownership-stewardship . A natural humanistic educatorr. Vimshottari Dasha of Brihaspati Depending on characteristics of Brihaspati according to yuti-graha, rashi, drishti. and bhava, Guru Mahadasha for the Dhanus indriya-lagna may be a period of great vitality along with abundant expansion of home and hearth. Graha generally give somewhat strong results for the rashi of their mulatrikona. Due to Guru's mūlatrikoṇa being Mula Nakshatra within Dhanus, for the Dhanus-born, the overall effects of Dhanus kalpa-bhava-1 are generally somewhat stronger than the effects of Meena-bandhusthāna-4. For lagnesha-bandhesha Brihaspati, during the 16-year Guru mahadasha, there may occur a steady stream of individuality-confirming, appearance-enhancing activities and events may accompany a great abundance in matters of home-culture, folkways, property ownership-stewardship , schooling, fishing-and-farming, and vehicles . Guru Mahadasha is generally a very comfortable, healthy and happy period of time although overexpansion of the physique may be noted. |
quoted from ~~ d. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology Ranjan Publications, New Delhi . p. 108 " For the Sagittarius Ascendant
If Yellow Sapphire is worn along with Ruby, the gem stone of Sun, the lord of the 9th (Bhagya) house, the results will be more beneficial." |
![]() Sheik Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi |
Professor sweet-seeking Shukra rogesha-6 + vriddhi-pati-11 For Dhanus-born, labha-pati and rogesha Shukra combines a generally problematic influence emitting from bhava-6 conditions of conflict and imbalance, along with the friendliness and profitability associated with bhava-11. Shukra rogesha can bring injury while Shukra Vriddhi-pati can bring gain-of-goals. Most occurrences of Shukra bhukti, in particular the Shukra-Shukra svabhukti, are likely to provide both types of event
As rogesha + labha-pati, sweet-seeking sensual Shukra can provide a major catalyst for Dhanus-born Depending of course upon Shukra's qualities (guna) it may seem that Relationships [Shukra] typically exhibit a curious combination of effects. In a less conscious nativity, one may have a pattern of perpetual complaining (6) in regard to perceived injustice, imbalance, or unfair conditions. At the same time it is the core partnerships (both business and personal) which facilitate the earnings and awards of 11. In a husbandly nativity, the feminine partner tends to be ailing and she holds a service role, yet also friendly, gainful, and community-oriented HEALTh
In a husbandly nativity, the figure of the wifely-companion is especially characterized by this combination of shad-ashtakya effects due to Shukra's rulership of 6-and-11. Periods of sugary Shukra may produce a combination of energized goal achievement (11) and extension of the social network (11), along with nearly continuous relationship conflict (6) or interaction with persons of imbalanced mentality, such as criminals, addicts, or false-accusers (6). Rogesha-6 Shukra can disturb both the inner balance and the outer relationships. But simultaneously Vriddhi-pati-11 meets material goals with grace and diplomacy , and the Dhanus-born has gains of marketplace revenue from the bhava in which Shukra resides. Also, much will depend upon graha residing in 6 or 11.
If Shukra occupies bhava-1 or Shukra-yuti-Chandra, the relationship drama can be heightened.
The most vividly demonstrated social-material effects occur when Shukra occupies bhava-1 both outcomes of dramatic material goal achievement and earnings (11) and also nearly perpetual conflict in health, relationships, and a drama of disputes, treachery, broken promises. rogesha-6 and Vriddhi-pati-11 occupy lagna, bringing both illnesses and vitality in cycles, income and debt in cycles, friends and betrayal in cycles. During Mahadasha of Shukra this learning-experience drama can elaborate for 20 years! Shukra feminine partners = home-partner, work-partner, schoolteacher, schoolmates, neighbors, sister, cousins, aunts (Shukra no Mother, mother-figure, grandmother; caretakers = Chandra) Shukra has special importance in Masculine nativities, because Shukra signifies both marriage-contract itself and the harmonizing influence of feminine partners within one's life script. Expressing the rogesha-6 problematicity function
Expressing the Vriddhi-pati-11 social networking, economic gainfulness function
Dhanus indriya-lagna males often divorce and remarry due to stress of Shukra-related addictions, ill health, or conflict in the first marriage.
yet Shukra = Vriddhi-pati-11 therefore each marriage brings more achievement, increases economic income, achieves more goals, and enriches the network of marketplace association. Sweet and sensual Shukra becomes an agent of both conflict (6) and gainfulness (11). Shukra brings both the hostility of imbalance-seeking-a-remedy relationships which produce enemies, and the structured network of association through the marketplace of goods and ideas which creates a great circle of friends. Considering that Shukra activates both the 6th AND the 6th from the 6th, dhanus-lagna is particularly challenged in the area of promise-keeping and alliance-maintenance. Connubial fidelity is not a strong point of Dhanus nativities; nor is Dhanus particularly concerned to protect the alliances of others. Due to Shukra's less benevolent lordship, dhanus natives typically have polarizing catalysis (especially during Shukra bhukti) with the range of Venusian significators:
Shukra is an especially difficult graha for Dhanus nativities in which Shukra = rogesha-6 from both radical lagna (material animosity) and Chandra lagna (emotional imbalance-seeking-a-remedy):
Sacred Jewels for Shukra Diamond Azira-Hira for Dhanus indriya-lagna, quoted from ~~ d. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology Ranjan Publications, New Delhi . p. 116 " For the Sagittarius Ascendant, Venus rules the 6th and 11th houses. Both Rulerships are inauspicious according to the principles of astrology. Apart from that, Venus is an enemy of Jupiter, and the lord of this Ascendant. Still
wearing of Diamond in the major period of Venus will bring financial gains to the native . If Venus is in the 10th, it will give rise to Amala yoga and Diamond in the major period of Venus will enhance the good effects of this yoga." |
Professor Shani dhanapati-2 / vikrama-pati-3 Pragmatic and conventional Shani is a mani-money collector. family history (2) is typically modest, materialistic, and orderly in nature, with emphasis on perpetuating the traditional lineage rules for social rank and position. The family culture promotes steady, diligent work and adherence to conventional, material values. self-made treasuries from bhava-3 depends on the disposition of Shani.
Sacred Jewels for Shani - Blue Sapphire * Nilam quoted from ~~ d. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology . Ranjan Publications, New Delhi . p. 116-117 " For the Sagittarius Ascendant
But an exception can be made if Saturn is posited in the Ascendant. Good results of such disposition of Saturn are described by Brihat Jatak.
Therefore, in a Sagittarius nativity,
Pretentious Ambitious Fascinating Professor Rāhu Rahu in bhava-3 = 2nd-from-2nd = Kumbha can be a highly empowered maraka in the Dhanus nativity. Rahu and Ketu are said to give positive results in the upachaya 3rd, 6th, and 11th bhava from the lagna or from Chandra. In addition, some authorities posit that since R-K are exalted in Vṛṣa-Vṛścika (per BPHS), r-K tend to produce comfortable and pleasing results when Mangala and Shukra are well-disposed. Numerous other schemes for evaluating the elusive aprakasha graha also exist. (More details in the summary provided by d. G.S. Kapoor.) |
Sacred Jewels for Shri Rahuva Rahu = co-lord of bhava-3 Kumbha, therefore Rahu-ratna (gomedha) may become a beneficial gem for matters of business administration, commerce, the neighborhood, the work team, siblings, publications, writing, communications media, and brief travels. May be indeed helpful for purposes of producing exotic or adventurous writing for the native willing to take the requisite risks of life and limb. However, rahu in either rashi of maraka Shani = dangerous for Dhanus indriya-lagna. Even for the siblings-and-stories target, the Rahu-ratna should be considered only if the lord of bhava-3 and its occupants are highly benevolent. |
Professor Ketu For Dhanus indriya-lagna, Ketu co-ruler of Vṛścika opens the boundaries which enclose the twelfth house = dreams, incarceration, meditation, psychic communication with the astral plane and its inhabitants, sanctuary spaces, the private bedroom, extended travels Collapsing Ketu 's effects for Dhanus indriya-lagna depend significantly on Ketu's bhava, rashi, and drishti. Ketu amplifies the effect of any graha who are sharing Ketu's bhava; and also Ketu magnifies the effects of the lord of His occupied Rashi. |
Ketu the Witness * Sacred Jewels Ketu-ratna may be a beneficial support for matters of meditation and withdrawal into the hermit's cave of reflective, non-discriminating awareness. But even if the native 's only remaining ambition is to eradicate all ambition, cat's Eye chatoyant Chrysoberyl should be used with caution to prevent excessive psychic permeability and destructive [Vṛścika] scattering of the mental attention. To merit prescription of the vaidurya, ruler of bhava-12 and occupants of 12 should be quite comfortably disposed. |
![]() Harvard College Old Canteen, cambridge Massachusetts |
![]() [How Readings Work]Sample Sacred Jewels Ratna Recommendation [Seva] |
file update = 30-Jan-2025
Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotishavidya Vedic Astrology Surya Sun Chandra Moon Mangala Mars Budha Mercury Guru Jupiter Shukra Venus Shani Saturn Rahu Ketu Graha Planets Dasha Timeline Calendar Nakshatra Navamsha Marriage Children Treasury Career Spiritual Wisdom Cycles of re-Death and re-Birth The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies! |
" And now my friends, all that is true, all that is noble, all that is just and pure, all that is loveable and gracious, whatever is excellent and admirable - fill all your thoughts with these things." ~~ Paul of Tarsus, Epistle to the Philippians 4:8 |