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लग्न lagna [line] लेख lekhā ALIGNMENT amasthamsha = atmasthāna Ascendant Sign First House Rising Sign Ligne = Linea = Baseline = Initiation Onset = Beginning = Birth = Initiation First Step = Starting Line = Ascendant |
QUOTATION = BPHS Sarga 12, shloka-4 "A benefic in Lagna will give a pleasing appearance, while a malefic will make one bereft of good appearance. Felicity of the body will be enjoyed, if Lagna is drishtied by, or yuti with a benefic." |
Any rashi, graha,
or calculated point in the nativity can be used as a lagna-baseline from which to begin the count.
Jyotishavidya is essentially a large accounting system the accuracy of which depends on the correct application of essentially of Counting Rules |
Each of the twelve bhava and each of the nine karaka-graha can become a lagna for specific purposes. Examples of baseline = alignments:
Varieties of Lagna
First-step baseline from which outcomes can be predicted by counting a particular number of Steps |
Rashi Lagna |
Twenty-Seven Nakshatra Lagna |
Vocabulary = Lagna
Lagna "Adhered, adhering or clinging to, attached to, sticking or remaining in, fixed on, intent on, clasping, touching, following closely
The point of contact or intersection (of two lines)
The division of the equator which rises in succession with each sign in an oblique sphere
The rising of the sun or of the planets
The decisive moment or time for action, decisive measure" |
Applied geometry = science of lines Rashi Lagna (first house) characteristics rule the physical appearance and body image, in addition to personality integrity as contained in the social-material lifestyle . Appearance and the social reward or stigma that it creates, are determined by
Each lagna has certain predispositions which match the portfolio of its svabhava.
The reasoning process of Jyotisha does not permit excessive generalization.Each life is completely unique.
In practice there are a large number of"lagna" which signify the baseline character of all of life's enterprises. To judge the harmony of married life, find each spouses natal Moon situated in Svamsha or navamsha nodal lagna of their spouse. Without this level of psychic validation, marriage is inherently uncomfortable . To judge the timing of marriage, consider the lagna formed by Rahu-Ketu axis in both radix and navamsha charts. Timing of marriage also depends on bhukti ruler of Svamsha To judge the emotional character and all responses to life proceeding from that field of perception (a big job) use the Chandra lagna.
Graha-Lagna Any Graha can constitute a natural lagna or baseline from which to measure their characteristic projections.
To: bpijanlamajyotisha@msn.coam
Subject: Ascendant nakshatra importance compared to moon nakshatra
Q: I am from Calcutta,India. I have been a fan of your website for a couple of years now. As mentioned in the subject line, Which is more important ? Ascendant nakshatra or Moon nakshatra? Regards, A: Namaste,They are equally important but they are different. For questions about emotional comfort and relationship compatibility, chandra nakshatra is of top importance. For purpose of understanding the personality styles, special talents, and career expressions of an individual, the nakshatra of the birth lagna (rashi lagna) is key. Wishing you and your family every happiness, healing from sorrow, guidance by inner light, and success in all of life's endeavors, Sincerely, Barbara Pijan Lama, Jyotishavidya |
Q: Dear Barbara, Our family astrologer calculates all events from the Chandra lagna. He says that only one lagna is needed to create good predictions. For example, he says that the Vimshottari Dasha system is based only on Chandra. According to him, Eveery other lagna is unnecessary. He is well respected in our community. You seem to use the "radical lagna" alot. Youe description of the life events of famous personalities seems right. I am wondering why you need to use this extra lagna. A: Namaste,As articulated in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, Jyotishavidya is a "science of the lines". Every bhava can become a lagna. Every degree and every minute in the circle of the ecliptic can become a lagna. A Jyotishi who has extensive experience with answering a wide variety of questions will usually know exactly where to place the divinatory query line. Both the Chandra-lagna and the indriya-lagna are important. The rising nakshatra and Chandra's nakshatra are also important. The navamsha lagna (Svamsha) and the dashamamsha lagna can also be important. All of these lagna are important. Which lagna becomes the baseline for answering the question will depend upon the nature of the question. For questions about sibling relationships, the parents, and one's own emotional condition (for example, emotionally based illness) then the counting begins from Chandra-lagna. If your family astrologer is being asked to answer only questions about the family's psycho-emotional inter-relationships, then Chandra-lagna could be a sufficient basis for those types of questions. For questions about social-material achievement, such as a job promotion or buying a house, the indriya-lagna becomes the baseline for material things. For questions about marriage timing, the navamsha lagna becomes important. People who live in a very traditional village environment tend to follow a very predictable routine. Chandra activates everything in life that is routine, following the rhythms of nature. Therefore for the deeply traditional agricultural folk, the Chandra lagna may be adequate to answer most questions. However, chandra-lagna is not sufficient for questions about intellectual or professional life. For most modern folk, acombination of lagna is usually necessary to handle a variety of questions about all the complicated things in modern life. Wishing you and your family every happiness, healing from sorrow, guidance by inner light, and success in all of life's endeavors, Sincerely, Barbara Pijan Lama, Jyotishavidya |
Dear Barbara,
Which lagna to use? If Chandra that is Moon is in 4th house with strong graha then which lagna to read from Chandra lagna or radix? A: Namaste,Jyotisha readings use radical lagna and Chandra lagna as well as Svamsha . From the indriya-lagna , predict the social-material outcome. That's the easy part. From the Chandra lagna, predict the emotional outcome. Many people feel their psycho-emotional reality much stronger than their material reality, because they are sensitive to the thoughts and reactions of their family and neighbors. Also children feel emotional reality more vividly than social-material reality. However, everyone does register both levels of perception at all times. If your Chandra-lagna is strong, you are probably a sensitive person with a powerful awareness of the tidal movements of the ocean of emotion in which we all live, and you are happy when the environment feels rhythmic, predictable, and secure. When Chandra-lagna is strong, the family relationships are very important and Chandra-lagna = an important basis of prediction because the person's reality is strongly defined by their feelings. However, not everyone has a strong Chandra-lagna; for some nativities, the Moon is relatively weak (or damaged); these people may lack empathy or seem less sensitive; if Chandra lagna is weak, they may lack finer sensitivity toward feelings and focus more on rough material-sensual experience. The next more subtle psycho-mental level of perception is reckoned by the D-9 navamsha, so for questions about marriage relationship and the impact of own own thoughts and expectations upon our reality, as well as the impact of the bombarding thoughts of others, look to the navamsha for insights. Many people are not aware of the subtle effects of the thoughts of other people upon our minute-to-minute experience in the world; However, this is a very potent impact. Married people or those involved in very demanding business partnerships = often more sensitive to the power of the thoughts of their spouse-partner because they must negotiate with the thoughts and expectations of the partner day-in, day-out. Also people who meditate, and people in scholarly or reflective professions such as teachers and healers are often very sensitive to the psycho-mental level of reality because they notice the power of thought in the lives of their students and clients. That power of mirroring from people close to us = seen via navamsha especially via the Svamsha and navamsha chandra. Next, consider that every lagna has (at least) sixteen variations. If the birth time is accurate, the varga lagna should be assessed as well: dashamamsha (D-10) lagna for the impact of subconscious expectations and career environment which affect our perception of social importance and professional respect. Shastyamsha lagna (D-60) gives insight into the guiding beliefs and expectations which shape the stream of incarnations over the period of several lifetimes; and transits to the D-60 can be very important; However, the birth time must be absolutely accurate to use the D-60 therefore only veteran Jyotiṣika use the D-60 and only after they have tested the birth time and have confidence in its accuracy. Finally, there are numerous special-purpose baselines such as Arudha lagna which tells us about public opinion. OK, iknow this is too much to think about. Your simple question was whether it is better to use radical lagna or chandra lagna as the best basis for Jyotisha predictions. i Accurate Jyotisha readings always use a minimum of three lagna as bases for prediction: radical lagna = social-material outcome; chandra lagna = emotional behaviors; and Svamsha = psycho-emotional environment specifically the impact of intimate companions. Wishing you best success in your study of the samayavidya, Sincerely, Barbara Pijan Lama, Jyotishavidya |
Dear Barbara,
I am an amateur student of Jyotisha and enjoy reading your writings on the many aspects of this subject. I have a question to ask you about Chandra Lagna. To calculate the Chandra chart, most astrologers suggest that the Rashi or the house occupied by Chandra should be placed at 0 deg/baseline of the horoscope. But would it not be more accurate if I placed Chandra at 0 degrees of the horoscope? For example if Chandra is at 24deg of its Rashi or its house, then occupancy of other grahas in houses from Chandra might be radically different in the two methods of drawing the Chandra chart .A: Namaste The question you're asking is not only about how to establish the chandra lagna . It's a broader question about how to establish any baseline , any ascendant line, any lagna. Should the line be drawn through the degree of the rashi that is occupied by the graha, or through the zero degree of the rashi? Will predictions be more accurate when effects are measured from the zero degree of the 30-degree rashi (" equal house system" ) ? Will the predictions be more accurate when measured from the actual degree in which the graha resides ? This is an eternal question in Jyotishashastra and indeed in most systems of astrology. Equal houses seems counterintuitive because zero degrees is not the actual lagna. For making predictions from the indriya-lagna of the natal birthchart, most Jyotiṣika will consult both the"rashi chart" wherein the indriya-lagna is set at zero degrees of the rashi that was rising on the eastern horizon of the earth at the time the native took their first breath immediately after birth. However, a"bhava" chart is also constructed to represent the bhava starting from the actual degree of the rashi that was on the eastern horizon. In a bhava chart drawn from the actual rising degree, aradical kundali like my own, which features a precise lagna of 29:xx Tula, would have nearly every graha in bhava-2 moving into bhava-1, near ly every graha in 4 moving into 3, etc. The bhava chart is a good reminder to the Jyotisha about the relative locations of the graha vis-à-vis the edges of the rashi boundaries. Perhaps surprisingly, for purpose of making predictions using the combined tools of Jyotisha dasha systems (notably and primarily the Vimshottari dasha ) equal house lagna produce much more accurate predictions. Vimshottari dasha tends to not yield useful predictions when graha in one rashi are considered to be split into two different bhava. This outcome is the same when making predictions from the Chandra-lagna. Even if for example Chandra is located at 29:xx of Mesha, predictions can go askew if a graha in 1 degree of Tula is considered to reside in [6th-from-Chandra]. Many new students balk at this outcome, because the logic seems wrong. Particularly students familiar with tropical astrology and its rising-degree ascendant lines find the equal house system to be counterintuitive. However, tropical astrology does not produce useful predictions, nor does it offer a Dasha timeline system. So, my advice is to work with equal house lagna for a year or so when making your Vimshottari Dasha-based predictions, and keep a record of your successes. In case any prediction failed, go back and re-analyze it: would it have been more accurate if non-equal lagna had been used? My experience = using equal-size sthāna which all set their first degree to match the indriya-lagna will work much better in modern Jyotisha. But your results might be different. And whatever your results, please publish them so that others may benefit from your research! Wishing you every happiness and success in your study of the samayavidya, Sincerely, bPL |
Q: Dear Barbara, varaha mihira clearly says in brihatjatakam that the adhana lagna is the most preferred lagna for assessment. but we all read horoscopes based on the time of first independant existence, naamely the time when the head is out/ first cry..(as the adhana lagna is not available in most cases) naturally, there is a great difference in the readings. whats your opinion? when 3 degree 20 min can change a lot of things..273 days difference can surely change a lot, nao? thx for your timer. A: Namaste, thanks very much for your compliments [...]. I am delighted to know that you are finding the materials useful in your study of the knowledge tradition of JyotishavidyaYou ask a good question about the timing of the empirically measured first moment of the incarnation.
It would be nice if one could simply cast a chart for 273 days before the day of first breath to capture the day of conception, but unfortunately gestation times vary. Some babies are born quite healthy after only eight months in utero while others are registered births at several weeks "late" .
Sincerely, BPL, Jyotishavidya |
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