
Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala


Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

Sarga-45, shloka-1-155

अवस्ता avasthā

;= status, state, standing

अवष्टब्ध ava-ṣṭabdha

= standing firm, supported

  1. Shloka-4 0-51 Avastabha Status for Surya

  2. Shloka 52-63 Avastabha Status for Chandra

  3. Shloka-6 4-75 Avastabha Status for Mangala

  4. Shloka-7 6-86 Avastabha Status for Budha

  5. Shloka-8 7-98 Avastabha Status for Brihaspati

  6. Shloka-9 9-110 Avastabha Status for Shukra

  7. Shloka-111-122. Avastabha Status for Shani

  8. Shloka-123-134. Avastabha Status for Rahu

  9. Shloka-135-146. Avastabha Status for Ketu

Begin DIRECT QUOTATION Chapter 45. Avasthas of Planets

1. O sage, you have earlier stated that the Avasthas (states) of planets be considered in the context of planetary effects. Be kind to tell me about the same.

2. O excellent of Brahmins, various kinds of planetary Avasthas have been expounded. Out of these, itell you the summary of infant and other states (in the first instance).


Infant, youthful, adolescent, old, and dead are the states of planets placed in the ascending order at the rate of six degrees in odd signs. This arrangement is reverse in the case of even signs.


One fourth, half, full, naegligible, and nill

are the grades of results due to a planet in infant, youthful, adolescent, old, and dead states.


If a planet is in its own sign or in exaltation, it is said to be in a state of awakening (or alertness).

In the sign of a friend or of a neutra lit is in dreaming state,

while in enemy's sign or in debilitation it is in a state of sleeping.

6. According to a planet being in Awakening, dreaming, sleeping states, the results due to it will be full, medium, or nil.


There are nine kinds of other states, viz. Deepta, swastha, pramudita, santa, deena, Vikala, Khala, and Kopa.

8-10. If a planet is

Depending on such a state of the planet, the house occupied by it will obtain corresponding effects.


  • ashamed, abashed
  • with bashfulness and love and compassion


  • haughty, conceited, proud


  • hungry


  • broken, divided, chapped


  • delighted, joyful, glad, rejoicing in
  • a partic. sort of servant
  • joy, gladness, complacency
  • sympathy in joy
  • a kind of sexual embrace
  • a partic. Siddhi


  • shaking, agitation, disturbance, tossing, trembling, emotion
  • (in drama) an emotion that is the cause of any harsh speeches or reproaches


  1. Lajjita
  2. Garvita
  3. Kshudita
  4. Trushita
  5. Mudita
  6. Kshobhita

are the other kinds of (six) states due to the planets.

Placed in the 5th house if a planet is associated with a node or with the Sun, Saturn , or Mars, it is in Lajjitavastha.(BPL: Salajjita Avastabha)

If a planet is in exaltation or in mūlatrikoṇa, it is Garvitavastha.

The Avastha is Kshudita if the planet is in an enemy's sign, or conjunct an enemy or aspected by an enemy or even be in conjunction with Saturn.

If a planet is in a watery sign and be in aspect to a malefic but not a benefic, the Avastha is called Trushita.

If a planet is in a friendly sign, or conjunct or aspected by a benefic or is conjunct Jupiter, it is said to be in Muditavastha.

If a planet is conjunct the Sun and is aspected by or conjunct a malefic or is aspected by an enemy, it is said to be in Kshobhitavastha.

The houses occupied by a planet in Kshuditavastha or Kshobhitavastha are destroyed.

19-23. The learned should estimate the effects due to a house in the manner cited above ( with the help of various kinds of avasthas), after ascertaining the strength and weakness (of various planets).

Weak planets cause reduction in good effects while stronger ones give greater effects.

If a planet posited in the 10th house in Lajjitavastha, Kshudhitavastha or Kshobhitavastha, the person will always be subjected to miseries.

If a planet in the 5th house is in Lajjitavastha, there will be destruction of progeny, or there will be only one surviving child.

Surely the wife of the native will die if there is a planet in the 7th in Kshobhitavastha or in Trushitavastha.


A planet in Garvitavastha will cause happiness through new houses and gardens, regalhood, skill in arts, financial gains at all times, and improvement in business.

A planet in Muditavastha will give residences, clothes, ornaments, happiness from lands and wife, happiness from relatives, living in royal palaces, destruction of enemies, and acquisition of wisdom and learning.

A planet in Lajjitavastha will give aversion to God, loss of intelligence, loss of child, interest in evil speeches, and listlessness in good things.

A planet in Kshobhitavastha will give acute penury, evil disposition, miseries, financial debacles, distress to feet and obstruction to income due to royal wrath.

A planet in Kshudhitavastha will cause downfall due to grief and passion, grief on account of relatives, physical decline, troubles from enemies, financial distress, loss of physical strength, and an eclipsed mind due to miseries.

A planet in Trushitavastha will cause diseases through association with females, leading over wicked (or evil) deeds, loss of wealth due to one's own men, physical weakness, miseries caused by evil people, and decline in honor.


I'll now tell you of the avasthas viz. Sayana, Upavesana, naetrapani, prakasana, Gamana, aagamana, sabha, agama, bhojana, narityalipsa, Kautuka, and Nidra, and the Chesthas of such avasthas.

Note the number of the stars (fromAśvini - Dasra) occupied by the planet for which Avastha is to be calculated.

  • Multiply that number by the number denoted by the planet (Sun 1, moon 2, etc.).
  • The figure so arrived at be again multiplied by the number of Navamsa the planet is in.
  • Add to this the number of birth asterism, the number of ghatis of birth and the number of signs the ascendant gained from Aries.
  • This figure be divided by 12 and the remainder will indicate the corresponding Avastha of the planet.

The sub state in the said Avastha can be found out thus: multiply the figure denoted by the Avastha concerned ( Sayana 1, Upavesana 2, etc.) by the same figure and increase it by the figure denoted by the Anka value for the first syllable of one' personal name.

Divide the product so obtained by 12. The remainder there of be further increased by constant planetary increments thus: Sun 5, moon 2, mars 2, mercury 3, Jupiter 5, Venus 3, Saturn 3, rahu 4 (and Ketu 4).

(Here the planet means the one for whom the sub state is being known.) The product so arrived at be divided by 3. In the process if the remainder is 1, it is Drishti; if 2 Cheshta, and if 0 Vichestha.


If the sub state is Drishti in an Avastha, the results being stated for the Avastha will be medium, full in Chestha, and negligible in Vichestha. The good and bad effects of planets be deciphered based on the strength and weakness of the planets . In exaltation, the planets reveal effects in a pronounced manner due to avasthas.



QUOTATION from Koeln Sanskrit Lexicon - www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de


  • proceeding in the way of an Ayana
  • connected with the word
  • with the precession or the longitude of a planet reckoned from the vernal equinoctial point







IE cognates Goth. {sibja} ; Germ. {sippa}, {Sippe} ; Angl. Sax. {sibb} ; Eng. {god-sib}

  • an assembly, congregation, meeting, council, public audience
  • social party, society, good society
  • Society (personified as a daughter of Prajapati)
  • a place for public meetings, large assembly-room or hall, palace, court of a king or of justice, council-chamber, gambling-house
  • a house for lodging and accommodating travellers
  • an eating-house



  • feeding, giving to eat
  • voracious
  • the act of enjoying, using
  • the act of eating
  • a meal, food
  • feeding on
  • affording anything as food
  • serving as food for
  • taking food every 3rd day, every 2nd day and every day
  • anything enjoyed or used, property, possession
  • enjoyment, any object of
  • enjoyment or the pleasure caused by it
  • the act of giving to eat, feeding
  • dressing food, cooking



  • curiosity, interest in anything, vehement desire for
  • eagerness, vehemence impatience
  • anything causing curiosity or admiration or interest, any singular or surprising object, wonder
  • festivity, gaiety, festival, show, solemn ceremony (esp. The ceremony with the marriage-thread or necklace preceding a marriage)
  • pleasure, happiness, prosperity
  • sport, pastime; public diversion
  • song, dance, show, spectacle
  • season of enjoyment
  • kind or friendly greeting, civility
  • out of curiosity or interest
  • for amusement, as a relaxation


  • sleep, slumber, sleepiness, sloth
  • the budding state of a flower
  • a mystic
  • making sleepy
  • a moment of sleep
  • approach or time of sleep
  • stealer of sleep
  • sleepy, languid
  • suffering from want of sleep
  • to deprive of sleep
  • disturbing sleep
  • blind with sleep, dead asleep, fast asleep
  • rousing from sleep, awaking
  • subdued by sleep, sleeping
  • consisting in sleep
  • a state of such deep meditation as to resemble sleep
  • light sleep, doze
  • slothful from drowsiness, fast asleep
  • sleepiness, long sleeping
  • overpowered by sleep
  • phlegm, the phlegmatic humour
  1. If the Sun is in Sayanavastha, the native will incur digestive deficiency, many diseases, stoutness of legs, bilious vitiation, ulcer in the anus, and heart strokes.
  2. If the Sun is in Upavesana-avastha, the native will suffer poverty, will carry loads, will indulge in litigations, be hard-hearted, wicked, and will lose in his undertakings.
  3. If the Sun is in Netrapani Avastha, the native will always be happy, wise, helpful to others, endowed with prowess and wealth, very happy, and will gain royal favors.
  4. If the Sun is in Prakasanavastha, the native will be liberal in disposition, will have plenty of wealth, be a significant speaker in the assembly, will perform many meritorious acts, be greatly strong, and be endowed with charming beauty.
  5. If the Sun is in Gamanavastha, the native will be disposed to live in foreign places, be miserable, indolent, bereft of intelligence and wealth, be distressed due to fear, and be short-tempered.
  6. If the Sun is in Agamanavastha, the native will be interested in other's wives, be devoid of his own men, be interested in movements, skillful in doing evil deeds, be dirty, ill disposed, and be a tale-bearer.
  7. If the Sun is in Sabhavastha, the native will be disposed to help others, be always endowed with wealth and gems, be virtuous, endowed with lands, new houses and robes, be very strong, very affectionate to his friends , and be very kindly disposed.
  8. If the Sun is in Agamavastha, the native will be distressed due to enemies, fickle-minded, evil-minded, emaciated, devoid of virtuous acts, and intoxicated with pride.
  9. If the Sun is in Bhojanavastha, the native will experience pains in joints, will lose money on account of others' females, will have strength declining off and on, be untruthful, will incur headaches, will eat remnant food, and will take to bad ways.
  10. If the Sun is in Nrityalipsavastha, the native will be honored by the learned, be himself a scholar, will have knowledge of poetry, etc, and be adored by kings on the earth.
  11. If the Sun is in Kautukavastha, the native will always be happy, be endowed with spiritual knowledge, will perform sacrificial rites, will move amid kings, will have fear from enemies, be charming faced , and be endowed with knowledge of poetry.
  12. If the Sun is in Nidravastha, the native will possess eyes laden with sleepiness ( always drowsy), will live in foreign (or distant) places, will incur harm to wife, and will face financial destruction.


  1. If the moon is in Sayanavastha, the native will be honorable, sluggish, given to sexual lust, and will face financial destruction.
  2. If the Moon is in Upavesanavastha, the native will be troubled by diseases, be dull-witted, be not endowed with mentionable wealth ( will have only negligible wealth), be heard-hearted, will do unworthy acts, and will steal others' wealth.
  3. If the Moon is in Netrapani Avastha, the native will be troubled by great diseases (long lasting in nature), be very garrulous, wicked, and will indulge in bad deeds.
  4. Should the Moon be in Prakanasavastha, the native will be famous in the world, will have his virtues exposed through royal patronage, be surrounded by horses, elephants, females, and ornaments, and will visit shrines.
  5. If the Moon is in Gamanavastha, with decreasing rays, the native will be sinful, cruel and always troubled by afflictions of sight; if with increasing rays, the native will be distressed due to fear.
  6. If the Moon is in Agamanavastha, the native will be honorable, will suffer diseases of feet, will secretly indulge in sinful acts, be poor and devoid of intelligence and happiness.
  7. If the Moon is in Sabhavastha, the native will be eminent among men, honored by kings, and kings of kings, be very beautiful, will subdue the passion of women, be skillful in sexual acts, and be virtuous.
  8. If the Moon is in Bhojana-avastha, the native will be endowed with honor, conveyances, attendants, social status, wife and daughters, provided she is full; if she is in dark fortnight these auspicious effects will fail to come.
  9. If the Moon is in Nrityalipsa-avastha and be endowed with (fortnightly) strength, the native will be strong, will have knowledge of songs and be a critic of beauty of things; if said Moon is of dark fortnight, the person will be sinful.
  10. If the Moon is in Kautukavastha, the native will attain kingship, lordship over wealth, and skill in sexual acts and in sporting with harlots.
  11. Should increasing Moon conjunct Jupiter be in Nidravastha, the native will be quite eminent. Devoid of Jupiter's conjunction, if the Moon is in the said Avastha, the native will lose his wealth on account of females, and female jackals will be crying around his abode (as though it were a cemetery).
  1. If Mars is in Sayanavastha, the native will be troubled by wounds, itch and ulcer.
  2. If Mars be in Upavesanavastha, the native will be strong, sinful, untruthful, eminent, wealthy, and bereft of virtues.
  3. If Mars be in the ascendant and be in Netrapani Avastha, there will be penury; in other houses this state will confer rulership of a city.
  4. Should Mars be in Prakanasavastha, the native will shine with virtues and will be honored by the king. Mars in Prakanasavastha in the 5th house will, however, cause loss of children and of wife. If Mars is in the said state and be with Rahu, asevere (positional) fall will descend on the native.
  5. Should Mars be in Gamanavastha the native will be always roaming, will have fear of multiple ulcers, will incur misunderstandings with females, will be afflicted with boils, itches etc., and will incur financial decline.
  6. If Mars be in Agamanavastha, the native will be virtuous, endowed with precious gems, will adore a sharp sword, will walk with the (majestic) gait of an elephant (imparting surprise in the onlooker), will destroy his enemies, and will remove the miseries of his people.
  7. If Mars be in Sabhavastha and be in exaltation, the native will be skillful in conducting wars, will hold the flag of righteousness aloft and be wealthy; if Mars be in the said state in the 5th or 9th, the native will be bereft of learning, if in the 12th childlessness and no wife and no friends will result, and if Mars be in other houses than these in the said Avastha, the native will be a scholar in a king's court, be very wealthy, honorable, and charitable.
  8. If Mars be in Agamavastha, the native will be devoid of virtues and good deeds, will be distressed by diseases, will acquire diseases of the foot of the ears and severe gout pains, be timid, and will befriend evil lot.
  9. If Mars be with strength while in Bhojanavastha, the native will eat sweet food, and if be devoid of strength, the native will indulge in base acts and be dishonorable.
  10. If Mars be Nrityalipsavastha, the native will earn wealth through king and will be endowed with fullness of gold, diamonds and corals in his house.
  11. If Mars be in Kautukavastha, the native will be curious in disposition and be endowed with friends and sons, if Mars be simultaneously exalted, the native will be honored by the king and virtuous and be himself virtuous.
  12. If Mars be in Nidravastha, the native will be short-tempered, devoid of intelligence and wealth, be wicked, fallen from virtuous path, and troubled by diseases.


  1. Should Mercury in Sayanavastha be in the ascendant, the native will be lame and will have reddish eyes; if Mercury be in the said Avastha in other houses, the native will be addicted to licentious pleasures and be wicked.
  2. If Mercury be in Upavesana-avastha in the ascendant, the native will possess (the seven principle) virtues; if aspected by or conjunct malefics, penury will result and if by benefics financial happiness will follow.
  3. If Mercury be in Netrapani Avastha, the native will be devoid of learning, wisdom, wellwishers, and satisfaction but be honorable; if Mercury be in the 5th house in the said Avastha, the subject will be bereft of happiness from wife and son, be endowed with (more) female children, and will gain abundant finance through royal patronage.
  4. If Mercury be in Prakanasavastha, the native will be charitable, merciful, meritorious, will cross the boundaries of ocean in respect of many branches of learning, be endowed with great faculty of discrimination, and will destroy evil people.
  5. If Mercury be in Gamanavastha, the native will visit the court of kings on many occasions and Goddess Lakshmi (denoting wealth) will dwell in his abode.
  6. If Mercury be in Agamanavastha, the same effects due to his being in Gamanavastha will fructify.
  7. If Mercury be in Sabhavastha, and be in exaltation, the native will be affluent and meritorious at all times, be equal to Kubera (the lord of wealth), or be a king or a minister, be devoted to Lord Vishnu and Lord Siva, be virtuous, and will attain final emancipation.
  8. Should Mercury be in Agamavastha, the native will serve base men and gain wealth thereby and will have two sons and one fame-bringing daughter.
  9. If Mercury be in Bhojanavastha, the native will face financial losses through litigations, will physically lose on account of fear from king (i.e will become thin due to royal wrath), fickle-minded, and will be bereft of physical and conjugal felicity.
  10. If Mercury be in Nrityalipsavastha, the native will be endowed with honor, conveyances, corals, sons, friends, prowess, and recognition in assembly due to his scholarship; if with the said state Mercury be in a malefic's sign the native will be addicted to prostitutes and will long for licentious pleasures.
  11. If Mercury be in Kautukavastha, and be in the ascendant, the native will be skillful in music; if be in the 7th/8th with the said Avastha one will be addicted to courtezans and if in the 9th, the native will be meritorious and attain heavens after death.
  12. If Mercury be in Nidravastha, the native will not enjoy comfortable sleep , be afflicted by neck or neck joint diseases, be devoid of coborn, afflicted by miseries galore, will enter into litigations with his own men, will lose wealth and honor.


  1. If Jupiter is in Sayanavastha, the native will be strong but will speak in whispers, be very tawny in complexion, will have prominent cheeks, and will have fear from enemies.
  2. If Jupiter be in Upavesanavastha, the native will be garrulous, very proud, be troubles by king and enemies, and will have ulcers on feet, shanks, face and hands.
  3. If Jupiter be in Netrapani Avastha, the native will be afflicted by diseases, devoid of wealth, be fond of music and dances, libidinous, tawny in complexion, and be attached to other castemen.
  4. If Jupiter be in Prakanasavastha, the native will enjoy virtues, be happy, splendorous, and will visit places holy to Lord Krishna; if Jupiter in the said Avastha is exalted, the native will attain greatness among men, be equal to Kubera - the lord of wealth.
  5. If Jupiter is in Gamanavastha the native will be adventurous, be happy on account of friends, scholarly, and endowed with various kinds of wealth and with Vedic learning.
  6. If Jupiter be in Agamanavastha, serving force, excellent women, and the goddess of wealth will never leave one' abode.
  7. If Jupiter be in Sabhavastha, the native will attain comparability with Jupiter (the God of speech) in the matter of speech, be endowed with superior corals, rubies, and wealth, be rich with elephants, horses and chariots, and will be supremely learned.
  8. If Jupiter be in Agamavastha, the native will be endowed with various conveyances, honors, retinue, children, wife, friends, and learning, be equal to a king, extremely noble, fond of literature, and will take to virtuous path.
  9. If Jupiter be in Bhojanavastha, the native will always beget excellent food and horses, elephants and chariots while Lakshmi, the goddess of Lucre, will never leave his house.
  10. If Jupiter be in Nrityalipsavastha, the native will receive royal honors, be wealthy, endowed with knowledge or moral law and Tantra (a branch of learning dealing with magical or mystical formularies to attain superhuman powers), be supreme among the learned, and be a great grammarian.
  11. If Jupiter be in Kautukavastha, the native will be curious in disposition, very rich, will shine like the Sun in his circles, be exceedingly kind, be happy, honored by the kings, endowed with sons, wealth and just disposition, be very strong, and be a scholar in the king's court.
  12. If Jupiter be in Nidravastha, the native will be foolish in all his undertakings, will suffer irredeemable penury, and will be devoid of righteous acts.


  1. If Venus be in Sayanavastha, the native, although strong, will incur dental diseases, be very short-tempered, bereft of wealth, will seek union with courtezans, and be licentious.
  2. If Venus be in Upavesanavastha, the native will be endowed with multitude of nine gems and golden ornaments, be ever happy, will destroy enemies, be honored by the king, and will have highly increased honors.
  3. If Venus be in Netrapani Avastha in the ascendant, the 7th or 10th, there will be loss of wealth on account of sight afflictions, and if the said Avastha occurs when Venus is in other houses, there will be large houses owned by the native.
  4. Should Venus be in Prakasavatha, in own sign, exaltation sign of friendly sign, the native will sport like a lofty elephant, be equal to a king, and be skillful in poetry and music.
  5. If Venus be in Gamanavastha, the native will not have a long living mother, will lament over separation from his own people, and will have fear from enemies.
  6. If Venus be in Agamanavastha, the native will command abundant wealth, will undertake to visit superior shrines, be ever enthusiastic, and will contract diseases of hand and foot.
  7. If Venus be in Sabhavastha, the native will earn eminence in the king's court, be very virtuous, will destroy enemies, be equal to Kubera in wealth, charitable, will ride on horses, and will be excellent among men.
  8. If Venus is in Agamavastha, there will be no advent of wealth but troubles from enemies, separation from children and relatives, diseases and lack of pleasures from the wife.
  9. Should Venus be in Bhojanavastha, the native will be distressed due to hunger, diseases and many kinds of fear from enemies, and if the said planet is in Virgo in Bhojanavastha, the native will be very rich and will be honored by scholars.
  10. If Venus be in Nrityalipsavastha, the native will be skillful in literature, intelligent, will play musical instruments like lute, taber etc., be meritorious and very affluent.
  11. If Venus be in Kautukavastha, the native will be equal to Lord Indra, will attain greatness in the assembly, be learned and will have Lakshmi always dweeling in his abode.
  12. If Venus be in Nidravastha, the native will be interested in serving others, will blame others, be heroic, garrulous, and wandering all over the earth.


  1. If Saturn is in Sayanavastha, the native will be troubled by hunger and thirst, will incur diseases in boyhood and later on will become wealthy.
  2. If Saturn be in Upavesanavastha, the native will be trouble greatly by enemies, will contract dangers, will have ulcers all over the body, be self-respected, and punished by the king.
  3. If Saturn be in Netrapani Avastha, the native will be endowed with a charming female, wealth, royal favor and friends, will have knowledge of many arts, and be an eloquent speaker.
  4. If Saturn be in Prakanasavastha, the native will be very virtuous, very wealthy, intelligent, sportive, splendorous, merciful, and devoted to Lord Siva.
  5. If Saturn be in Gamanavastha, the native will be very rich, endowed with sons; will grab enemy's lands, and be a scholar at royal court.
  6. If Saturn be in Agamanavastha, the native will be akin to a donkey ( foolish), bereft of happiness from wife and children, will always roam pitiably without anybody's patronage.
  7. If Saturn be in Sabhavastha, the native will have suprising ( great) possessions of abundant precious stones and gold, be endowed with great judicial (or political) knowledge, and be extremely brilliant.
  8. If Saturn be in Agamavastha, the native will incur diseases, and will not be skillful in earning royal patronage.
  9. If Saturn be in Bhojanavastha, the native will enjoy tastes of food, be weak-sighted and be fickle-minded due to mental delusion.
  10. If Saturn be in Nrityalipsavastha, the native will be righteous, extremely opulent, honored by the king, brave, and be heroic in warfield.
  11. If Saturn be Kautukavastha, the native will be endowed with lands and wealth, be happy, endowed with pleasures through charming females, and learned in poetry, arts, etc..
  12. If Saturn be in Nidravastha, the native will be rich, endowed with charming virtues, valorous, will destroy even fierce enemies, and be skillful in seeking pleasures through harlots.


  1. If Rahu be in Sayanavastha, the native will experience miseries galore; but if Rahu in the said Avastha be in Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, or Aries, the native will be endowed with wealth and grains.
  2. If Rahu be in Upavesanavastha, the native will be distressed due to ulcers, be endowed with royal association, highly honorable, and ever devoid of financial happiness.
  3. If Rahu be in Netrapani Avastha, the native will be troubled by eye diseases, will have fear from wicked people, snakes, and thieves, and will incur financial decline.
  4. If Rahu be in Prakanasavastha, the native will acquire a high position, will perform auspicious acts, will obtain elevation of financial state, be highly virtuous, be a chief in the king's court, be charming like freshly formed clouds (that will cause rain soon), and be very prosperous in foreign places.
  5. If Rahu is in Gamanavastha, the native will be endowed with numerous children, be scholarly, wealthy, charitable, and honored by the king.
  6. If Rahu is in Agamanavastha, the native will be always mentally distressed, will have fear from enemies and litigations with enemies, be bereft of his own men, will face financial destruction, and be crafty and emaciated.
  7. If Rahu be in Bhojanavastha, the native will be distressed without food, dull-witted, be not bold in his acts, and be bereft of conjugal and progenic happiness.
  8. If Rahu be in Nrityalipsavashta, the native will contract a great and unsubduing disease, will have afflicted eyes and fear from enemies, and will decline financially and righteously.
  9. If Rahu be in Kautukavastha, the native will be devoid of a position (or a place), be interested in others' females, and will steal others' wealth.
  10. If Rahu be in Nidravastha, the native will be a repository of virtues, be endowed with wife and children, bold, proud, and very affluent.


  1. If Ketu is in Sayanavastha in Aries, taurus, Gemini or Virgo, there will be plenty of wealth while in other signs increased diseases will follow.
  2. If Ketu be in Upavesanavastha, the native will suffer from ulcers and will have fear from enemies, windy diseases, snakes, and thieves.
  3. Should Ketu be in Netrapani Avastha, the native will contact eye diseases, and will have fear from wicked people, snakes, enemies and people of royal family.
  4. If Ketu be in Prakasanavastha, the native will be wealthy, righteous, will live in foreign places, be enthusiastic and genuine, and will serve the king.
  5. If Ketu be in Gamanavastha, the native will be endowed with many sons, abundant wealth, be scholarly, virtuous, charitable, and be excellent among men.
  6. If Ketu be in Agamanasavastha, the native will incur many disease, will face loss of wealth, will hurt (others) with his teeth, be a talebearer, and will blame others.
  7. If Ketu be in Agamavastha, the native will be a notorious sinner, will enter in to litigations with his relatives, be wicked and troubled by diseases and enemies.
  8. If Ketu be in Bhojanavastha, the native will always be distressed with hunger, penury and diseases, and will roam all over the earth.
  9. If Ketu be in Nrityalipsavastha, the native will be distressed due to diseases, will have a floral mark on the eye, be impertinent, wicked, and will plan evils.
  10. If Ketu be in Kautukavastha, the native will seek union with dancing females ( prostitutes), will suffer positional displacement, will take to evil paths, and will roam all over.
  11. If Ketu be in Nidravastha, the native will be endowed with wealth and corns, be virtuous, and will spend his time sportively.


(up to sloka 155):

O Brahmin, if a benefic planet is in Sayanavastha, there will be benefic effects at all times according to the learned.

148. If a malefic is in Bhojanavastha, everything (related to the house concerned) will be destroyed and there is no need of a second thought.

149. Should a malefic in the 7th be in Nidravastha auspicious effects will follow, provided there is no aspect from another malefic.

150. Declare without a second thought auspicious effects following the location of a malefic in the 5th but with Nidravastha or Sayanavastha.

151. Untimely death due to royal wrath will come to pass if there is a malefic in the 8th in Nidravastha or Sayanavastha.152. If in the above case there be a benefic aspect or conjunction, the said (untimely) death will be in the river Ganges, Gangetic belt, shrines, etc..

153. If there be a malefic in the 10th house in Sayanavasthar Bhojanavastha, the native will face many miseries on account of his own deeds.

15154. Oexcellent of the Brahmins, doubtlessly a Rajayoga will come to pass if the Moon is in the 10th in Kautakavasthar Prakasanavastha.

155. Thus the good and bad effects be guessed assessing the strength and weakness of the planets concerning all the Bhavas.

Jyotisha readings from Barbara Pijan Lama

file update = 15-Feb-2025

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