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Yogi Point

Duplicate yogi * Avayogi

Prosperity Karaka

The definitions on this page are quoted from Hart de Fouw and Robert Svoboda Light on Relationships,

chapter on "Yogi Point, avayogi, duplicate Yogi" , p176-195

What is the Yogi Point?

" longitude of Sun plus longitude of Moon plus 93 deg 20 sec, all longitudes being measured from 0 deg Aries " (p 176).

What is the Yoga Nakshatra ?

The Nakshatra containing the Yogi Point = the Yoga Nakshatra

  • The two Nakshatra which trine the Yoga Nakshatra are always 10 and 19 Nakshatra distant from the Yoga Nakshatra .

  • These trine Nakshatra have a slightly lesser but still important Yoga Nakshatra power (p 176).

What is the Yogi Graha?

The yogi graha assignment = "The graha which rules the Nakshatra containing the yogi point" (p 176).

The function of the yogi graha = "The yogi is the graha that provides prosperity to the native ... (p 176).

What is the "Duplicate Yogi" ?

Duplicate yogi assignment = the graha which rules the rashi containing the yogi point = the duplicate yogi (p 176).

  • " The duplicate yogi enhances (under certain conditions) the prosperity promised by the yogi, and reduces any destitution that the avayogi might forebode." (p 176).

What is the Ava-yoga Point?

Yogi point plus 186 deg 40 sec. (p 177)

What is the Avayoga Nakshatra ?

The Nakshatra containing the avayoga point = the Avayoga Nakshatra (p 177)

  • The two Nakshatra which trine the AvaYoga Nakshatra are always 10 and 19 Nakshatra distant from the AvaYoga Nakshatra .

  • These trine Nakshatra have a slightly lesser but still important AvaYoga Nakshatra power (p 177)

What is the Ava-yogi Graha?

The avayogi graha assignment = "The graha which rules the Nakshatra containing the avayogi point" (p 177).

The authors DeFouw and Svoboda note that "In 5 of the 36 possible combinations of rashi ruler and Nakshatra ruler, the duplicate yogi and the avayogi can be the same graha" (p 177).

" ... in 2 of the 36 possible combinations of rashi ruler and Nakshatra ruler, the duplicate yogi and the yogi can be the same graha" (p 177).

The function of the avayogi graha = "...the avayogi Obstructs prosperity ." (p 176).

Please see the full explanation with examples in Hart de Fouw and Robert Svoboda, Light on Relationships . Chapter on "Yogi Point, avayogi, duplicate yogi" (page 176-195).


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