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Jyotishavidya Practice

Illegal, immoral or Unsavory Activities

A Viewpoint on Counseling the Jyotisha Client


" He Whose Accomplishment Is Not In Vain"

from the collection of the Patan Museum near Kathmandu, naepal or

collection viewable at

Amogha-siddha = the power to transform the fierce power of jealousy, by harnessing one's natural competitive, attention-craving, and herd-dominating instincts, which can be directed toward the realized accomplishment of all worthy goals.

A- mogha =

  • unerring, unfailing, not vain,
  • efficacious, succeeding, hitting the mark, productive, fruitful

siddhi =

  • Accomplishment, performance, fulfilment, complete attainment (of any object), success
  • coming into force, validity ib.; settlement, payment, liquidation (of a debt)
  • establishment, substantiation, settlement, demonstration, proof. indisputable conclusion, result, issue
  • healing (of a disease), cure by
  • decision, adjudication, determination (of a lawsuit)
  • solution of a problem ib.; preparation, cooking, maturing, maturity ib.; readiness W.; prosperity, personal success, fortune, good luck, advantage
  • supreme felicity, bliss, beatitude, complete sanctification (by penance etc.), final emancipation, perfection
  • Any unusual skill or faculty or capability

About the modern English words Moral and Ethical

"Eth" is an ancestral Indo-European roots, expressed via the Greek language that later populates the English lexicon as "ethical" and "ethos" and "athlete" among others. "Eth" means folk, people, cultural group, tribe, clan.

Another feeder language that populates the English lexicon is Etruscan [Tuscany] - once the tongue of a great civilization - which had a word // mora // meaning // walls // [mural, intermural]. The Etruscan word // mora // made its way into a later civilization that spoke Latin, and from Latin come the vast majority of English lexical words.

Thus, English now has two synonyms, coming from two different feeder languages but meaning the same thing: morality and ethics.

  • Actions which are acceptable to our people, our tribe, our clan, our culture - these actions are ethical.
  • Actions which occur inside the walls of the settlement are moral. Behavior which falls outside the cultural-ethical walls, i.e. Outside the // mora // are immoral.

About sociology of cultural morality

The social organism has a cell-structure. The social cell is perpetually tries to regulate human group behavior, and each human individually is also going through life in a process of internal self-regulating.

The regulatory mechanism of the social order may mismatch the self-stabilizing patterns of any given individual. An individual may act in ways may seem urgently necessary to them, but which are socially unethical.

Many interesting varieties of immorality

The Jyotishiki may advise persons from all walks of life. Recent examples have included white-collar thieves, embezzling accountants, abusive parents, drug-addicted fashion models, and predatory lenders. Inter alia, prize-winning scientists who lifted some of their core insights from the work of others. Ponzi-schemers. Lying lawyers. Traffickers. Mergers-and-acquisitions expert who consciously destroyed the livelihoods of tens-of-thousands of corporate workers. Bank-defrauding impostors. Tax-cheats. Weapons dealers. Jyotishashastra accommodates them all.

Each of these human-beings is accumulating akashic-memory pattern which adds to their experiential inventory. Mostly their unethical behavior is driven by deep internal self-regulating impulses, and is not responsive to external social criticism.

Normally, trauma is the root of compuslve immoral behavior, and trauma appears in eighth-amsha patterns, especially from Chandra. In other words, need.

Extramarital Affairs - Affairs du Coeur

Surveys indicate that as many as 50% of North American married persons engage in extra-marital affairs at some point in their married life.

Conventional morality may declare that this behavior is damaging to society and cannot be permitted/condoned.

However, like any unethical conduct, it is based in compelling emotional need.

Jyotishashastra is a set of interpretive principles which are to be practiced with moral neutrality

Compassionate interpretation of the principles can engage deep validation of the causative trauma.

All experience and every form of reaction to experience can be used as fuel for the fires of enlightenment.

Be Here Now 1931-2019 Baba Ram Dassu sed to say, it's all Grist for the Mill . Each reading has the potential to guide the querent toward greater appreciation of the state of grace in which we all live, toward a more enlightened view of ourselves as fully divine beings infused with the glory of God in every moment.

While unconcerned with specific wall-works of cultural-ethical systems, the Jyotishiki appreciates the ancient teaching that adherence to conventional social morality is a prerequisite, an essential stepping-stone, toward the state of inner peace which forms itself the prerequisite for seeing things "as they are" .

Extra marital affairs are but one expression of what is . As a behavioral phenomenon, marriage and its variations are as interesting as taking religious vows or winning an election en route to high political power. OM Guru Namah.

read_req.GIF Om_mani.jpgupdated: 24 July 2024

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The information on , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!