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Rashi Lagna

9 graha from Simha indriya-lagna

12 bhava from Simha indriya-lagna

lagnesha = Surya

  1. [Mesha - Aja]

  2. [Vrishabha - Urisha]
  3. [Mithuna - Dvamdva]

  4. [Karkata - Kadaga]

  5. [Simha - Leya]

  6. [Kanya - Parthya]

  7. [Tula - Vanika]

  8. [Vṛścika - Thriketta]

  9. [Dhanus - Haya]

  10. [Makara - Draco]

  11. [Kumbha - Ghata]

  12. [Meena - Antya]


OM grinih suryaya namah

OM hram hrim hraum sah suryaya namah

OM Hariharaya Balamukundaya Namaha

12 Bhava

counted from



or [Chandra-Simha]

Phul (fruits)

the 12 houses from Leya Leo ascendant

Friendship Networks


woodcut from Liber Astronomiae

by Fra. Guido Bonatti, c. 1300


Ashta-bhuja-dhari Simha-Vahini Durga from

Bhava 1 = Simha - Leya

Lagnesha = Surya

List of


= please see: Simha indriya-lagna

Ravi = Surya = divine intelligence transmitted to Earth via the galactic Sun to our local Sun to Earthbeings. Professor Surya activates svabhava of great friend Kuja

Bhava-1 = competition for social validation . In order to win that competition a person needs to be born with a healthy, vital, well-coordinated combination of physical behaviors and social traits.

The Simha native seeks to develop the physical personality identity through association with royal figures, politicians, persons of high intelligence and creative genius , games and entertainments, and high entitlements of every kind.

  • The social personality has an inherent affinity for bright, hot light;

    highest mountains; speculative winnings, theatrical performance, one's own children.

  • the native is particularly influenced by the presence of the Divine in human life .

  • This presence need not be articulated, but the Simha native is always aware of the godlike nature of human beings.

Simha natives are generally bold and confident, dominating and self-centered, regal and radiant . Surya activates only one domain in the nativity, which gives Simha (and Karkata) natives a singularly focused intensity of personality. They strive to maintain a competitively confident personality and regal physical appearance.

Physical appearance depends on the condition of D-1/D-9 Simha including rashi, bhava, companion Graha, drishti, etc.

Generally, simha-lagna shows a pitta o or slightly reddish cast to the complexion, asubtle golden glow, relative to the gene pool. (at a more subtle astrally based but physically perceptible level, soma's rashi and characteristics also influence the coloring.)

Psychically, simha indriya-lagna projects an aura of intense confidence and dynamic life force. Unless the teachings of Professor Surya are subject to prolonged repetition of the key structural elements of the learning pathway (which are in reality multiple opportunities for accepting of gifts of understanding) Usually, via constrictive drishti. Hari-lagna have a bright and riveting physical countenance which magnetically attracts attention.

Many celebrities and performance artists, models, dancers, and others who make their living with and through the glamorous appearance of their physical bodies have Simha rising along with Ravi well disposed.

Simha: Rulership via Divine Righi

Simha natives can project a distinctively executive personality aura which emanates from one's sensed entitlement via Divine Right.

If Simha indriya-lagna = Magha - Regulus, one rules autocratically by divine fiat with little concern for the needs or opinions of others.

The domain occupied by lagnesha Surya will predict the style and location of adult manifestation of Simha's creative, domineering life force . "You do what you gotta do."

lagnesha Surya/Dhanus in bhava-5 = politics, genius, travel, and humanistic confidence

  • Autobiography of a Yogi 1893-1952 Swami Yogananda + Budha

  • drama-commerce 1978- Katie Holmes * Surya -Mūla + Mangala-Mūla

In other locations:

  • Publisher 1960-1999 attorney JFK-Jr = Surya-4 vṛścika = home life, real estate


In order to carry out the mandate of a Shani-ruled yuvati bhava, simha indriya-lagna will typically marry a Kumbha -profile spouse = elder, senior, more experienced, pragmatic, materialistic, and socially well-networked.

If the Shani-ruled spouse of the Simha native is not elder , more conservative , or exceptionally well-networked - the marriage will not succeed.

Lagnesha Surya-Simha in Simha indriya-lagna grants a radiantly bright appearance, typically with golden tones in the complexion.

Surya-1-Simha creates physical, dramatic, and political intelligence and connotes unlimited confidence.

Surya-1 is super-bright, but neither dominating nor concerned with the views of others. This is a state of complete, uninterrupted solipsism -- unless perchance there are other graha with Surya or a Shani drishti or other causes of outside interruption of the bliss of creative intelligence.

One is often a favorite, but does not depend upon friends. One is often a political player, but does not depend upon the intentions of the electorate. There is a natural glory. Very creative.

Beholden to none, with self-referential awareness of the oneness of all.

Kanya = Virgo = Bhava 2 - Value Graha in Bhava-2 expression prize * price * appreciation * preciousness or changes to the appreciativeness of the family (2) toward the native. The type of appreciation is determined by the character of the grahar.

Budha-Mercury: Mental Tasking rules svabhava of Shukra

Budha's governance is not impeded in the svabhava of friend Budha.

The family lineage is often argumentative, messaging, critical, analytical, and detail-communicative. Superb line for physicians, pharmacists, social workers, military officers, and other ministries of service.

Aesthetic and financial values are very detailed and specific, depending of course on the natal condition of Budha.

The lineage values-fulfillment family life and children, but even more highly values professional service as a route toward wealth acquisition. The lineage tends to be compartmentalized in order to accomplish success in professional work.

For radical Simha nativities, presuming that Budha is fairly well disposed, periods of dhanapati-2+Vriddhi-pati-11 Budha generate considerable treasury via knowledge and banking-capitalization (2), as well as earned income from the marketplace (11) of interlinked distribution of ideas, goods and services.

They like to argue, and are usually quite effective in their speech. If Budha is well-disposed, they are articulate people with a cheerful even adolescent style of talking.

[Surya in bhava-2] * the family is charismatic, political, and theatrical with characteristically bright faces. Their ability to appreciate the native depends upon the treasury that one brings into the family coffers. Father may be a larger-than-life radiant figure, potentially of aristocratic or political background, almost certainly a capable entertainer.

He is primarily concerned with maintaining the financial well being of the lineage. Father may be involved in banking, archives, storage, collections, conservation, value, traditional knowledge, genetic breeding, historical records. Father is prone toward self-righteousness and usually he is the solar center of this lineage.

Surya-Kanya has a special feature of dedication to some variety of service ministry in addition to the main engagement in environments of speech, song, or logical expression.

Surya occupies Kanya * Surya lagnesha * ruler of 1 resides in 2

  • Hugging Saint 1953- Ammachi of Kerala + [uchcha-Budha]

[Chandra in bhava-2] * the family is sensitive and routinized in their style of showing appreciation to the native. Mother may be primarily concerned with maintaining the financial well being of the lineage. She can be involved with banking, archives, storage, collections, conservation, value, genetic breeding, lineage knowledge, historical records. Mother is often the center of this lineage which features pale, gently radiant moonglow faces.

The family lineage is deeply identified with the Old Ways (Soma) but feels a need to apply logical criticisms to the values of the traditional folkways.

[Chandra-Kanya] * comforted by remedial aid * sensitive to logical argument * needs to help * ruler of 12 resides in 2

[Mangala in bhava-2] * the family is competitive and outspoken in their style of showing appreciation to the native. . Brothers are dominating and vigorous. Often an athletic or warrior lineage. The native and the brothers are concerned with financial well-being, which is typically present at birth and energetically pursued by the native.

The family may be dynamically successful in their pursuit of material treasures, particularly conserving wealth derived from Mangala acts such as military invasion, forceful explorations, weaponry, engineering, surgical tools, driving, diving, drilling, plumbing, plowing, hunting, excavating, explosives.

Mangala is notoriously critical-analytical in Kanya, benefiting investigative journalism, fact-finding expeditions, and exploratory inquiries

[Mangala-Kanya] [Yogakaraka] ruler of 5-10 resides in 2

[Budha in bhava-2] * the family is communicative and gesturing in their style of showing appreciation to the native. . Younger siblings of either gender may be managers of the financial well being of the lineage. Siblings and cohort-members can be involved with banking, archives, storage, collections, conservation, value, genetic breeding, lineage knowledge, historical records. Siblings are often active in the center of the family lineage.

[Budha-Kanya] [uchcha] [svakshetra] [mūlatrikoṇa if within 16-20 deg] * ruler of 2-11 resides in 2 * Budha for Simha-lagna can be a significant money-mani-maker.

[Guru in bhava-2] * the family is expansive and inclusive in their style of showing appreciation to the native. . In the nativity of a wife, her husband, represented by dhava-karaka Guru, is a curator of the marriage finances; in His capacity as randhresha, the husbandly-companion may prefer financial nondisclosure. In a husbandly nativity, one's financial holdings are influenced by the paradigm of belief. One's own knowledge of values and history is expanded by the presence of teacher-preachers in the family lineage. Sacred doctrine may play a central role in the family tradition.

[Guru-Kanya] * ruler of 5-8 resides in 2 * mixed results. Brihaspati, the karaka for language, generally benefits the voice-speech rather than acquired treasures

  • La Pucelle d'Orléans 1412-1431 St. Jeanne d'Arc + Chandra * parivartamsha Budha-2

[Shukra in bhava-2] *the family is balanced, aesthetic, and aligned to financial well-being in their style of showing appreciation to the native. . For a husbandly nativity, shukra indicates the wife. For either husband or wife, shukra indicates sister, sisters-in-law, aunts, and feminine associatesare lovers of luxury and beautiful in a mysterious way. The native often has a charismatically attractive voice. The sisterly-ones are concerned with financial well-being, which is typically present at birth and improved by the contractual, agreement-making abilities of the women and the native.

[nīcha] Shukra suggests special challenges of victimization [being eaten] and service ministries; the women are less comfortable in their wealth and more prone toward argumentative, unsatisfied, divorcing roles.

[Shukra-Kanya] [nīcha] ruler of 3-10 resides in 2

[Shani in bhava-2] * the family is delayed or stalled in their style of showing appreciation to the native, but in time the necessary logical argumentation will arrive. Shani is generally comfortable in the victim narrative [story of being eaten] s of Kanya rashi. Shanicarya casts drishti into 4-8-11 straitening conditions in the childhood home, imposing strictures in the foundational education, limiting the inheritance, and slowing the pace of economic gains. The knowledge-treasury may slowly be obtained but prognosis for wealth-accumulation depends upon Budha.

The family carries a weight of perceptual limitation due to materialism and emotional handicap, preventing it from appreciating its own lineage. Agents of the government, officers of the social order, the elderly, hierarchs, and other Shani-figures may limit and restrain the family's acquisitions. Shani produces heavy restraint and social obligations upon the lineage, constraining but not denying wealth acquired via professionalization into ministries of service.

[Shani-Kanya] * ruler of 5-6 resides in 2

Rahu in bhava-2 * The family is ambitious and seeking social mobility. Often the lineage is irregular in some fashion; most Typically, an imposter from another line is claiming legitimacy in the family line (usually a case of disguised parentage. Rahu's angle from Chandra will reveal this impostor.). Rahu-2 indicates a craving to expediently obtain the privileges accorded to the class of bankers, hoarders, treasurers, and preservers.

May an obsessive collector of exquisitely detailed things, and use this collection as a platform for social ascendance. Kanya favors analysis; the family's response to the native is often deceptively critical. If the family finds it expedient to promote and appreciate the native, this may occur. If the family finds it expedient to disgrace the native, this may also occur. Find the ruler of risk-rewarding Rahu, and evaluate other graha in 2, to determine which path is most instrumental for shape-shifting Rahu.

Lineage features individual or family over-reaching [Rahu] via medical complaints, lawsuits, accusatory or defamatory speech.


[Ketu in Bhava-2]* the family is dispersed and disregarding in their style of showing appreciation to the native. The family's lineage wealth may dissipate over the period of one's lifetime.

Second marriage is rare with Ketu-2, and if it occurs the spouse is eccentrically detached from one's interests. Find Ketu's ruler Budha, and evaluate other graha in bhava-2, to determine which outcomes are likeliest.


Tula = Libra

Sahaja bhava Bhava 3 - Mental Process

Shukra -Venus: How We Love

Sharing Shukra's governance is not impeded in the svabhava of friend Budha.

Good socializers who easily find a point of balance in meetings and business activities. Likes to design plans and schedules. Enjoys the flow of daily business. Favors teamwork, social event organizing, building a favorable sibling-type group of business associates who work cooperatively due to balanced mental and communicative interactions.

Quality of the neighborly and sibling-type interactions depends on character of Shukra in the nativity.

Vṛścika = Scorpionis= [Bhava 4] = Home, family, security + vehicles = non-moveable wealth

Kujayuti Ketu

  • transformer of security

  • needs a dark-colored, somewhat mysteriously located home property

  • Often prefers a remote location shrouded from public view

  • may conduct occult or confidential matters in the home

  • home may have issues with intruders = psychic [Ketu] and physical [Mangala]

Kuja= friend of Chandra and Kuja is also a friend of Lagnesha Surya.

Conditions in bhava-4, the home and schoolroom, the parents and the vehicles, are controlled by Kuja-yuti-Ketu .

Therefore bandhu-bhava always has a touch of ambitious competition, and matters of cultural indoctrination toward deepening roots might never fully accept the old ways. Mangala = an innovator. His job is to push forward the ethnic folkways customs and established cultural norms into a more vigorous state.

Simha native and one's parents may be frequent bhava-movers in search of better opportunities for competitive dominance in business, and improved physical health. There is a preference for warmer, sunnier, drier climates which often implies a southward movement.

the native thrive in irrigated [Chandra] but hot [Mangala] climates. An occasional walk through blazing hot beach sands provides a grounding action throughout lifer.

Example placements

  • Shani (unfortunate) the native knows a great deal about the family members and their activities. One's parents are secretive and controlling; the adult native also tends to be excessively controlling in the home.

  • Chandra (mixed) = parents have emotional health issues, often due to historic trauma in their own childhood homes. Basic security is however present. Stressful but not harmful.

  • Mangala or Surya (fortunate) Whether masculine or femine-identified, one takes a shamanic, psychiatric, investigator's role at home. Good for military policing in the homeland.

Dhanus = Sagittarius = Bhava 5 - Children, Genius

Guru -Jupiter: Wisdom Expansion

Guru's governance is not impeded in the svabhava of friend Surya.

Generally fortunate in matters of children unless some occupying graha disturbs Guru's abundance. (Surya in 5 is a blocker, saying"I am the Child" .) Expansively creative. High entitlement for celebrity, recognition, authorship. Wonderful teacher and coach, but not interested in other viewpoints - must follow one's own creative instincts without interruption, or regal Simha indriya-lagna generally will leave the scener.

Great genius in literature, product development, and performance art is possible, depending on auspicious placement of Surya and Vrihaspati. Maximized effect when Guru casts drishti from domains 9, 11, or lagna or if Guru yuti magnifying nodes. Location of Guru will show the manifestation of creative powers.

Old Time Music 1929-2003 comedy June Carter Cash
  • [Chandra in classroom-5]comfortable with creativity * familiar with speculation * needs central attention

  • [Chandra-Dhanus] comforted by customary beliefs * settled into rhythmic received teachings * needs to feel wisely guided

[Makara - Draco]

Shani -Saturn : System Requirements

Bhava 6 - Argumentation, conflict, Loss of Agreement

Shani's governance is not impeded in the svabhava of friend Budha.

Makara-6 contrary to conventional social practice

Health issues from dryness, scarce resources, legalistic attitude, conventionalism, resistance to change.

Rule of law and obtainment of social respectability may be higher priority than personal health.

Generalized tendency toward ailments of bones, cartilage, joints, structural element of the human body.

Tends toward stodgy diet. Digestive issues due to lack of moisture and poor absorption of nutrient.

May benefit from with yogic practices focused on muladhara chakra.

Tendency to favor institutional medical approach rather than independent perspective. Seek conformity with government standard. If medical professional, prefers military or bureaucratic environments.

Necessarily there is much duty and responsibility for maintaining correct practices especially in areas of medicine, labor-law, human-resources policy.

Periods of Shani rogesha may demand accountability to social policy regulations.

Kumbha = Aquarius = Bhava 7 - marriage, partnership, contracts, alliances

[Shani] = social dignity of marriage

Shani's governance is not impeded in the svabhava of friend Shukra. Duties are properly performed. But the spouse is heartless.

" If at woman's birth, the 7th bhava or the setting Navamsha be that Saturn,

her husband will be an old man and a fool."

~~ BPHS Sarga-80, shloka-2 2-25

" If, during birth, capricornus or Aquarius be descending or Saturn's Navamsha be descending,

the woman will get an old fool for her husband."

~~ Bhrigu Sutram Sarga-34 Shloka-11

Sober Shani = yuvati-pati-7 = senior spouse

The spousal bhava 7 is ruled by Shani and thus the mate should be either considerably older than oneself;

one's senior in terms of cultural or professional achievement;

or emotionally plain, dry and cold, or all three. The native tends to view marriage as a public duty more than a private pleasure.

The spouse of Simha should first and foremost uphold the social dignity of marriage and appear as conventional, mainstream, regular, and predictable in the lawful customs of the assembly.

As Parashara states, for Simha and Karkata indriya-lagna, the reality is that marriage pleasure is dominated by a deep Saturnian sense of social duty. Personal intimacy is not destroyed, but the native will prioritize those marriage tasks which contribute to social respect and stability, while giving lesser attention to matters of personal comfort [Chandra] or creativity [Surya].

  • Simha = self = "Heart" . The Simha native radiates Courage, Valor, and leonine confidence.

  • Kumbha = spouse, is "Heart-less ".

Spouses look respectable in public but the emotional vitality of marriage may be limited by a heavy workload . Spousal behavior depends as always on the condition of Shani. The spouse will generally look older and more dried-out or pale compared to the native .

Even [uchcha] Shani in bhava-3, the best possible setup for this difficult marriage gives the spouse, and the native through auspice of the spouse's behavior, high position, accountability, and dignity. There is rarely much interpersonal pleasure, except the pleasure of enjoying a solid public reputation.

Contracts, agreements, legal discussions, all types of advising are somewhat difficult and tedious unless Shani is exceptionally strong. After their Typically, rather long resistance to commitment followed by a later marriage, divorce is uncommon unless the teachings of Professor Shani are subject to prolonged repetition of the key structural elements of the learning pathway (which are in reality multiple opportunities for accepting of gifts of understanding) Usually, via constrictive drishti). Because one takes a very dry and legalistic attitude toward marriage, seeing marriage as primarily an expedient requirement of career.

Despite their tolerance for meetings and party talk, these folks dislike adversarial conflict, and they will compromise in order to avoid legal disputes. They like rational conceptualization, not emotional arguments.

Spouse can be made into a workhorse , piled up with duties and schedules, treated as a fixture in public life, emotionally ignored while one attracts all the attention unto oneself. Simha indriya-lagna is sometimes a glutton for attention and applause, especially if Rahu is in lagna.

Intimacy problems. Best suited to an older or more cautious, lawful or conservative spouse whose self-image is also invested in public role-playing.

Best to have conservative values and low emotional expectations in marriage. comfortable and pleasing results from marriage to an older, more duty-focused and life-experienced spouse.

Chandra in Kumbha may bring (slightly) more emotional juice, although as ruler-of-12 Chandra is also problematic. Surya-Kumbha is poorly disposed, leading to spousal disregard for moral principle and the native, while invested in the marriage, is socially or politically embarrassed.

Behari commentary upon ruler-of-12 when the vyaya-pati is located in yuvati bhava

Kumbha-Chandra for the Simha indriya-lagna:

" You are irrepressibly lustful.

You receive money from your spouse and gain renown in distant lands.

Associations and partners are social outcasts or foreigners involved in shady deals."

Meena = Bhava 8

  • secrets, hidden assets, confidential information, sudden and catastrophic change

Guru * Jupiter: Wisdom Expansion

Guiding Guru's governance is not impeded in the svabhava of friend Mangala

Generous Guru's abundance provides an opening into the deep mysteries of life. If auspicious graha own or occupy bhava-8, brihaspati may be profoundly involved in tantrik pursuits.

Sees one's own destiny in cosmic terms, and accepts entitlement to make magic in the world. Also entitled to maintain intimate connections outside of marriage - not necessarily sexual, but therapeuticr.

Capacity to know and share secret knowledge through a network of retreat centers and mystical teachers.

less benevolent graha controlling bhava-8 can give manipulative selfishness and misuse of confidential information for destructive purposes.

the native 's level of ethical development will be indicated by Surya and Gurur.

If Surya/Guru are favorable, one can use this entitlement to tremendous material and psychic resources as a tool for creating extraordinarily positive change in the world.

If Surya/Guru are not helpful, one may degenerate into unfocused childlike 'play' with his resources, wasting the kingly opportunity of a blessed life.

Mesha-Aja = Aries = Bhava 9

Principles of Philosophical understanding;

the High Temple; University;

High-Priesthood; pontiff, proselyte, sacerdotal

Guru; Professor;

Sacred Wisdom

Father-figure; Pitri, patrons, patronage;

doctrinal instruction and paradigm of belief

human perception of Divine Law

  • Temples of Sacred wisdom,

  • preachers, pontiffs, and professors,

  • father-figures, dogma and doctrine,

  • children and grandchildren

  • mountaintop celebration of Divine Light

Kuja * Mars: Kinetic, dynamic, innovative, competitive, pursuing, championship Energy

Kuja's governance is not impeded in the svabhava of friend Guru.

Should Kuja be strong, the interest in religion is lifelong and passionate. Yet, according to the overall theme of Simha indriya-lagna, religious fellowship and priestly practices must serve one's individual Soul interests.

Highly independent and athletic approach to philosophy and higher knowledger.

Depending as always on the disposition of Kuja, relationship with Father and Guru is strained by the warrior nature of this Simha child.

If Kuja is super-strong, the father's ego-membrane may be too volatile to sustain his parenting role. The spiritual guru too must accommodate the powerful individuality of oneselfr.

Surya, Guru, and Kuja control the fortune houses 1-5-9. These hot, energized, forward-moving graha when well coordinated can bring great fortune into the Simha indriya-lagna birthr.



Urisha = Taurus = Bhava 10 - respect and responsibility, career and profession, public reputation

Shukra -Venus: How We Love

Shukra's governance is not impeded in the svabhava of neutral Shani.

Tendency to place social and physical aesthetics at the top of leadership concerns; great focus on art and design, the beauty and attractiveness of the task. Public dignity chained to the auspiciousness (or not) of Shukra.

General reputation for artistic sensitivity to balanced design of products and social order, with a focus on social harmony.

Surprisingly talented at building relationships targeted to the top level of social governance (in contrast to limited ability to develop emotional intimacy in marriage.) Shukra will show the nature of iconic public roles, if any.

Mithuna = Gemini = Bhava 11-

Budhaactivates svabhava of neutral Shani

Associations of voluntary friendship, elder sibling, gains and achievements, marketplace networks

Budha's governance is not impeded in the svabhava of neutral Shani.

However, budha is so easily influenced that Simha indriya-lagna's gainfulness cannot be predicted without understanding Budha's role in the nativity. However, in general, good business acumen and accurate calculations unless Budha is impacted. Domain of Budha will show the source of gainfulness.

Seeks the company (11) of conversationalists and literati (Mithuna) writers, story-tellers, the multi-lingual and multi-cultural, media people, advertising and public relations experts, those who can spin a tale

For Simha indriya-lagna, presuming that Budha is fairly well disposed, periods of dhanapati-2+Vriddhi-pati-11 Budha can generate material income via family-of-origin hoarded assets and knowledge-values, as well as earned gains from the marketplace of goods, ideas, and services.

Surya in bhava-11

Surya-Mithuna * bright center of commerce and conversation

Lagnesha Surya-Mithuna in Vriddhi-bhava-11 creates a socialite and a community activist associated with material gains and achievements. Barring restrictive drishti from Shani, one is generally friendly and talkative; enjoys being in the limelight; is broadly perceived as accessible. Tends to be widely recognized in large-group settings such as fayres, marketplaces, assemblies, fundraising events, and rallies. Well-liked by the membership of large interlinked groups (11).

One is confident, articulate, and may serve as the iconic [Surya] representation of a message, an instruction-set, or a stream of information. May represent and explain a Movement or a Cause.

Not a salesperson but rather a promoter of community conversations about the central topic. The public image is tied to income-earning or goal-achieving intelligence aided by gainfully interlinked networks of friends and associates.

Creates intelligence regarding large group configurations. Surya is an economic operator who is confident in community building. One is the center of a web which has no center, connected to a social network that is massive, ambitious, and articulate. \

Much of your public image is tied to your income-earning identyt and your gainfully interlinked networks of friends and associates.

General Effect on Friendship Networks

Friendships tend to be based on shared pursuit of immediate conversation and exchange of circumstantially important information. As a friend and network participant, the native is rather superficially engaged in helping others to achieve their material and professional goals.

After the project of the moment has concluded, the native will generally retreat into the bosom of the family; not a friendly person by nature although if Budha is well-disposed a highly effective talker. Uses words to get what one wants.

Most likely friends are siblings, school-mates, team-mates on production teams.

According to the Simha native 'there are plenty of fish in the sea'. One can start and stop an instrumental friendship at will.

if rogesha-6 in 11:

Presence of rogesha-6 Shani in 11 can indicate one who becomes isolated through intolerance toward the peccadillos of friends.

Karka = Cancera-Khepra = Bhava 12

Chandra activates svabhava of Guru.

Chandra's governance is not impeded in the svabhava of neutral Gurur.

  • dreams and psychic perception,

  • long-term foreign travel,

  • private imagination,

  • meditation and prayer

  • residence in foreign lands (not travel, but long residence)

Imagination, clairsentience, meditation and Prayer

  • will inevitably fluctuate.

  • Naturally, whichever bhava is ruled by Chandra, the planetary patron of tides and flows, will fluctuate.

  • the native will experience tidal ebb and flow of psychic capability, effectiveness of prayer, access to guidance from dreams and voice of ancestors, and general benefit of imagination, throughout life.

  • Bedroom pleasures also fluctuate.

  • Meditation practice gives best results in periods of Chandra.

Emotional need for privacy.

Emotionally imaginative in one's own sanctuary space, while the emotional life plays a minimal role in the public personality (exception: parivartamsha of Surya-Chandra

Psycho-emotional need for and appreciation of spiritual sanctuary, hermitage, and religious retreat.

Intuitive capability for in occult practices related to family roots [Chandra] such as communication with ancestor spirits.

Core emotional life is effectively curtained off and kept away from prying eyes of others, even including the spouse.

Emotional need to develop the bhava-12 of"enemies of marriage" , e.g.

  • relationship with the ishta-devata (an imaginary intimacy, but a potent one)

  • private bedroom relationships,

  • Or relationships based in foreign lands,

  • Matters of relationships and behaviors which are inherently inimical to the marriage contract will fluctuate considerably, and the level of their materialization must be determined by the character of Chandra.

  • A good deal of the emotional activity is conducted in the imagination whether there is material manifestation or not.

Emotional allegiance to relationships outside of marriage tends to waver.

the native may be introduced to meditative practices early in life, which allow control of the emotions so that Surya's domineering rationality can proceed unimpeded by the fluctuations of emotional life, especially anxiety and self-doubt.

Others may notice the Simha natives emotional vulnerability but the native oneself suffers very little self-doubt.

Enemies of the marriage, always indicated by the ruler-of-12 and graha within vyaya bhava-12, tend to be Feminine Nativities with maternal or nurturing powers. They have large breasts, along with a soft and loving embracer.

the native promotes a fixed, controlled, intelligent and socially positive package of public attributes which However, represent only one's rational side.

The intuition may be extremely strong if Chandra is benevolent; Yet, the native will not normally be aware of Chandra's influence and certainly will not share much of their emotional perception with others.

The influence of the Mother is "lost" buried deep in the subconscious while the influence of the Father's intelligence predominates unless the teachings of Professor Surya are subject to prolonged repetition of the key structural elements of the learning pathway -- which are in reality multiple opportunities for accepting of gifts of understanding. Usually, via constrictive drishti

There are numerous exceptions to this overall truth but Generally, the mother's influence expresses through dreams and the imagination while the father's influence is much more in the body and social personality.

One's public personality expressed dominantly through The earthen body appearance; for Simha indriya-lagna it, should be lean and darkly golden with very little influence from the soft, plumping, watery-light Moon unless Chandra is yuti Surya or some other parivartamsha effect.

parivartamsha yoga which brings a lighter than typical for Simha body complexion. Lagnesha Surya/ Karkata/ bhava-12, for public expression of private imagination , e.g., foreign ideas, and bedroom life.


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In all your designs you will succeed, and light will shine on your path.

~~ Book of Job = Iyyov, 22:28