

Graha - Gochara

"Elarata Saturn"



OM sham shanaishcharaye namah

samchara - gochara




upon the 12 Bhava

Shani - Main Page

see also: Sade-Sati

Shani produces comfortable and pleasing results when the process is long-lasting, slow-moving, reduced-energy, multi-staged, carefully checked and vetted, status-ranked, proven, credentialed, materialistic, emotionally neutral, socially approved, tightly regulated, and respectful to the elderly.

Shani delays , but typically He does not deny.

Simple effects 12 Bhava

Shani samchara via bhava-1 slows, delays, impedes, resists but also orders, disciplines, and matures matters of The earthen body vitality, muscular movement, visible identity, appearance, competitions, birth; mother's social honor; father's luck.

Shani samchara via bhava-2 slows, delays, impedes, resists but also orders, disciplines, and matures matters of family lineage, genetics, containment, treasuries, libraries, databases, collections, preservation, banking, speech, mouth, eyes, voice, song. Mother's friends, mother's beliefs; father's imbalances, father's conflicts.

Shani samchara via bhava-3 slows, delays, impedes, resists but also orders, disciplines, and matures matters of communication, messaging, process, management, writing-publishing, teamwork, explanations, signaling. sibling-cousins; mother's private life; father's contractual partnerships.

Shani samchara via bhava-4 slows, delays, impedes, resists but also orders, disciplines, and matures matters of home, foundations, diploma-license, schooling, parents, caretaking, shelters, pathways of transportation, cultural roots, borders, patriotism, policing, fences; mother's vitality; father's secrets

Shani samchara via bhava-5 slows, delays, impedes, resists but also orders, disciplines, and matures matters of creative intelligence, gaming-gambling, celebrity, speculation, theatre, entertainments, politics, fashion, genius, fun; mother's tresauries; father's beliefs.

Shani samchara via bhava-6 slows, delays, impedes, resists but also orders, disciplines, and matures matters of ministries of service, illness-injury, litigation, accusation, medicines, addiction, disharmony, conflict, servants. Mother's relatives; father's career. Shani here gives stamina and maintains the problems at their current level, prevents worsening of conditions.

Shani samchara via bhava-7 slows, delays, impedes, resists but also orders, disciplines, and matures matters of justice, equity, fair contracts, negotiation, deal-making, alliance, marriage, partnership, counseling. Mother's properties; father's friends. Shani transit via bhava-7 temporarily imposes stricter commitment to uphold the terms of promises, vows, and socially recognized contracts.

Shani samchara via bhava-8 slows, delays, impedes, resists but also orders, disciplines, and matures matters of transformative change, sudden new identities, exploration, initiation, re-invigoration, re-start, revolution, rebirth. Mother's luck; father's imagination, widowhood. Shani temporary transit across bhava-8 is generally life-extending + briefly slows or prevents the eruption of sudden changes.

Shani samchara via bhava-9 slows, delays, impedes, resists but also orders, disciplines, and matures matters of paradigms of belief, ideology, doctrine, global perspective, humanism, universities, philosophies, father-figures, professors, preachers, patrons. Mother's enemies; father's vitality.

Shani samchara via bhava-10 slows, delays, impedes, resists but also orders, disciplines, and matures matters of government, leadership roles, social responsibilities, laws, institutional policies. Mother's contractual agreements; father's family.organizational governance, executive authority, social ordering, hierarchies, rank and status, conspicuous public roles, symbolic positions, promotion to higher levels, recognized actions, application of social rules, ultimate regulatory decisions, institutional responsibilities

Shani samchara via bhava-11 slows, delays, impedes, resists but also orders, disciplines, and matures matters of government, leadership roles, social responsibilities, laws, institutional policies. Mother's contractual agreements; father's family. economic systems, ecologies, community linakge, social networks, friendships, marketplace connections, fundraising, income. Mother's secrets; father's relatives.

Shani samchara via bhava-12 slows, delays, impedes, resists but also orders, disciplines, and matures matters of government, leadership roles, social responsibilities, laws, institutional policies. Mother's contractual agreements; father's family. dream-world, clairsentience, research enclosures, secluded environments, private spiritual guidance, non-petitionary prayer, bedroom behavior, sanctuary, hermitage, isolation, cloister, studio-time, distant locations. Mother's father; father's mother.

SHANI Gochara * Transits

SHANI Ashtamsha

  • = Saturn transits the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra


  • Seven-and-a-Half years of SHANI contact to field of radical Chandra

Sade-Sati via 12 Bhava * descriptions

  • Duration of one apparent orbit of Shani around Surya = one Shani Return = 10760 days = 29.46 earth-years (usually considered as 29.3 years)

SHANI Main Page

description Gochara SHANI in 12 bhava

TRANSIT CALENDAR of Ingress-Egress SHANI Transits * years 1900-2099

  1. Shani transit via Mesha
  2. Shani transit via Urisha
  3. Shani transit via Mithuna
  4. Shani transit via Karkata
  5. Shani transit via Singha
  6. Shani transit via Kanya
  7. ***
  8. Shani transit via Tula
  9. Shani transit via Vṛścika
  10. Shani transit via Dhanus
  11. Shani transit via Makara
  12. Shani transit via Kumbha
  13. Shani transit via Meena

How does Visiting Professor Shani behave in transit?

The Strict and Serious Professor Shani's behavior as a temporary 2.3-years guest in the rashi is defined, limited, or supported by the hosting permanent ruler of the rashi.

Into whichever classroom Professor Shani brings His teaching agenda , anumber of distinctive behaviors may be noted. Shanaicarya is first and foremost an agent of lawfulness and respect for seniority .

Durokaraka Shani rewards caution, maturity, longevity, structure, persistence, resistance, objectivity, austerity, and social responsibility.

Wherever He travels, professor Shani requires an attitude of orderliness and patient acceptance of prolonged or delayed processes.

When transiting via His own territories of Makara - Draco rashi and Kumbha - Ghata rashi, professor Shani is generally empowered.

He is an economic, public, naetworking agent of rule-governed systems, and He flourishes wherever the Rule of Law is respected. Any hierarchy, any rule-governed lateral system, any bureaucracy, any organized operation, whether social, electronic, scientific, or galactic, is a suitable and effective environment for Shani.

In Makara - Draco,

  • pyramid-shaped hierarchies and rigid bureaucracies with their legions of officials, factotums, and company-men are well supported. Top-down governance, steep climbs, authority structures, regulation, and conformist social policy are emphasized. Shani-Makara favors work involving stone, bones, blue steel, iron, sand, paper, and all forms of dry-goods. Shani-Makara also favors work that is regulatory, conformist, structural, hierarchical, uniform, and step-wise. His preferred environments are darkest blue, dark blue-grey, charcoal-color, cold, rocky, sandy, dry, and windy.

In Kumbha - Ghata ,

  • lateral (non-hierarchical) distributive and associative system networks are strengthened. The networks may be social, scientific, electronic, economic, or other patterns of regularly interlinked community and ecology. Kumbha is a web with no center. Within Ghata-razi, centralized authority tends to become lawfully distributed into hubs so that if one hub fails, the system will redistribute the work-order through alternative foci. His preferred environments are dark brown, dark purple, steel grey, cold, rocky, sandy, dry, and windy.

When visiting the territories of His planetary friends, professor Sauran aids endurance, dutiful commitment, and regularity.

In Vrishabha - Urisha and Tula - Vanika which are the territories of His friend Professor Shukran,

  • austerely architectural Professor Shani promotes an aesthetic of elegant simplicity and enduring value. He imposes architectural order upon systems of finance and He maintains the time-tested structures of social relationships. When in Vrishabha or Tula, shani's preferred environments are blue, blue-grey, purple, and cold- but-clear like a diamond.

In Mithuna - Dvamdva and Kanya - Parthya the territories of His friend Budhan,

  • Professor Shani crafts detailed laws, policies, and protocols which describe and interpret reality. He slows the mercurial quickening, bringing maturity and regularity to human communication systems. When traveling through the rashi of Budha, the preferred environments of Professor Shani are dark emerald green, dark teal, and cold-but-busy.

Shanaicarya is neutral toward Brihaspati. When traveling through Dhanus - Haya and Meena - Antya territories,

  • Shani brings structure to Professor Guru's generous wisdom offerings.
  • Without disturbing the broad scope and inclusive attitude of Brihaspati's doctrine, shani applies methods of systematic testing and scientific rigor to the understanding of great truths.

In the territories of His enemy graha, scarcity-imposing Shanaicarya tends to produce a reactive and resisting energy of fear -- particularly the fear of the negative consequences of movement and change, such as fear of punishment for upsetting the established routines..

When traveling via Karkata - Kadaga rashi,

Professor Shani oppresses the gentle, soothing rhythms of natural life processes. He may chastise the native for acts which seem to alter the orderly flow of culturally fixed routine. When He affects environments of Chandra such as foundational schooling, parenting, property ownership-stewardship , pathways of transportation, and policing, professor Shani-Karkata may be especially conventional and fearful of exceptions to the cultural rules.

  • Dry-and-brittle Shani also dislikes wet-and-flowing Professor Chandra. He constructs strict rules for socially approved parenting, housing, and border protection. He may impose feeding schedules, assert government controls on customary routines, or regulate the agricultural festival calendar.
  • In Karkata, scarcity-imposing Shanaicarya tends to be an agent of government policing on topics of cultural morality. (Mora = walls, morality = what social behavior is allowed within the cultural walls.) Shani is uncomfortable in this role, but cultural matters come into His purview when He transits via Karkata, the rashi of cultural roots and rhythms.

Unfortunately things will not improve any time soon for the beleaguered Samchara Professor Shani. After exiting Karkata with a brief sigh of relief, the Professor of Punishment must ingress directly into His least favorite environment, the brightly lit and rife-with-exceptions theatre of Simbha.

Lord Shani the ruler of Cold Darkness has some rather fierce enemies, including His arch-enemy * adhi-shatru Professor Surya.

When traveling through bright-hot-light Simha rashi,

  • uniformity-imposing Shani is extremely hostile toward Singha's royal behaviors of creativity, entitlement, entertainments, politics, and games.
  • Shani usually attempts to strictly order and organize the genius intelligence of the felidae of Haya
  • Yet, the end result is typically " herding cats" .

Luckily, immediately after every transit of Saurana via the burning-hot Leonis, professor Shani can enter the safe space of friendly Kanya who loves a tightly organized argument.

Durokaraka Shani resists the forceful movements of Professor Mangalar.

Shanaicarya fears upset, innovation, or change.

  • He feels endangered when He encounters dynamic muscularly moving, inventive, pioneering Kuja.

Therefore transiting Saturan's journey via the rashi of Mesha - Aja (Shani's nīcha zone) or Vṛścika - Thriketta (a place of sudden transformations) are difficult for the Rigid One.

  • In these frightening (for Shani) locations, scarcity-imposing Shanaicarya tries to use His order-defender tools of social-class stratification, strict rules and resistance-resistance-resistance to discovery and disclosure.

Luckily, immediately after every transit via Kuja's invasive eruptive scary places, He can enter the safe space of one of the sweetly materialistic Shukra-rashi.

Will it be difficult overall?

Easy overall?

Aligned with my expectations ?

Does Shani cause dematerialization ?

Will my cherished fantasies and beliefs conflict with Shani's material realism?

Will my every movement be blocked or fiercely regulated?

Are there mitigants or buffers that can reduce Shani's retarding effects and soften His rigid adherence to the Law?

Shani does not victimize

He relentlessly applies the Law and He recognizes no exceptions.

Shani emphasizes realism, structure and time.

After Shani matures age 36, all Shani-related processes become more sensible, more acceptable, and in many cases more beneficial. Generally, as the chronological age progresses, one may understand and support stricter and stricter social laws and policies which aim to prevent disorder.

With age comes an appreciation for orderliness and elegance. With age comes an increasing understanding of the structure of reality. Before age 36, anticipate some frustration due to Shani's impedance and resistance toward innovation, creativity, individual uniqueness, and free movement.

After age 36, expect Shani transits to slow and delay the core processes of each bhava that He visits. However, after age 36, most of His visits can bring an appreciable degree of maturity, naeutrality, and realism into the bhava. The older a person becomes, the more one may welcome the predictable slowdown and rigidity as an opportunity to freeze-frame the process of the bhava thus finally seeing what is really therer.

Shani freezes, stalls, stiffens, desiccates, delays, and retards.

Generally, professor Shani is not a killer -- unless He is also the marana lord of bhava-2 or bhava-7.

Shani does not completely stop the life force flow; rather He increases the external force of gravity, cools the blood and slows vigorous muscular action in order to call human attention to the step-wise structure of Time.

The gift of samchara Shani is wisdom of neutrality, maturity, and realism.

Within each bhava that He visits, shani creates a freeze-frame reality-check that can provide surprising benefits of delay -- for example, time for further fact-finding in a criminal investigation, or forestalling a hasty divorce, or imposing construction rules that will result in a safer building. Shani the Taskmaster often involves multiple inspections, revisions, and reviews.

Professor Shani is relentlessly realistic and completely neutral on the topic of beliefs and expectations. He will use the true physical, emotional, mental, financial, social, and spiritual conditions of life in order to accomplish His pre-incarnationally planned goals. Shani does not recognize Chandra's guilt language of should .

The best mental and ideological strategy during Shani transits is to Lower Your Expectations regarding matters of the bhava via which Shani is traveling and remain absolutely neutral in response to pre-incarnationally planned burn-off mandates of Shanaicarya.

Continuously asserting the religious belief, creative fantasy, or embedded psychological expectation that reality should be different from what it is can be a superb recipe for mental illness during Shani transits.

The three most difficult bhava for Shani are the svabhava of Shani's enemies Surya + Mangala = bhava-1, bhava-5, and bhava-8.

Bhava which are owned by Shani's friends Budha + Shukra are overall more harmonious places for Shani to travel across

Bhava which are owned by graha neutral to Shani Guru + Chandra are generally neutral locations as well.

The temporal lordships of all 12 bhava must absolutely be considered, the angle which Shani forms in relation to all of the birth graha must be assessed, and the reigning bhukti-pati must be comprehended in detail especially regarding the bhukti-pati's relationship to Shani both naturally and temporarly.

The current Vimshottari bhukti-pati = the single most influential weakener or strengthener of Shani's impact.

From https://www.etymonline.com

Vocabulary for Shani-gochara

literally "judgment, result of a trial, selection ," from krinein"to separate, decide, judge," from PIE root *krei-"to sieve, discriminate, distinguish" (cf. Greek krinesthai "to explain;" Old English hriddel "sieve;" Latin cribrum "sieve," crimen "judgment, crime," cernere (past participle cretus)"to sift, separate;"


" krit" means "rule, standard, judgment"

crisis, criminalization / crime, criticize, hypocrisy, diacritic,

Gochara-Shani via Bhava 1

in activities related to physical appearance, vital movement, or identity, it may be temporarily necessary (for 2.3 years) to work with those who are pinched and restricted, less creative, or more fearful than oneself

The earthen body reflects this pressuring impedance

Pressure to conform the physical appearance to match the lowest common denominator in the social order

Perceived punishment-energy may be applied toward acts of physical movement (1) that are not socially accepted

Lack of musculoskeletal support and minimum nourishment. The flesh-body may be less able to absorb nutrient. Reduced movement. Limited capability to sustain one's vitality and unique body-based identity.

In kendra, possibility of success only by repeated effort. Excessive dryness, coldness, appearance of aging, feeling elderly, often looks temporarily (during the transit) older than one really is.

Inevitably, shani slows, stalls, stiffens, dries, delays and retards -- but in kendra or in a friendly bhava or a neutral bhava, He does not deny.

By nature, shani = materialistic. He can deliver valuable products resulting from persistent effort. However, major Shani transits mark the period of the effort, not Yet, the period of the final product.

Movement ( the natural power of Mangala) may be stalled, seized, pinched, limping, crippled, brittle. Insufficiencies and scarcities: lacking time, energy, permission.

Environments acquire qualities of stricture, discipline, and neutrality. Even the colors in the field of perception may tend toward neutral tones, steely grays, wooden browns, midnight blues, pale hues of stones and bones.

Lord Shani is the Master of No. The conscious native may accept temporarily restricted (even painfully so) movements in order to streamline the lifestyle, eliminating purposeless actions and habitual waste.

No sort of Guru-style excess may be permitted under auspice of Strict Shani - except possibly an excess of public duty workload. Governments and bureaucracies, laws with serious consequences, class-ranking, official status, regulations define the work environment.

Salient Challenges toward bhava-6 and bhava-8

As Shani visits bhava-1, He temporarily creates adversarial relationships toward those bhava located in the awkward shad-ashtaka 6/8 angle relative to bhava-1. Thus matters of bhava-6 located 6th-from-1st become an enemy location (for the duration of this transit) and matters related to bhava-6, such as conflict and injustice, are impacted by Shani's characteristic seizing and freezing behaviors. Generally, the outcomes of bhava-6 matters are slowed in a favorable way because Shani represents the rule of law, and the retardation of the wars, crimes, and accusations that are associated with bhava-6 often benefits the native.

Similarly, matters of bhava-8, representing unexpected identity change and secret initiations inter alia, are temporarily posed in the 8th-from-transiting-Shani. Thus agents and agencies of bhava-8 such as the spouse's family, surgeries and healings, emergencies and discoveries, may undergo a forced identity transformation or upheaval. The tension experienced during these enforced changes is due in part to the stress Shani-via-1 places upon no-changes-allowed maintenance of the at-birth social identity. The demand for identity transformation is not withdrawn, but forward movement is delayed due to the often painstakingly slow methods of Shani-via-1 such as physical paralysis, social oppression, or exceptional heavy workload. Shani's transit also prevents speedy resolution of obstacles to rebirth, but He assures that once the proper diligence has been conducted, the most effective rules for occult rejuvenation will prevail.

Effects: Physical, Emotional, mental

Crisis of Legitimacy [Shani] in Personal Identity (1)

Imposition of a regime of lawful ordering of the personality-attribute system. Crisis of identity . Eradication of disorder in the personhood. Shani demands elegance: what attributes to release and what to justifiably maintain? Crisis is more acute if there are graha residing in the afflicted bhava and/or simultaneous bhukti of Shani.

Freeze-frame. New energy for revitalization of the bodily movement and appearance may be blocked; previously recognized identification markers must be ordered before proceeding. Existing roles must be carefully justified and systematized during a streamlining process which lasts for 2.3 years.

If natal Shani resides in bhava-1, the lawful organization of the flesh-body into stepped hierarchies of social attribute-packages during Saturn Return may be a very laborious process.

The more tightly organized identity which emerges from this streamlining process = less burdened and more efficient. Also will be reconfigured with stricter discipline which supports heavier social responsibilities during the forthcoming 30-year Shani circuit through all 12 bhava.

Every status marker that is attributed to the Self must be justified and reorganized according to social-regulatory principles. One is held responsible during these 2.3 years to socially justify one's ranks and roles in the social hierarchy.

  • For example, I am a mother, iam a teacher, iam an athlete, iam a member of xxx race-class-group. Every such statement in the form (Shani = form)= I am attribute-x must be systematized. Attributes which are no longer valid must be removed.

Agents of identity legitimation and testing include The earthen body itself, which may staunchly resist the necessary release of outdated structures. The life-force itself may dwindle and joie de vivre may seem to flame-out. Physical movement may be impeded by stiffness, weakness, or muscular desiccation.

Positive Outcomes: Maturity, sobriety, orderliness

One may begin a slow and careful step-wise ascent to a higher social rank, such as completing a complex application process to gain admission professional school or seeking a government-sponsored research fellowship or other next step life advancement.

Social approval of the identity will be forthcoming for those involved with government, organizational bureaucracy, social policy, social ordering, scientific systems, and the management of associative or distributive networks.

Yet such a process must be extremely slow and detailed, socially conformant, and demand much proof via qualifications and credentials.

Work of all types will be slowly progressing but socially respected. A sensible response to Shani's demand for regulated lifestyle can be a voluntary quietude and an elegant, intentionally reduced pattern of movements during the transit.

  • POTUS-pair-42 + USA Secy State 1947- Hillary Clinton served as USA Secretary of State from Jan-2009 until Jan-2013. Duration of the samchara Shani-Tula from Nov-2011 until the end of service in Jan-2013.

  • During gochara Shani via her Thula bhava-1 the impact = primarily upon fleshbody-personality . Her kalpasthāna-1 contains [nīcha] Surya + [Shukra-yuti-Budha] .

  • The transit impacted HC's social-ordering roles imparting a heavy workload yet conferring great dignity of justice ([uchcha] Shani) and respected social role unprecedented for a woman in her job.

  • Although her diplomatic [Tula] produced agreement between her nation and other nations, usually at the level of policy not law (Tula agreements). The pressures of her workload also produced a brief health crisis involving dehydration and brain-concussion (Shani = dry, pressure) .

Gochara-Shani via Bhava 2

In activities related to evaluation and acquisition, it may be temporarily necessary (for 2.3 years) to work with those who are pinched and restricted, less creative, or more fearful than oneself

The values, the bank-account, the treasuries of knowledge, the language inventory, the storeholds, hoards, and herds show this temporary limitation

The family of origin, the face, the teeth, the hair, and the voice may reflect this pressuring impedance

Pressure to conform the knowledge-base to match the lowest common denominator in the social order.

Perceived punishment-energy may be applied toward acts of speaking (2) truth that is not socially accepted or not permitted within the family-lineage.

Shani = delays.

Yet, in svabhava of graha that are friendly or neutral toward Shani, the strictly sober Shanicarya does not deny.

Sweet-seeking, accommodating Shukra is friendly toward cranky old Shani. Therefore, the final results of Shani's 2.3 year transit will indeed manifest in an elegant, streamlined, minimalistic, unencumbered, mature and realistic fashion.

However, before He proceeds into the next bhava, strictly factual Scarcity-imposing Shanaicarya will impose full austerity in the current bhava.

Barring resistance from other factors such as incoming drishti or the concurrent bhukti-pati, gochara Professor Shani will make His best effort to remove all unnecessary appendages, assumptions, adhesions, accessories, embroiderings, and ornaments of the fantasy-mind which may distract from a neutral and pragmatic understanding of matters of the bhava. Bhava-2 is "Truth" r.

Crisis of Legitimacy [Shani] in Values (2)

Imposition of a regime of lawful ordering of the value system.

Crisis of values =. Systematization of the rules of appreciation. What will be allowed to appreciate in value? What shall be reduced [Shani] in value? Eradication of disorder in the memory banks.

Shani demands elegance: what values to release and what preciousness to keep? Crisis is more acute if there are graha residing in the afflicted bhava and/or simultaneous bhukti of Shani.

New acquisitions in language, speech, song, and financial wealth are blocked; previous acquisitions must be ordered before proceeding. Existing treasuries of valuable goods and knowledge must be carefully systematized during a streamlining process which lasts for 2.3 years.

If natal Shani resides in bhava-2, the lawful organization of the memory-knowledge banks into stepped hierarchies during Saturn Return may be a very laborious process.

Everything that is known must be justified and reorganized according to regulatory principles. One is held responsible during these 2.3 years to socially justify one's social rank as a keeper of treasuries.

Agents of knowledge legitimation and testing include the family elders (2, kuṭumba) designated treasury keepers such as financial bankers, historians, and lineage masters. Food may be scarce or difficult to digest. Eyes, mouth, and face may feel stiff, dry and cold.

Salient Challenges toward bhava-7 and bhava-9

As Shani visits bhava-2, He temporarily creates adversarial relationships toward those bhava located in the awkward shad-ashtaka 6/8 angle relative to bhava-2. Thus matters of bhava-7 located 6th-from-2nd become an enemy location (for the duration of this transit) and matters related to bhava-7, such as partnership and agreements, are impacted by Shani's characteristic seizing and freezing behaviors.

Similarly, matters of bhava-9 representing theory, doctrine, and paradigms of belief, are temporarily posed in the 8th-from-transiting-Shani. Thus patronage roles, fatherhood, professorship, and preaching may undergo a forced identity transformation or upheaval due in part to the stress Shani-via-2 places upon lineage knowledge collections and material treasuries. The demand for identity transformation is not withdrawn, but forward movement is delayed due to the often painstakingly slow methods of Shani-via-2 such as retarded acquisition of languages, stories, songs, and other values traditions, along with embedded resistance from the narrative of the family of origin.

Shani's transit also prevents speedy resolution of obstacles to 9-galactic consciousness, but He assures that once the proper diligence has been conducted, the most effective rules for philosophical understanding will prevail.

Effects: Physical, Emotional, mental

Pinching, reducing, restricting, constricting, drying, containment, repression, excessive realism and profound sobriety of the historical memory, relationship to family history, speech and sight, and accumulated wealth.

In extreme cases: death of a family member generates extra work for the native.

Slows the speech and dims the memory; may diminish of right-eyesight due to drying or constriction of flesh-tissues; words and sounds may be pinched or negative in quality.

Family lineage culture may seem burdensome and the family history may seem either uninteresting or irrelevant to the material tasks at hand.

Shani the Law has little tolerance for those who speak in ways that was socially disruptive. Long dentistry treatment processes.

It can be challenging to save money, store food, or increase the size of the animal herd. The task of maintaining collections of art, music, or other valuable become expensive and time-consuming.

Storage containers of every variety acquire Shani-traits such as weakness from insufficient quality of materials, bent steel, damage from age, old wood, broken stone, dried seals.

Acquisition of Languages requires intensive study and often very slow progress.

Positive Outcomes: Maturity, sobriety, orderliness

Gochara-Shani via Bhava-3

In activities related to commerce, business administration, and messaging communications, it may be temporarily necessary (for 2.3 years) to work with those who are pinched and restricted, less creative, or more fearful than oneself

The mentality, the sibling-cohort, and the conversational flow may show this temporary limitation

The hands-arms-shoulders, perhaps also the lungs , may reflect this pressuring impedance

Pressure to conform the information-delivery to match the lowest common denominator in the social order

perceived punishment-energy may be applied toward acts of messaging communication (3) that are not socially accepted

chronic repeating electro-magnetic initiating thoughts

stalled committees

long meetings

delayed messaging

slow administrative process

scarcity of materials or time for completion of craftwork

sober delayed heavily regulated communication

patience and maturity are rewarded in all matters of groupwork, ensemble practice, cohort cooperation, team collaboration, commerce, and cousins

Shani delays but in svabhava of graha friendly or neutral toward Shani, He does not deny. Professor Budha is friendly toward Professor Shani, therefore, the final results of Shani's 2.3 year transit via bhava-3 are likely to manifest in an elegant, streamlined, minimalistic, unencumbered, mature and realistic fashion.

However, the route to an elegant outcome is often paved with frustration and delay. Shani rewards patience and He requires endurance - often a rather Stoic type of endurance.

Much depends of course upon whether there are graha residing in bhava-3 and the portfolio of those resident graha.

Before He proceeds into the next bhava, strictly pragmatic and factual Shanaicarya will impose full austerity in the current bhava. Barring resistance from other factors such as incoming drishti or the concurrent bhukti-pati, gochara Professor Shani will generally make His best effort to remove all unnecessary appendages, assumptions, adhesions, accessories, embroiderings, and ornaments of the fantasy-mind which may distract from a neutral and pragmatic understanding of matters of the bhavar.

Salient Challenges toward bhava-8 and bhava-10

When Professor Shani undertakes to teach in the bhava-3 classroom, He temporarily creates adversarial relationships toward those bhava located in the awkward shad-ashtaka 6/8 angle relative to bhava-3. Thus matters of bhava-8 located 6th-from-3rd become an enemy location (for the duration of the transit) and matters related to bhava-8 such as initiations and trauma-healing are impacted by Shani's characteristic seizing and freezing behaviors.

Similarly, matters of bhava-10 representing executive authority and social respect are temporarily posed in the 8th-from-transiting-Shani. Thus leadership roles, public reputation, and social dignity may undergo a forced identity transformation or upheaval due in part to the stress Shani places upon administrative, manual, and communicative functions in bhava-3. The 3-10 angle is notoriously challenging for those in executive careers because it represents the no-win situation of cohort management (3) versus top-down bureaucratic leadership authority. " The devil is in the details" during Shani's transit via bhava-3 and even when bhava-10 is strong there is a draining away of decisive leader energy caused by painstakingly slow processes such as meetings, reporting, documentation.

Shani's transit also prevents speedy resolution of obstacles to leadership authority and social respect, but He assures that once the proper diligence has been conducted, the most effective rules for maintaining the social order will prevail.

Effects: Physical, Emotional, mental

Pinching, reducing, restricting, constricting, drying, containment, repression, repression, excessive realism and profound sobriety of The mental activities, small-group and team process, business administration, relationship to siblings and every variety of media-communication.

Long, drawn-out processes in matters of publishing, media-messaging, reports, production of writing, instruction, explanation, conferences, planning, scheduling, schematics, making of itineraries, short-term travel, and hand-craft.

Temporary separation from or extra work burdens generated by a younger sibling or team-mate. Heavy responsibilities in commercial administration, publishing, writing, media production, and the skills-training component of teaching.

  • UK-Princess of Wales 1961-1997 Diana Spencer experienced a Shani transit via Shani-yuti-[nīcha] Guru-Makara-bhava-3 from March-1990 until March-1993. Simultaneously this transit produced a Saturn Return and Shani oppressed an already-chanllengeing [nīcha] Guru. Brihaspati represents husband-1 UK-King 1948- Charles-3 . This period produced a number of difficult mental health events along with intense media pressure (Shani-3) During this period she chose to interact with journalists and publishers to message about her situation with the scandalously detailed semi-authorized biography published in 1992.

Often several periods of psychological depression and perhaps self-isolation, due to the cold somberness of the interior narrative environment.

The normally chatty inner talk becomes temporarily less speedy, less fluent; thoughts acquire a certain heavy darkness, and the colors of the mind seem to be rather dry and stony brown hue for a sustained period of months at the peak of the transit.

The cure for the mental depression is generally reduction of unnecessary thoughts and intentionally choosing to absorb uplifting information, such as read positive books or attend inspiring lectures. Also, bright lights can be used to counteract Shani's heavy cast.

Positive Outcomes:

Mental Maturity, sobriety in small-group settings, orderly Communications Process

Gochara-Shani via Bhava-4

In activities related to shelter, ethnicity, ethnoreligion, security, and cultural foundations, it may be temporarily necessary (for 2.3 years) to work with those who are pinched and restricted, less creative, or more fearful than oneself

The parents, local guardian-figures, and property owners may show this temporary limitation

The stomach, chest-ribs, watery systems in the body, perhaps also the rhythmic heart, may reflect this pressuring impedance

Pressure to conform the household behaviors to match the lowest common denominator in the social order

perceived punishment-energy may be applied toward acts of ethnic rhythm or landed property binding (4) that are not socially accepted

chronic settlement, lack of permission to move away from the birthplace/homeland, usually due to heavy responsibilities there

responsibility to prevent changes to a home, maintain a shelter

systematizing the roots, the ethnicity, ethnoreligion, the sense of belonging

necessity to stay in one place

home may become very cold, very dry, or very windy

Pinching, reducing, restricting, constricting, drying, containment, repression, excessive realism and profound sobriety of the physical, emotional and cultural security and protection.

  • Stalled movement toward property, diploma, cultural validation, vehicle, or place of belonging.

Shani delays but in svabhava of graha friendly or neutral toward Shani, He does not deny. Chandra is neutral toward Shani - However, shani sees Soma as an enemy.

The relationship between the uniform rules of national government [Shani] vs unique customs of local settlements [Chandra] is inherently oppositional; as is the relationship between the public leadership duties [Shani] vs. parochial parenting needs [Chandra]. Shani-Chandra represent a natural opposition in human civilization which plays out in every person's life.

While sometimes frustrating, the Shani-Chandra polarity of social rules vs. family rhythms is usually not shocking or outright adversarial in nature. The relationship between Shani and Chandra can be characterized as "mutually reserved and cautious ". Therefore, the final results of Shani's 2.3 year transit will indeed manifest in an acceptable outcome, noted for its stabilizing maturity and regulated realism -- even while some emotional resentment remains.

Salient Challenges toward bhava-9 and bhava-11

When Professor Shani undertakes the task of teaching in bhava-4 classroom, He temporarily creates adversarial relationships toward those bhava located in the awkward shad-ashtaka 6/8 angle relative to bhava-4. Thus matters of bhava-9 located 6th-from-4th become an enemy location (for the duration of this transit) and matters related to bhava-9, such as patronage roles, fatherhood, professorship, and preaching, are afflicted by Shani's characteristic seizing and freezing behaviors.

Similarly, matters of bhava-11 representing communities, social networks, and economic systems, are temporarily posed in the 8th-from-transiting-Shani. Thus social linkage webs may undergo a forced identity transformation or upheaval due in part to the stress Shani-via-4 places upon the ancestral roots and ethnic patterns. The demand for identity transformation within the province of 11-friendships is not withdrawn, but forward movement is delayed due to the often painstakingly slow methods of Shani-via-4 such as retarded obtainment of deeds, titles, licenses and diplomas, along with embedded resistance from the folkways and long-established tenants of the land.

Shani's transit also prevents speedy resolution of obstacles to rootedness and establishment of boundaries, but He assures that once the proper diligence has been conducted, the most effective rules for maintaining the cultural foundations will prevail.

Effects: Physical, Emotional, mental

Slow and steady schooling process to pass examinations and acquire diploma or license, involving many setbacks. Yet ultimately proof of competence is established.

In kendra, possibility of success only by repeated and extraordinary effort.

Temporary separation from homeland or parents; long drawn-out process to obtain a national citizenship, residency papers, or passport; matters of property and vehicle ownership, particularly fencing or defense of the land, also subject to repeated, lawful delays. Repeating polarizing catalysis related to vehicles , especially engine stalls.

Positive Outcomes: Maturity, sobriety, orderliness for the Native

Bhava-4 related professionals (guardians of the place and its customs) generally benefit from stricter orderliness

Typically, the foundational schooling process benefits from Shani's emphasis upon ethnicity and established customs. (However, the university inquiry into higher truths is much impeded as Shani transits 8th-from-9th.) Older schoolteachers and police, who are called vocationally to instruct and apply the folkways of a people rooted in their place, generally experience Shani's transit via bhava-4 as a time of lawfulness orderly process in the schoolroom, the municipality, and the infrastructure of the landed region. Schoolteachers and parents of the students Typically, recognize the same rules and consequences, leading to less friction between teachers and parents. However very young, selfish, disorderly, or immature parents may be particularly problematic for both teachers and police-guardians.

Transportation workers and city workers, such as bus-drivers and

Legal restrictions and impedances such as house-building codes and roadway rules may frustrate the more competitive, innovative [Kuja] or ego-driven [Surya] house-builder, boat-builder, or real-estate developer. But even considering the anxiety which Shani-imposed limits may cause, the safety benefits of construction lawcodes can easily outweigh the frustrations of the temporary delay.

Drivers may notice traffic tickets related to speed limits or disallowed vehicle behaviors. However, the safe driver will notice that the laws are being applied properly to the law-avoiders;

Gochara-Shani via Bhava 5

In activities related to creativity, drama, or expressions of divine intelligence, it may be temporarily necessary (for 2.3 years) to work with those who are pinched and restricted, less creative, or more fearful than oneself

The dramatists, performers, children, scholars, or speculators may show this temporary limitation

The heart-center, anahata-chakra area, the solar plexus, and the core chakra, perhaps also the spine, may reflect this pressuring impedance

Pressure to conform the gaming, gambling, and procreative behaviors to match the lowest common denominator in the social order

perceived punishment-energy may be applied toward acts of genius, royalist, celebrity, or special freedom from rules (5) that are not socially accepted

Shani the Conformist finds Himself in an inhospitable graha naturally ruled by His bitter enemy Surya the Genius.

It is an unfriendly situation which can produce frustrating delays in matters of creativity, performance arts, speculative finance, children, theatre, politics, and expressions of personal intelligence.

If Shani is well disposed, the experience is less about frustration and more about responsibility with a heavy workload in areas of artistic performance, students and children, drama, and politics.

Shani gochara Buddhi-bhava tends to stifle the creative instincts, repress the speculative urge, and impose the rule of the lowest common denominator upon the royal, brilliant, ego-centric expressions of bhava-5.


  • for Kanya indriya-lagna, the experience of Shani gochara His temporal svabhava is somewhat less pinched. one' expectations are naturally rather conservative and sober requiring orderly children, well-regulated students, pragmatic expression of creative intelligence and limited personal amusement. Therefore for Kanya lagna, shani gochara via 5 matches the existing conditions and causes less frustration.

  • for Tulā indriya-lagna, yogakaraka Shani gochara His temporal svabhava in mulatrikona suggests a 2.3 year period that is distinguished by significant responsibilities for children, advanced students, and works of creative intelligence. Shani imposes a systematic approach to creativity. For Tula indriya-lagna this is the natural situation Therefore, shani requires no particular restrictions.

Likely manifestations of Gochara-Shani via bhava-5 include separations from the children and from romantic lovers due to workload; political oppression or censure of individuality within by a heavily regulated government agency or under a conservative regime; and a deep frustration with delayed recognition for one's creativity, intelligence, or entitlements.

Shani gochara via 5 also can delay childbirth Therefore, those with fertility concerns may feel a sustained frustration with numerous setbacks.

However, if Shani is the lord of putrasthāna (Kanya lagna and Tula indriya-lagna) and the woman is not too young and not too much financially privileged, shani's gochara via bhava-5 may signal the birth of a child, followed by the pinched experience of raising that child in a climate of scarce resources.

Positive outcomes may include social maturity and careful approach to expressing the personal intelligence; requirement to to study political science, economics, and behavioral sciences; intellectual attention to mass movements and conditions of the rank-and-file workers.

Pinching, reducing, restricting, constricting, drying, containment, repression, excessive realism and profound sobriety of the personal genius, creative intelligence, divinely inspired productivity, reproductive fertility, and reduction in the scope of celebrity or fame. Limited public recognition for royal privilege and entitlements.

Less confidence, more carefulness.

The golden aura of the individual soul which radiates from each person may during Shani gochara to mantra-bhava acquire a temporary dullness or shadowy hue of steel-gray, deepest purple, or darkest blue.

Stalled movement toward political entitlements, temporary setbacks of election campaign (5).

Loss of gambling luck, stalled movement toward winnings from games and speculations. Shani gochara bhava-5 is the worst possible time to gamble.

Stalled movement toward royal ceremonies such as coronation, delay in receiving coveted theatrical roles, deprivation of center-stage attentions and quieting of applause.

In extreme cases, loss of procreativity or temporary separation from a living child.

Salient Challenges toward bhava-10 and bhava-12

As Shani visits bhava-5, He temporarily creates adversarial relationships toward those bhava located in the awkward shad-ashtaka 6/8 angle relative to bhava-5. Thus matters of bhava-10 located 6th-from-5th become an enemy location (for the duration of this transit). Phenomena related to bhava-10, such as social reputation, leadership duties, and one's father's family-of-origin, are afflicted by Shani's characteristic seizing and freezing behaviors.

Similarly, matters of bhava-12 representing quietude, meditation, distant Worlds, and private spiritual guidance, are temporarily posed in the 8th-from-transiting-Shani-5. Thus the clairsentient awareness may undergo a forced identity transformation or upheaval due in part to the stress that Shani-via-5 places upon the required dramatic performances and personal charisma. The demand for identity transformation in the sanctuary space of 12 is not withdrawn, but forward movement toward the new identity is delayed due to the often painstakingly slow methods of Shani-via-5. Typical resistance factors may include suppression of romance, fear of ego, and workloads related to children, along with frustrations from required interactions with diva-type personalities and strict rules applied to gambling-games-gambits.

Shani's transit also prevents speedy resolution of obstacles to self-expression and individual intelligence, but He assures that once the proper diligence has been conducted, the most effective rules for governance of gaming will prevail.

Effects: Physical, Emotional, mental

In bhava-5, theatrical-political duties can make romance (5) unsustainable.

At first, one may accept a more central, visible duty roster [Shani] because it seems like more responsibility will lead to more popular recognition and ego-approval. However, for the duration of the transit, more responsibility leads mainly to ... More responsibility.

Shani's duty roster dominates the game-playing amusements of 5 and fills the native with a sense of Limited Time. The burden of managing public affairs [Shani] overwhelms the individual celebrity, and one becomes a stage manager rather than an actor.

The children, sensing that they are perceived as disorderly, may become temporarily alienated. Lovers (5), naoticing that the native has little time available for sweet romance, may depart.

Generally, heavy responsibilities regarding children . For those wanting a child but seemingly unable to conceive, Sade-Sati in putrabhava may signal a period of devastating no-movement infertility. But for those whose children are already manifested, the difficulty of the children's situation becomes a focus of frustration due to insufficiency of time and resources. See Sade-Sati in 12 bhava for more details.

Positive Outcomes: Maturity, sobriety, orderlines

Gochara-Shani via Bhava-6

Chronic human problematicity In activities related to medicine, military, or ministries of service, it may be temporarily necessary (for 2.3 years) to work with those who are pinched and restricted, less creative, or more fearful than oneself

The physicians, pharmacists, military strategists, and criminal elements may show this temporary limitation

The digestive system, perhaps also the colon, may reflect this pressuring impedance

Pressure to conform the accusatory, conflicted, polluting behaviors to match the lowest common denominator in the social order

perceived punishment-energy may be applied toward acts of medical treatment or military movement (6) that are not socially accepted

Shani delays but in svabhava of graha friendly or neutral toward Shani, He does not deny. Budha is friendly toward Shani; Therefore, the final results of Shani's 2.3 year transit will indeed manifest in an elegant, streamlined, minimalistic, unencumbered, mature and realistic fashion.

However, before He proceeds into the next bhava, strictly factual Shanaicarya will impose full austerity in the current bhava. Barring resistance from other factors such as incoming drishti or the concurrent bhukti-pati, gochara Professor Shani will make His best effort to remove all unnecessary appendages, assumptions, adhesions, accessories, embroiderings, and ornaments of the fantasy-mind which may distract from a neutral and pragmatic understanding of matters of the bhavar.

Salient Challenges toward bhava-11 and bhava-1

As Professor Shani undertakes His lecture in bhava-6, He temporarily creates adversarial relationships toward those bhava located in the awkward shad-ashtaka 6/8 angle relative to bhava-6. Thus matters of bhava-11 located 6th-from-6th become an enemy location (for the duration of this transit). Phenomena related to bhava-11, such as economic gainfulness, social networks and community linkage, are afflicted by Shani's characteristic seizing and freezing behaviors. However, it is important to recognize that 11 = 6th-from-6th and 11 is also the svabhava of Shani. Therefore this particular drishti has some considerable benefits related to the eradication or e-limin-ation (Shani limits) of false friends and irregular systems.

Similarly, matters of bhava-1 representing the physical-body appearance and social-attribute package, are temporarily posed in the 8th-from-transiting-Shani-6. Thus the fleshbody may undergo a forced identity transformation or upheaval due in part to the stress that Shani-via-6 places upon the required disease and imbalance scenario. The demand for identity transformation in the kalpasthāna-1 is not withdrawn, but forward movement toward the new identity is delayed due to the often painstakingly slow methods of Shani-via-6.

Typical resistance factors may include scarcity of medical care, fear of medication, and workloads related to poverty or enslavement, along with frustrations from required interactions with medical and military personalities and strict rules applied to ministries of service. Similar to the gochara 6th-drishti upon bhava-11, this particular 8th-drishti of gochara Shani is often beneficial. The divorce, disease-discomfort, disagreement, jealousy, distrust, or despair occurring in bhava-6 takes quite a long time to resolve (2.3 years normally) and thus the required transformation in the visible, fleshly identity can be paced more slowly, avoiding extreme shock. While never a fun time, shani's visit to bhava-6 can, for those beyond age 36, provide a welcome freeze-frame reality-check that deepens the mature understanding of imbalance.

Shani's transit also prevents speedy resolution of obstacles to medical and military engagement, but He assures that once the proper diligence has been conducted, the most effective rules for maintaining the social structures that support victims-and-their-ministers will prevail.

Effects: Physical, Emotional, mental

Pinching, reducing, restricting, constricting, drying, containment, repression, excessive realism and profound sobriety of the bodily health balance.

Marital and business partnership fixed disagreements, chronic poverty, enduring narratives of victimization [being eaten] , criminal elements in the environment, chronic ailments, drugs, toxicity and social conflict (including conditions of war).

  • Material disagreement in marriage and business partnership, caused by a perception of obligation to dissolve the contract

  • Socially approved litigation, often on behalf of the lowest classes (including animals and other natural beings)

  • If Shani is negatively disposed, the government may become a temporary agent of accusations and threats

  • physicians are elderly, sober, experienced, but overworked.

  • should one be a physician, very heavy workload, many patients, chronic ailments

  • Marriage harmony suffers from the weight of public duty. However, shani resists divorce and Shani gochara via 6 tends to freeze the disagreements into a chronic state rather than permit any sort of resolution. Neither is divorce generally permitted (unless the native is simultaneously having a Vimshottari period of rogesha-6

Chronic servitude, often in the workplace. Does not harm the income - in fact could increase the paycheck due to overtime work. However, the overtime hours may be oppressive to health.

Potential for theft in the workplace, often an"inside job" since Shani does not eject the criminal element but rather regulates it. During the 2.3 years of Shani's travel via bhava-6, loans granted to others are likely not repaid.

Splendid transit for working in jails, medical clinics, service to drug addicts, thieves, the very poorest classes, prostitutes, those locked in a chronic state of animosity and blaming, other exploited and oppressed persons. The problems are chronic for all involved, deeply embedded in their social class consciousness.

One who understands and accepts the chronic insolvability of the problems in the environment during this transit will succeed greatly under the Jyotisha dictum that a papagraha in a papabhava allows one to manage one's enemies, forestall debt, and generally prevent victimization [being eaten] because one's expectations are properly aligned with reality.

Problems related to domestic animals (such as veterinary expenses) medicines, and crimes of every type. Temporary but severe delays in delivery of medical treatment, access to physicians and necessary drugs. Pressure of patient-load.

In bhava-6, duties of nursing the ill, enduring underpaid labor, or ministering to the indigent may prevent progress in the philosophical or scholarly professions (6 = 9th from 10th and 10th from 9th). Higher expressions of service such as professional medicine and religious leadership become unsustainable while lower ranking ministries of mandatory service may be imposed by Shani.

A common scenario = temporary 'slavery' to caring for an ill population, such as a health worker coping with a disease epidemic, or a service provider dealing with the endless physical and social problems of the extremely poor. The pressure is produced by conditions that are embedded in the social structure [Shani] and chronic and plagued by insufficient resources.

Gochara Shani's duty roster including the responsibility to govern environments which feature problematizing, medicating, serving, analyzing, criticizing, argumentation and litigation. Shani's material-plane work occupies all of one's Time.

One may be restricted in ability to manage the health and welfare of one's servants - and the service class in general. Servants, employees and Children from a second marriage (6 = 5th from 2nd) may become problematic due to their health concerns, their debts, or their animosities toward the native.

When Shani transits bhava-6 the native has "senior" status in all conflicts and one will outlast all adversaries. Therefore, in the end (within the 2.3 years of this transit) one will have the power to regulate and contain all enemies. Shani-6 neither wins nor loses the conflict, but simply keeping them in fixed status while the work goes on.

Generally, heavy responsibilities regarding loans, management monies borrowed on credit, usurious situations. Insufficient ability to repay loans, resulting in penalties for non-payment.

Sade-Sati in ripubhava can bring the creditor to the doorstep of one's home [Chandra]. Lawsuit or other complaint may ensue. Potential era of legal bankruptcy. Continuing poverty despite a heavy workload. See Sade-Sati in 12 bhava for more details.

Positive Outcomes: Maturity, sobriety, orderlines

Gochara-Shani via Bhava-7

In activities related to contract and negotiations, it may be temporarily necessary (for 2.3 years) to work with those who are pinched and restricted, less creative, or more fearful than oneself

The alliance-seekers, deal-makers, advocates, and bargainers may show this temporary limitation

The kidney and adrenal systems, perhaps also the external genitalia, may reflect this pressuring impedance

Pressure to conform the balancing, attractive, mutual-interest behaviors to match the lowest common denominator in the social order

perceived punishment-energy may be applied toward acts of mating and matching (7) that are not socially accepted

long, protracted negotiations

delayed agreements

deal-making, match-making activities are encumbered by legal processes

justice is often achieved after enduring a lengthy inquisition, since Shani enjoys His [uchcha] amsha in bhava-7 equity, justice, fairness

marriage to an elder partner

elder persons provide advice, recommendation, suggestion

the social-class conflicts and accusatory narrative of bhava-6 finds resolution under the rule of law when Shani the Lord of the Social Order transits via bhava-7

Assuredly, shani delays -- Yet, in svabhava of graha friendly or neutral toward Shani, He does not deny .

Shukra is friendly toward Shani; Therefore, the final results of Shani's 2.3 year transit will indeed manifest in an elegant, streamlined, minimalistic, unencumbered, mature and realistic fashion.

However, before He proceeds into the next bhava, strictly factual Shanaicarya will impose full austerity in the current bhava. Barring resistance from other factors such as incoming drishti or the concurrent bhukti-pati, gochara Professor Shani will make His best effort to remove all unnecessary appendages, assumptions, adhesions, accessories, embroiderings, and ornaments of the fantasy-mind which may distract from a neutral and pragmatic understanding of matters of the bhavar.

Salient Challenges toward bhava-12 and bhava-2

As Shani visits bhava-7, He temporarily creates adversarial relationships toward those bhava located in the awkward shad-ashtaka 6/8 angle relative to bhava-4. Thus matters of bhava-12 located 6th-from-4th become an enemy location (for the duration of this transit). Phenomena related to bhava-12, such as distant worlds, imagination, conceptual thought, theory, first principles, research, interiority, hallucination, sanctuary environments, and clairsentient spiritual guidance, are afflicted by Shani's characteristic seizing and freezing behaviors.

Similarly, matters of bhava-2 representing the family of origin, language, history, and treasuries of knowledge and valuable goods, are temporarily posed in the 8th-from-transiting-Shani. Thus family hoards or animal herds may undergo a forced identity transformation or upheaval due in part to the stress Shani-via-7 places upon the marriage contract and partnerships. The demand for identity transformation within the province of 2-treasuries and collection is not withdrawn, but forward movement is delayed due to the often painstakingly slow methods of Shani-via-7 such as slow and careful working of marriage agreements, alliances between nations and tribes, and crafting of lawful trusts.

Shani's transit also prevents speedy resolution of distrust and disagreements, but He assures that once the proper diligence has been conducted, afair and lawful resolution will occurr.

Effects: Physical, Emotional, mental

One may experience traction in all negotiations. Many attempts may be required in order to locate points of mutual interest. Repeated efforts are required to achieve a Final agreement. Even when the contract deal seems imminent, anew regulatory requirement may arise which postpones the conclusion of bargaining once again.

Pinching, reducing, restricting, constricting, drying, containment, repression, excessive realism and profound sobriety of the core interpersonal relationship agreements, including counseling and advising partnerships.

In kendra, possibility of success only by repeated and extraordinary effort.

Stalled movement toward marriage alliance. If alliance exists however, shani-gochara-7 indicates loyalty and fidelity to the legal contract. The mate works constantly and there is a heavy sense of duty in the environment which may outweigh both affection and mutual pleasure.

Nevertheless Shani via 7 gains temporary [dikbala] Despite burdensome duties for both partners in the alliance, the partnership outcome is respectable, dignified, and socially approved.

Generally, heavy responsibilities regarding unfulfilled legal contracts, fixed but dysfunctional alliances, insufficiently resourced brokerage duties, obligation to remain in arrangements, bargains and deals which produce insufficient results. The designated helpmate is limited in their ability to help.

Sade-Sati in jayabhava is more severe in effect, and often yields an emotionally painful extra workload for the contractual partners which temporarily pulls all attention away from pleasure [Shukra] and toward fulfillment of social-government rules. Heavy duties or penalties for previous actions may thrust upon the marriage partners or business partners, which they must accept yet do not truly possess the resources to complete the task. See Sade-Sati in 12 bhava for more details.

Gochara-Shani via Bhava-8

In activities related to secrecy and hidden affairs, it may be temporarily necessary (for 2.3 years) to work with those who are pinched and restricted, less creative, or more fearful than oneself

The spouse's family and occult agents may show this temporary limitation

The endocrine system, perhaps also the internal sexual organs, may reflect this pressuring impedance

Pressure to conform the transformative, rebirthing, regenerative behaviors to match the lowest common denominator in the social order

perceived punishment-energy may be applied toward acts of identity change (8) that are not socially accepted

suspended between identities

frozen into the liminal state, paralyzed unmoving between previous and future identities

temporarily unable to rejuvenate or reinvigorate, yet remains in the original body

comfortable results : in traumatic times, shani-gochara-8 prevents extreme self-destructive acts

social maturity, endurance and patience with the traumatized elderly, the hidden and fearful secret-keepers, the terrorized persons and the disruptive persons, will be rewarded

slow and cumbersome legal processes impede healing

social resistance to change impedes transformative, revolutionary, recycling, rehabilitative processes

Identity-changing situations begin with a sudden upheaval. Then the energy slowdown: Shani gochara-8 imposes an unmoving condition of Shani-stasis for 2.3 years. One's new identity holds a state of paralysis while unknown, unacknowledged forces continue to build toward activation of the ultimate material identity transformation.

Material evidence of the new external form (still containing the original Self) does not fully emerge until the completion of Shani's journey via 8.

The single most difficult transit of durosha-karaka (agent of slow) Shani through all the 12 bhava is this one, gochara-Shani via 8. Randhrasthāna is neither a kendra nor a trine and 8 is owned by Shani's enemy Mangala. None of the potentially beneficial results of a Shani transit are likely to occur in this bhava.

The potential frustration of Shani-stasis in bhava-8 which is specifically designed to renovate, reinvigorate, and recycle should not be underestimated.

The "stuck-and-frozen" or "stuck-and-burning" or "stuck-and-directionless " experience of Shani-gochara-8 may be much compounded by a concurrent

  • bhukti of recycler randhresha-8

  • bhukti of frozen Shani

  • bhukti of natural randhresha-8 burning Mangala

  • bhukti of Ketu co-lord of bhava-8: scattering, naebulizing, undirected beheading Ketu.

Salient Challenges toward bhava-1 and bhava-3

As Shani visits bhava-8, He temporarily creates adversarial relationships toward those bhava located in the awkward shad-ashtaka 6/8 angle relative to bhava-8. Thus matters of bhava-1 located 6th-from-8th become an enemy location (for the duration of this transit). Phenomena related to bhava-1, such as the fleshbody and its appearance, are afflicted by Shani's characteristic seizing and freezing behaviors.

Similarly, matters of bhava-3 representing the siblings and cousins, the work-team, and the mentality, are temporarily posed in the 8th-from-transiting-Shani. Thus the communication patterns may undergo a forced identity transformation or upheaval due in part to the stress Shani-via-8 places upon mysteries, occult knowledge, and sudden upheavals of transformative energy. The demand for identity transformation within the province of 3-messaging is not withdrawn, but forward movement is delayed due to the often painstakingly slow methods of Shani-via-8 such as careful working of plans, schedules, itineraries, scripts, and reports.

Shani's transit also prevents speedy resolution of emergencies, but He a assures that once the proper diligence has been conducted, the emerging disruption will encounter a limit.

Effects: Physical, Emotional, mental

Shani's purpose during this 2.3 year event is to retard and regulate the mysterious movements of unseen forces which normally cause traumatic shock and terror of the unknown. Shani imposes a 'doldrums' stasis which prevents premature transformation and upholds some portion of the previous identity so that one' life is buffered from the threat of psychological collapse.

In retrospect, one may be able to admit that Shani's change-blocking resistance preserved enough of their previous identity to prevent suicide or other extreme self-destructive reactions to catastrophic change.

Examples of 8th-related sudden-energy-release (8) shocks tamped down by pressure-imposing Shani may include unexpected widowhood, unwanted divorce, traumatic invasions via crime, naatural disaster, or surgery - or even the crisis (8) of internal attack by genetically caused major disease which was lurking there all along. Paralysis of movement in matters of disaster and invasion may indeed be a good thing.

However, for matters involving less violent threats to the identity, duroshya Shani can impose some highly frustrating delays. Renovation, recycling, reinvigoration, rejuvenation -- all stall.

Pinching, reducing, restricting, constricting, drying, containment, repression, excessive realism and profound sobriety of the hidden assets, internal (" invisible" ) sexual-reproductive organs and the human endocrine system which supports sexual process. Limitations upon secret relationships. Slowing of veiled healings. Scarcity of resources available to pursue transformative practices.

Confidential information and hidden resources are particularly well sealed, so that detectives, psychiatrists, and drillers find this transit most frustrating. Financial inheritance and legacy fortunes are temporarily oppressed.

Changes do occur but only when lawful. Carefully regulated changes of identity occur now which are socially approved and conducted in an environment of scarce resources.

Sudden, forced changes are much reduced. In areas where a quick transformation is wanted, such as recovery from medical surgery, the revitalization period may experience numerous setbacks en route to the final healing.

Preincarnationally planned obligation to endure identity changes while retaining the existing physical body (not death) such as

  • widowhood or divorce from first spouse (8 = 2nd-from-7th death of mate).

  • traumatic upheaval due to natural disaster

  • catastrophic crisis of faith (8 = 12th from 9)

  • sudden physical relocation due to loss of homeland (3) -- exempli gratia, refugee of war (6) (8 = 3rd from 6)

  • healing crisis getting stuck in mid-cycle due to resistance during psychiatric or tantrik process

In extreme cases, severe loss of hidden assets or loss of internal reproductive organs (such as hysterectomy).

Regulation of the investigative, discovering, revealing, depth-plumbing, psychiatric, disaster responding, dangerous, tantrik, occult "classified" activities which one previously had pursued with independence.

Shani's work occupies all of one's Time. Legitimation via proof of the truth of mysteries and covert knowledge. Weight of the burden of leadership in areas where no fixed leader survives.

Professor Shani adds to longevity during His transit via 8 * except* when He is also dhanapati-2 or yuvati-pati-7 . If Shani is a natural marana-karaka, then His transit via 8 can utilize the karma of exit from the physical form - but the exit process is long, staged, and drawn-out.

Shani can put social pressure upon hidden liaisons, delay the meeting of secret lovers, and apply the laws of karma to one's pursuit of secret knowledge making the process of initiation and gaining access to occult realms painstakingly slow.

Hidden wealth and occult truths must be approached with neutrality and acceptance that Shani uses Time as His primary tool of transformation. However, the transformation process will ultimately succeed as it too follows the pre-incarnationally planned law.

Generally, heavy responsibilities regarding limitations upon action in situations which involvesudden onset ofun-diagnosable illness; violent upheaval or invasion f ollowed by 2-plus years of remaining paralyzed in the unmoving, liminal state between identities .

Responsibility to manage - but not cure or resolve - poisons, attacks, or onslaught of radically transformative forces. The forces [Mangala] may be active on the spiritual, mental, financial, social, emotional, or physical levels. The forces may originate within the body or the forces may suddenly arise within the external environment. Shani"freezes " the action in any case; the forces arise, the attack occurs - and then, no substantial action (Shani blocks Mangala) for a period of approximately 2.3 years.

Naturally, the concurrent bhukti-pati is a major determiner of outcome; and if either Shani or Mangala or the lord of bhava-8 happens to be the concurrent bhukti-pati, then the frustrating drama of freeze-action, seizure, or paralysis in a state of siege can be very much heightened.

Public or private upheaval or disaster. May be external e.g. weather-related or social upheaval. May be internal -- exempli gratia, sudden onset of mysteriously caused disease.

Freeze-action, non-intervention, non-participation of the marital in-laws (8) and the joint assets of the spousal union.

Insufficiency of the shared values of the partnership. Not enough stored value to sustain the alliance. The mate is temporarily for 2.3 years unable to contribute value into the shared coffers of the union.

After the initial upheaval, the identity-changing situation enters stasis both unresolvable and unsustainable during the transit of Shani. (Applies equally to business partnership or marital alliance.)

Government rules or punitive social conventions may prevent the use of innovative techniques to address the threat.

fixed but dysfunctional alliances, insufficiently resourced brokerage duties, obligation to remain in arrangements, bargains and deals which produce insufficient results. The designated helpmate is limited in their ability to help.

Sade-Sati in jayabhava is more severe in effect than a mere transit of Shani. Sade-Sati may yield an emotionally painful extra workload which temporarily pulls all attention away from pleasure [Shukra] and toward fulfillment of social-government rules. Heavy duties or penalties for previous actions may thrust upon the marriage partners or business partners, which they must accept yet do not truly possess the resources to complete the task. See Sade-Sati in 12 bhava for more details.

Positive Outcomes: Maturity, sobriety, orderlines

Gochara Shani via Bhava-9

In activities related to global humanism and international worldview, it may be temporarily necessary (for 2.3 years) to work with those who are pinched and restricted, less creative, or more fearful than oneself

The father, professors, preachers, and patronage-figures may show this temporary limitation

The pelvic area, perhaps also the sacral plexus, may reflect this pressuring impedance

Pressure to conform the inclusive, wisdom-expanding behaviors to match the lowest common denominator in the social order

perceived punishment-energy may be applied toward acts of philosophical or theoretical development (9) that are not socially accepted

delayed professorial practice

restriction upon development of approved dogma

legal restraints upon global humanism

preaching encumbered by rules and regulations

sloth and impedance in matters of university and broad worldview

elder persons feature more prominently in doctrinal discourse.

strict and rigid interpretations of sacred teachings

Certainly, shani delays -- Yet, in svabhava of graha friendly or neutral toward Shani, He does not deny. Guru is neutral toward Shani; Therefore, the final results of Shani's 2.3 year transit will indeed manifest in an elegant, streamlined, minimalistic, unencumbered, mature and realistic fashion.

However, before He proceeds into the next bhava, strictly factual Shanaicarya will impose full austerity in the current bhava. Barring resistance from other factors such as incoming drishti or the concurrent bhukti-pati, gochara Professor Shani will make His best effort to remove all unnecessary appendages, assumptions, adhesions, accessories, embroiderings, and ornaments of the fantasy-mind which may distract from a neutral and pragmatic understanding of matters of the bhavar.

Salient Challenges toward bhava-2 and bhava-4

As Shani visits bhava-9, He temporarily creates adversarial relationships toward those bhava located in the awkward shad-ashtaka 6/8 angle relative to bhava-9. Thus matters of bhava-2 located 6th-from-9th become an enemy location (for the duration of this transit). Phenomena related to bhava-2, such as the family of origin, lineage knowledge, and treasuries of valuable goods, are afflicted by Shani's characteristic seizing and freezing behaviors.

Similarly, matters of bhava-4 representing the property holdings, foundational schooling, ethnicity, ethnoreligion, rituals, and cultural roots, are temporarily posed in the 8th-from-transiting-Shani. Thus the house or landed property may undergo a forced identity transformation or upheaval due in part to the stress Shani-via-9 places upon the father's identity, higher truths, and theoretical discourse.. The demand for identity transformation within the province of 4-security is not withdrawn, but forward movement is delayed due to the often painstakingly slow methods of Shani-via-9 such as careful working of international colloquia, theories, or exegesis of sacred teachings.

Shani's transit also prevents speedy resolution of philosophical conundra and theoretical impasse, but He assures that once the proper diligence has been conducted, aonce-every-30-years lawful re-ordering of the professoriate and the patrons will have occurred.

Effects: Physical, Emotional, mental

Pinching, reducing, restricting, constricting, drying, containment, repression, excessive realism and profound sobriety of the religious convictions, authentic personal spirituality and wisdom quality of knowledge.

Orthodoxy required. Public piety required. Ritual duties required. The father may require extra effort from the native; he may fall short of resources, have trouble with the government, or suffer the constrictions of age. World travel, although often required by the duty roster, is wearisome with many delays.

If Shani = karmesha-10 , shani's transit via 12th-from-10th can signify erosion of interest in the professional empowerments, with a preference for reflective rather than executive roles.

Shani imposes the letter of the law, not the spirit of the law. For professors, heavy philosophical teaching load. For the guru-figure, shani introduces thick-headed, intractable or lower qualities in the sisya-figures. For temple priests, scarcity of resources and lack of generosity on the part of temple patrons.

For the disciplined scholar, shani gochara dharmasthāna is generally a good time to undertake long-term studies of sacred scripture, philosophical teaching rotations which require both rigorous scholarship and world travel, or priestly training in liturgical ritual. Ideally the program of study or training = 2.3 or 2.5 years.

Generally, heavy responsibilities regarding unfulfilled expectations in matters of preaching and priesthood. Fi xed but dysfunctional roles in theology, philosophy, study of sacred scripture. Insufficiently resourced priestly duties, obligation to remain in teaching or preaching positions which produce insufficient results. The father or guru are limited in their ability to help.

Sade-Sati in dharmabhava is more severe in effect, causing often an emotional rift between the native and their religious philosophy which imposes a crisis of faith. For more details, see Sade-Sati in 12 bhava.

Positive Outcomes: Maturity, sobriety, orderliness

Should Shani have a friendly relationship with both the lord of dharmabhava and occupants of bhava-9, shani' transit via dharmasthāna can be a favorable experience involving executive management of the sahangha or congregation of believers.

For example,

  • if yogakaraka Shani (for Tula indriya-lagna and Urisha indriya-lagna) transits bhava-9 while Shani or Budha rule this house while Shukra or Shani or Budha occupy the bhava,

  • then the native could be expected to return to the university for an advanced diploma, or undertake a demanding but highly respectable course of world travel for teaching-preaching purposes, or accept a heavy workload as an honored head of a religious institution or scholarly group.

The workload would be undeniable, but for those with several mutually supportive graha all engaged with the dharmasthāna, shani gochara via 9 connotes disciplined scholarship in high religion, top ranks of priesthood, professorial duties which bring public visibility and respected.

During Shani's 2.3 year transit via-9, orthodoxy in belief and theory is required and daunting amounts of social ordering work such as convening of large decision-making bodies, complex revisions of sacred liturgy, writing of policies for scholarly institutions, and governance of professors-priests-and-scholars (otherwise known as "herding cats ").

The payoff can be priestly credibility in the congregation of believers -- albeit at the cost of true wisdom since gochara Shani temporarily oppresses the generous inclusiveness of Professor Guru .

Nevertheless one who undertakes the legislative, governing, regulatory tasks of ordering the sangha can obtain a materially good career result by earning [Shani] institutional authority [Shani] in the higher ranks of universities and organized religious sects (9).

Gochara Shani via kendra Bhava-10

In activities related to maintenance of the social order and hierarchical leadership, it may be temporarily necessary (for 2.3 years) to work with those who are pinched and restricted, less creative, or more fearful than oneself

The bosses, leaders, and the father's family may show this temporary limitation

The legs, perhaps especially the calves, may reflect this pressuring impedance

Pressure to conform the rule-ordered, legislative, regulatory behaviors to match the lowest common denominator in the social order

perceived punishment-energy may be applied toward acts of governance authority (10) that are not socially accepted

Pinching, reducing, restricting, constricting, drying, containment, repression, excessive realism and profound sobriety of the public dignity, reputation, and social leadership roles.

Shani delays but in svabhava of graha friendly or neutral toward Shani, He does not deny. Shani gochara via his own bhava typically delivers lawful, respectable results albeit slowly and with much necessary deliberation.

Possibility of success only by repeated effort.

Stalled movement toward social recognition of professional standing.

As a rule Shani has dignity in karma-sthāna where the public grants respect to one who demonstrates qualities of diligence in material works, persistence in the face of obstacles, and lawful execution of duties.

Sade-Sati in karmabhava is more severe in effect, causing often an emotional rift between the native and their leadership roles or public reputation, which imposes a crisis of social legitimacy. For more details, see Sade-Sati in 12 bhava.

  • Raja Yoga 1863-1902 Swami Vivekananda [Shani-yuti-Chandra] wished to attend the 1893 World Congress of Religions in Chicago during Shani's transit of his Kanya-bhava-10 (public visibility)
  • Shani's 1893 gochara formed SV's Saturn Return +++ Sade-Sati due to his nishturabhashi yoga.
  • Even considering his excellent preparation during his college studies in philosophy, fluent spoken and written academic English, and highest levels of personal discipline, it was nevertheless his very first trip out of India and he was only 30 years old.
  • Initially he was denied the right to speak due to a perceived lack of credentials (Shani delay); but he persisted [Shani].
  • Eventually he was successful and SV's speech earned wide popular respect.
  • SV became an iconic figure [10] in east-west ecumenism.
  • However, his popularity generated a heavy workload [Shani] of touring and lectures.
  • The demands of public life [10] weakened his health so that by age 30, he was near the end of his life-reserves, deceased by age 39.

Salient Challenges toward bhava-3 and bhava-5

As Shani visits bhava-10, He temporarily creates adversarial relationships toward those bhava located in the awkward shad-ashtaka 6/8 angle relative to bhava-10. Thus matters of bhava-3 located 6th-from-10th become an enemy location (for the duration of this transit). Phenomena related to bhava-3, such as commerce, administration, business meetings, writing, planning, reports and announcement, are afflicted by Shani's characteristic seizing and freezing behaviors.

Similarly, matters of bhava-5 representing personal uniqueness, creativity, politics, fashion, and drama, are temporarily posed in the 8th-from-transiting-Shani. Thus the style of personal performance may undergo a forced identity transformation or upheaval due in part to the stress Shani-via-10 places upon the leadership responsibilities and organizational rules. The demand for identity transformation within the province of 5-creativity is not withdrawn, but forward movement is delayed due to the often painstakingly slow methods of Shani-via-10 such as careful working of leadership agenda within a hierarchical structure. Shani's transit also prevents speedy resolution of bureaucratic affairs, but He assures that once the proper diligence has been conducted, the most effective rules for social governance will prevail.

Effects: Physical, Emotional, mental

Comfortable Material Results in svabhava

Typically, shani produces His best material results in bhava-11, the site of associative and distributive networks. Vriddhibhava produces social-material gains via awards for achievement, marketplace income, and regulated exchanges of information-goods-services along the system pathways. Shani is all about the Rules.

When the nativity shows harmonious relationships between lord of 11, resident graha in 11, and the prevailing bhukti-pati, it is possible to realize significant material gains and network participation approvals during Shani gochara-11.

Not only gains of financial type but also other social-network goals may be accomplished. Success in goal achievement presumes that the native is willing to follow Shani's protocol of long waits, strict rules, many incremental (and some lateral) steps, many examinations, and a consistently heavy bureaucratic or regulatory workload.

The succeed in reaching material goals during Shani-gochara-11, the goals must be primarily marketplace-driven [Shani] and not distinctively personal [Surya]. For example, one may achieve an advanced diploma in an an economically important technical field of study but not a diploma in poetry or philosophy. A 5th marriage ceremony may be realized. For the social-progress aficionado, significant social-progress objectives may be met under Shani's auspice, but the goal of extended marketplace participation must be met in a slow and absolutely lawful fashion.

However, before getting too excited about gochara Shani's profit potential, it may be wise to keep in mind the traditional Jewish wisdom, repeated in Matthew 19:23-26; Mark 10:24-25; and Luke 18:24-25, regarding the practical likelihood of camels being able to pass through the eye of a needle. Shani's accomplishments in bhava-11 are strictly social-material.


Badshahi Masjid in Lahore Pakistan * built 1673


Gochara Shani via Bhava-11

In activities related to social networks and economic systems, it may be temporarily necessary (for 2.3 years) to work with those who are pinched and restricted, less creative, or more fearful than oneself

The chosen friends, elder siblings, and community members may show this temporary limitation

The ankles , perhaps especially where the ankles are connected to the calves, may reflect this pressuring impedance

Pressure to conform the profit-seeking, naetworking, distributive and associative linkage behaviors to match the lowest common denominator in the social order

perceived punishment-energy may be applied toward acts of knotting, knitting, webbing, and connectivity (11) that are not socially accepted

QUOTATION from Behari = Gochara Shani transits bhava-11

" Saturn passing through the 11th house will bring false friends, deception and frustration to hopes and wishes; in the thoughtful it will produce a respect for elders and a scientific turn of mind. It will also bring care in choice of acquaintances and a true appreciation of friendship.

Good for finances. Gain of money, fulfillment of desires, acquisition of property, marriage and domestic happiness. Gain of fame, promotion, honor, and enjoyment with opposite sex. Sympathy from all and reward from Government.

This transit is a high period in your life. It is a house of cooperation, hopes and wishes, ideals and objectives and for them you will be crowned with success and gain. Relatives and friends will cooperate with you. You will accumulate wealth during this transit, provided you control your spending." [end quote]

Pinching, reducing, restricting, constricting, drying, containment, repression, excessive realism and profound sobriety of the marketplace mobility, profit and income, naetworks of association, recognition in the assembly, membership in large groups of friends.

Slow, careful, institutionally regulated progress toward goals.

Always Shani delays -- but in svabhava of graha friendly or neutral toward Shani, He does not deny. Shani gochara via his own bhava typically delivers lawful, respectable results albeit slowly and with much necessary deliberation.

  • Troubles for the elder sibling, mainly in the form of delays.

  • Does not harm the income. Paycheck tends to remain unchanged while workload gets temporarily heavier.

  • Goals will be reached albeit very slowly by following a careful, lawful step-wise process.

Salient Challenges toward bhava-4 and bhava-6

As Shani visits bhava-11, He temporarily creates adversarial relationships toward those bhava located in the awkward shad-ashtaka 6/8 angle relative to bhava-10. Thus matters of bhava-4 located 6th-from-11th become an enemy location (for the duration of this transit). Phenomena related to bhava-4, such as school examinations, housing, border security, and transportation, are afflicted by Shani's characteristic seizing and freezing behaviors.

Similarly, matters of bhava-6 representing toxicity and imbalance, are temporarily posed in the 8th-from-transiting-Shani. Thus medical conditions, indebtedness, and servitude may undergo a forced identity transformation or upheaval due in part to the stress Shani-via-11 places upon the economic earnings and the chosen friends. The demand for identity transformation within the province of 6-ministries-of-service is not withdrawn, but forward movement is delayed due to the often painstakingly slow methods of Shani-via-11 such as careful working of the economic systems and social-material distribution networks. Shani's transit also prevents speedy resolution of obstacles to profitability, but He assures that once the proper diligence has been conducted, the most effective rules for social-economic connectivity will prevail.

Effects: Physical, Emotional, mental

Shani in transit via svabhava-11 does not harm the marketplace earnings but He imposes strict regulations upon the links between participants. Often there is some pressure from government legislation and officers of the law. However, if the laws are followed Shani does not interrupt the profit-taking of the market interactions.

Similarly, community networking and progressive social policy are supported so long as the community's goals and methods are legitimate from the perspective of the great society.

In general the 11th-type behaviors of setting and reaching goals, earning income, and developing a reliable social network of affinity-associations will be sustained.

The elder sibling may become a source of extra duty; the sibling may experience insufficient access to resources or the constrictions of age. If Shani is also 7th-from-11th vidya-pati-5 or 2nd-from-11th ruler-of-12 , death of an aged elder sibling is possible.

If Professor Shani is uncomfortable , so much time may be required to attend to duties of managing networks, earning profits, and achieving material goals that one's friends may feel ignored, be temporarily alienated and depart. Prizes awarded for past accomplishments, one of the features of bhava-11, are generally suppressed during Shani gochara but will resume once Shani travels out from vriddhisthāna-11.

Overall, gochara Shani produces modest incremental gains during his 2.3 year journey via 11. One must work a bit harder to earn the same, and marketplace exchanges tend to stagnate or be heavily regulated. Conditions of economic downturn or scarcity may constrain the earnings, but the native tends to respond to Professor Shani's pinching with a commitment to work harder. Typically, there is neither unusual gain nor unusual loss but rather doubled work for the same profit.

Temporary separation from elder siblings or friends due to work-duty pressures is not unduly harmful unless conditions are exacerbated by the Vimshottari dasha timelord or multiple graha are oppressed by the Shani transit.

Sade-Sati in vriddhibhava is more severe in effect, causing often an emotional rift between the native and their modes of engagement in the marketplace, which imposes a crisis of legitimacy that freezes income or paralyzes the capacity for network-participation. For more details, see Sade-Sati in 12 bhava.

Gochara Shani via Bhava-12

In activities related to private prayer and clairsentient spiritual guidance, it may be temporarily necessary (for 2.3 years) to work with those who are pinched and restricted, less creative, or more fearful than oneself

The ancestor-guides, sanctuary-inhabitants, researchers, spies, and father's mother may show this temporary limitation

The complex mechanism of the feet, perhaps especially the soles of the feet, may reflect this pressuring impedance

Pressure to conform the intuitive, inspirational, dreamy, sleepy, private behaviors to match the lowest common denominator in the social order

perceived punishment-energy may be applied toward acts of privacy and solitude (12) that are not socially accepted

Shani delays but in svabhava of graha friendly or neutral toward Shani, He does not deny. Guru the natural lord of 12 is neutral toward Shani, therefore, the final results of Shani's 2.3 year transit will indeed manifest in an elegant, streamlined, minimalistic, unencumbered, mature and realistic fashion.

However, before He proceeds into the next bhava, strictly factual Scarcity-imposing Shanaicarya will impose full austerity in the current bhava. Barring resistance from other factors such as incoming drishti or the concurrent bhukti-pati, gochara Professor Shani will make His best effort to remove all unnecessary appendages, assumptions, adhesions, accessories, embroiderings, and ornaments of the fantasy-mind which may distract from a neutral and pragmatic understanding of matters of the bhavar.

Salient Challenges toward bhava-5 and bhava-7

As Shani visits bhava-12, He temporarily creates adversarial relationships toward those bhava located in the awkward shad-ashtaka 6/8 angle relative to bhava-12. Thus matters of bhava-5 located 6th-from-12th become an enemy location (for the duration of this transit). Phenomena related to bhava-5, such as children, creativity, drama, politics, and intelligence, are afflicted by Shani's characteristic seizing and freezing behaviors.

Similarly, matters of bhava-7 representing marriage and partnership, are temporarily posed in the 8th-from-transiting-Shani. Thus alliances, agreements, and contracts may undergo a forced identity transformation or upheaval due in part to the stress Shani-via-12 places upon interiority, reflective thought, and spiritual guidance. The demand for identity transformation within the province of 7-balanced-arrangements is not withdrawn, but forward movement is delayed due to the often painstakingly slow methods of Shani-via-12 such as careful working of the meditation program and allocation of scarce resources within the sanctuary space. Shani's transit also prevents speedy resolution of obstacles to intuitive inspiration, but He assures that once the proper diligence has been conducted, the most effective rules for private guidance will prevail.

Effects: Physical, Emotional, mental

  • Chronic enemies of the marriage (12 = 6th-from-7th) or chronic ailments of the spouse (12 = 6th-from-7th) are maintained not alleviated.

  • temporary sleep deprivation

  • If unmarried, naeutrality toward marital difficulties of others.

Most of Shani's pressure affects the subconscious expectations . The troubles experienced during transit of Shani-via-12 are less the effect of external material pressures and more the result of fantasies, imaginings, dreams, visions, worries, and below-the-surface fears .

Pinching, reducing, restricting, constricting, drying, containment, repression, excessive realism and profound sobriety of the privacy, personal imagination, access to sanctuary and spiritual retreat.

Heavy workload and scarcity of resources if long journeys are required by other factors such as a bhukti of Dharmesha-9 or ruler-of-12 ; but normally a Shani transit via 12 indicates delayed or temporarily blocked permission to travel abroad, disallowing movement in distant lands.

Positive Outcomes: Maturity, sobriety, orderlines

Splendid period for structured research and study, particularly carefully regulated laboratory process and working sabbatical.

The focus is relentlessly interior for 2.3 years while Shani travels via vyayabhava. As with any conditions in bhava-12"the best puja is seva".

Charitable service to those in materially compromised circumstances is suitable for anyone enduring a Shani-12 transit. Consider offering Seva for those confined to hospitals, dormitories, monasteries, refugee camps, or prisons can burn off the karma of mental imprisonment in one's own imagination which is the source of all constriction during the Shani transit via 12 .

Ancestor spirits can become a source of extra work for the native. Dream interpreters and clairsentient readers may become overburdened with difficult imagery. Hospital workers, sanctuary keepers, monastery managers experience a heavier than normal workload with limited recognition for their efforts.

An attitude of neutrality toward sanctuary environments, toward one's own imagination and vis-a-vis the astral plane in particular will be essential.

When Shani-gochara-12 is contacting natal Rahu-12

Challenging high-pressure conformist transit of Shani produces potentially invaluable clarity about what one Really Wants [Rahu]

Opportunistic Rahu is normally seeking excitements that occur in enclosures [12]. The activities conducted in Rahu's 12-sanctuaries may range from ecstatic meditations in monasteries to enthralling scientific discoveries conducted in remote research laboratories.

During Shani transit via 12, and especially if compounded by a coterminous Shani bhukti, the contemplative focus of 12 is likely to predominate. Renegade Rahu does crave importance within the isolated environment [hospital, hotel, laboratory, prison, island, cloister, camp].

However, interiority is the required mode. Rahu's propensity for fascinating displays of mimicking power is much constrained by dignified, conformist Shani.

Because of its interiority, communication with spirit guides is well aupported endeavor.

In the materialistic age, spiritual mediumship is risque enough that Rahu can get excited about slipping through the [purported] astral boundary, while Shani is satisfied to keep things properly quiet on the exterior presentation to society.

Natural scenarios for bhava-12 = matters of privacy, fantasy, isolation, seclusion, imagination. For example meditation retreat, sojourn in distant lands, reading-writing of fantasy genre in literature, passionate relationships that may be mixed-culture, taboo-breaching, challenging to rigid social rules. Yet, shani the Regulator is cautious. None of this adventure in realms of 12 is likely to have high public visibility.

Generally Shani gives most natural results when the project requires dutiful, conformist work. However, risque Rahu-12's privilege-seeking ambitions exist in tension with Sober Shani uniformity-regulation mandate.

To enact this tension - rather than attempt to suppress it - one may explore a therapeutic practice of writing imaginative stories, developing characters with personal puzzle-solving challenges who can act out the tensions. Explore the literatures of forbidden love or excruciating limitation [physical or psycho-mental imprisonment].

Also attending psychic school and learning how to utilize dreams, how to make pragmatic and effective contact with spiritual guides, and how to legitimate (verb) one' s fantasies as pathways to realization.

Shani will support structured approach to imagination and private interior guidance.

The purpose of this transit is to provide an opportunity for one to realize a great inner truth. The truth is that the path of inner fantasy / is / the path to outer manifestation . Shani pressures Rahu's inchoate passionate dreams into a dense, describable form.

Most people ignore their dreams, fantasies, imaginative revels. Shani re-directs the attention to the imagination as a wellspring of truth about inner purpose and meaning.

The Shani-ized densified form of the imaginative [12] patterns is discussable, tangible, and REAL [e.g., has /thing-ness/. Once the deepest interior passions [Rahu-12] have achieved a materialized form [Shani], one is empowered to enact these profoundly personal desires in the orderly material world.

When Shani transits forward into the tanu-sthāna, bhava-1, the individualized physical self can use the recently realized awareness of What Is Really Wanted as a motivating fuel to create the life that is authentically desired.

Sade-Sati in vyayabhava is more severe in effect, causing often an emotional rift between the native and their embedded subconscious expectations (or cherished fantasies) which imposes a crisis of vision that freezes the daily dream-instruction or paralyzes the intuition.

For more details, see Sade-Sati in 12 bhava.


near June Lake, eastern Sierra of central California



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"For God has not given us a spirit of fear,

but of power and of love

and of a sound mind."

Epistle-2 of Timothy 1:7
